Monday, January 23, 2006

Makes You Wonder?

Well, I had four hours of sleep. Seems the effect of afternoon choice of choosing leaded over unleaded coffee. Also puts acid in my stomach which I think is probably what wakes me up. Just thought I'd mention it for food for thought in case the situation applies. I'm a women wanting to take care of you.

I woke up thinking about you, like I usually do. It was about the time you would be getting up. I so miss the nearness, softness, and warmth of you so sweet when you slept. So innocent my baby is, so loving, so precious. Sorry, I can't help it. It's how I felt! I appreciate the gift of love and life - that's all. I have a big heart.

But, I also woke up from a nightmare called "quiet easy". In the dream there were women who through rumors were telling the tale of the poor just left to die - all over the country. In quiet poverty pockets a weeding out so to speak of the weak and broken who couldn't keep up.

Have you seen the Discovery or National Geographic shows about herbs of wild deer, moose and the like migrating across hundreds of miles? The strong of the herd were left to reproduce after the weak and crippled dropped away to be eaten by the wolves when they couldn't keep up. It's nature's way to keep the herd strong!

A scary thought when you swap the deer, antalope, and moose for humans beings. Makes you wonder?

How far down the rabbit hole to you want to go? How wide to you want to open your eyes to see? Now, for a moment, compare the gentleness of spiriutality with (keyword->) organized religion. The simplest difference that I can state is; the former, you are in power; the latter, "they" are in power. Think of it as the difference between organized power and ground roots of society.

I think I may have had the quiet easy nightmare after reading the STL Sunday paper article on the subject of women cleaning up men's messes. Suddenly I envisioned the family, the "ordinary" family. Men sure get knocked around in commericals don't they? Is that for the reason of humor of truth?

I like the one commerical about the husband saying he is going to do something and never gets around to it; like making a phone call to buy insurance or something. And he gets to it like he does everything else at his on speed, at his own time; sometimes he forgets altogether. But, none the less, he is always "putting off" things he needs to do. Is it because it wasn't his own idea or because he didn't think it was important enough? In any case we'll never know. But, the moral of the story is that the women ends up doing it herself like she does everything else, she so smilingly admits like is incompetance is oh so cute!

Recently I read an article where women from countries where their men are each other are coming together in peace for the children. I't like wives telling their husbands to knock it off after they get sick of listening to the men fight with each other, or the kids fighting. Instead of fighting with other countries like children, women are getting together to talk friendly and to work things out. Women want to get things straightened, fixed and working well. Men love the game. Be it football or whatever; spectator or participant, they love the game. They love winning and stomping the weaker guy.

On the other hand a woman's main concern is the welfare of her family. Their main conern is for their children. They want peace and harmony. They are trying to fix the messes the men have made, so to speak, in all honesty. Men wish to be in power, but they all want to be the sheriff, the leader, the big shot and they are so worried about fighting the other guy to the top that they trample on the small in the crowd. On the other hand, the women are worried about the children and want a nice clean, quiet, peaceful home for their families. Where is the next meal going to come from? Who will take care of the sick? Men do not see this unless they become sick or injuried and then they join the ranks of the little ones and want mama to take care of them too. Sorry, I know that hurts.

I think more women are comparing scenes from the microcosym home scene to the macrocosym national or global scene. Women, your base roots systems, are seeing the big picture that men evidently cannot see because they can only focus on one thing - control. Sometimes like an abusive relatinship: If I pulls the reins tight enough she'll never leave me. Honey, mentally and emotionally, you do that and you have already lost her. So, my point, sometimes being so controlling is a sign of insecurity and in the long run fails this method fails miserably.

There are many in Hollywood who will protest at the annual presidental speech coming up at the end of the month. Yes, and it's not only women at this event who are protesting but many men feel the same way. Men who are grounded in their spirituality. In the long run, women will have to clean up after the mess has been made.

And I know men will let women take over because I have seen it on a small scale in the work place. Oh yes, with afirmative action in the late 70's women were allowed to work "men's" jobs. The men hollered and kicked and then soon stepped aside and let the women do all the hard work and he merely put in his time. Yes, if I can't have it my way, I'm not participating. This happens in all professions and you know it. Through the years, the men wanted the glory, the women who are the true back bones of the systems, did all the work. The man took the glory.

Remember the story of the first men in space? Women were trained and conditions for the job too, for science. I guess male scientist were just curious? The women actually faired better on physical and intellectual levels. Themen wouldn't have it!

Society (men) taught us from the beginning of time that a women's place was in the home (or as secretaries) to take care of the home and the children. Reality shows have taught us differently, haven't they? But, still men have to be "out time" working, well actually pushing their chests out and competing amongst one another. The good ole boys club (makes you wonder?)

The women were at home taking care of the financial, building, maintenance, health and general up keep of the family. Is this evolution at best? Has times changed? No? Compared to the hunter gatherers societies of the world. Compare women of the native Americans to women all over the world where the men went out to hunt while the women did the planting, childrearing, homecare the men did not want to be bothered with. Well, it seems women see that this needs to be done on a bigger scale - nationally and globally. The women will clean up the mess just like they always have.

Yes, things are going to get interesting now; because I do believe the men are getting frustrating; they are in too deep and do not know which way is up or out. Coutries like Liberia, Chile, Germany and so many others have already put many women in the higher positions. And like I mentioned earlier, educated women from different countries who are "enemies" are coming together to work things out peacefully.

When you truly think about it, there is no need for war. And how is it that killing is a crime unless it is done in the name of ware or religion? Double standards, you bet.

Spirituality - peaceful and empowering on a individual loving level. I think too that is why I believe I have experienced more women who are into spirituality than maybe men? This is my own observation.

Studying spirituality changes one's materalistic, competitive beliefs to ones of inner peace and tranquility and love. We choose when we went to be born, that is why your zodiac sign nails you. We choose when we want to leave. Have you ever witness someone who hangs on for someone else, until that person tells them it is okay to go? Have you heard of near death experiences; well, they changed their mind, perhaps. Someone was making them hang on, maybe themselves, having unfinished business realized. We are in control and we don't even know it. Our thoughts are very powerful and it's how we create our own environment. Think about it!

Watch "What the bleep do we know" again and then in February watch "How far down the rabbit hole to you want to go?" by the same people. It's good stuff and very impowering.

Our spirit guides are looking out for us. Remember too, people come into our lives for a reason and that is usually to teach us something, or we to teach each other. I love it. But you have to have your eyes, ears, and heart open to it. Look for it.

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