Thursday, November 06, 2008

Can't stand Bush

just to heard his voice makes me cringe! Speaking like a big shot today..going to create a smooth transition out and in for Obama..while protecting Americans from our enemies! Enemies? Bush your only enemy is your vice president and your cabinet! And yourself! Bush hot-dogging it, feathers all puffed, like he really knows something? Isn't it amazing, the ones who strut around the most or the most ill-fitted and in-effective! A confident, intelligent soul doesn't need to put on airs or be pretentious. Flaunt it like you got something - doesn't really fool anyone! I had a boss that was like that - he was dumber than the day is long!

The President of the Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad congratulated Obama on winning the presidency. Obama wants no preset or no preempt policies - like the Bush Doctrine which states in so many words that it is okay to attack someone if you think they may decide one day to attack you. Bush made bullies of us! Actually he and Cheney made us look pretty stupid! Obama has the world's respect from day one - he is ready!

McCain was another show off hot dog pilot the way it sounds.. of course you risk getting shot down flying over enemy territory. I think being a POW for five years doesn't make you presidential material.. only makes you slightly post traumatic syndrome prone with sudden jabs of anger.

Republicans think war is a fix for the economy (hence WWII - oh yeah we were attacked.. but the economy needed the boost of war jobs and service) that deregulation allowing messed up! To govern means to over see and regulate - not allow banks and financial institutions to run amok.. so the tax payers bail them out.. give them 700 billion.. but then what do they (government) do.. hire a financial/banker guy to hello, distribute the money.. guess where it's going? again - into their pockets! That was stupid! Again, same song! A repeat! No regulations in place and no over seeing just where that 700 billion is going. And the two guys they hired were from Goldman Sachs.. go figure! The Bush administration was solely ran by large corporations.. for the monetary profits of those corporation leader... Elisabeth on the View got her didn't she! Her man lost! Just how dumb she she and Bush and McCain think the American people are...We know their allowing of de-regulations allowed banks to go belly up! Or did they really or is it a sham like everything else. "Wag the Dog" theatrics!

Oil men - go away and take all those other lobbyist with you too! Drug companies that run the FDA and doctors hired by drug companies to test the new drugs - oh please! And all the while Bush Administration lessening regulations so they can run amok and rip off people too - or worse! Hey, got a symptom.. hm, rather than checking to see it might be the side effect of a present taking drug.. they merely hand out another drug (usually costing $100 - $300. per month supply) to cover up the first drug's symptom. Just bull! But brilliant marketing! I'd say 80% of the ads on TV or from drug companies. Gee, who making money.. and look where it's landing.

And about home foreclosures.. the banks got all the fees and did the title companies..but "bail me out" is common now for banks, cars, you made it. Well, you know it's the end of the second term so let's just get as much as we can before we go.. I think that is what is really behind all this bail out stuff! Don't you? Well part of it.. but I heard on NPR this morning that banks and investment places were still giving their CEO's high wages and "bonuses".. on mine and your dollar! Well, Elisabeth, that the Republicans for you! See they want to keep people stupid - so they can pull this type of thing off... that's why too they hide behind defense, using fear tactics and behind anti-gay and pro-life. They, the Republicans, push these distracting single issues to take voters minds away from the "real" issues that would effect their livelihood! It's the Republican way! And be pushing and trying to run the world is the Republican way.. not sitting down and talking first and trying to work out strategies is another.. let's just attack! Reactive instead of proactive like Obama will be. Now he has honor and integrity.. not let's see how much we can screw them for our own monetary gains - attitude like the past eight years... old Mr. Halliburton and his ex general turned CEO buddies wanting a pick of the pie setting up shops in Iraq. Watch the DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profit".

I'm so glad it's the end for them...go away and take all the lobbyist with you and give me my president for the people by the people..

I expect Obama may get the ball rolling on some things much quicker than an anti-green president like what we had would do. Bush didn't really want to move away from oil.. it's contradictory to their monetary profits and their lobbyist buddies' profits.. they are all oil men. They have merely been offering lip service for thirty years now! Personally, I'm tired of it! Lies get old after a while! And those stupid BP and Chevron commercials like they really care.. and hydrogen cell vehicles like they really care.. it's all bull. besides hydrogen cell is made with natural gas.. so they are not giving up fossil fuel use anyway. And flirty air burning coal being sold to China and elsewhere where the air is thick and factories had to shut down during the olympics.

But, what do i know? I only know this administration messed up.. for one thing how did they really expect people to buy these half million dollar homes when wages do not keep up with the cost of living? Hello! That is where you should be competitive with ordinary tax paying citizen's salaries.. not already big fat ass CEO's who are drowning in money already.. but see it's stupidity and most of all greed.. you know this old bucks in Washington had to be making a killing on kick backs!

Financing companies who give loans to builders needed to get these unaffordable homes sold so they came up with "creative" financing.. which they knew would work for the short term.. well "let's keep the interest low for two years' and by the time the rate goes up.. we'll be out of here and leave the next president with the mess! Yeah this last bunch were real assholes and I put daddy Bush in there with one of the biggest ones. He was really pissed he lost his second term to Bill Clinton.. so the whole time Clinton was in office he got Ken Star in there searching for something to hang the Clinton's with - they were setting themselves up for the next election and at the same time too, grooming "W". Mr. Puppet!.. I guess now for these eight years with Obama.. they'll be grooming the nephew Bush for 2016! See by then there will be anothe crooked election so nephew can get in there and make all those lobbyist rich again and of course himself. Yeah Eisenhower warned "betware the military industrial war machine" !

Well, I for one am just going to enjoy the next eight years.. and would really like to buy a plug in electric car - plug into any outlet! Yippee! Obama will move us in to the 21st super sonic state of the art future! I'm so sick of "oil" and big ass gas guzzlers and car that looks like they should be parked in some museum somewhere along old Route 66! Get with it! It's put these old oil retro farts out to pasture somewhere. Show me so futuristic technology in the way of a super economic, safe, RELIABLE, electric reasonablly priced vehicle.. I'm ready to be prove of this nation for a change!

Can't it have intregity and be prove? Where are the ethics? Must everything be done with lies and under-handedness from fear tactics, threats of terrorist, evil nuclear enemies - I'm tired of all that bull crap.. and we American aren't that stupid! Now you know why Obama got elected instead more-of-same McCain!

I want all young entreprenuers to get ready because I think Obama will give incentives to intelligent inventors to come up with "all electric" for everything.. and clean.. no nuclear. WE don't need nuclear! We have sun, air and water to develope enough power for everything.. without big corporations making a big ass profit.. let the little guy make a profit for a change... get rid of the Walmarts conquering, take over, drive out the little guy types and let the little guy invent and make some dough!

Oh, and see the DVD "Gashole". Don't forget "Who Killed the Electric car?" and watch "Sicko" too... there is really nothing wrong with socialism people.. on the minds of sick republican leaders who work for greedy corporations who don't want to give up their profits......

"For profit" hospitals are going to rip you off just like drug companies, insurance companies etc., just what is so great about totall capitalism anyway.. if you are an average tax paying person. People in England, France, Germany, Sweden and more have socialized medicine and they are happy! They get lots of vacations, paid time off for illness.... FREE education up to doctorates etc., OF course they pay about 50% taxes.. but they pay for nothing else. except there home and food. and they have good decent transportation.. and they don't have suburbian racist idiots fighting public transportation tax increases and routes out to the suburbs.. they get along with everyone..... we should be ashamed! Racist republicans should be ashamed! Big ass pretending to be rich super-sized SUV dummies are playing right into the hands of the oil men... You know it's like smoking is now.. if you smoke you look totally stupid! And that is how big ass SUV drivers took to me - totally oil stupid.. and not green!

And don't believe that bull shit about hybrid big super sized SUV's.. they use gas along with the electric otherwise they don't run... yeah.. at they only get 25 MPH...don't be fooled by your silly foolish pride....and old fashion thinking!

Inside be the first to be "green" and totally electric thinking with power dervived the super futuristic air, solar and water power. Hey, we have the technology.. it's the oil men holding us back.. And how stupid is that?

Borrowing trillions of dollars to buy foreign oil.. are these guys suffering from altzherimers? LIving in the past! I ssy get a life! Go away! It's stupid borrowing money from China to give to the MIddle East. Have you see the oil profit city of Dubai.. it's fabulous.. that's our money! That's built with oil money.. so move away from oil.... use something else..

And this allowing jobs to be moved to other countries is TREASON! Giving large corporations tax breaks to move jobs off-shore and out-source is I'd say.. treason.. and just plain stupidity.. how do you expect to maintain a decent.. tax base if you do not have people working.. making enough to pay taxes.. are these idiots in Washington just plain .. stupid? Obama knows these jobs have to be brought back home.. This last administration is the worse I have seen in years.. actually Clinton was slimy too.. old man Bush was bad, Reagan ..same thing.. selling out of America! You can't sell out Americans and expect to keep this country ecnomically sound!

And the way Bush treated the soldiers.... well I'm not going there today....Cheney didn't give a shit about the soldiers he wanted war in Iraq so 100,000 or more corporations could set up over there and make tons of money.. again. see DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profit!"

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