No, they do not want us to know that this administration and present supporting businesses want to make a lots and lots of money up to the last drop of oil that lies beneath the sand in the Middle East. It's exactly why we are there. Where ever there is oil, we will find a way to get there and dominate the area. Why do you think we are in Iraq? This administration has giving tax breaks to the people who buy super gas guzzling SUV's. Burn that oil - drive up the price per barrel of oil which is reaching the century mark now.
Why do you think we are spreading over into Iran? We want control of the oil. Who cares if fossil fuel energy contributes majorly to the destruction of our planet! Dominance is more addictive than wealth. Power! This country espouses power.
Why? Why not develop non fossil fuel energy. We can develop power plants from air turbulence. Why not use the force of the volumes of water in the ocean to generate power plants? We have build dams before to generate power? No one mentions this!
The truth is - as long as there is oil to be pumped and money to be made by the Bush dynasty, which includes large energy corporations, we will go to war over oil! War keeps industry in service. Ike Eisenhower warned in 1961: "Beware the Industrial War Machine".
This war machine is holding back our social advances. Yes! Espousing the hate of gays is a side track from the real issues and promotes bonding and votes for the war machine. Right now there are over 100,000 private companies (many ran by retired generals and other service personnel) in Iraq making loads of payer's money! This administration has ignored the wants and needs of it constituents and concentrated on a few monetary gains. See the DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profiteering". Also see the DVD "Who killed the electric car?" See we know what is going on..yet no one does anything about it...most people are not even aware. Most people live in a tempory false economical state of long as they can continue to receive credit...they turn a blind eye. Most people are about one month away of losing their homes...if they should suddenly find themselves out of a job..or in a lower paying jobs. Expenses of cost of living have increased but the average job wages have decreased or stayed the same. Most people are knee deep in student loans which will take years of working to get out from under. We will never see anything again like the free college educations offered to veterians of the Vietnam era.
The hell with the environment for the want of power, dominance, wealth and OIL. So what if CO2 destroy the earth. Global warming is being ignored by this administration...because much of it is caused by the use of fossil fuels.
And now China, India and Russia are getting on board and producing more air pollution as they become even more industrialized.
As they will be with scarce water supplies as the earth warms..nations will be scrambling over water. Water wars will be fought. The Shad lake in Africa is drying up. The rain forest in Brazil are being destroyed. The elite balance is nature is being thrown off by money and greed.
We are destroying our own home. Where are the fundamentalist Christians? They are siding with the present administration..for what? Empty promises - Bush will never deliver. Or are the Christians still paying for that "no tax" bill long ago granted to religious groups. Now you tell me church and state or separate!
Why are religious groups not taxed (oh, non profit?). Community service? I don't agree. Look at the few rich in these groups too! It's all a hoax anyway and people are ignorant are desperate enough to follow and believe anything spoken in the name of the so called "lord". Human beings wrote the bible and all it's teachings to self serve their need to rule and dominate.
There as been murder and wars over religion. Do we really need religion? Oh please! We know what is right and wrong. "Do unto others"! We don't really need religion. Oh it brings people together for charity events. If the government did their job correctly we would not have to create these grass roots groups to care for our citizens. The money is going to an already rich few groups of the population, the middle class is depleting and poverty is increasing at a rapid number. Most people are living out of their means is just a matter of time and a lose from out sourcing of work to put them over the edge into homelessness and ultra poverty. Our government is doing it to us. No wonder more and more banks are being built everyday...look at all the interest they are collecting...some people's endless debts! Yeah the Greenspan's of economics have it all figured out.
What is need is a selfish administration that could easily get with industries and build the first most super modern society on earth! Why not be first with the NEW techniques of super space age societies. First with medical, monetary, industrial, clean environment, planet saving techniques. The government just need to get rid of lobbyist and give incentives to new cheap energy methods. Let's futuristic the USA. Instead we are stuck, out of greed, in the 18th century at the time of the birth of the industrial age.
As a nation we need to be much more advanced then what is are now...we are stagnant in the flirt of oil..we need to move beyond our monetary dependency on OIL. We should be much more advanced socially and technically as a society then what we are. We are not leaders; but, savage war mongers of dominance over depleting oil. It's running out! It's time to move on to new technical fuel adventures...not be scrambling as the last drop trickles out of the sand.
Yes, we are a reactive society and we need to be a proactive society. Innovative is what we need to be. Large corporations still swaddling in dirty oil need to get their acts together and begin seriously promote new clean fuel resources...not just empty commercials but actually doing something.
What this administration and businesses have done is to deplete trust with the American people. We cannot trust our administration to be looking out for OUR best interest. Nor, can we trust medical industries and insurance companies to be looking our for our best interest. I put off mammograms because I do not trust the medical arena. Number one, they have to pay for their machines. Number two, if there is indeed enough radiation to cause breast cancer with mammography then that just drums up more business.
How can we possibly trust government and business? Why as soon as you watch into the car showroom they are ready and willing to "rip you off". Health insurance companies promise coverage and then bail on you when you need the coverage and our government does nothing about this. The better business bureau is a hoax! I'm sure that organization was created out of a band aid type fix. Words are cheap but are readily used to appease the population; but, words are shallow with nothing in place to back them up.
Can women do better? Does anyone have any ethics in Washington? And take the word "trust" off the currency will you, because there are no trust worthy people in Washington. It's a city of greed and superiority of dominance fueled with collateral damage.
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