John predicts before the mid-term November elections we will have most of our troops back home.
John says. "Stay the course?" and angrly and says, in so many words that there is no planned course. Our goverment does not have a good plan and we are flying by the seat of their pants (in my words).
There was no reason to enter into a war with Iraq. They did not attack us. We looked very hard for an excuse to enter into war with that country...let's just say we made one up? Oh, I forgot, we got wrong information. How convenient. We took the polcy of "do what you want and then make excuses or say your are sorry later."
Funny, how Iraq oil or the word "pipeline" or even Haliburton, never gets mentioned while journalist or representatives are senators are speaking of our reasons for "being there".
It's all so amazing to me, and then again, I'm not amazed at all. I guess today the most thing that I am amazed about is how gullible the government thinks we are. Better yet! They don't care how we feel and think, just how we vote. Oh, I forgot! New compurized voting machines with no paper tally to double check acuracy will be coming out soon, probably by the fall for the mid-term elections. Oh yeah, for sure the Repblicans will keep the house and senate... they'll see to it.
Oh, and speaking of Carl Rove (the election geniuse [he doesn't have a big head for nothing]); of course, he got off the hook. The few elite leaders are very powerful and make things happen.
Remember guys, I can still assume freedom of speech. Nice doggy! Good doggy!
Yes, by all means read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips it's a real eye opener about the Bush dynasty and their cronies.
Another interesting book is "The World is Flat" by Thomas L Friedman. It's about where industry and our jobs are headed; only Friedman painted a pretty, fascinating pictures as if everything if hokey-dowry for anyone who wants a job.
Then read "The Working Poor" by David K. Shipler and "Nichol and Dimed" and get the real picture of workers in's very sad and makes my heart hurt for these people struggling to make a living...while big old white ass Washington rich and big Corporate heads get richer and richer. You know, I'm convinced it's not about how much money...just so it's more than the next CEO's money. It's all about competition and power and greed! And in so doing they are polluting the atmosphere and ruining the planet for future generations and they don't even care. They only live for the money now. "Show me the money" now, and don't care about future generations.
Okay, guess I went on and on and on long enough now. It's time once again to walk my rottweiler in between showers. I love the rain!
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