Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Care free in Italy!

Well, now we know why Spitzer got outed and caught with a pay girl! He was keeping an eye in NY over the SEC. Interesting? I'm listening to NPR and found out that neither Christopher Cox or SEC can be sued. No government agency can be used. Well, I guess there would be no court for them..since Federal Judges and all would be in cahoots.

Then there was Reagan and Bush deregulations gearing them up for fraud and thievery. Deregulation open the gates for corporations and Wall Street to have a free for all.

Now you know why the American people, the American tax payer has no faith in our governmental systems. Bernard Mayoff (formerly on the board of NASDAQ) as many were turned a blind eye too. Now the investors do not have a leg to stand on. Old and broke after saving for years.. think the government will help them out? LOL! This government only helps out their "kick-back" buddies.

I was speaking the other day to an Italian and he says..there is nothing wrong with Socialism as we Americans were brainwashed to believe. Italian and many other countries are happy with "their" system. We here in the United States do not have a system "for the people" as our forefather's promised. This country was built on "take over dominance" of Capitalism so a few rich men can get even more rich at the expense of the already poor guy who pays taxes and gets nothing in return.

Tax payers are so hard at work trying to make ends meet that they have no time to investigate or protest our greedy capitalism system which rips people off at every turn in over to turn a buck for the already wealthy managements influenced by government and vice cahoots via lobbyist monetary campaign and favor payoffs.

Yeah politics is dirty business.. evidently heads of corporations is understanding a dirty business too. Dog eat dog! Give me socialism.. that is the only way everyone will be created and treated equally..where doctors get bonuses (England) for getting someone to stop smoking.. where there is an actual incentive to get and keep people healthy.

Not like in this country will drug companies are brain washing untested pill stuffing and promoting unhealthy habits while promoting artificial foods to clog veins and chock out health... you know hospitals have to pay for newly built cardiac departments. So think drug, medical, and food corporations all work together? Interesting isn't it. But, that is the capitalist make money at your expense.

And look at the cars that American have made for us? "Unsafe at any speed" about the Carvair made my Chevrolet.. read the book by Ralph Nadar. Oh course auto companies blame it all on the unions. But unions came about because workers were so mistreated and working in unsafe conditions. Maybe we do need Socialism..

Oh but then we wouldn't have a choice between quality and junk at all! Well, in socialist countries people protest until they get what they want... they pay high taxes and depend decent products..decent health care. This old joke about the English have bad teeth came about as a slogan from American capitalist brain washing Americans that social dental and health care was faulty. Not true! There, doctors and dentists are given monetary incentives to get and keep people healthy.. makes sense doesn't. Keep them healthy and save the government tax payer's money..excellent idea.. everyone wins.

I'm so sick of this government favoring the corporate rich while we pave their way with our hard earn tax dollars..just what are we getting out of this? Less and less is what we are getting! When is enough, enough? I just want a happy medium, a balance!

I only hope that Obama does have great influence and makes a considerable difference in favor of the average tax payer..

Oh and get a load of this.. the Italian 64 now but retired at age 44 with full pay for the rest of his life..oh, and full health, vision and dental care! Worry free! Wouldn't it be nice to be worry free..for a change. Worry free and struggle free!

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