More jobs! More tax cuts! Just give us some money instead of taking it...after all it's our money. And while you are at it.. how about reinstating those regulations that Bush lifted allowing corporations to further rip us off. Insurance companies gladly take our money..but refuse to pay for procedures that doctors recommend.
Jobs are going overseas and what is lift are low paying. Well, I guess that's it for bail outs. I mean how can corporations and banks expect money from tax payers when tax payers are not making any money. If we make no money or very low money we pay little or less income tax.. and spend far less.. so no sales taxes.
I hope politicans are happy, they finally drained the average tax payer and left us with nothing. But, still the greedy CEO's ask for more and they get it.
I think the extreme rich who got even more rich on my buck.. should give it back. Put the money back into the corporations and stock holders. This lowly government should straighten up and do what is right and over see. Really, did they even need these bail outs? Or were they merely taking advantage of a government that they knew would just hand them the money.. because they could...because they are all greedy. The hell with the economy and the average American tax payer..we are nothing but peons to them..peasants.
It's a type of control and manipulation.. to keep them hungry and wanting.. it's control over the little ones at the advantage of the wealthy.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
be careful out there.
A cars hit an ice patch and end up in the medium on a four lane interstate. The driver gets out leaving the passenger in the car and gets on his cell phone... well hello I guess he was in shock and didn't realize that someone else just may hit that same patch of comes another vehicle hitting the same ice patch that they hit..only this vehicle is a semi..Sorry to report that the guy on the cell phone sadly gets killed..I pity him and the poor person on the other end of the call;and of course, his passenger! The Semi.. runs totally over the car where the passenger is stranded but she is unhurt.
If this happens to you the state trooper reports.. get out of the car and run 40 to 50 yards to safety..or stay in the vehicle.
But, I know, under stress, we don't all think rationally. Too sad and right before the holidays! Well anytime is bad but then, especially and they were engaged.
If this happens to you the state trooper reports.. get out of the car and run 40 to 50 yards to safety..or stay in the vehicle.
But, I know, under stress, we don't all think rationally. Too sad and right before the holidays! Well anytime is bad but then, especially and they were engaged.
Monday, December 22, 2008
How strange is that...
I didn't know what it was.. the noise that I was hearing at 4:00 AM.. It woke me up. I soon realized that the noise ended when the furnace fan shut off. Now what? The furnace is only two years old! Oh no - furnace trouble.. and it's eight degrees outside... the coldest night so far this winter season. What would I do?
Was it the cold air causing the problems? It seemed to be to sound like a loose belt..something floppy, wobbly. What could I do?
I had extra filters nearby so removed the old dirty filter and replaced it with a nice clean one. When the furnace ran again the noise was slight but there but with each running of the fan and motor the noise ceased..until it was gone. Yes!
Yes! It's evening now and I haven't experienced any problems..I am so happy! I am assuming that the filter was dirty enough to make air difficult to pass and so the filter fluttered..perhaps. I could have reinstalled the old dirty filter to try to reproduce the sound...but why? Let's let well enough's eight degrees outside!
Whatever! I'm so glad I could take care of it. I'm so glad I tried all I could do before call "the man". "What would the man do"? Besides charge me $75.00. The last time he was here over a year ago.. he merely say "Want me to put this in?" My own filter.. he didn't even bring one with him. How rude?
My furnace is situated in a small closet with the hot water heater positioned below it...there are ventilation slats in the door for for air intake.. it's the only intake there is. I noticed after I had the furnace installed that if the door was slightly open the fan drew it shut.. so I've put something in between door and frame to hold the door open so it draws much easier. Well, the new furnace is much more efficient then the old and is probably more designed to stand alone in a big open area. Well, not here, so I usually make sure the door propped about ten inches open.
Tomorrow a slight raise in temperature is expected....yippee!
Was it the cold air causing the problems? It seemed to be to sound like a loose belt..something floppy, wobbly. What could I do?
I had extra filters nearby so removed the old dirty filter and replaced it with a nice clean one. When the furnace ran again the noise was slight but there but with each running of the fan and motor the noise ceased..until it was gone. Yes!
Yes! It's evening now and I haven't experienced any problems..I am so happy! I am assuming that the filter was dirty enough to make air difficult to pass and so the filter fluttered..perhaps. I could have reinstalled the old dirty filter to try to reproduce the sound...but why? Let's let well enough's eight degrees outside!
Whatever! I'm so glad I could take care of it. I'm so glad I tried all I could do before call "the man". "What would the man do"? Besides charge me $75.00. The last time he was here over a year ago.. he merely say "Want me to put this in?" My own filter.. he didn't even bring one with him. How rude?
My furnace is situated in a small closet with the hot water heater positioned below it...there are ventilation slats in the door for for air intake.. it's the only intake there is. I noticed after I had the furnace installed that if the door was slightly open the fan drew it shut.. so I've put something in between door and frame to hold the door open so it draws much easier. Well, the new furnace is much more efficient then the old and is probably more designed to stand alone in a big open area. Well, not here, so I usually make sure the door propped about ten inches open.
Tomorrow a slight raise in temperature is expected....yippee!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
if only I could get my butt in gear..but I can't seem to focus on one thing.. I have sculpturing, drawing, to do and so much more.
Maybe I can't focus on reading some more political or economical jargon because I need a break from it. Lord help me!
My friend, my ex, has a very cool MacBook picked out for me.. oh three have bought new MacBooks this weekend...gee what's 1500 more to spend.. actually, this laptop works okay for printing.. etc., I would have to get a new printer too, if I bought a MacBook. Hopefully a discount applies.. someone I can't seem to justify the purchase.
For 1500 I could buy two pictures of new furniture.. but gee how would the new blend with the old stuff? It wouldn't! If only it were a year from now.
Lord help me, universe help me, Emma help me, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette please help me.. feel loved, something is wrong.. something is missing.. I can't quit figure it out.. I think it's love itself. Where is the romantic love?
Maybe I can't focus on reading some more political or economical jargon because I need a break from it. Lord help me!
My friend, my ex, has a very cool MacBook picked out for me.. oh three have bought new MacBooks this weekend...gee what's 1500 more to spend.. actually, this laptop works okay for printing.. etc., I would have to get a new printer too, if I bought a MacBook. Hopefully a discount applies.. someone I can't seem to justify the purchase.
For 1500 I could buy two pictures of new furniture.. but gee how would the new blend with the old stuff? It wouldn't! If only it were a year from now.
Lord help me, universe help me, Emma help me, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette please help me.. feel loved, something is wrong.. something is missing.. I can't quit figure it out.. I think it's love itself. Where is the romantic love?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Rich Warren .. booo
Well I guess there isn't a preacher on earth who is FOR gay marriage.. assholes! I thought god demanded.. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! But Christians are the biggest hypocrites alive!
So why is Obama even having a preacher? Why are we even mixing bible thumping hypocrites with politics to begin with?
Just when we may have a sense of hope.. here comes more .. crap! People wake up.. all over the world.. it will never get better...because these rich kids were not taught to share.. not even one little crumb..not even Obama.. who was born poor or Clinton.
It's typical male.. big shot make your own way.. and the poorer you get the harder they, the big shots, make it for you.
It's like the poor sap who misses a car payment, or house payment or credit card payment.. because times are tough and they're poor.. what happens.. it gets even harder for them to get credit.. see what I mean. See how they do... just like Bush and FEMA and New Orleans.. or Sri Lanka.. hey, manmade title waves.. read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein.. Of course the Christians have their holier-than-thou heads buried they don't want to know the truth.. it's easier just trusting that our government means well by us.. well, if you are a big shot lobbyist or corporate head they do..
So let's see what Obama squeezes out of us.. what few drops we have yet..
So why is Obama even having a preacher? Why are we even mixing bible thumping hypocrites with politics to begin with?
Just when we may have a sense of hope.. here comes more .. crap! People wake up.. all over the world.. it will never get better...because these rich kids were not taught to share.. not even one little crumb..not even Obama.. who was born poor or Clinton.
It's typical male.. big shot make your own way.. and the poorer you get the harder they, the big shots, make it for you.
It's like the poor sap who misses a car payment, or house payment or credit card payment.. because times are tough and they're poor.. what happens.. it gets even harder for them to get credit.. see what I mean. See how they do... just like Bush and FEMA and New Orleans.. or Sri Lanka.. hey, manmade title waves.. read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein.. Of course the Christians have their holier-than-thou heads buried they don't want to know the truth.. it's easier just trusting that our government means well by us.. well, if you are a big shot lobbyist or corporate head they do..
So let's see what Obama squeezes out of us.. what few drops we have yet..
Thirty more days until we are rid of the evil
one who hides behind evil Christian beliefs.. against stem cell research (saving lives), against abortion, yet they okay capital punishment, torture and starting wars for profit and rich men's greed.
So what makes leaders so evil? Little dicks? Little brains? Sick minds? Or all the above? Look at every country - start with Iceland, Russia and the USA where people are going hungry, and need clothes and homes. They are educated and jobless. Economies are suffering yet their greedy leaders are walking away with it all proudly!
So where are the hearts of these greedy CEO jerks? Let's give it up.. lets.. sell a jet or one your fancy houses and support a whole town for a greedy sons-of-bitches! I'm not the only one that is pissed off.. just what the nightly news..
I can't believe rich people are so materialistic? Do we need to get rid of all the men and "allow" women to straighten things out? Would women be that greedy and cut throat too? Get a bunch of mothers in there running the show with hungry mouths to feed and you'll see them get things straightened out very quickly... but women are not as ruthless as men.
And I wonder, will Obama be any different once he gets a taste of all that "power". It's all nothing but a power play. A one up man-ship between man. Whats the point? I say put them all in a ring and let them fight it out.. oh, now I understand all the wars.. pathetic!
Bush is the biggest asshole I have ever seen.. oh please how do we know it just wasn't a scam for banks and auto to get every last cent they could before Democrats took over D. C. And I'm sure the lobbyist are pissed.. since Obama says he won't deal with them. Why, they already got all the deregulations they want.. corporations and financial institutions were allow to run amok without oversight and regulations and you see where it got us? We are poor, jobless, homeless, while they stuffed their pockets full of money.
Just where to you think their millions of dollars in salaries, bonus, and parachute umbrella packages came from.. shareholder profits that shareholders didn't get.. and certainly they didn't put the money back into their businesses... but like Enron, instead took the money and ran with it without penalty I might add.. all friends of the Bush Dynasty.
It's a sign of power.. they are the extreme power.. who crush out countries to get more rich.. and they want people to be broken and poor and's the capitalist way.. and it's the plan to rule the world that way.. I'm sure..
And really what would socialize medicine cost them.. a month of war in Iraq? They are the bullies on the playgrounds that you hated to run into! What would providing jobs and decent wages.. (McCain and Bush voting against a measly minimum wage increase.. eight times).
Yet stupid Christians with blinders on seeing only one issue, abortion! Well, it's the dumbing down affect.. they, the powers that be, want you to be stupid.. but yet patriotic and believe that everything they do is right.. and then go enlist and fight their take-over and monetary gain wars for them..yeah, risk your life so that they can get even more rich! I guess they're jealous of the Saudi's is that it or of Dubai. You know, just the bullies on the playground.
Just what is the deal? If were were totally oil free and we could be if we got rid of the likes of oil companies and Monsanto.. oh yeah, now even people in India have to buy their petroleum based herbicides and pesticides from Monsanto.. when crop rotating and cattle feeding on the same land.. periodically.. say 3 years cattle; 5 years crops would enrich the soil for planting and get rid of insects.. but Monsanto wouldn't make any money then. And Monsanto won't allow farmers to hold back crops for seed for next season either. Well, they want to make them buy more...
Then there's the food and drug industry working together.. to get us obese with corn fructose.. yeah.. fatten them up and we'll dispense drug and heart surgeries.. it's all planned against us.. there is no incentive to promote.. health the natural way.. because then there would be no rich drug companies, food companies, oil men, auto.. you name it..
Capitalism is nothing more than seeing how big shot corporate heads can rip us off at our expense for their monetary gain. What a system.. gee what a democracy.. Oh, and they are Christians too......don't forget that..
Oh, let me add just one more thing.. in case you think you can take your prescription for birth control or the morning after pill and or maybe HIV medicine and have it filled out.. well, maybe the pharmacist will fill it out.. but maybe the clerk, due to religious belief, won't take your money.. so there!! God speaks! You do without.. and have that baby and raise that child.. the CHRISTIAN way.. because now ..anyone can refuse by Bush's new law to not give you your prescription!
Watch Rachel Maddow and Keith Oberman on MSNBC every evening.. you'll lean a lot.. and listen to NPR daily.
So what makes leaders so evil? Little dicks? Little brains? Sick minds? Or all the above? Look at every country - start with Iceland, Russia and the USA where people are going hungry, and need clothes and homes. They are educated and jobless. Economies are suffering yet their greedy leaders are walking away with it all proudly!
So where are the hearts of these greedy CEO jerks? Let's give it up.. lets.. sell a jet or one your fancy houses and support a whole town for a greedy sons-of-bitches! I'm not the only one that is pissed off.. just what the nightly news..
I can't believe rich people are so materialistic? Do we need to get rid of all the men and "allow" women to straighten things out? Would women be that greedy and cut throat too? Get a bunch of mothers in there running the show with hungry mouths to feed and you'll see them get things straightened out very quickly... but women are not as ruthless as men.
And I wonder, will Obama be any different once he gets a taste of all that "power". It's all nothing but a power play. A one up man-ship between man. Whats the point? I say put them all in a ring and let them fight it out.. oh, now I understand all the wars.. pathetic!
Bush is the biggest asshole I have ever seen.. oh please how do we know it just wasn't a scam for banks and auto to get every last cent they could before Democrats took over D. C. And I'm sure the lobbyist are pissed.. since Obama says he won't deal with them. Why, they already got all the deregulations they want.. corporations and financial institutions were allow to run amok without oversight and regulations and you see where it got us? We are poor, jobless, homeless, while they stuffed their pockets full of money.
Just where to you think their millions of dollars in salaries, bonus, and parachute umbrella packages came from.. shareholder profits that shareholders didn't get.. and certainly they didn't put the money back into their businesses... but like Enron, instead took the money and ran with it without penalty I might add.. all friends of the Bush Dynasty.
It's a sign of power.. they are the extreme power.. who crush out countries to get more rich.. and they want people to be broken and poor and's the capitalist way.. and it's the plan to rule the world that way.. I'm sure..
And really what would socialize medicine cost them.. a month of war in Iraq? They are the bullies on the playgrounds that you hated to run into! What would providing jobs and decent wages.. (McCain and Bush voting against a measly minimum wage increase.. eight times).
Yet stupid Christians with blinders on seeing only one issue, abortion! Well, it's the dumbing down affect.. they, the powers that be, want you to be stupid.. but yet patriotic and believe that everything they do is right.. and then go enlist and fight their take-over and monetary gain wars for them..yeah, risk your life so that they can get even more rich! I guess they're jealous of the Saudi's is that it or of Dubai. You know, just the bullies on the playground.
Just what is the deal? If were were totally oil free and we could be if we got rid of the likes of oil companies and Monsanto.. oh yeah, now even people in India have to buy their petroleum based herbicides and pesticides from Monsanto.. when crop rotating and cattle feeding on the same land.. periodically.. say 3 years cattle; 5 years crops would enrich the soil for planting and get rid of insects.. but Monsanto wouldn't make any money then. And Monsanto won't allow farmers to hold back crops for seed for next season either. Well, they want to make them buy more...
Then there's the food and drug industry working together.. to get us obese with corn fructose.. yeah.. fatten them up and we'll dispense drug and heart surgeries.. it's all planned against us.. there is no incentive to promote.. health the natural way.. because then there would be no rich drug companies, food companies, oil men, auto.. you name it..
Capitalism is nothing more than seeing how big shot corporate heads can rip us off at our expense for their monetary gain. What a system.. gee what a democracy.. Oh, and they are Christians too......don't forget that..
Oh, let me add just one more thing.. in case you think you can take your prescription for birth control or the morning after pill and or maybe HIV medicine and have it filled out.. well, maybe the pharmacist will fill it out.. but maybe the clerk, due to religious belief, won't take your money.. so there!! God speaks! You do without.. and have that baby and raise that child.. the CHRISTIAN way.. because now ..anyone can refuse by Bush's new law to not give you your prescription!
Watch Rachel Maddow and Keith Oberman on MSNBC every evening.. you'll lean a lot.. and listen to NPR daily.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Elizabeth Warren
will be chairing the Congressional oversight for the bail outs.. yes!
Mama will be watching the bad boys play! I'd say get ready to smack some greedy hands illegally in the till!
If you are a wife or mother.. you know you can't trust little boys with a lot of money.. they get greedy for power and toys! Geez!
Elizabeth Warren can't understand why solvent banks are still getting a bail out money while ordinary citizens cannot pay their mortgages and save their homes.. oh, I can tell you why.. the big ass big shots at the banks are lobbyist buddies of Bush. And the Milton/Cameron Shock and Awe Chicago Boys like to keep ordinary people strained and in pain.. it's dominance and control..that's how Hitler came to power.. people were starving and would have listened to anything.. they had no choice. Poor boys make perfect soldier material.. hello Detroit over crowded with recruiters
I wonder does so much power go to ones head.. where they actually believe they are god and life means nothing.. mere collateral damage if it gets in the way? It's okay.. so the rich get even more rich.. just when is enough, enough?
Mama will be watching the bad boys play! I'd say get ready to smack some greedy hands illegally in the till!
If you are a wife or mother.. you know you can't trust little boys with a lot of money.. they get greedy for power and toys! Geez!
Elizabeth Warren can't understand why solvent banks are still getting a bail out money while ordinary citizens cannot pay their mortgages and save their homes.. oh, I can tell you why.. the big ass big shots at the banks are lobbyist buddies of Bush. And the Milton/Cameron Shock and Awe Chicago Boys like to keep ordinary people strained and in pain.. it's dominance and control..that's how Hitler came to power.. people were starving and would have listened to anything.. they had no choice. Poor boys make perfect soldier material.. hello Detroit over crowded with recruiters
I wonder does so much power go to ones head.. where they actually believe they are god and life means nothing.. mere collateral damage if it gets in the way? It's okay.. so the rich get even more rich.. just when is enough, enough?
So I guess since we the tax payers are
bailing out the auto companies.. they think we will be faithful buyers of their products now. Of course I would love to help the auto workers..
Yes, there's a "but" here..why couldn't GM have kept the EV1 around back in 1998 when California demanded lower emissions and had of goal of zero emissions. Of course it was Bush again..
Yes the Ev1 (see the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?") was a very popular total electric car and the people who leased it, loved it!
And as anyone in Washington actually checked the auto makers' books? Every 2nd or 3rd car I while driving.. is American. Are we sure they are just not wanting to get every cent they can get too.. like the rest of them in cahoot with this administration for the lobbyist at regular tax payers' expense.
I truly doubt if Obama is any different.. once they get to Washington.. all promises are gone.. it's called capitalism ... all for the rich and re-election..
Just like the Republicans are grooming Jeb Bush or the nephew now.. will old man daddy Bush ever just go away.. just go away...he'll be around I guess until the every last oil drop drips.. he's from a long line of bankers too...
Now you know Washington wasn't going to give anything to the average tax payer.. on no.. the big shots get all the perks..and just keep getting. Of course.. the big shots get the bail outs without question or over-sight. It's just more bull shit! Just more Enron mess.
And they are blatant about it! Oh guess what no more attacks since 9/11.. the same date the capitalist coup marched in on Chili - 9/11/ - 76.
Of course no more attacks since 9/11 they weren't necessary.. they got what they wanted..
Yes, there's a "but" here..why couldn't GM have kept the EV1 around back in 1998 when California demanded lower emissions and had of goal of zero emissions. Of course it was Bush again..
Yes the Ev1 (see the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?") was a very popular total electric car and the people who leased it, loved it!
And as anyone in Washington actually checked the auto makers' books? Every 2nd or 3rd car I while driving.. is American. Are we sure they are just not wanting to get every cent they can get too.. like the rest of them in cahoot with this administration for the lobbyist at regular tax payers' expense.
I truly doubt if Obama is any different.. once they get to Washington.. all promises are gone.. it's called capitalism ... all for the rich and re-election..
Just like the Republicans are grooming Jeb Bush or the nephew now.. will old man daddy Bush ever just go away.. just go away...he'll be around I guess until the every last oil drop drips.. he's from a long line of bankers too...
Now you know Washington wasn't going to give anything to the average tax payer.. on no.. the big shots get all the perks..and just keep getting. Of course.. the big shots get the bail outs without question or over-sight. It's just more bull shit! Just more Enron mess.
And they are blatant about it! Oh guess what no more attacks since 9/11.. the same date the capitalist coup marched in on Chili - 9/11/ - 76.
Of course no more attacks since 9/11 they weren't necessary.. they got what they wanted..
Rev. Rick Warren
I guess we'll never get to meet a all encompassed loving preacher..hey we'll people out here to.. we gay people! We are living and breathing people with hearts and souls. We were designed homosexual for a reason..probably to give you cause and reason to grow spiritually and love and embrace diversity! Ever think of that.. you religious fanatics out there thinking you are god herself!
Oh well! See what you preachers have done..there are young homosexuals out there committing suicide so as not to embarrass their parents.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. I'm a lesbian! Of course it's taken me sixty years to finally feel comfortable with myself.. you know living amongst holier than thou straights it's hard to measure up and preachers have caused all of our anxieties because they hate those of differences.
And it's all about love..Christians think I should love selectively. What ever you do Mr. or Mrs. Christian.. never color outside the box.
I remember when I was a kid and it was awful for a man to wear any color shirt but white to a wedding.. I mean to the reception. It was practically against the law to wear white after Labor Day. I remember having to wear god awful dresses on a Saturday evening movie date.. he had to wear a suit.. it was prodigal. Don't color outside the lines.
It didn't matter if your heart was breaking.. don't color outside the lines. Life stank! I was miserable.. and so now.. no f****** preacher or anyone else for that matter is going to tell me who I can or can not love or spend my time with.. get it!
Besides most preachers and men of the cloth or gay anyway.. and isn't it odd how most offenders preach the opposite.. I mean look at Larry Craig, Ted Haggard.. probably Fred Phelps too .. the ones who yell against gays the loudest are usually gay themselves... what a joke.. you preachers are!
And parents better wise up too.. be happy your kids are happy...and in love. and stop worrying more about what the f****** neighbors and the rest of the family thinks.
See how the church causes havoc in peoples' lives.. it's pathetic!
Oh well! See what you preachers have done..there are young homosexuals out there committing suicide so as not to embarrass their parents.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. I'm a lesbian! Of course it's taken me sixty years to finally feel comfortable with myself.. you know living amongst holier than thou straights it's hard to measure up and preachers have caused all of our anxieties because they hate those of differences.
And it's all about love..Christians think I should love selectively. What ever you do Mr. or Mrs. Christian.. never color outside the box.
I remember when I was a kid and it was awful for a man to wear any color shirt but white to a wedding.. I mean to the reception. It was practically against the law to wear white after Labor Day. I remember having to wear god awful dresses on a Saturday evening movie date.. he had to wear a suit.. it was prodigal. Don't color outside the lines.
It didn't matter if your heart was breaking.. don't color outside the lines. Life stank! I was miserable.. and so now.. no f****** preacher or anyone else for that matter is going to tell me who I can or can not love or spend my time with.. get it!
Besides most preachers and men of the cloth or gay anyway.. and isn't it odd how most offenders preach the opposite.. I mean look at Larry Craig, Ted Haggard.. probably Fred Phelps too .. the ones who yell against gays the loudest are usually gay themselves... what a joke.. you preachers are!
And parents better wise up too.. be happy your kids are happy...and in love. and stop worrying more about what the f****** neighbors and the rest of the family thinks.
See how the church causes havoc in peoples' lives.. it's pathetic!
Oh so nice of you
to put into law that credit card companies can't raise the interest rate on you if you keep a balance and make regular payments.. and if they do decide to they have to give you 60 day notice. But, there's a catch.. the law doesn't go into effect until about August of 2010.
Is this a joke or what? 2010? And trust me the house and doesn't never helped us either.. they put the cap at 34% Hello? Where in the hell is the government of "we the people" instead of we the rich?
Is this a joke or what? 2010? And trust me the house and doesn't never helped us either.. they put the cap at 34% Hello? Where in the hell is the government of "we the people" instead of we the rich?
I hate Bush and Christians!
So now Pharmacist, doctors and everyone else do not need to tell the potential patent up front that they do not perform abortions or give out information regard such or birth control.. and they don't need to prefer the potential patient to someone who does! Young women you better be careful!
Any doctor, pharmacist, nurse practitioner doesn't have to couch anyone regarding their choices.. or prescript birth control information, methods or choices to potential patients..and many do not have to tell you anything up front.. in order words they can just keep quiet about the fact that you are not going to get any type of birth control or abortion information. So make sure YOU ASK up front!
It makes me sick that all these people think they can PLAY GOD! I'd say mind your own business! Be careful too because they like to preach the fucking bible to you too!
What gives every Christian the right to think THEIR way is the right way? But then it's okay to ravish a country over profit and oil? It was okay for the Christian crusaders to march into countries and take over...and teach the "pagans" their way! I can't stand these hypocrites that are nothing more than bullies.. shoving their beliefs right or wrong down our throats...go away.. we are not interested.
I am a spiritual being here as a human being.. I have a conscious and a brain that allows ME to choose and make decisions for myself.. I certainly do not need some phony for profit Christian crusader forcing their beliefs on me which I do not agree with. I suggest you do your damn job or get out of the medical business and get your own damn church if you want to preach from the medical pulpit! You are being a hypocrite by not doing your job to your fullest.. and you are being a hypocrite by misleading potential patients. Shame on you! I have a brain I will make my own choice.. it's just another male ego son-of-a-bitch dominance scheme to put women back into their place.. trailing behind the "all-mighty" male! And don't try to tell me that the mere mortal male.. didn't write the bible in the imagine and likeness of HIMESELF! PLease! You take us for fools!
Any doctor, pharmacist, nurse practitioner doesn't have to couch anyone regarding their choices.. or prescript birth control information, methods or choices to potential patients..and many do not have to tell you anything up front.. in order words they can just keep quiet about the fact that you are not going to get any type of birth control or abortion information. So make sure YOU ASK up front!
It makes me sick that all these people think they can PLAY GOD! I'd say mind your own business! Be careful too because they like to preach the fucking bible to you too!
What gives every Christian the right to think THEIR way is the right way? But then it's okay to ravish a country over profit and oil? It was okay for the Christian crusaders to march into countries and take over...and teach the "pagans" their way! I can't stand these hypocrites that are nothing more than bullies.. shoving their beliefs right or wrong down our throats...go away.. we are not interested.
I am a spiritual being here as a human being.. I have a conscious and a brain that allows ME to choose and make decisions for myself.. I certainly do not need some phony for profit Christian crusader forcing their beliefs on me which I do not agree with. I suggest you do your damn job or get out of the medical business and get your own damn church if you want to preach from the medical pulpit! You are being a hypocrite by not doing your job to your fullest.. and you are being a hypocrite by misleading potential patients. Shame on you! I have a brain I will make my own choice.. it's just another male ego son-of-a-bitch dominance scheme to put women back into their place.. trailing behind the "all-mighty" male! And don't try to tell me that the mere mortal male.. didn't write the bible in the imagine and likeness of HIMESELF! PLease! You take us for fools!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Ron Blagojevich, Governor of Illinois he being used to get to Obama.. for the next eight years .. like the Republicans did with Bill Clinton the whole time Bill Clinton was in office?
You know how dirty the Republicans are.. they're working on the next election already..don't you think?
You know how dirty the Republicans are.. they're working on the next election already..don't you think?
Can't help it, I have to talk about this stuff...
I'm spiritual! So I am not into any of this religious stuff.. you know it's all man written and created don't you; for manipulation and control and money. Just like the government.. plus keep them poor and under control..
Poor people make good soldiers..they eagerly accept the incentives offered...
I was watching the view and like me Joy is iffy, doubtful, questionable about religious beliefs... and Elisabeth is as idealistic and naive as the day she was born.. the church and Bush love that - it's perfect! Elisabeth said just look around it must take a god to create all this..glory around us.
I am just not convinced..I think "god" is created by man..bibles were written as guide book of rules to benefit leaders of religions.
I'm spiritual like I I don't really need constructed religious jargon and guide lines. I believe we are all gods and that the power lies within each and every one of us.. if only we believe it does and tap into our inner strengths.. of course the church doesn't want you to know that..then you wouldn't need them! Get it? They would be out of business.. and not get your money.. so they can decorate the church and wear fancy slippers, little crown hats and golden robes and live with a group of men.. and have alter boys for perks. Get it?
I am spiritual and I believe that we all have the capability of tapping into our inner strengths for whatever reason we need. Think about it? Our minds are very powerful..we can heal ourselves and well as make ourselves sick! Dreams and wishes do come true so be careful.. and if you do want something.. be specific and do not generalize then put it out there for the universe to work your wells... it works. It's important that you always be grateful for everything you have.. your good health, everything.
I thank the universe for my wisdom, riches, loves, lover, curly heavy hair, slender, lovely, muscular body, youthfulness, cuteness, good health, good common sense, intelligence and wit.
Poor people make good soldiers..they eagerly accept the incentives offered...
I was watching the view and like me Joy is iffy, doubtful, questionable about religious beliefs... and Elisabeth is as idealistic and naive as the day she was born.. the church and Bush love that - it's perfect! Elisabeth said just look around it must take a god to create all this..glory around us.
I am just not convinced..I think "god" is created by man..bibles were written as guide book of rules to benefit leaders of religions.
I'm spiritual like I I don't really need constructed religious jargon and guide lines. I believe we are all gods and that the power lies within each and every one of us.. if only we believe it does and tap into our inner strengths.. of course the church doesn't want you to know that..then you wouldn't need them! Get it? They would be out of business.. and not get your money.. so they can decorate the church and wear fancy slippers, little crown hats and golden robes and live with a group of men.. and have alter boys for perks. Get it?
I am spiritual and I believe that we all have the capability of tapping into our inner strengths for whatever reason we need. Think about it? Our minds are very powerful..we can heal ourselves and well as make ourselves sick! Dreams and wishes do come true so be careful.. and if you do want something.. be specific and do not generalize then put it out there for the universe to work your wells... it works. It's important that you always be grateful for everything you have.. your good health, everything.
I thank the universe for my wisdom, riches, loves, lover, curly heavy hair, slender, lovely, muscular body, youthfulness, cuteness, good health, good common sense, intelligence and wit.
Bush and Homeland Security..
oh please.. only thing he can talk about is his war...certainly can't brag about the economy or the honesty of Bernard Madoff, former NASDAQ big shot, or the Goldman Sachs bail out...did you know they pay only 1% tax because of their geographical mix..meaning "off shore" assets moved off shore...and they still had their hands out for a bail out!! Did you know that Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson comes from Goldman Sachs. Is that just too funny! The more I think about it, the more I wonder if Iraq wasn't a diversion so Bush would have something to talk about... he said one thing he knows for sure is that we haven't been attacked since 9/11..I guess not..not unless they plan another one! How transparent is all this to you?
The lobbyist planned the whole thing towards the end of the eight year term.. the big finale! The biggest rip off yet to the American tax payer..let's just see how much money we can really walk away with! Hey I wouldn't put it past them! And the 2004 election.. another hoax..just like the first on in 2000.. they had a plan and they were going to carry it out no matter what.. I think the plan was put in place.. after daddy Bush lost to Bill Clinton. Daddy Bush wanted to get Saddam Hussein then..and get a foot hold in Iraq to protect his oil interest.. his investments and their oil interest. And privatize security and everything else over there so all these big corporations headed by former generals, some of them, could walk away with a lot of tax payer money.
I hope the war for profit was profitable for certain interest groups like Halliburton, Blackwater, KRB and others.. We all know Cheney was CEO for Halliburton. These guys don't even try to cover up what they are doing anymore..why, they can get away with anything.. they are the leaders. And collateral damage is acceptable. The war was a lie..everything was a lie. The way New Orleans after Katina by FEMA was shameful..they didn't care if the poor side of town was destroyed they have planned to rebuild that with hotels and condos anyway. Read the book "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. Read about Sri Lanka too in that book. While your reading read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips. Read "overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer. All great reads!
I really love speculating about this economic and political stuff.. how they do stuff...just how they accomplish take overs.. So now Obama will get in there and get some money back in the budget and balance it so the Republicans can get elected eight years from now. Oh, they'll get elected if they really want to! You have to admit that Rove and Cheney were geniuses who certainly used their eight years to their and their lobbyist's full benefit. They walked away with the store! Plan genius!
I love watching MSNBC Keith Obermann and Rachel Maddow! Excellent!
The lobbyist planned the whole thing towards the end of the eight year term.. the big finale! The biggest rip off yet to the American tax payer..let's just see how much money we can really walk away with! Hey I wouldn't put it past them! And the 2004 election.. another hoax..just like the first on in 2000.. they had a plan and they were going to carry it out no matter what.. I think the plan was put in place.. after daddy Bush lost to Bill Clinton. Daddy Bush wanted to get Saddam Hussein then..and get a foot hold in Iraq to protect his oil interest.. his investments and their oil interest. And privatize security and everything else over there so all these big corporations headed by former generals, some of them, could walk away with a lot of tax payer money.
I hope the war for profit was profitable for certain interest groups like Halliburton, Blackwater, KRB and others.. We all know Cheney was CEO for Halliburton. These guys don't even try to cover up what they are doing anymore..why, they can get away with anything.. they are the leaders. And collateral damage is acceptable. The war was a lie..everything was a lie. The way New Orleans after Katina by FEMA was shameful..they didn't care if the poor side of town was destroyed they have planned to rebuild that with hotels and condos anyway. Read the book "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. Read about Sri Lanka too in that book. While your reading read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips. Read "overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer. All great reads!
I really love speculating about this economic and political stuff.. how they do stuff...just how they accomplish take overs.. So now Obama will get in there and get some money back in the budget and balance it so the Republicans can get elected eight years from now. Oh, they'll get elected if they really want to! You have to admit that Rove and Cheney were geniuses who certainly used their eight years to their and their lobbyist's full benefit. They walked away with the store! Plan genius!
I love watching MSNBC Keith Obermann and Rachel Maddow! Excellent!
Care free in Italy!
Well, now we know why Spitzer got outed and caught with a pay girl! He was keeping an eye in NY over the SEC. Interesting? I'm listening to NPR and found out that neither Christopher Cox or SEC can be sued. No government agency can be used. Well, I guess there would be no court for them..since Federal Judges and all would be in cahoots.
Then there was Reagan and Bush deregulations gearing them up for fraud and thievery. Deregulation open the gates for corporations and Wall Street to have a free for all.
Now you know why the American people, the American tax payer has no faith in our governmental systems. Bernard Mayoff (formerly on the board of NASDAQ) as many were turned a blind eye too. Now the investors do not have a leg to stand on. Old and broke after saving for years.. think the government will help them out? LOL! This government only helps out their "kick-back" buddies.
I was speaking the other day to an Italian and he says..there is nothing wrong with Socialism as we Americans were brainwashed to believe. Italian and many other countries are happy with "their" system. We here in the United States do not have a system "for the people" as our forefather's promised. This country was built on "take over dominance" of Capitalism so a few rich men can get even more rich at the expense of the already poor guy who pays taxes and gets nothing in return.
Tax payers are so hard at work trying to make ends meet that they have no time to investigate or protest our greedy capitalism system which rips people off at every turn in over to turn a buck for the already wealthy managements influenced by government and vice cahoots via lobbyist monetary campaign and favor payoffs.
Yeah politics is dirty business.. evidently heads of corporations is understanding a dirty business too. Dog eat dog! Give me socialism.. that is the only way everyone will be created and treated equally..where doctors get bonuses (England) for getting someone to stop smoking.. where there is an actual incentive to get and keep people healthy.
Not like in this country will drug companies are brain washing untested pill stuffing and promoting unhealthy habits while promoting artificial foods to clog veins and chock out health... you know hospitals have to pay for newly built cardiac departments. So think drug, medical, and food corporations all work together? Interesting isn't it. But, that is the capitalist make money at your expense.
And look at the cars that American have made for us? "Unsafe at any speed" about the Carvair made my Chevrolet.. read the book by Ralph Nadar. Oh course auto companies blame it all on the unions. But unions came about because workers were so mistreated and working in unsafe conditions. Maybe we do need Socialism..
Oh but then we wouldn't have a choice between quality and junk at all! Well, in socialist countries people protest until they get what they want... they pay high taxes and depend decent products..decent health care. This old joke about the English have bad teeth came about as a slogan from American capitalist brain washing Americans that social dental and health care was faulty. Not true! There, doctors and dentists are given monetary incentives to get and keep people healthy.. makes sense doesn't. Keep them healthy and save the government tax payer's money..excellent idea.. everyone wins.
I'm so sick of this government favoring the corporate rich while we pave their way with our hard earn tax dollars..just what are we getting out of this? Less and less is what we are getting! When is enough, enough? I just want a happy medium, a balance!
I only hope that Obama does have great influence and makes a considerable difference in favor of the average tax payer..
Oh and get a load of this.. the Italian 64 now but retired at age 44 with full pay for the rest of his life..oh, and full health, vision and dental care! Worry free! Wouldn't it be nice to be worry free..for a change. Worry free and struggle free!
Then there was Reagan and Bush deregulations gearing them up for fraud and thievery. Deregulation open the gates for corporations and Wall Street to have a free for all.
Now you know why the American people, the American tax payer has no faith in our governmental systems. Bernard Mayoff (formerly on the board of NASDAQ) as many were turned a blind eye too. Now the investors do not have a leg to stand on. Old and broke after saving for years.. think the government will help them out? LOL! This government only helps out their "kick-back" buddies.
I was speaking the other day to an Italian and he says..there is nothing wrong with Socialism as we Americans were brainwashed to believe. Italian and many other countries are happy with "their" system. We here in the United States do not have a system "for the people" as our forefather's promised. This country was built on "take over dominance" of Capitalism so a few rich men can get even more rich at the expense of the already poor guy who pays taxes and gets nothing in return.
Tax payers are so hard at work trying to make ends meet that they have no time to investigate or protest our greedy capitalism system which rips people off at every turn in over to turn a buck for the already wealthy managements influenced by government and vice cahoots via lobbyist monetary campaign and favor payoffs.
Yeah politics is dirty business.. evidently heads of corporations is understanding a dirty business too. Dog eat dog! Give me socialism.. that is the only way everyone will be created and treated equally..where doctors get bonuses (England) for getting someone to stop smoking.. where there is an actual incentive to get and keep people healthy.
Not like in this country will drug companies are brain washing untested pill stuffing and promoting unhealthy habits while promoting artificial foods to clog veins and chock out health... you know hospitals have to pay for newly built cardiac departments. So think drug, medical, and food corporations all work together? Interesting isn't it. But, that is the capitalist make money at your expense.
And look at the cars that American have made for us? "Unsafe at any speed" about the Carvair made my Chevrolet.. read the book by Ralph Nadar. Oh course auto companies blame it all on the unions. But unions came about because workers were so mistreated and working in unsafe conditions. Maybe we do need Socialism..
Oh but then we wouldn't have a choice between quality and junk at all! Well, in socialist countries people protest until they get what they want... they pay high taxes and depend decent products..decent health care. This old joke about the English have bad teeth came about as a slogan from American capitalist brain washing Americans that social dental and health care was faulty. Not true! There, doctors and dentists are given monetary incentives to get and keep people healthy.. makes sense doesn't. Keep them healthy and save the government tax payer's money..excellent idea.. everyone wins.
I'm so sick of this government favoring the corporate rich while we pave their way with our hard earn tax dollars..just what are we getting out of this? Less and less is what we are getting! When is enough, enough? I just want a happy medium, a balance!
I only hope that Obama does have great influence and makes a considerable difference in favor of the average tax payer..
Oh and get a load of this.. the Italian 64 now but retired at age 44 with full pay for the rest of his life..oh, and full health, vision and dental care! Worry free! Wouldn't it be nice to be worry free..for a change. Worry free and struggle free!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jeep Renagade of the Future
besides being cool looking the car's technology is that as the wheels turn the battery recharges. How brilliant is that? The center of gravity is low because the batteries are low between the wheels as is the mechanism that charges the battery from the motion of the turning wheels. The body, tires and all the materials of the car are made from all recyclable materials. The car is silent...and without pollutants. It's good looking! Built it well and it will sell!!
I want one.. yes, and it's a Jeep! Now we're talking...If American auto companies begin engineering, dependable, affordable, energy saving and environmental friendly cars before you know it they'll get back into the black and wouldn't need a hand out.. Hell if GM didn't crush the EV1 in 2003 and kept it around against Bush's wishes.. they would probably be in the black. So guess who is running the show.. for the auto companies...the oil men. It's not time to move away from oil yet.. because old greedy white men.. are getting rich..and want to continue to get even more rich. In the past the big three crushed any new popular devices or autos..that went against their wishes and likes.. and were better than their products..yes.. capitalism is evil and dog eat dog. Beware of big business. Just like Eisenhower warned when he left office.. "beware the industrial military war machine"
But, an independent engineer came up with this idea.. "Future Cars" program didn't say if he was associated with an American auto company so, we'll see?
So there you are.. I will look forward to many new innovations coming forward after 1/20/09.. in the mean time I"m sure the big oil people.. will try to squash every "green" idea that comes along. It's scary!
Is it possible that we can actually have a president that is good for this country and the people in it! Is it possible? Will we are definitely overdue!
I want one.. yes, and it's a Jeep! Now we're talking...If American auto companies begin engineering, dependable, affordable, energy saving and environmental friendly cars before you know it they'll get back into the black and wouldn't need a hand out.. Hell if GM didn't crush the EV1 in 2003 and kept it around against Bush's wishes.. they would probably be in the black. So guess who is running the show.. for the auto companies...the oil men. It's not time to move away from oil yet.. because old greedy white men.. are getting rich..and want to continue to get even more rich. In the past the big three crushed any new popular devices or autos..that went against their wishes and likes.. and were better than their products..yes.. capitalism is evil and dog eat dog. Beware of big business. Just like Eisenhower warned when he left office.. "beware the industrial military war machine"
But, an independent engineer came up with this idea.. "Future Cars" program didn't say if he was associated with an American auto company so, we'll see?
So there you are.. I will look forward to many new innovations coming forward after 1/20/09.. in the mean time I"m sure the big oil people.. will try to squash every "green" idea that comes along. It's scary!
Is it possible that we can actually have a president that is good for this country and the people in it! Is it possible? Will we are definitely overdue!
You this shoe
Farewell to Bush! I think the Iraqi reporter demonstrated it best! And all Bush could say was that it was a "Size 10". Is Bush nuts?
Bush didn't hear one insulting word the Iraqi reporter shouted! "Here's for the innocent people, the woman and children that you killed".
And for what? Oil? Hey we want it, we take it.. it's the American way.....well just wait until so are so in hock with China that they come and take and we can't do a damn thing about it!
"It's like not waving with all five fingers" What? Is Bush senile?
And how about the Secret Service.. they just stood there and let it happen? Must have been Blackwater security! Is that too funny? The guy even had the chance to throw another shoe.. there could have been a bomb in the shoe...
Well so much for security! There goes your five fingers. Maybe that is what even the security thinks of him..dumb shit!
Well, read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein..and get her slant on take over coups for big business!
We want, we take!
Bush didn't hear one insulting word the Iraqi reporter shouted! "Here's for the innocent people, the woman and children that you killed".
And for what? Oil? Hey we want it, we take it.. it's the American way.....well just wait until so are so in hock with China that they come and take and we can't do a damn thing about it!
"It's like not waving with all five fingers" What? Is Bush senile?
And how about the Secret Service.. they just stood there and let it happen? Must have been Blackwater security! Is that too funny? The guy even had the chance to throw another shoe.. there could have been a bomb in the shoe...
Well so much for security! There goes your five fingers. Maybe that is what even the security thinks of him..dumb shit!
Well, read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein..and get her slant on take over coups for big business!
We want, we take!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Beginning to sleat....
It's very windy! My fires gone out, I'm getting tired but can't seem to drag myself to bed...I want to do everything - now. Should just sleep and do it all tomorrow.. but I think I am a night person. Reading and drawing for night time things to do when it's dark out doors - don't ask me why. I wonder, am I the only one who feels that way?
But sleeping is for dark. I think I think I'll miss her when I get to bed so I'm putting it off..we had a fabulous weekend. Now back to reality and work.
Hopefully the streets will not be iced over.. as depressingly promised. I hope the holiday are clear streeted and safe. I'm invited out all over the place and hate arriving a wreck.. praying not to wreck. Too scary!
I hope I never have to drive my girlfriends street when it's icy or snowy.. I'll turn around (hopefully will fine such a spot) and go back home. I do not want to wreck my car. I do not want car payments!! I wish to drive old and reliable for many, many more miles. Especially, in this man-made crooked awful economy! I think we got ripped off by leaving Republican sponsored lobbyist.. don't you? "Oh please deregulate that and this and no, please no over-sight" Well, even with your huge monetary gifts the crooks will not have to worry about any over sight!
It's pure pathetic if you ask me. Well, soon the tax payers won't have enough jobs to fork over taxes.. so where the big shots going to get their bail outs then. Oh, I know, old reliable China. Yes, soon they will be all living here and owning everything. Well, here their population can grow..there will be no child birth limits. Why? We have the room! If wonder! When this country is ran by the Chinese will women suffer a social class set back?
You know women here in this country are at the brim of pulling themselves up into a first class population category. I'm sure men wish them to be pushed down and under their thumbs once again! Why not.. stomp their spirits .. it's the male domineering ego way! To oppress and rule and conquer and stomp out.. and over take countries and governments and markets for manipulative, greedy, self-profit and monetary gain. It's the American way! And don't get in the way of progress....
So as I sit here waiting for the fire to die down... I thank the universe for my many blessings of love, grace, hope, and intelligence. Good health, pain-free days! I thank the universe!
Let's see would I prefer yard or loft next time around when the economy turns a new leaf and people actually have money enough to stop working mutiple jobs and only need one decent paying job! When is that going to happen. These greedy idiots running the show are too stupid to see that if you "allow" the people to prosper (and not only your fat ass selves) that the economy will prosper and still too the rich can get a little more rich. But not here! These greedy slugs want it all - and now! Step on the little guys. Get the hell out of my way - stupid. They are kicking themselves. Now noone gets anything! We are all poor! Many poor and a handful of greedy, evil, heartless idiots who think they can actually take it with them.. you know I'm glad no one, practically no one can wait exactly what they choose to eat, when they want too because if they do they'll get a chronic disease.. one of the silient killers will attack.. so money can't buy lots of food. No one gets a free pass in that department!
Fires still burning.. can't go to slee yet. Let's see what can I eat? Or drink? More coffee?
I wonder how the good doctor is doing.. I wonder if she got to practice the way she wanted to practice. I miss her kindness, her soft healing hands, her warm heart, and her wonderful deep brown saintly eyes. The woman was god to me! Probably still would be too! I pray her life is going well and she is well and happy and feels satisfied and loved! May all she does turn to gold and she is happy and very successful this holiday season and always!
Funny, how angels appear when we need them mose and in magical, mysterious ways..
I'm happy now with my new love. Personally I wish us the best.. we both deserve the best with prosperity, good health, lots of love, sex and fun and wonderful magical happy times. We've worked hard and suffered long...mistakeningly, to get to this point.
I mean, why do people think they have to suffer.. stupid ass church! Another crock of bull spread by the religious money brubbing anti-christ religious for conquering and controlling and manipulating and using. They don't give a crap about people.. they want to conquer, control, dominate and manipulate and take every hard earned dime you have and stick in their greedy pockets...relgious are no worse than politicans!
So now, there you are, and it's the pure truth.. who can we rip off next!
But sleeping is for dark. I think I think I'll miss her when I get to bed so I'm putting it off..we had a fabulous weekend. Now back to reality and work.
Hopefully the streets will not be iced over.. as depressingly promised. I hope the holiday are clear streeted and safe. I'm invited out all over the place and hate arriving a wreck.. praying not to wreck. Too scary!
I hope I never have to drive my girlfriends street when it's icy or snowy.. I'll turn around (hopefully will fine such a spot) and go back home. I do not want to wreck my car. I do not want car payments!! I wish to drive old and reliable for many, many more miles. Especially, in this man-made crooked awful economy! I think we got ripped off by leaving Republican sponsored lobbyist.. don't you? "Oh please deregulate that and this and no, please no over-sight" Well, even with your huge monetary gifts the crooks will not have to worry about any over sight!
It's pure pathetic if you ask me. Well, soon the tax payers won't have enough jobs to fork over taxes.. so where the big shots going to get their bail outs then. Oh, I know, old reliable China. Yes, soon they will be all living here and owning everything. Well, here their population can grow..there will be no child birth limits. Why? We have the room! If wonder! When this country is ran by the Chinese will women suffer a social class set back?
You know women here in this country are at the brim of pulling themselves up into a first class population category. I'm sure men wish them to be pushed down and under their thumbs once again! Why not.. stomp their spirits .. it's the male domineering ego way! To oppress and rule and conquer and stomp out.. and over take countries and governments and markets for manipulative, greedy, self-profit and monetary gain. It's the American way! And don't get in the way of progress....
So as I sit here waiting for the fire to die down... I thank the universe for my many blessings of love, grace, hope, and intelligence. Good health, pain-free days! I thank the universe!
Let's see would I prefer yard or loft next time around when the economy turns a new leaf and people actually have money enough to stop working mutiple jobs and only need one decent paying job! When is that going to happen. These greedy idiots running the show are too stupid to see that if you "allow" the people to prosper (and not only your fat ass selves) that the economy will prosper and still too the rich can get a little more rich. But not here! These greedy slugs want it all - and now! Step on the little guys. Get the hell out of my way - stupid. They are kicking themselves. Now noone gets anything! We are all poor! Many poor and a handful of greedy, evil, heartless idiots who think they can actually take it with them.. you know I'm glad no one, practically no one can wait exactly what they choose to eat, when they want too because if they do they'll get a chronic disease.. one of the silient killers will attack.. so money can't buy lots of food. No one gets a free pass in that department!
Fires still burning.. can't go to slee yet. Let's see what can I eat? Or drink? More coffee?
I wonder how the good doctor is doing.. I wonder if she got to practice the way she wanted to practice. I miss her kindness, her soft healing hands, her warm heart, and her wonderful deep brown saintly eyes. The woman was god to me! Probably still would be too! I pray her life is going well and she is well and happy and feels satisfied and loved! May all she does turn to gold and she is happy and very successful this holiday season and always!
Funny, how angels appear when we need them mose and in magical, mysterious ways..
I'm happy now with my new love. Personally I wish us the best.. we both deserve the best with prosperity, good health, lots of love, sex and fun and wonderful magical happy times. We've worked hard and suffered long...mistakeningly, to get to this point.
I mean, why do people think they have to suffer.. stupid ass church! Another crock of bull spread by the religious money brubbing anti-christ religious for conquering and controlling and manipulating and using. They don't give a crap about people.. they want to conquer, control, dominate and manipulate and take every hard earned dime you have and stick in their greedy pockets...relgious are no worse than politicans!
So now, there you are, and it's the pure truth.. who can we rip off next!
Nuclear? Why?
So, per Rachel, Bush is meeting up with the guys in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) to speak of "nuclear" power? Why? That area is extremely rich with oil and the money it brings.. so why are they building nuclear plants, for power (?). Aren't they burning oil to generate power? A concern, they are friends with Iran another nuclear power. Another concern - Bush. He is over there speaking to them? What not dodging shoes in Iraq? Why? This lame duck is like a headed duck run amok...creating havoc during his last days in office. Down right scary!
And about that Iraq reporter going off on Bush over how he allowed the killing of civilians ...well, that just went right over his head.
We don't care.. if we want we take.. just ask Cameron, Friedman and the Chicago Boys!
And about that Iraq reporter going off on Bush over how he allowed the killing of civilians ...well, that just went right over his head.
We don't care.. if we want we take.. just ask Cameron, Friedman and the Chicago Boys!
Well at least Bush can duck a shoe.. what an
idiot! Bush is a real idiot! He has no sense of what really went on in Iraq.. or of all the civilians who met their death.... oh you can't tell me he didn't know he just didn't even care! Bush, I mean,
rather, Cheney got Blackwater Security over there (for profit and waste of tax payers money) all for oil! All for conquer and dominant as we are so infamous for! It's a shame! You know that shoe attack insistence didn't even faze him. He thought it was funny! The guy's a sociopath! He's always been rich and daddy has bailed him out of everything he ever got into because he failed at everything.. from National Guard, from his own oil company that went belly up.. to this presidency.. you know it was daddy Bush running the show.. why he had all of his old cronies.. running the show.
Bye bye.. say Good-bye!
rather, Cheney got Blackwater Security over there (for profit and waste of tax payers money) all for oil! All for conquer and dominant as we are so infamous for! It's a shame! You know that shoe attack insistence didn't even faze him. He thought it was funny! The guy's a sociopath! He's always been rich and daddy has bailed him out of everything he ever got into because he failed at everything.. from National Guard, from his own oil company that went belly up.. to this presidency.. you know it was daddy Bush running the show.. why he had all of his old cronies.. running the show.
Bye bye.. say Good-bye!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
lay offs "The Big Squeeze" a book to read..
I'm listening to NPR and in tears over the sad lay off stories that I am hearing..the last caller is also losing Medicare along with her employment. The announcer was surprised at this ..but then again, I think hey it's the Bush rip off years.
Is it really a market correction or a sell out of the country's economy perhaps to China? Are we that much in hock? You know it's awfully crowded in China and I'm sure they could use lots more room.
In these bleak times my stained, soiled yet structurally sound arm back chair looks fine..even in the sunshine. I feel the heavy hearts of those listeners. Just who did this to us?
Was it the housing bubble they knew in 2005 was bound to burst one day? So the banks grew crookedly desperate and forked out faulty loans to pressure persuaded American dream hopefuls. And yes we were all in denial and mistakenly living in the moment.
Was it greedy CEO tactics...are they laughing all the way to Swiss banks.. certainly not our banks here in this country. And was Bush and company in on the biggest scam yet to happen to us? And he gets away Scott free? And now they are setting up Jeb in the Florida Senate to rip us off again...perhaps in 2012? Can't the crooks just go away..when is enough enough? When they conquer the whole Western Hemisphere and then more..perhaps the Middle East too. So what do they really have in mind for this country? I know the Camerons and Milton Friedmans' Chicago Boys have a plan to coup and over take something else. Or have they goofed up badly... and China is in the lead now? I watched Boston Legal the other evening and Candance Bergen had a lead and argued in court against the Chinese buying out her firm that when the communist buy our law firms..they can see that our laws get where it it all end? She asked..are we that much in hock? She quoted Hillary in can't pick a fight with your bank...and at this point in time China is our bank.
Can you believe instead of going green and natural creating jobs here by creating power with wind, solar and water we go into hock with China to buy oil and support a middle eastern country so the Bush Dynasty consisting of old already rich bucks could get even richer. Lobbyist are in control, you know, and run the show.. they are our governing crew.. Bush took orders from them. Well, actually, Bush didn't have a was the Cheney Show or more likely The Daddy Bush Show!
I hope everyone survives this mess we are in. It's time to cut back...wear old, rent movies, and drive used..
And may the rich get big and fat.. funny isn't it? No matter how rich anyone is, if they want to be healthy they too must exercise and eat healthy foods in limited amounts. And may the chemical company CEO's eat their own processed so call foods!
Good lot to the tax payer....we sure saw a lousy return on our tax money in the way of social benefits haven't we... what a lousy, corporate designed war over oil and dominance to get a petroleum foot hold in the Middle East at our expense? Most of our money went and will go for many years into greedy CEO pockets.. nice job! One has to admit that the Republicans wasted no time in their eight years!
Is it really a market correction or a sell out of the country's economy perhaps to China? Are we that much in hock? You know it's awfully crowded in China and I'm sure they could use lots more room.
In these bleak times my stained, soiled yet structurally sound arm back chair looks fine..even in the sunshine. I feel the heavy hearts of those listeners. Just who did this to us?
Was it the housing bubble they knew in 2005 was bound to burst one day? So the banks grew crookedly desperate and forked out faulty loans to pressure persuaded American dream hopefuls. And yes we were all in denial and mistakenly living in the moment.
Was it greedy CEO tactics...are they laughing all the way to Swiss banks.. certainly not our banks here in this country. And was Bush and company in on the biggest scam yet to happen to us? And he gets away Scott free? And now they are setting up Jeb in the Florida Senate to rip us off again...perhaps in 2012? Can't the crooks just go away..when is enough enough? When they conquer the whole Western Hemisphere and then more..perhaps the Middle East too. So what do they really have in mind for this country? I know the Camerons and Milton Friedmans' Chicago Boys have a plan to coup and over take something else. Or have they goofed up badly... and China is in the lead now? I watched Boston Legal the other evening and Candance Bergen had a lead and argued in court against the Chinese buying out her firm that when the communist buy our law firms..they can see that our laws get where it it all end? She asked..are we that much in hock? She quoted Hillary in can't pick a fight with your bank...and at this point in time China is our bank.
Can you believe instead of going green and natural creating jobs here by creating power with wind, solar and water we go into hock with China to buy oil and support a middle eastern country so the Bush Dynasty consisting of old already rich bucks could get even richer. Lobbyist are in control, you know, and run the show.. they are our governing crew.. Bush took orders from them. Well, actually, Bush didn't have a was the Cheney Show or more likely The Daddy Bush Show!
I hope everyone survives this mess we are in. It's time to cut back...wear old, rent movies, and drive used..
And may the rich get big and fat.. funny isn't it? No matter how rich anyone is, if they want to be healthy they too must exercise and eat healthy foods in limited amounts. And may the chemical company CEO's eat their own processed so call foods!
Good lot to the tax payer....we sure saw a lousy return on our tax money in the way of social benefits haven't we... what a lousy, corporate designed war over oil and dominance to get a petroleum foot hold in the Middle East at our expense? Most of our money went and will go for many years into greedy CEO pockets.. nice job! One has to admit that the Republicans wasted no time in their eight years!
and how we struggle to fit their needs. Well she and I really don't have any problems, ourselves. Well, we didn't at first but then I pulled back because of rather negative comments she made about her family and perhaps..friends. Well, I guess minor and rather like most families. Just them being straight is a stumbling block right there.. straights are so righteous.. (the church would love to hear me say that.. it's what "they" preach after all) But, it's been so comfortable the last four years after I ditched the straight world..that I almost hate to return to it's righteous blind eye towards homosexuality.
This morning I was thinking of a straight friend I had back when I was in my mid 30's. I had a crush on her.. so listened intently, for whatever reason now I'm not sure, about her boyfriends payments to his daughter and how she was going back to court time and time again so she wouldn't have to pay it. I swear I listened to her irritating voice for hours on end with a stupid (now that I think of it) sympathetic ear. What a fool I was putting others emotions, time, and feeling and stuff in their lives before mine. I've done this all my life taking the backseat..keeping my mouth shut..for they weren't really interested in what was going on with me anyway. And where did it get me? No where. Yet when it came to me.. expressing my thoughts, even in my own bad mis-pronunciation I was reprimanded, corrected and cut off left embarrassed and deflated I merely gave was't worth it. Some stings last a long time.
And what about this relationship... if I give, there will only be more emotional demands and trauma which usually cuts into my sexual response and never theirs.. seems nothing ever effects the women in my life's (or men of the past, for that matter) sexual orgasms, but mine it does. I hate my mother! The woman set me up for emotional and relationship failure. I lived in an isolated emotionally, intellectually negative environment. She could never be pleased. Nothing was right! They say for some dumb reason..we look for relationships like familiar relationships no matter how bad the past familiar relationship was.. so there you are.. my life in a nutshell.
I listened to Oprah's friend Gale's XM radio program on the way to take my ex's car to get her oil changed and heard the male guess speaker say that he had to relearn emotions and get in touch with his emotions and learn to express them in order to maintain his second marriage. He said we unconsciously try to get from our life partners what we never could get from our parents or care takers of our childhoods. Yeah and pronounce words wrong...a total disaster because whatever you are trying to ignored for the outspoken correction of your mispronunciation. An embarrassment and deflation of an already fragile self-esteem...but what they have to say is more important than whatever you ever had to say. And it happens with every relationship. What are you going to do for them or it's a deal breaker.. just like my mother! And they want to know up front or they cut you more ways than one. Why are they so perfect and I am not? Is what I want to know. I began this relationship with confidence.. it's fading already.. because I see now where I have to .. bend.
So have I solved anything here with journaling my feelings and concerns.. it is said that the answer always lives within we just have to dig down and pull it out. If I go along.. is it the end of my enjoyable sex life.. because I have given too much of myself? It's happened in the past.
But, more recently before this relationship... I was seeing a very busy married woman..she was running everyone's life so it seemed. She was her kids bank or maybe he was. I have my own opinions about that.. having to fend for myself my whole hand outs for me. I learned that up front at a very tender age. My family was a bunch of takers not givers.
So and loving my former long term ex dearly.. there was pain there too... a diminishing of my self until I took it back again. So, yes, I am hesitant and aren't we all. Hey, we're not kids anymore..this stuff isn't new.. and we've learned along the way, sometimes much to our detriment rather than emotional gain. So I ask the universe to help me out here. I ask my special spiritual guides Emma, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette, my couples counselors, to help me out. I ask them now to lead me down the correct path to love and soul enrichment. Oh why do all loves comes with...stuff.
Sometimes, don't you wonder why we must deal with all the "family" stuff. Family certainly gives an assumed feeling of "ownership" and "permanence" that is assumed and taken for granted.. like we're never going to get tired of it and abandon ship.. like anything can be said and done and we'll stick around. What a joke! What's the saying.. the manipulative and controlling saying, "blood is thicker than water"..don't think so!
But, I think I can put myself in neutral and pretend.. it's casual and not life threatening. And the sun's out and I'll go for a mind, soul searching, run..the sun is warm and nourishing and it's god's spotlight on me.
Twenty minutes have elapses since I posted this entry.. and upon reading my email..Yes! Life is truly magical. Thanks so much Edy and Georgette.. and Emma and Ezekiel, of course. Well, she had sent me email wanting to come over Thursday evening and spend the night and the day with me on Friday.. which wonderfully opened the door for me to ask to go with her Friday evening if she still had plans with her friends... if I'm invited, of course, I said.. So, thanks universe.
Thank you universe.. for my immediate mgaical answer and you'll super laser flash fast response.. it truly is a wondrous, glorious, magical, sun-shiny day! I will do the run now for good measure.. I love you guys! I say that with tear filled eyes..
This morning I was thinking of a straight friend I had back when I was in my mid 30's. I had a crush on her.. so listened intently, for whatever reason now I'm not sure, about her boyfriends payments to his daughter and how she was going back to court time and time again so she wouldn't have to pay it. I swear I listened to her irritating voice for hours on end with a stupid (now that I think of it) sympathetic ear. What a fool I was putting others emotions, time, and feeling and stuff in their lives before mine. I've done this all my life taking the backseat..keeping my mouth shut..for they weren't really interested in what was going on with me anyway. And where did it get me? No where. Yet when it came to me.. expressing my thoughts, even in my own bad mis-pronunciation I was reprimanded, corrected and cut off left embarrassed and deflated I merely gave was't worth it. Some stings last a long time.
And what about this relationship... if I give, there will only be more emotional demands and trauma which usually cuts into my sexual response and never theirs.. seems nothing ever effects the women in my life's (or men of the past, for that matter) sexual orgasms, but mine it does. I hate my mother! The woman set me up for emotional and relationship failure. I lived in an isolated emotionally, intellectually negative environment. She could never be pleased. Nothing was right! They say for some dumb reason..we look for relationships like familiar relationships no matter how bad the past familiar relationship was.. so there you are.. my life in a nutshell.
I listened to Oprah's friend Gale's XM radio program on the way to take my ex's car to get her oil changed and heard the male guess speaker say that he had to relearn emotions and get in touch with his emotions and learn to express them in order to maintain his second marriage. He said we unconsciously try to get from our life partners what we never could get from our parents or care takers of our childhoods. Yeah and pronounce words wrong...a total disaster because whatever you are trying to ignored for the outspoken correction of your mispronunciation. An embarrassment and deflation of an already fragile self-esteem...but what they have to say is more important than whatever you ever had to say. And it happens with every relationship. What are you going to do for them or it's a deal breaker.. just like my mother! And they want to know up front or they cut you more ways than one. Why are they so perfect and I am not? Is what I want to know. I began this relationship with confidence.. it's fading already.. because I see now where I have to .. bend.
So have I solved anything here with journaling my feelings and concerns.. it is said that the answer always lives within we just have to dig down and pull it out. If I go along.. is it the end of my enjoyable sex life.. because I have given too much of myself? It's happened in the past.
But, more recently before this relationship... I was seeing a very busy married woman..she was running everyone's life so it seemed. She was her kids bank or maybe he was. I have my own opinions about that.. having to fend for myself my whole hand outs for me. I learned that up front at a very tender age. My family was a bunch of takers not givers.
So and loving my former long term ex dearly.. there was pain there too... a diminishing of my self until I took it back again. So, yes, I am hesitant and aren't we all. Hey, we're not kids anymore..this stuff isn't new.. and we've learned along the way, sometimes much to our detriment rather than emotional gain. So I ask the universe to help me out here. I ask my special spiritual guides Emma, Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette, my couples counselors, to help me out. I ask them now to lead me down the correct path to love and soul enrichment. Oh why do all loves comes with...stuff.
Sometimes, don't you wonder why we must deal with all the "family" stuff. Family certainly gives an assumed feeling of "ownership" and "permanence" that is assumed and taken for granted.. like we're never going to get tired of it and abandon ship.. like anything can be said and done and we'll stick around. What a joke! What's the saying.. the manipulative and controlling saying, "blood is thicker than water"..don't think so!
But, I think I can put myself in neutral and pretend.. it's casual and not life threatening. And the sun's out and I'll go for a mind, soul searching, run..the sun is warm and nourishing and it's god's spotlight on me.
Twenty minutes have elapses since I posted this entry.. and upon reading my email..Yes! Life is truly magical. Thanks so much Edy and Georgette.. and Emma and Ezekiel, of course. Well, she had sent me email wanting to come over Thursday evening and spend the night and the day with me on Friday.. which wonderfully opened the door for me to ask to go with her Friday evening if she still had plans with her friends... if I'm invited, of course, I said.. So, thanks universe.
Thank you universe.. for my immediate mgaical answer and you'll super laser flash fast response.. it truly is a wondrous, glorious, magical, sun-shiny day! I will do the run now for good measure.. I love you guys! I say that with tear filled eyes..
Monday, December 08, 2008
"How do You Get Tough with Your Banker?"
asked Hillary, according to Shirley on Boston Legal! "Made in China" with a weak dollar as it is, China is investing here like gang busters (I'm not quoting - can you tell?). First of all we ship all manufacturing overseas, now all things are made in China. Remember during the Vietnam years.. all things were made in Japan.. you know why? Because the empty supply ships coming back from Vietnam.. stopped by Japan and filled up and then sold "made in Japan" in the States. Now, we never see "Made in Japan", all we see is "Made in China". Well we owe them tons of money.. like Hillary said "
It's only a matter of time that we all will be working for China! Are we that much into hock? Funny how no one speaks of the trillions of dollars of national debt any more? Don't you think? Or "the war"?
It's all about the economy these days... is that an adversion too? Just what is this government up to. Are we being sold down the not only Joe the Plumber is in debt and out of work everyone is..vulnerable. Have the oil men gone too far for a greedy buck, for the old oil bucks? Just when is enough enough?
Guess I read too much about matters of Shock and Awe? I've read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein it will awe you..
Seems to me the powers that be are up to something.. oh they knew this was coming.. you know timing is everything! Is it all a plan? Or do they fly by the seat of their pants? Reactive instead of proactive? Surely they are proactive.. the stakes are too huge. But the Chinese do have us over a barrel.. an oil barrel and we did it to ourselves..all because we are subborn and greedy and can't give up being a big shot!
We must admit the Bush dynasty spent there time well these past eight years didn't they.. Oil went form 25.00 per barrel to 148.00 and back down.. time enough for "them" to make a mint! The big three is begging..of course they want a piece of the pie too! The government owns the banks now...and China is at our door step. Like Hillary said.."How can you get tough with your banker?"
Gee was it wise to borrow from China to buy oil from another country. Does it make sense to aid the riches of the middle east, and the far east while we go broke? Does it make sense to ship jobs overseas. Are we shipping all the money out of this country? Why? Makes you wonder doesn't it? You know the lobbyist run the show..are the banks and auto really broke or just taking advantage while they can..why pay to re-tool when you can get someone else too! Maybe they are kicking and screaming into alternative powers sources.
All GM had to do was bring back the EV1.. or they could have kept it here.. they crushed the last one in 2003.. did you know that? In it's place they introduced us to the up-your-nose Hummer (you'll drive what we tell you to drive!) See the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?" You'll love it! It's classic! And very well done!
You know it's a wonder the oil men didn't buy up all the electrical power plants and force us to use oil and gas lamps only.. like the oil, auto and tire companies bought up all the street car tracks across the country in every city then ripped them out and build super highways in their place. They sure weren't thinking clean air then were they?
And now of course we are in a sorry state as million of more jobs have been lost just within the last month.. and more lay offs are coming. Just what were "they" thinking? Is anyone is control? That's a joke! Well, when deregulate and then allow all the lobbyist to get what they want.. there should be mass confusion and toe stepping and now we have the results. And you know if you give people free rein, the rules (what rules? They were erased with deregulations) will be bended and broken, you know, to make that fast buck!
It is a case of over take.. Ewen Cameron and Milton Friedman and the Chicago Boys in action. Read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and read "Overthrow" America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer author of "All the Shah's Men". Great reads!
Sometimes I just try to understand the logic of it all, if there is any logic, I wonder? I'm thinking with such great stakes at hand certainly there is..but we can't for get the "greed" factor....and greed is a very dangerous this economy.. or lack of economy.
Now you know why we need a decent president! An over sight is due! Well the big three is getting an over sight panel along with their loan. You can't just let these greedy idiots run amok; that's what got them into greedy trouble in the first place.. and just how many millions do you need? Just greed should be confined.. I mean locked up..and left with nothing.. made to give it all up to poor people who have just lost their jobs.
It's only a matter of time that we all will be working for China! Are we that much into hock? Funny how no one speaks of the trillions of dollars of national debt any more? Don't you think? Or "the war"?
It's all about the economy these days... is that an adversion too? Just what is this government up to. Are we being sold down the not only Joe the Plumber is in debt and out of work everyone is..vulnerable. Have the oil men gone too far for a greedy buck, for the old oil bucks? Just when is enough enough?
Guess I read too much about matters of Shock and Awe? I've read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein it will awe you..
Seems to me the powers that be are up to something.. oh they knew this was coming.. you know timing is everything! Is it all a plan? Or do they fly by the seat of their pants? Reactive instead of proactive? Surely they are proactive.. the stakes are too huge. But the Chinese do have us over a barrel.. an oil barrel and we did it to ourselves..all because we are subborn and greedy and can't give up being a big shot!
We must admit the Bush dynasty spent there time well these past eight years didn't they.. Oil went form 25.00 per barrel to 148.00 and back down.. time enough for "them" to make a mint! The big three is begging..of course they want a piece of the pie too! The government owns the banks now...and China is at our door step. Like Hillary said.."How can you get tough with your banker?"
Gee was it wise to borrow from China to buy oil from another country. Does it make sense to aid the riches of the middle east, and the far east while we go broke? Does it make sense to ship jobs overseas. Are we shipping all the money out of this country? Why? Makes you wonder doesn't it? You know the lobbyist run the show..are the banks and auto really broke or just taking advantage while they can..why pay to re-tool when you can get someone else too! Maybe they are kicking and screaming into alternative powers sources.
All GM had to do was bring back the EV1.. or they could have kept it here.. they crushed the last one in 2003.. did you know that? In it's place they introduced us to the up-your-nose Hummer (you'll drive what we tell you to drive!) See the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car?" You'll love it! It's classic! And very well done!
You know it's a wonder the oil men didn't buy up all the electrical power plants and force us to use oil and gas lamps only.. like the oil, auto and tire companies bought up all the street car tracks across the country in every city then ripped them out and build super highways in their place. They sure weren't thinking clean air then were they?
And now of course we are in a sorry state as million of more jobs have been lost just within the last month.. and more lay offs are coming. Just what were "they" thinking? Is anyone is control? That's a joke! Well, when deregulate and then allow all the lobbyist to get what they want.. there should be mass confusion and toe stepping and now we have the results. And you know if you give people free rein, the rules (what rules? They were erased with deregulations) will be bended and broken, you know, to make that fast buck!
It is a case of over take.. Ewen Cameron and Milton Friedman and the Chicago Boys in action. Read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and read "Overthrow" America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer author of "All the Shah's Men". Great reads!
Sometimes I just try to understand the logic of it all, if there is any logic, I wonder? I'm thinking with such great stakes at hand certainly there is..but we can't for get the "greed" factor....and greed is a very dangerous this economy.. or lack of economy.
Now you know why we need a decent president! An over sight is due! Well the big three is getting an over sight panel along with their loan. You can't just let these greedy idiots run amok; that's what got them into greedy trouble in the first place.. and just how many millions do you need? Just greed should be confined.. I mean locked up..and left with nothing.. made to give it all up to poor people who have just lost their jobs.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
It seems to me that if economicst wanted us
to spend more money.. they wouldn't be painting such a gloommy scenario. That kind of negative talk will only push us down deeper into a recession. Is that what our government and economist want? Just what is going on here?
Oh, I definitely believe they have a plan and I believe that plan is to take full advantage and get every last cent of money that is out there and stick it in their pockets..the hell with the auto companies..the CEO's will stick the money right in their pockets and then merely ask for more..and of course since they are all in cahoots.. they will get more. But, that sort of thinking and planning doesn't work for us.
Bush just bought a 2 million dollar home in Texas. yeah with all this deregulating he has allowed through the years..he got himself a good deal I guess! Well, someone allowed the crooks to drive the market down using risking loans... so he could get it extra cheap. Yes, the Bush Dynasty.. will it ever fad away? Read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips. He's another one: "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer.
Now Jeb Bush is planning on running for the Florida Senate seat that will be vacant soon. Seems that present Senator is not planning on running again. Wonder how much money he got.. not to. See they are getting their players in place for 2012. Again! Yeah they know Florida is a huge electoral state and they are digging in deep already.
Here's one for the Cholesterol fearing fans: "Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-lowering Drugs" by Shane Ellison, M.Sc. He claims that prescription drugs the fourth leading cause of death after cancer, heart disease and stroke. Hm, I never realized that stat ins lower CoQ10 in the body. Low CoQ10 leads to congestive heart failure due to weakening of the heart muscle, this is called cardiomyopathy.
Sta tin due contain some Anti-inflammatory benefits..that is why doctors want people with normal levels of cholesterol to take stat ins too. A simple C R Protein test will let you know if you have an inflammatory condition. But reading on in the book, I see that there are natural nutrients with anti-inflammatory benefits.. such as fish oils, alpha-lipoic acid, green tea, ginger, and/or 95% grape see extract.. just to name a few.
I'm switching gears here again.. speaking of the auto industry. Oh please. The big three were cutting cost and knew they were building "bad" cars. I love the idea of leaking oil between oil changes.. yeah.. when you had a add a quart of oil between oil changes.. was that ingenious or what? The oil industry loved it I'm sure!
Now, I'm with Jay, he says the guys on Wall Street and in finance committed out and out plan fraud with bundling faulty loans and selling them to investors overseas.. they knew those bad loans would fail.. they pushed them onto innocent but ignorant people...promising them the all American dream of home ownership! It's pretty sad isn't it! Well, homes were over built and construction loans were due.. so they had to be sold right? Do what you can to move these homes....promise them anything....just move them. They say that loan officers were set up in hotel conference rooms at phone banks with quotas to meet..."sell 'em!" with whatever it takes..
Well, guess I'm finished philosophizing for today.
Oh, I definitely believe they have a plan and I believe that plan is to take full advantage and get every last cent of money that is out there and stick it in their pockets..the hell with the auto companies..the CEO's will stick the money right in their pockets and then merely ask for more..and of course since they are all in cahoots.. they will get more. But, that sort of thinking and planning doesn't work for us.
Bush just bought a 2 million dollar home in Texas. yeah with all this deregulating he has allowed through the years..he got himself a good deal I guess! Well, someone allowed the crooks to drive the market down using risking loans... so he could get it extra cheap. Yes, the Bush Dynasty.. will it ever fad away? Read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips. He's another one: "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer.
Now Jeb Bush is planning on running for the Florida Senate seat that will be vacant soon. Seems that present Senator is not planning on running again. Wonder how much money he got.. not to. See they are getting their players in place for 2012. Again! Yeah they know Florida is a huge electoral state and they are digging in deep already.
Here's one for the Cholesterol fearing fans: "Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-lowering Drugs" by Shane Ellison, M.Sc. He claims that prescription drugs the fourth leading cause of death after cancer, heart disease and stroke. Hm, I never realized that stat ins lower CoQ10 in the body. Low CoQ10 leads to congestive heart failure due to weakening of the heart muscle, this is called cardiomyopathy.
Sta tin due contain some Anti-inflammatory benefits..that is why doctors want people with normal levels of cholesterol to take stat ins too. A simple C R Protein test will let you know if you have an inflammatory condition. But reading on in the book, I see that there are natural nutrients with anti-inflammatory benefits.. such as fish oils, alpha-lipoic acid, green tea, ginger, and/or 95% grape see extract.. just to name a few.
I'm switching gears here again.. speaking of the auto industry. Oh please. The big three were cutting cost and knew they were building "bad" cars. I love the idea of leaking oil between oil changes.. yeah.. when you had a add a quart of oil between oil changes.. was that ingenious or what? The oil industry loved it I'm sure!
Now, I'm with Jay, he says the guys on Wall Street and in finance committed out and out plan fraud with bundling faulty loans and selling them to investors overseas.. they knew those bad loans would fail.. they pushed them onto innocent but ignorant people...promising them the all American dream of home ownership! It's pretty sad isn't it! Well, homes were over built and construction loans were due.. so they had to be sold right? Do what you can to move these homes....promise them anything....just move them. They say that loan officers were set up in hotel conference rooms at phone banks with quotas to meet..."sell 'em!" with whatever it takes..
Well, guess I'm finished philosophizing for today.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Obama is hoping right to it.
Commerce Secretary will be Bill Richardson. I'm pleased with Hillary Clinton for Secrtary of State.
Today Obama attended the Governor's meeting. Obama is on top of it! And he's not even in office yet! Quit the opposite of you-know-who!
Then there was W who went on vacation for the first eight weeks when he got into office! Well, I believe we all know how he got elected. Fixed? Remember how the preachers commanded parisoners vote for W. Remember the anti-abortion and anti-gay reheric. No wonder we're hated. Thanks a lot!
You know in retrospect.. it certainly is easier to connect the dots. Oh well, just read the books for yourself. Start with "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer.
Today Obama attended the Governor's meeting. Obama is on top of it! And he's not even in office yet! Quit the opposite of you-know-who!
Then there was W who went on vacation for the first eight weeks when he got into office! Well, I believe we all know how he got elected. Fixed? Remember how the preachers commanded parisoners vote for W. Remember the anti-abortion and anti-gay reheric. No wonder we're hated. Thanks a lot!
You know in retrospect.. it certainly is easier to connect the dots. Oh well, just read the books for yourself. Start with "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer.
And wasn't Nixon a bastard
Yeah they released White House tapes some with Vietnam bombing instructions. Oh yeah more Cameron and Friedman Shock and Awe. Communist threat...I say Catholic church and government scare tactics. Remember fall out shelters?
Remember shock and awe after 9/11. Red, orange and yellow days of fright? Those people are nuts and will do anything to establish global super-capitalism.
Hey, you can get oil from algae and it grows very fast..the sun makes it oily. It needs lots of co2.. so grow it around power plants. The greenist of fuels algae to oil. And it will replace petroleum diesel. Well, they're talking the talk, let's see if they walk the walk.
Remember shock and awe after 9/11. Red, orange and yellow days of fright? Those people are nuts and will do anything to establish global super-capitalism.
Hey, you can get oil from algae and it grows very fast..the sun makes it oily. It needs lots of co2.. so grow it around power plants. The greenist of fuels algae to oil. And it will replace petroleum diesel. Well, they're talking the talk, let's see if they walk the walk.
I can't believe these people are this stupid to safe a buck
by making first year residents work continuously for36 hours without sleep! Are they nuts? And they have been doing this for a hundred years. So now after a hundred years of stupidty someone got a brain fart and suggests (after several law suits, of course [seems someone has to always die first always]) they get although only five least some sleep after sixteen hours.
You know it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that lack of sleep is a reall harzard to not only the residents but to their patients.
And what exactly was the purpose of working straight 30 hour tours without sleep?
I don't know.. some times I just wonder about people!
You know it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that lack of sleep is a reall harzard to not only the residents but to their patients.
And what exactly was the purpose of working straight 30 hour tours without sleep?
I don't know.. some times I just wonder about people!
you need a plan sam...
The big three.. I believe are merely taking advantage of an opportunity to get some money before their friends leave Washington. They drove a hybrid to D.C. this time, instead of flying private corporate jets there. With plan in hand, they stand, waiting for Congress to bail them out.
The big three hard hit by unpopular styling of dinasaurs designs are hurting. In my opinion they did it to themselves. In months they could retool and come with an affordable, dependable (for a change) electric car. Hey, remember the EV1 in the late 90's till they crushed them all by 2003? We know for sure they can do it.. soo it is all bull to me and nothing more than a mere opportunity taken to further rip off the American taxpayer in an attempt to drain every last cent we had.. and stick more money into their own greedy pockets. How un-American is that? But, of course, we take their word of financial statements. We don't double check. They could have avoided this.. by building state of the art electric, affordable electric cars that use ordinary electricical out-lets.
The big three hard hit by unpopular styling of dinasaurs designs are hurting. In my opinion they did it to themselves. In months they could retool and come with an affordable, dependable (for a change) electric car. Hey, remember the EV1 in the late 90's till they crushed them all by 2003? We know for sure they can do it.. soo it is all bull to me and nothing more than a mere opportunity taken to further rip off the American taxpayer in an attempt to drain every last cent we had.. and stick more money into their own greedy pockets. How un-American is that? But, of course, we take their word of financial statements. We don't double check. They could have avoided this.. by building state of the art electric, affordable electric cars that use ordinary electricical out-lets.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Lame Duck run Amok
Can't wait until W is out of there! He's a headless chicken trying to find his way out the door!
So now he wants to end abortion...but anniliating foreign countries so the Chicago Boys can establish super-capitalism in them is okay? And war over oil is okay? And the death penalty is okay? Yeah right - Mr. Christian.
Well, you know.. they are gods! Just ask them! They decide who lives and who dies...
So now he wants to end abortion...but anniliating foreign countries so the Chicago Boys can establish super-capitalism in them is okay? And war over oil is okay? And the death penalty is okay? Yeah right - Mr. Christian.
Well, you know.. they are gods! Just ask them! They decide who lives and who dies...
Monday, December 01, 2008
just maybe..
all the neighbors will get out and leave for a while and I'll get a chance to play my far while waiting I've listened to President Elect Obama announce his newly appointed Security Council. Congratulations to the ladies.. but let's just hope the council and the leaders that be have the over sight and the in sight, unlike the mic tech, to realize leaders come in all heights! How embarrassing for the shorter ladies who were stretching to rise an eye ball above the protruding phallic object..or was that an unconscious die hard old boys' club fathernity Freudian slip!
I was drawing while I was listening, reading before that trying to finish "Supercapitalism" by Robert B. Reich. I've just finished "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. And I know I have a Kevin Klein book around here somewhere to read. I read all of his books. My favorite: "American Dynasty"!
I read books about our government and capitalism because I am trying to understand the male mind? Apparently - it's ran by self-serving greed and a shock and awe mentality. Pure brute mentality!
Oh lets just explode bombs in the ocean and wipe out Sri Lanka and build beach front hotels for the rich! Or how about lagging FEMA and destroyed leves for the same reason in Louisiana? It's all about hotels and Walmarts.
I guess I can see the Walmart skull and bones lobbying capitalist idealism. "Large" organisations and corporations are easier to control with a same mind set mentality.
I was drawing while I was listening, reading before that trying to finish "Supercapitalism" by Robert B. Reich. I've just finished "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. And I know I have a Kevin Klein book around here somewhere to read. I read all of his books. My favorite: "American Dynasty"!
I read books about our government and capitalism because I am trying to understand the male mind? Apparently - it's ran by self-serving greed and a shock and awe mentality. Pure brute mentality!
Oh lets just explode bombs in the ocean and wipe out Sri Lanka and build beach front hotels for the rich! Or how about lagging FEMA and destroyed leves for the same reason in Louisiana? It's all about hotels and Walmarts.
I guess I can see the Walmart skull and bones lobbying capitalist idealism. "Large" organisations and corporations are easier to control with a same mind set mentality.
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