Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wal-Mart DVD will open your eyes

It's called "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" Produced and directed by activist Robert Greenwald in 2005.

Wal-Mart invades communities and drives out independent small businesses who cannot compete. Wal-Mart offers low paying jobs, minimum wage jobs if that, and employees do not make enough to pay for their benefits so Wal-Mart suggest that employees go on Wic, Chip, Mediaid and other social benefits. Yet Wal-Mart makes record breaking profits while they cost the taxpayer approximately 4 million for social services to these people who do not make enough to pay for the lousy benefits that Wal-Mart offers their employees.

So the people tried to form a union and Wal-Mart retaliated with watching employees and if they think they are campaigning or gathering to try to form a union, they get rid of the people.

Wal-Mart in other countries where unions already exist is a different story and they don't understand why Wal-Mart employees in America cannot form unions.

It's the same old song isn't it. The government is in cahoot and looks out for big business, the hell with the little guy. And that is because politicians are getting paid off to look the other way.

Wal-Mart makes people work longer hours then what they are getting paid for. These people have kids at home and so they do work off the clock because they are afraid of losing their jobs.

Wal-Mart is all over the country and they cheat people all over the country out of over-time. They threaten dismissal if workers do not comply. Managers are falsifying records. If someone works 42 hours they mark down 40 hours. This information is on the DVD and comes from former managers at Wal-Mart.

Store managers are responsible for cutting cost and making more money. In order to meet the demands of CEO's store managers are cheating employees out of wages. An average employee at Wal-Mart in Bentonville, Arkansas makes $13,000. per year; that is way below poverty.

Women at Wal-Mart hit the glass ceiling when it comes to promotions. Females get the dirty bathroom cleaning jobs. They promise women manager positions yet they do not follow through; they discriminate against women. Women get paid less then males doing the same job.

Wal-Mart discriminated against women and blacks in Bentonville, Arkansas according to this DVD documentary. If workers complained about discrimination they got treated even worse and picked on until they would quit. Wal-Mart made fault promises and did not follow through.

Wal-Mart advertises that they provide opportunities for their employeess and that is only propaganda.

The independent IGA grocer and other small town businesses provided good benefits and wages for their employees; but not Wal-Mart. Cities gave Wal-Mart Subsidies to open their big stores. Wal-Mart gets all kinds of favors from the town's managers while small businesses get nothing. Wal-Mart gets roads built and other enmities while small business get snuffed out. The government helps them out. The Government gives Wal-Mart tax abatement's but not small business owners. Small businesses forces out of business by "in cahoots with government" Wal-Mart have no business to pass on to their kids now.

Wal-Mart received over 31 millions dollars in subsidies from the state of Missouri yet schools and fire departments do not receive such subsidiaries. Wal-Mart is taken revenue that effects school systems, the same has happened in Illinois. The state takes away from local social services such as fire departments and schools in order to give subsidizing to Wal-Mart. So, I guess Wal-Mart sticks the money in their pockets because the employee certainly do not get anything. Wal-Mart claims to help volunteers in communities. They claim to have environmental protection in place yet they are pouring flirt into local waters systems. They place bags of products near public sewer systems and when it rains the bags leak sending flirt into the public water system in Bentonville, Arkansas.

See the DVD. See it for yourself. I'm only repeating here only some of what the DVD shows.

Young girls and guys in China make $3.00 a day. It costs $.18 to make a toy you pay $14.00 for. Wal-Mart is feeding you a line of bull in their commericals. The workers in China and other places around the world, work in sweat shops. A former Wal-Mart inspector was fired for reported inhumane conditions in foreign factories. He wept when he saw how Wal-Mart treated third world employees. He got fired for telling the truth. He got sold out and lied to. They let him down.

Wal-Mart advertised that their products were made in the USA. Not realy true. So who is making the money? Very cheat labor and very cheaply produced items are making the big shot CEO's billions of dollars a year while employees in the USA are luck to make $13,000 annually.

Just how much money do these CEO people need. Are they nuts? Where are the fundamentalist holier-than-thou Christians on this issue? Right in there in cahoots with the government and big business. Religion is a big business. Wal-Mart doesn't give to the poor either. They give less than 1%. The Walton family recieved thousands of dollars in tax breaks annually.

Oh, and there is no security at Wal-Mart store parking lots. They don't want to spend the money to protect their employees.. No security outside of the store, yet Wal-Mart promised. Wal-Mart has 24 hour stores without outside security. No camera no patrolmen. It's a free for all in the parking lots. I think, maybe, they added security after they were sued. Many court judges in Arkansas and other states in 1999 and later said Wal-Mart lied about having parking lot security. Many people were abducted, beaten ed, raped and killed. They had parking lot security cameras but no one watching them and that is why a young girl was killed. There is no outside beware! Hey, Wal-Mart is putting profits before safety and before human life. Just how much money do CEO assholes need? When is enough, enough? All over the country people have been attacked...there were thousands throughout the country in the first seven months of 2005. Where is homeland security? Thanks alot Bush, Cheney, old man Bush and Rove.

We as USA citizens have no one in state or federal government looking out for us; they only provide tax dollars, our tax dollars to the rich, so the rich get richer. The rich get all the tax breaks. What kind of a country is this? What kind of leaders do we have? Where is the humanity? And they all swear to be Christians and looking out for the good of the American people. It's bullshit!

Watch another DVD: "Sicko" by Michael Moore. After you see it, you'll be so fed up with big corporations of insurance that you will want to move to Canada, England or France.

God help us!

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