Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ice Storm is Coming...

It's thirty and foggy with promise of ice and dropping temperatures soon to come. I'm cozy and warm in front of a crackling, snapping, smoking fire.

I love my wood burning fireplace...I would never have a gas fireplace. It's too boring! So many people trade wood burning for gas. I've have both and truly prefer wood burning. And it's not work: The wood is right outside on my patio. And the guys who deliver it stack it nicely. I'm on the second floor. They throw it up here. The guy up me needs to be a good catch and is. I use starter logs and when ashes are cooled they go directly into the trash. No problem. I made sure I brought enough wood in from outside so that it is dry otherwise it will be wet and frozen together later. It's just wet now. I reminded my ex to do the same.

I just stopped writing for a few minutes to bring a few more logs in, although wet, they'll evidently dry. The temperatures are due to remain below freezing so outside besides being frozen together where I can't pry them apart.. they'll try in her... evidently!

I'm set now; just put some more corn chowder soup in my bowl.. I'm ready for the evening. I will for sure keep my fingers crossed that the power stays on. This morning, oddly enough, the power took a hit, that was every before anything was going on outside at all.

I love my condo. I'm not lonely. Or you kidding? My sweet friend and I talked for an hour on the phone yesterday. I talked to a couple of other friends too. But she lifts me higher than I've ever been lifted before (remember that old song?). My poker buddies were to come last night but the weather turned bad. This morning I had breakfast with my running buddies at the local bread company. This evening I could have gone over to my sweet friend and her girlfriend's house to watch movies, I could have possibly gone dancing, to a trivia night or just stay at home. With the weather threatening as it is....I choose to stay home.

I love my friends. They are priceless! What would be do without them. But, something is missing and I'm waiting for my new love to get into my life. It will be very soon; I feel her presence already. My heart is ready and waiting. I have too much love; not to have something special to share my love with and make our relationship special.

Today too, I missed my dog, Emma. I was watching a animated show with a big dinosaur. He had a big head and when the girl patted his head it reminded me of Emma and I had to cry, just a little. It's been three weeks since I had to put her down. I guess it takes a while for it all to settle in and realities hits. I had her with me for about nine years. Amazing! We think she was six years old when we got about fifteen and half when she died. In dog years, that is about a hundred and eight years old. She was a real trooper. A wonderful friend!

It's getting dark now. I have already sang and played my guitar. If nothing else I truly entertain myself. I think I'm actually pretty good. I turn every song into my own with my own style. I need to add to my repertoire though. The ones I do play often are becoming memorized into my music bank.. I would like to get a few that I can play my heart. And I love my Abilene guitar. Yes, my guitar guardian angel was in the store when I went to pick one out. Not knowing much about anything he was most helpful and kept keeping this one up and toning it and saying that it stayed in tune. It has a great sound. And you know? It does stay in tune. Yes, I bought that guitar at his recommendation. Oh yes, he looked like a baby boomer pot smoking rock star. He was cool with black leather, short beard, tattoos and all. A cool guy. He said for the price it was a great buy with amp ready connection. Who knows it might have been his guitar he was selling on assignment. All I know is that I love it! And yes, I am still paying for that mic/amp. I love it too! No wonder I have so much fun singing and playing. I got it all!

I think I'll sketch now! I love to draw. I want to get good and study this whole big art book and then maybe think about taking a sketching class to sketch live nude models. So, I need to practice. Especially drawing eyes. I'm trying very hard to get my eyes to look lifelike.

And I want to copy a DVD "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" to distribute to my friends. And watch it myself again! It's about no bid contracts awarded to Haliburton, KBR, CACI, Titan, and probably others. The documentary is filled with whistleblowers who just had to tell their stories about how the troops and the taxpayers are getting ripped off by these corporations. Mr Carter who worked for Haliburton was responsible for providing shower and drinking water for the day he discovered that there as no chlorine in the water and troops were drinking and showering in pathogen infested water. He was in tears...he was there to help the troops and he failed because of things Haliburton would not fix. Also big corporations there lived in luxury on tax payers dollars and leased many big sized SUV for $250,000 each per year and there were many of them there. The corporate people didn't even need the vehicles because there was no place they needed to go; they had every luxury there. The hour plus DVD is jam packed with whistle blower testimony, firsthand accounts, financial records and classified documents that level charges of greed, corruption and incompetence against private contractors and displays the devastating effect it has on the American troops and Iraqis.

After you watch this DVD you wonder how Bush and cronies can allow this to go's the epitome of fraud and greed. Or won't the "good old boys" turn in their own. Remember Cheney "was" CEO of Haliburton.

I'm sure Rosie knows all about this.. how can she keep quiet...I'm sure everyone in Washington knows as well. Are they all in it? Is it too big for anyone to try to do anything about it.. are they being threatened.. if they are "outed" would Americans find out that 9/11 was an attach by their own.. to give us reason to go to war for the corporations? It certainly makes you wonder? Hell, Brian Williams has reported the "over charging" of government by the corporate greedy bastards.

Hell, we didn't need to be in Vietnam either.. and there wasn't even any oil there...another profiteering adventure? It's a well known fact that there is always profit in war and that war is good for the economy.

War creates work; but in this war the work and profit is limited to a few. There was always been over charging by the government that is a known fact. The price of a screwdriver has always been extranomical for the government...just lucky I guess.

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