I'm sitting at the vistor's center in the park eating lunch and entertaining myself by watching passing people. Like this one couple. Man he is ever a dead beet! He says nothing! She waits on him. She stands in line and gets the food. She comes back with it and she eats in silence. Man, I bet she cannot wait until that walking corpse dies. No wonder most newly acclaimed liberated widows rejoice and vow never to marry again. It has been observed that men become even bigger babies as they age. Help me! Where's this? Where's that? And then they still have to be in control..only now they dictate more to "the" wife..the humble god giving right of a bible male ruling declared servant only in existence to love, honor and obey the dummer-than-she-is fool. Why women fall for this shit, I'll never know! Oh, guess what? The man sat in complete silent until his old buddy walks up to join them and then he talks up a storm. Man to man! Oh, and the guy thinks he is so funny! Now the woman is ignored even more so...completely ignored. Why are men so "gay"! Is that why the church, and therefore, the government and media push marriage? Because if they didn't..no one would be stupid enough to marry. Young women and men eagerly hurry to marry to fit social norms..to get theirs betfore the pickings are slim. Oh and now the two old bucks are talking about the "army" days. So queer! Well, that's when all the guys got to buddy together and build very strong bonds either in combat or out of combat. Let's face it..the male gender is built for combat and physical contact. It's the testoserone you know! The woman attempts to contribute to the conversation but is talked over. Yeah, lots of "older" men talk over women..it was done in my family at every meal when ever there were males present. It was worse when there were two are more...because then they really ganged up on the "weaker sex". Men are so ignorantly "gay" and try so hard to sound butch and impress each other. Personally, I could do without them.And I understand women can do without mean too. Yes, a woman can impregnate herself by somehow making sperm from bone marrow..but she will only produce female babies...there is a god.Now the woman is choking and the man merely continues to eat...and tells her to take another bit... I guess the clincher. Yeah, get it good and stuck!Another observation. Big ass killer pick up trucks designed to kill people and guzzle up gas. I have observed that this big 1500 whatever skyscaper, excursion length pick up's bumper who take out the driver's window and driver is hit from the side. There is only one person in this condo on wheels..no passengers and no cargo! So what is the purpose? To kill people? To cripple people? I hate the American auto industry. I hate the loud rummbling "male" super round tail pipes...hello! noise and air pollution? The American auto makers are still living in the 60's. I hate it! As a society can we not progress?But you know why the American auto industry wants to hang on to old gas guzzling ideas...to burn more gas. To make more money for their oil buddies, of which you kjnow, they are getting a cut.And so the woman at the next table continues to chock unnoticed by the two old bucks who continue to make google eyes at each other via war conversations. They are so Republican and so "I believe the leaders". Rush ditto heads. They'll believe anything the ignorant government pushes their way. They are so living in the dark ages. So Christian! So naive!And the woman continues to choke without notice. You know what will happen to her don't you? She'll get tired of waiting on him and then one day get herself sick with some disease to force him to even appear remotely interested in her welfare!Oh, the biblical way of life. The male orientiated bibical "authoritarian" way of life. Males appealing to males and putting women in servitude status...or shall I say, keeping women in servitude status. Oh and these two guys know everything. She can only nod her head in agreement.I thank the universe that I am a lesbian. Today I miss the good doctor....
Okay time to move on to set up my easel and paint a park bridge..before it gets too warm and melts my oil pastels.
I love my life! I love my freedom! Thank the universe! I thank the universe for all of my many blessings and safe keepings and brillance
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