Friday, August 29, 2008

So much to say...

and no one listens..or do they. I think some people actually are interested in my thoughts and opionions. You know my opionions can be changed. I am here to learn. I prefer to discuss both sides of an issue and then consider the facts. And sometime even to reconsider again and again. It's the only way we learn.

Now today I am very impressed with Obama I truly believe that he has the American people in this thoughts which is so uprisingly pleasant for a change after eight long years of Republicans robbing us blind. What a bunch of crooks! Cheney: In it for the money getting kick back from lobbyists representing large corporations. Even putting loggyist in offical positions. Why, Cheney hiself is former (yeah right!) CEO of a large defense clean-up corporations called Halliburton and subsidaries. There are over 100,000 companies represented in Iraq. So your tax dollars basically when into corporate CEO pockets. And how does that make you feel.

The heck with your social programs to your benefit, that you paid for with your tax dollars, the heck with you. You voted for Bush didn't you? So you should be very happy with the state of the union! How do you like being lied to?

I believe 9/11 was in the planning from January 20, 2001. Cheney himself said..and I do believe he did..I heard it somewhere.. that "we need a Pearl Harbour". Well, isn't that coinsidence, we got one! Amazing! Do you know that most people believe that that harrendous attack was known to be going to happen. If nothing else we had plenty of warning and we all know that.

But that's the past. What will happen tomorrow. You know large corporations, one in particular, came up with the automated voting machines. Hello - lobbyist! So, and don't you think it's odd that the Gallop poll shows a close neck to neck race already between Obama and McCain. In fact McCain is ahead in the polls. Oh, make me laugh! It's contrived! So, I believe that the plan is already in place - the Republicans will win again. The powers that be - in place.

My question now is - are the Democrats in cahoots? Are they deep into oil too? Are we all being fooled? Are the Democrats and Republicans all a part of the Yale secret society of skull and bones? Kerry is a member! Is the house into oil.

The house will knew that doctors were working for health insurance companies and knowingly denying medital treatment that would help patients. Treatment was denied in order to cut cost for insurance companies. What a much of low lifes! Can you really stup any lower?

What ethics? What moral honor? And these politicans knowingly knew what was going on. Well, for one thing, they allow all corporations to run amok by saying oh we'll allow corporations to work out their own clean air policies. That's like giving a teenager your car and money and sending them out there and expecting they'll go to church and not misbehave. People at any age cannot escape tempatation. People cannot resist anything pleasant that is set in front of them. Weak!

People are so weak and want quick fixes and emmidiate gratification - always. Big babies! I heard a piece the other day on NPR where the young son of a baby boomer was pissed. Poor thing. I guess the parent actually had a thought and a plan for "himself". I say why not. Kids need to learn to fend for themselves and get a decent education and learn good work ethics on their own..a few kicks in the butt should do it. What? That's not modern. Oh we don't spat today, we medicate! I love it! And the drug companies are getting you hooked at a very early age so just think of all the money they will make on you for years. A brilliant marketing logic! I bet that guy got a rise - or his big CEO got more money in his pockets!

I get a kick out of young workers who really think they are doing the company a favor by being there and if they don't get what they want they'll go elsewhere. I love that attitude! I wonder how many jobs they'll go through before they really are happy. But, I guess when they finally settle down and marry and start a family being particular about your job and if you are happy with it..really goes out the window. Rather it should...but some people are not into "responsbilities" I know I'm not. I say - tend for yourself. You do good for you.. I do good for me and we both come out about even..wouldn't you say. I got no hand outs as a kid..

So, we'll see what sneaky tactics the Republicans come up with to win this year! I put nothing past them..not war, not attack etc., we'll see what's next.

Not it's amazing to me what people, Christians, don't get their feathers in a ruffle over war, or cheating people out of benefits and money, but will raise the roof off over abortion. And such a personal issue. Hey, if you don't believe in abortion then I suggest you don't have one. Who is anyone to judge another on this very personal issue. Are you going to raise all these babies? Just who do you think should raise them? And yet these same Christians are against teaching birth and sexual health topics in school because they are so afraid such things would only make kids more curious! Weren't you young once? We are sexual beings its a biological fact and there is nothing wrong with it if we use our heads and our senses and BIRTH CONTROL it should be just fine. Teach responsiblity! But today's youth, many of them are babied and bailed out by parents. There is a reason why so many baby boomers are raising grandchildren. People are amazing!

You know the title of a book I recently read hit the nail on the head "Just How Stupid are We?" Actually it was about the American voter who reads nothing on the topic nor watches any debate. Yet they jump on a bandwagon without knowing the facts.

So enough of that, what do you think about McCain's lady vice-president? Do you think she'll get Hillary's votes? You know McCain is 72 today and I believe in ill health - of course they are not going to tell us that. And how is he mentally? Jumpy? Irriable? Flies off the handle and slaps his hand on the button. He's a war man! She's a gun woman! What a duo! Do you see continous war in our future? I certainly do..and over what? Oil? We don't need the oil people. We do have the technology to use other combustable matierals to run a car on. Remember the electric car? See "Who Killed the Electric Car?" You'll love it. It done up very well. Personally I believe it's a much see but you'll never see the likes of that taught in any school. Well, maybe a private non-federally funded school. The government not only tells us what they want us to believe through the Media but also through what is being taught in our schools. They have already created new textbook to say that the terrorist who attacked us were from Iraq. Not true - Pakistan is the correct answer... or from Washington? At this point who really knows the truth about anything.

Then there is one article that tell us that scientist have long ago found the cure for cancer. But where would our ecnomy be if people weren't sick? There is much money to be made from people's illness. My dad use to tell my mother "It's all in your head!" She loved it - not! They hated each other but pride kept her unhappily in the marriage. Stupid people. Stupid church. I hate the church. Can you believe a few men telling YOU (you must be brainless) how to act and talk? Certain jobs for men, certain jobs for woman. How to dress! Fit in or be ostracized! Yes, that was the 50's and up untill recently. Thank god for the hippies and war protestors..they outed the crooks and racist biggots and forced new rules into place.

Don't you hate authority? I do. I'm talking about the authority of government and church - they go hand in hand..old white men preaching like they actually know what they are talking about. Sickos are what they are... You see they control people by straving people to the point where they will go along with anything. We are being had. The government has eased up on trying to control us by fear tactics so now they just cheat their own into office and war or whatever hell stupid self-serving crap they want to do. They are idiots and it makes me want to laugh! Just how much money do you really need? How many houses, McCain? How many trophy wives - and look at you - you old white dried up fart! Men's egos! Very dangerous.

Oh lets know more about men's egos. They have to have the best and the prettiest and the most - it's a competition you know. Personally, I think many of them are latent homosexuals. You know about the Down Low don't you? Well, ask Larry Craig and Ted Haggart. Hypocrites! They preach one thing and then do the other. Don't tell me not to be gay! Don't tell me not to get an abortion or think you will even attempt to reverse Roe vs Wade. It's nothing more than a vote getter anyway.. those people in Washington could care less..hell send bomb their own and innocent victims in Vietnam and Iraq.. and what was Vietnam all about anyway? Hello! Money! Big corporations making a killing in more ways than one. Oh but there are nothing but Christians in politics. If they weren't corrupt before they get there they soon get that way once they are there.

Well, there you are. Is this election just a mere song and dance. Now watch the house and senate majority change to Republicans and Obama won't get anything done anyway. Are we really a free society? I have a friend who is from France and she loves their medical system and she said yes the people pay very high taxes and they protest and march everything and then get what they want. She said their government is afraid of them, the people. Not the other way around like here in American, Bush uses scare tactics to keep you in line. He's the boss! You are a servant - he wants your money because he is stupid..and your money isn't enough for all the oil he wants.. so we are in trillions of dollars in debt to China (and why couldn't they just claim NYC if they wanted too? - Hell they paid for it) so we can buy foreign oil. Your right Bush is stupid..daddy bailed his ass out of the service (he was AWOL half the time anyway). Read "An American Dynasty" by Kevin Philips. People you can't read the truth in textbooks or newspapers you need to visit the library and research and read from all angles and then make your intelligent decisions about all this mess that goes on.

1 comment:

James said...

Random blog browsing brought me to your profile and with a profile like that I had to come along and just say hello and go WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! in support.

I won't pretend to have read everything and love your blog - I haven't. But for some reason I really wanted to let you know that I support you. I don't know you, but I support you.

Go you, you're amazing. :)