Sunday, December 04, 2005

tae kwon do kicks..

Just how many tae kwon do kicks to the gut is it going to take for ME to get the message? Why does my heart keep coming back for more? Why? Am I fucking nuts?

Why do I choose to hopelessly fall in love with people who CAN NOT love me back?

A long run in the cold morning air isn't even going to be a bandaid on this last blow. I'm bleeding out! Soon I'll be empty - lifeless.

I should receive an Oscar for my "cover-up" performance last night. I was damn fucking good! God what a life! What a fucking life!

I'm about "this close"! (hold up thumb and forefinger about a half-inch apart) Yes, once again I'm about "this close"! I think I have just about had enough heart funcking ache for one lifetime! GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE, GET ME OUT OF HERE!

Why do I always crave what I can't have? Life sucks!

Damn, I need a different assignment; get me off this planet!


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