Friday, August 31, 2007

Spiritually Happy

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2007/08/31 06:28 AM
"Energy to Proceed" today's horoscope. Don't focus on the disappointments of today, but rather look at the big picture. It all comes together somehow. Have you ever looks in retrospect at the where chains of events have led? Somehow it all comes together for a reason. Uniting two people on the other side? I met a friend who told me I reminded her of her artist friend who was deceased since 04, her partner died in 03. I said I believe your friend watches over you. And another time I told her I thought her friend would like to speak to her. You see her friend was an extraordinary person of vision and said she knew my friend from a previous life time.. So, my friend and I went to my visit a woman who channels a spirit (I'm a regular six month visitor).

My friend had never done anything like this before. This was all new to her. She got nailed first of all...and towards the end of the session the spirit asked if there was anyone she wished to speak to? Yes, she said. Well, she is pacing, waiting patiently behind you. So the spirt translated as they chatted. Come to find out her friend never got to meet up with her girlfriend who died in 03. The spirit asked if she would like to re-unite. After hearing "yes" he called forth the other woman. The spirit decribed the two spirits embracing and giggling and laughing and I believe with my heart they remain together in their new life and my friend and I had a part in re-uniting them. They had lived on this earth together as partners for 30 years. Isn't that a wonderful story? I and my friend had a huge part in bringing them together. I feel so fulfilled! Not to mention the fact that my artistic ability has improved immensely. Maybe it's the inner peace. Maybe she, her spirit happy now since she re-united with her partner, guides my hand.

All I can say is your mind and your heart and magical moments happen. Believe in the universe. Be grateful for what you do have and be open for magical moments. I am a spirit on a higher plane now since these magical moments happened to me. I have it on tape to listen too as proof because sometime I wonder did it actually happen? I feel fearless and destined to do great things.....artistically, with song, guitar and paint and ink. I've just entered a new fearless phase of my life. A new beginning for my very soon to be 60th birthday. An extraordinary celebration of "this" lifetime.

Monday, August 27, 2007

August 27th Horoscope - a good one!

Why don't you try this!

August 27, 2007Powers Of The MindLibra Daily Horoscope
usual today. Messages can come to you in your dreams, and you may find that you are able to understand the significance of the muddled images that appear in your mind's eye during meditation. It is likely that your connection to the universe is quite strong today, and your sensitivity to the meaningful energy flowing through your environment may be heightened. You can make the most of your perceptiveness by making an effort to maintain a steady link with the universe itself. Though you may not accomplish this goal at first, practice will no doubt help you hone your psychic powers. All human beings are capable of sending and receiving psychic messages. To use this oft overlooked aptitude, we need only attune ourselves to the energy that is flowing all around us. Insight serves as the seed of psychic ability, as it is the information we receive through dreams and meditation that help us believe we can reach out into the universe using the power of the mind. The distractions that are an unavoidable element of earthly existence can interfere with our ability to connect to the larger energy networks that transmit thought and intention from one being to another. When we are calm, focused, and grounded, we will discover that we can interpret psychic signals proficiently and with relative ease. You will sense rightly that you are connected to all of humankind today when you exercise your extrasensory abilities.

Thursday, August 23, 2007 are losing ground..

Fundamentalist Southern Baptist in 2000 voted in restricting certain rights to women. Men rule, women follow. Women can't teach men. Women cannot hold positions of power. Men will never admit they are wrong because that would be like saying god made a mistake.

Fundamentalist Christians want to take back the country. In Ohio, the father of the fetus must approve the abortion. Hey, sister, you are merely an incubator; a sexual receptacle. We all have a purpose....

Pastor John Hagee, is a Christian Scionist, San Antonio, Texas. He is a Evangelical Christian devoted to Israel. He has a pro-Israel lobbying group. He sees Iran and defiant president as a threat to the Western world. Iran has nuclear weapons he thinks. He uses fighting words for a man of the cloth. Read Jersuleum Countdown by John Hagee. He speaks of the anti-Christ and the battle of Armaganan. Hagee thinks supporting Israel and going after Iran will hasten the second coming. He believes Jews need to accept Christ although he tries not to convert them; but thinks when Jesus returns they will be convinced.

For a Christian not to vote is a sin (so where in the bible is that written) yet that is what Christian leaders preach. They have their republican agenda..we are so in trouble here......politics and religions an ever intertangled mess.

It's a sin to have an abortion.....but killing men, women and children over land and oil is okay! Oh, and it's a sin not to vote republican. Just "shut up and do as you are told"! These Christians leaders do not want you to think; they want you to follow orders.

Look out for Paster Rich Scarbourough is better vote conservative. Evangelical Chrisitians have a big lead in America. He says he preaches for Jesus Christ. He said we are losing ground because the conservatives lost the house. Church members took over the local school board and he teamed up with Jerry Farewell. They hate homosexuals! He is a conservative Christian who wants to push his beliefs on everybody. Oral sex will drive you straight to hell.

I personally hate religion! All these pastors think they are Jesus Christ. It makes me ill to my stomach. They are all a bunch of controlling sickos! Basic core fundamentalist favors. Jesus said you are supposed to go out and vote, he says. Social Darwinism he says, the battle of the fittest. Gay marriage. God they hate gay marriage. Pastor Russel Johnston in Ohio voted for marriage for men and women and they all voted for Bush. John Green says they have to work hard to get out there and get the conservative vote.

Look out 2008! The Christians say they are not owned by any political machine.......yeah right! You don't think they haven't worked out a deal with Bush for favors do you?

Reed was behind the Christian Coalition that got Bush elected. Stealth politics, at it's best! Christian Coalition has 2 million members. Republicans won a majority in Congress in 2000 and Christian conversatives are in charge.

Craig Boyd is a fire starter in Minnisota. Heretic, heretic, hereity. Conservative politics and Christian beliefs is becoming married and are forcing Chrisitan law. Boyd thinks this is wrong.

Who is this Jesus Christ? I can't get into this. Why do we even need religion? Sins, sins, sins! I'm think of their beliefs and teachings?

Don't we all really know what it takes to be a good person? Do you really think women have abortion right and left for the hell of it? No, they are usually in desperate situations when it comes to breaking down and having to get an abortion? Do you think we just decide to be gay? Are you nuts! Homosexuality is not an illness and it's not a choice.....there is nothing wrong with it. So, if you are not gay....don't kiss a member of the same sex. Just love who you love and leave us alone. We don't go after you because you are straight, even though it's foreign to us....and maybe you too since 75% of marriages end in divorce.

I believe we should all be spiritual and respect and love one another. But, Christians don't; they can't tolerate differences without punishing who you are. They all think they are Jesus makes me sick!

I prefer no pastor tells me what to do with my body. I prefer no paster tries to tell me who to's like ancient times of arranged marriages. Makes me want to puke! Mind your own business.

Ron Luce, heads god's warriors of Battle Cry. His message is against man. He is against gay marriage. These poor young kids are brainwashed. These Christians youths made a committment to god to stay pure, without sex, untill married. They are fighting back against a godless sectular society. Oh yeah, Ron Luce wants a committment...stupid asshole, controlling son-of-a-bitch. He's got to be gay...... These people are nuts! In my humble "free" opinon. You see, I've had a public education. I used my common sense. I listened to all the teachings, the lessons, and then I made up my own mind.....I was not brain these poor kids. They are not allowed to learn anything else. They are taught to HATE gays.....hey, I'm gay and I certainly resent their bull shit. I don't go preaching against them. They are hateful! Hey, homosexuality is LOVE not BUSH WAR FOR PROFIT where innocent men, women and children are injured and that's real Christian like..... Thank the universe....I have MY OWN MIND and CAN THINK FOR MYSELF

I think homeschooling is a sin. These poor kids are brainwashed....told to be pastors like the old man....they have no other choice. They are living in a prison camp!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wal-Mart DVD will open your eyes

It's called "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" Produced and directed by activist Robert Greenwald in 2005.

Wal-Mart invades communities and drives out independent small businesses who cannot compete. Wal-Mart offers low paying jobs, minimum wage jobs if that, and employees do not make enough to pay for their benefits so Wal-Mart suggest that employees go on Wic, Chip, Mediaid and other social benefits. Yet Wal-Mart makes record breaking profits while they cost the taxpayer approximately 4 million for social services to these people who do not make enough to pay for the lousy benefits that Wal-Mart offers their employees.

So the people tried to form a union and Wal-Mart retaliated with watching employees and if they think they are campaigning or gathering to try to form a union, they get rid of the people.

Wal-Mart in other countries where unions already exist is a different story and they don't understand why Wal-Mart employees in America cannot form unions.

It's the same old song isn't it. The government is in cahoot and looks out for big business, the hell with the little guy. And that is because politicians are getting paid off to look the other way.

Wal-Mart makes people work longer hours then what they are getting paid for. These people have kids at home and so they do work off the clock because they are afraid of losing their jobs.

Wal-Mart is all over the country and they cheat people all over the country out of over-time. They threaten dismissal if workers do not comply. Managers are falsifying records. If someone works 42 hours they mark down 40 hours. This information is on the DVD and comes from former managers at Wal-Mart.

Store managers are responsible for cutting cost and making more money. In order to meet the demands of CEO's store managers are cheating employees out of wages. An average employee at Wal-Mart in Bentonville, Arkansas makes $13,000. per year; that is way below poverty.

Women at Wal-Mart hit the glass ceiling when it comes to promotions. Females get the dirty bathroom cleaning jobs. They promise women manager positions yet they do not follow through; they discriminate against women. Women get paid less then males doing the same job.

Wal-Mart discriminated against women and blacks in Bentonville, Arkansas according to this DVD documentary. If workers complained about discrimination they got treated even worse and picked on until they would quit. Wal-Mart made fault promises and did not follow through.

Wal-Mart advertises that they provide opportunities for their employeess and that is only propaganda.

The independent IGA grocer and other small town businesses provided good benefits and wages for their employees; but not Wal-Mart. Cities gave Wal-Mart Subsidies to open their big stores. Wal-Mart gets all kinds of favors from the town's managers while small businesses get nothing. Wal-Mart gets roads built and other enmities while small business get snuffed out. The government helps them out. The Government gives Wal-Mart tax abatement's but not small business owners. Small businesses forces out of business by "in cahoots with government" Wal-Mart have no business to pass on to their kids now.

Wal-Mart received over 31 millions dollars in subsidies from the state of Missouri yet schools and fire departments do not receive such subsidiaries. Wal-Mart is taken revenue that effects school systems, the same has happened in Illinois. The state takes away from local social services such as fire departments and schools in order to give subsidizing to Wal-Mart. So, I guess Wal-Mart sticks the money in their pockets because the employee certainly do not get anything. Wal-Mart claims to help volunteers in communities. They claim to have environmental protection in place yet they are pouring flirt into local waters systems. They place bags of products near public sewer systems and when it rains the bags leak sending flirt into the public water system in Bentonville, Arkansas.

See the DVD. See it for yourself. I'm only repeating here only some of what the DVD shows.

Young girls and guys in China make $3.00 a day. It costs $.18 to make a toy you pay $14.00 for. Wal-Mart is feeding you a line of bull in their commericals. The workers in China and other places around the world, work in sweat shops. A former Wal-Mart inspector was fired for reported inhumane conditions in foreign factories. He wept when he saw how Wal-Mart treated third world employees. He got fired for telling the truth. He got sold out and lied to. They let him down.

Wal-Mart advertised that their products were made in the USA. Not realy true. So who is making the money? Very cheat labor and very cheaply produced items are making the big shot CEO's billions of dollars a year while employees in the USA are luck to make $13,000 annually.

Just how much money do these CEO people need. Are they nuts? Where are the fundamentalist holier-than-thou Christians on this issue? Right in there in cahoots with the government and big business. Religion is a big business. Wal-Mart doesn't give to the poor either. They give less than 1%. The Walton family recieved thousands of dollars in tax breaks annually.

Oh, and there is no security at Wal-Mart store parking lots. They don't want to spend the money to protect their employees.. No security outside of the store, yet Wal-Mart promised. Wal-Mart has 24 hour stores without outside security. No camera no patrolmen. It's a free for all in the parking lots. I think, maybe, they added security after they were sued. Many court judges in Arkansas and other states in 1999 and later said Wal-Mart lied about having parking lot security. Many people were abducted, beaten ed, raped and killed. They had parking lot security cameras but no one watching them and that is why a young girl was killed. There is no outside beware! Hey, Wal-Mart is putting profits before safety and before human life. Just how much money do CEO assholes need? When is enough, enough? All over the country people have been attacked...there were thousands throughout the country in the first seven months of 2005. Where is homeland security? Thanks alot Bush, Cheney, old man Bush and Rove.

We as USA citizens have no one in state or federal government looking out for us; they only provide tax dollars, our tax dollars to the rich, so the rich get richer. The rich get all the tax breaks. What kind of a country is this? What kind of leaders do we have? Where is the humanity? And they all swear to be Christians and looking out for the good of the American people. It's bullshit!

Watch another DVD: "Sicko" by Michael Moore. After you see it, you'll be so fed up with big corporations of insurance that you will want to move to Canada, England or France.

God help us!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Faulty Ford Cruise Switch Since 1999?

They don't have to paint flames on Fords for special effects they come quite naturally in their vehicles. I knew someone as far back as having a 1976 Ford Thunderbird that caught on fire after the car was turned off and the present scenerio remains the same.

If smokes rises from your hood and you see flames don't open the hood call the fire department and let them deal with it. Just get out of the way! I'm sure fire fighters are acustomed to dealing with burning Fords since it has been happening for years now.

If you own a Ford you should be getting a recall letters. After all these years they are recalling millions of cars to fix the problem because apparently you could be driving a potential fire trap.

These cars can catch fire after they are turned off. Okay, so you park your Ford in your attached garage and go into your house and go to bed. Scary, wouldn't you say?

Hey it's a Ford...they use lots of gas, you usually have to add a quart of oil between oil changes and they just might catch on fire......

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Hunting of a President

I just watched "The Hunting of a President" DVD about the vast right-wing conspiracy aimed at driving Bill Clinton from the presidency.

This DVD explicitly depicts a tumultuous period in American politics, showcasing Kenneth Starr, Gennifer Flowers, and a few others from Arkansas who were pissed at Clinton for winning the Governor's elections. His adversaries were out to get me no matter what. The media got caught up in it and got created with their reporting of events.

The Clinton's involved independent council and were cleared of any White Water scandal; but, the media barely touched that piece of news.

Frankly, I believe part of the 80 million Kenneth Starr wasted in tax payers money probably went to persuade a few journalist to lean his way.

The right wing was just plain out to get Clinton the whole time he was in office. Instead of attending to social reform and health care as Hillary wanted to do putting 50 million in a good place Starr wasted it like greedy selfish, bullies.

Watch out for the right-wing, they have the likes of Christians on their side; anything to get votes or swing elections and things in their favor.

I predict that as we get closer to 2008 and serious campaigning begins, that old man Bush will slip in Jeb Bush and he will become president.

Well, they can't hardly smear Hillary, she's already gone through hell with the right-wing crooked politicians who pay off media, buy up TV stations, and other media to dictates their ideas. They do not care about the average tax paying citizen. The are only out to lend favors to the already rich business partners. They want to rule the world.

And a fine job they are doing, don't you agree? Bush has us beholden to China and Mexico, countries that could easily ruin us economically because they hold our trillion dollar debts Bush got us into lending favors to big businesses. Bush is aiming for a global economy, I predict, one he thinks he is running. He'll ruin the economy and the environment before he is finished. The Bush dynasty is just plain greedy.

Also watch the DVD "Who killed the electric car?" and there are a few others out there at Netflix that are eye openers. Just look under documentaries at Netflix. Now go out there and be happy and have a great day.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I can't resist this....

Nissan is coming out with a new car that has sensors built in to the steering wheel that check your blood alcohol through your finger tips...don't ask me how. (Hello! No big deal; just keep a pair of gloves in your car - in the "glove" box!)

Anyway, if the sensors detect that the driver is over the legal alcohol limit, the car will talk to you, and tell you it's transmission is shutting down. I guess there is a warning so you have time to pull over before it stop operating. The bottom line is that the car is not operate if you are above the legal limit. The car will speah to you and suggest another person drive the car. The car knows via more sensors, how many seats in the car are occupied. The computer knows how many people are in the car and suggests that you let one of the other passengers drive. This could be a real trip! It might take a while to get home if several other passengers also fail the car's finger grip test.

My suggestion would be to walk to the bar, or take cab, drink in your own neighborhood. Take the lawn mower...remember the guy who did that?

I use to live near a bar called "No Where". Catchy name! A wife asked her husband. "Where do you think you are going?" He responds. "No Where". It's perfect! Anywhere the bar was small and cute with a round dance floor up and behind the semi-round bar. Very cool place. Anyway, it was three blocks from my apartment. In fact, there was another bar I frequented that was within two blocks from my apartment. Fabulous! Those where the days.

I remember walking home at closing one night during a snow fall and sitting to my heart's content. I met many friends in those days in bars. We were referred to as "the group"; there was at least thirty-five to forty of us. We moved from place to place in mass as word spread. God, how did that ever happen with out cell phones. Yes, before cell phones! How did we ever live?

And we had a free hand to drive the stick shift. I wonder how smokers do it without setting their hair on fire. They are holding the cell phone to their ear in their cigarette crasping hand and shifting the car with their right hand, I guess.

I believe many people think: "I"ll call them on the way....". or "I'll put my make-up in the car.". Those people do not have common all. What if some idiot turns unexpectedly in front on you. You know some idiot smoking, driving, holding the cell phone and putting on masscara. You need to be ready with quick reflects!

I have quick reflects. You should see me on my bicycle when I ride in trafffic. Girl, you better have quick reflects riding out there with the cell phone text messaging motorist. I saw a woman, and she wasn't a kid, so there was no excuse, with huge seven square inch dice (two!) hanging from her mirror. I didn't want to be the bicyclist passing in front of her. Her vision was blocked by those two dice!

People! Wise up! If you get into an accident at minimum you will be delayed. You could be arrested, fined, ticketed, inconvenience, sued, and worse of all cause "someone else" bodity harm. Do you really want to be responsible for that?

So many people drive aggressively; speeding, using wrong lanes, just being reckless and careless. They appear to use a "get out of my way" mentality. They feel powerful in their "large" trucks and SUV's bearing down on people. It's truly a lovely sight in your rear view mirror.

China and extremeous bringing about USA woes

Extremeous Arabics disguising as Hispanic are slipping in across our borders from open un guarded borders in Mexico. Lou Dobbs asked why doesn't both houses demand that the president do something. Now, president Bush wants to give trillions of tax funded dollars to Mexico to help their president fight drug trafficing....and now terrorist trafficing. We need a border fense built very quickly, of course we have been saying this for eight years. It's as if Bush wants cheat laborers from Mexico to actually get across our borders. Cheat labor is helping big business but ruining small private businesses such as builders, roofers, lawn maintenace companies.

As if that is not enough to worry about...with so many people defaulting on home loans because they were treated by banks into thinking they could afford the payments even after the 24 monhts lower rate expired. So not the Fed (privately owned by bankers, by the way) pumped in more money for banks to use to keep the economy afloat. What the hedge funds. Yes, banks turned in ficitious reports faultly inflating monthly earnings of applicants. Isn't that called "fraud?"

I think I better stop spending, period. Because now China is threatening to pull it's trillions of dollars worth of debt it holds for us. Yes, they have us over the perverbial barrel. They could ruin our economy in one swift movement. Hello, Mr. Dickhead Has No Clue Bush.

Bush must to big the biggest crook on earth. He is selling us, the American people, down the river. All of our hard earned tax dollars are being wasted by giving them over to corporations siting in Iraq wasting money. Or he's giving it to Mexico! Why? Build the fense on this side of the border....the hell with Mexico. Oh yes, they own part of our debt too. Bush is nuts!

Now Bush is meeting with the Mexican president in Canada regarding NAPA....another US worker rip off.

When Bill Clinton left office there was zero debt and no war. In under eight years Bush has us trillions of dollars in debt to China, Mexico and other countries.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

and now I'm also a sculptor

One who can some what stand the heat of an outside sculpturing workshop. It's been 100 degrees all week and the heat wave continues. I had to come home and lie down. I missed Yoga class this evening because I'm too pooped.

What a week! It wouldn't be so bad if I could include my normal routine but due to high temperatures the bicycle ride on Sunday was cancelled so missed seeing my biking buddies. Monday evening golf was cancelled so I missed those guys. Tuesday evening after sculpture class I was too pooped to run in 100 degree temperatures. This evening missed yoga class. And because of scheduling conflict with workshop being all day, 9 - 4, tomorrow afternoon I'll miss the artist guild drawing group.

I feel like an orphan! I miss my various activity families. How can I go on? Well, I'll just have to miss them all this week. It just seems weird. I never realized I was such a creature of habit and familiarities.

I just realized that I love my life, my many routines and my many friends. I am so blessed! I thank the universe.

And I thank the universe for my not allowing my rock to split or break away. Please protect it tomorrow as I carve and chip away on facial features. It all began when I imagined a face in the rock I choose to sculpture. But, oh my gosh, wht a long and tedious process; but one I realize I love. I find it relaxing. I only wish the outdoor temperature was more pleasant. Well, Tuesday, the first day, it didn't really bother me. I guess because I slept good Monday night. They provide fans and plenty of ice and water. And boy is it dusty! And I found that rock dust stains and doesn't wash out. The jug of "All" says takes out 99 different stains...well, not rock dust stain. Yes, I ruined a good sleevelvess running shirt made of fabulous quick drying wick away material. I wear it now every at the work shop. I figure that might as well; why ruin something else.

I just woke up from an early evening nap feeling energized and so I look forward to tomorrow sculpture session and I think I'll handle the heat better with more rest under my belt. I think I'll sleep good this evening. Anyway, I won't be getting up super early like I did today to meet a walking friend and walk for an hour first. And that was after I didn't sleep well the night before and only got about four hours of sleep. Damn, that soda with caffeine.

Coca Cola Zero soda is some super charged stuff, evidently. I made the mistake of drinking it yesterday afternoon when I got home about 4:30 PM. Apparently, a little too late in the day to be drinking something with apparently high quantities of caffeine. Funny they don't have to tell you how many grams of caffeine are actually in the 12 ounce can. Oh well, I believe I have learned my lesson. I'm drinking water now with my home made Quesadillas. Very tasty! And I'm getting sleepy again so early to bed for me tonight.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

100 degree sculpturing workshop

Yes, the sculpturing class is out doors. But, actually, it wasn't all that bad today. Sweat was dripping in my eyes until I tied a rolled bandana around my head. The temperature was nearing one hundred degrees. But, there was a breeze and fans so I didn't think it was that bad.

The workshop provided icy handerchiefs and plenty of cold water to drink. So I thought it was tolerable and if didn't really seem that hot. I even ate the cafeteria chicken salad sandwich outside under shady trees and a breeze moving my hair although filled with rock dust.

I have a funny feeling that my friend who ate with me today probably won't be eating with me out doors tomorrow. I was slightly sweated so air conditioning seems too cold. I love the outdoors....give me a natural breeze anytime. I think it's stuffy and cold in doors. Except for home where I can control the temperature.

Let's face it. I'm in shape and can take the heat. I'm a runner for god's sake..we're tough. I sweat like crazy all the time after a hard run. Sweating is good for you and rids the body of toxins is my belief.

I talked to five important people in my life today....that is so cool. Actually six. My ex and her new girlfriend, my lover, my walking friend, my young friend whom I absolutely adore (she's just a lot like me at 27), and my artist friend who is in the workshop too. I'm so fortunate!

And to show my appreciation I wish to thank the universe for myself and my friends who may forget to be grateful. I thank the universe for all of my many blessings of safety, non-injury, accident free and pain free existence. For all of my energy, brilliance, intelligence, happiness, sexual desires, and abilities to be happy and grateful. I am truly blessed. Life is good!

I appreciate my artistic talents. I love art. I love scuplturing. I've found my niche! Thanks for keeping my car running smoothly and in tact and free of dents and accidents. And for getting me from point A to B always in one piece and on time. I love my car - it's as good as the day I bought it ten years ago. I'm sure I'm not the only one who get sentimental over mechanical objects!

I am so grateful for my many friends and my lover. She is perfect! She's actualy as I ordered her. Watch "The Secret" and ask that your day be "magical" and it will be. My day was! Everytime I ask it to be, it is such that - magical. Trust "The Secret". Just make sure you are specific with your order because you will get what you ask for and just the way you asked for it.

She held me the other day and asked me never to change because she loves me just the way I am. She is very sweet and loving and appreciates, as I do, what we have. We appreciate each other and treasure our moments together.

I held her size four waist and beautiful breast and knew that I was seeing that lovely woman I never got to see and hold close to my heart until mid life. Yes, I missed out on so much. But the universe is being very kind and giving me those days now at nearly sixty. So is she. I love it. We are young forty year olds madly in love and full of desire for each other. It gets better and better. I carry on here about us, because I can. I don't carry about my passionate love life with my friends. I'm polite. I think I can get away with more here in my blog...can I?

Monday, August 06, 2007

Mayor Naugles of Ft Lauderdale, FLA

is taking on the gay community single handed by setting up beach Porto potties instead of buildings where gay could possibly have sex. What? Is this man a latent homosexual living in fantasies.

He also accuses gays of spreading AIDs. Such a nice guy. The gay community says he is actually bringing them all closer together to stand against his bigotry. I'm telling you, Naugles must be gay himself...why else would he care? In his own way, he is reaching out....coming out himself. Just like Ted Haggard a real hypocrite! Oh Haggard hated the gays...and then turns out to be one himself. Nice guy! It's how some men come out, you think?

Yes, a Christian, Naugles hates the sin but loves the sinner. Go figure! I'm thinking he is "loving" the sinner and it's eating him up. They say the ones who hate a particular thing in someone else, is usually the same thing that lies within himself.

See, I think religion, Christianity, it evil....pure evil. They create sinners...merely for the self serving purpose of healing them...well trying to.....or telling them they can.. pure bullshit. It's all a hoax in order to stay in business. If there were no "sinners" the church would have no created sinners...get it? How come, people are so stupid and do not see this?

Organized religions, be it fundamentalist Christians or Catholics, are in cahoots with Bush for Republican votes. They tell you who to vote for, from the pulpit. It's all a business, people...get wise. You are being had. You are being used?

Newt Gingrich, Republican, even admits this administration was build on fear and false pretenses for war for profits for big businesses. Sorry, got off the track there ....for a bit...

I'm so sick of politicians and relgions using gays to side track people from the real important issues of the a war for the wrong reasons - profit, like our rights being taking away.

Did you know that Ohio is passing a bill where men determine if a woman can have an abortion. Yes, by law, women wanting an abortion must contact and the "father" must agree to it. So, what is a woman - a mere sexual recepticule? Is she a mere baby incubator? A piece of ass to be used as a servant for a man?

This is truly a man's world...they've written bibles, laws and double standard rules to fit their needs and keep their thumbs on women holding them down and keeping them in their places. Nice guys!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The gift of freedom to be me....

I've given myself permission to be free. Freedom! No more ignorant family influence! I am a free spirit! My lover is a free spirit too.

I was with her the other day. It was magical! She is magical and wonderful. She is the most loving lover. Just fabulous!

Okay you get the picture. Does it get better with age? I think so! Because we are in touch with our own spirits. I recently read something that I want to share with you. Let me go get it....

Okay here it is....

The soul is disguised when:
- you are too tired or stressed
- you are pulled outside yourself
- your attention is dominated by externals
- you let others think for you
- you act out of compulsion
- you are influenced by fear and anxiety
- you struggle and suffer

The soul is revealed when:
- you feel centered
- your mind is clear
- you have the sensation that time has stopped
- you suddenly feel free of boundaries
- you are keenly self-aware
- you feel merged with another person either in love or silent communication
- you feel untouched by aging and change
- you feel blissful or ecstatic
-you have an intuitive flash that turns out to be true
- you somehow know what is going to happen
- you sense the truth
- you feel supremely loved or absolutely safe

see page 77 and 78 of "Life After Death" The Burden of Proof by Deepak Chopra

I am at such a wonderful place in my life that I can affirm to each item on the "revealed" list.

Life is wonderful and I'm in touch with the universe. We are all connected. And the power lies within each and everyone of just have to discover the truth of "The Secret".

an obstructed view...

Just when you think you have seen it all...

The other day while waiting at a stop light a van pulls up on my right side of my car driven by appearing to be a late 40's or 50 year old woman. Her window is down and what attracts my attention are the two huge bright green dice hanging from below her rear view mirror.

I'm amazingly appalled at the obviously apparent obstruction of view caused by the two seven inch square dice.

Could a cop pull her over for this? Seems like he or she should. How could she see on coming cars coming through an intersection from slightly to her right direction.

Personally, an obstruction like that would drive me crazy! Wouldn't you wonder what was behind it? Wouldn't you constantly want to push them to the side in order to see? Wouldn't you just get pissed and rip them right off the mirror standard and pitch them in the backseat?

I hope the woman didn't have any teenage student drivers in the family. I doubt it! Young adults are much more level headed than least the ones I have had the good fortune to meet. Anyone with any common sense would not obstruct their driving view like that!

I hope I'm not passing through an intersection one day on my bicycle and come into contact with the likes of her. God be with me and put a ticket in her pocket and a brain in her head. Amen!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Can't wait for art class tomorrow

my favorite model will be modeling tomorrow. I hope I can keep my sanity! I love art class. And I signed up for a scuplture class next week. I am so excited!

Life doesn't get any better than this. I am so blessed with a wonderful lover and so many wonderful friends.

I competed in a run on Saturday and won first place in the 10K (six miles). Then I rode 26 miles Saturday and then again Sunday. And if that wasn't enough, I walked nine holes of golf Monday evening. by the time I was finished, I was very tired.

Tuesday I ran in the evening....barely.....I was pooped!

I thank the universe for all of my many blessings, gifts, safety, my car's, friends safety. I'm so grateful. Life is truly magical!

She's so wonderfully amazing...

We had a wonderful magical afternoon. So in sync! Just when you think it can't get any better; it does! She improves my golf game....she improves my art. I'm creative! She gives me life!

Our relationship is truly magical! I know that I am very blessed! I've got the best!

It was so incredible....our afternoon together.....was so incredible!