Monday, June 11, 2007

What I believe

Personally, I'm not at all religious. I don't believe in god. I do believe in the power of the universe and that we are all connected at the molecular, qauntum physics level. Eveything is made up of energy, so are we. Electrical vibrating pulses of electrons and protrons beyond the levels of the cells. "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart " A quest for the secret force of the universe" is an excellent (although maybe difficult at times to comprehend,) book. In the book scientist are trying to prove that yes, we are all connected. Common sense tells me that.

Be thinking of someone you haven't seen for a long time and low and behold, they call you. Our thoughts are very powerful we only we believe in ourselves and the power we do have to control our reality. Dream it, ask for it (but be specific!) then forget about your request...then one day you realize in retrospect that what you asked for came true. Like attracts like. Put love out there, and get love back. Try it. Smile at someone, watch them smile back. Don't always wait for the other guy to go first.. try initiating the smile, the hellos, the outing plans. The loves I have had in my life are the ones I one came to me. I invited them into my life..and don't be afraid. Be kind. And if they decline, well just thank you blessings and assume that they weren't the right one for you. Timing is everything. And in the spirit world four months is like a blink of an eye. My channeled friend, Eziekiel (spirit guide) told me that one time. Yes, I see a channeleronce in a while; about one a year, or every six months.

In retrospect, I do believe that past, present and future are all occuring at one time. See the DVD "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and its sequel: "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?". Another excellent DVD is "The Secret".

See, the church, any church, would be put out of business if we were not sinners and needed to be saved. During the 1600, 1700, 1800 when ancient scriptures were discovered, I believe they were just written then to fit the aurthoritarian, male dominated superiority needs of the times.

I believe that if there was a "god" that he (why not she?) would not declare women secondary citizens and told to obey and honor men. That's ludicrous to me! That merely gives credence to my beliefs that human "men" wrote the scriptures to fit "their" and only there needs to control and manipulate the rest of the population into subserviant status. It's a hoax people! You've been had!

If there was a god, she would say "love everyone" and do not cheat the poor, desegregate, discriminate against gay people, women or the poor. If these religions were truly god like they would tell the rich to "share" the wealth amongst the poor. The Jerry Farewell's of religion would tell Bush to tell the banks, corporations, medical industry, insurance industry and credit card companies to treat people fairly and with respect and to stop tricking poor people and getting them hooked deeply into everlasting debt for your monetary gain. MBNA was one of the largest political contributors to the republican party and Bush lets them get away with unethical treatment of customers. Ethical - that's one word you sure do not hear in government or religion, or the corporate world. It's non-existent! Integrity - another non-existent word in the religious, corporate and world of government. When is enough, enough? How many millions do these people have to have to be happy? How many people do they have to ripe off in order to get their fill? There are no scrupels!

I believe that the power lies with me, and each and everyone of us, if we choose to tap into our inner powers. We are more powerful than you think. Of course, religion doesn't want you to know that...because then you wouldn't need them to "fix" you.

You do not need fixing. Just believe in yourself and stop trying to please everyone. Stop thinking that everyone else if "better" than you. You see, the church, the catholic chruch, taught us that we were no good sinners; that we should live in fear and shame. They even said that children were born evil and had to have the devils beaten out of them. Women, in the 1700's were burned at the stake, for having an alternative idea other than what they were told to think and say.

Remember the Christians Crusades? I believe between 1400 and 1600 where Christians killed non conformist. Yes, in the name of this so called god, they killed people who would not join the cause. Evil, yes!

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