Ford is closing three more plants around the country as they falter in financial purgatory. It's seems they never factored in retiree benefits in their financial planning and statements.
One of the speakers on NPR said that do to poor management, out dated design and built in faulty materials, they were doomed. Well, the speaker didn't use those exact words, these are my interpretations and I'm very close.
Besides foreign makers either in this country or aboard have state of the art materials, design, cheaper labor, and a lasting quality maintenance free (compared to American auto makers) product.
I think Ford expected repeated faithful patriotic purchases that never happened; we got wise instead. Well, most people may fall and be fools once or twice but not continously. Lets face it, we are talking thirty grand or more being forked out for poor craftsmanship. Besides the designs, just who are they for, back wooded old white men with belt buckles below their beer bellies and baggy butts. Their designs are grossly outdated, who professional successful educated young man would purchase such a product? It would be at testament to poor judgement and lack of insight that is out there for all to see. People only want to make it from point A to B without worry of mechancial or electrcial fires.
My last Ford product blew a head gasket at 26,000 miles and to me that is not acceptable. I buy a new product for security reasons, and not to be nickeled and dimed by greedy old men who think the American public is just plain stupid. We are not dumb suckers....well some of us aren't!
My mother's thunderbird caught on fire after she turned it off. The insurance adjuster declared that this is common with Ford products. The government at one point had to step in and demand that American auto makers product a safe vehicle. A safe vehicle that could meet foreign manufacturers safety standards. My thinking is, that if the American auto dealers would try to rip you off in the financing department by attempting to slip in extra monthly charges that you have to catch them at or you are stuck paying them for at least four years. Oh yeah, and you better get that extra warranty - you'll need it!
Oh and beware when you do have to take it in for maintenance and break-down because sure enough after thirteen months or twenty-six thousand miles (when the battery warranty expires) you'll need repairs. They built it in; its in the college textbooks that is where I got confirmation. Initiatially my gut told me that is what they did but I didn't want to believe it. We have a tendency to want to believe that no one deliberately wants to rip us off; but they do and the government lets them. Where is the better business bureau on this one?
Buying a vehicle is an insulting enough of a process without buying faulty equipment on top of it. It just goes to show you they will try ripping you off every step of the way and we stupid American's fall for it out of loyalty? We cannot imagine that our American corporations would actually rip us off. Take a closer look and you will see that the auto industry is merely a microcosym of a larger corporation, the goverment. All these good old boys are in it to stick it to you and stuff the goods in their pockets. Look at any CEO or government officials pay stubs if you want proof. They're roll'n in it as you are trying desperately to make ends meet.
Get wise Americans, speak up and demand your politicians get their act together. You, as an educated war fighting, tax paying American should be insulting, indigified by these degrading tactics. They are indeed your politicians and you pay their salaries so demand that they look out for you and not turn a blind eye to the slid dealings of the large companies. The same goes for corporate heads; I ask you, have you ever seen one take a cut so their workers can get better paid and get and/or keep their benefits. We have come to a point in time where CEO's are making sure they stuff their pocket while sticking it to you so they can. Where's the employer loyalty toward his employees?
There goes the male ego again, one has to try to out-do the other. Well, so and so CEO makes this much, I have to make more! It's all about greed folks, greed!
Wise up American, do your homework. And do not fall for fabricated terrorist threats, homosexuality prejudices, or anti-abortion bills diversions that are specifiy placed to distract YOU from the real issue at hand. Stand up for yourself vote the present politicans out - all of them.
Who will purpose that child if you can't? The local, state and federal government is taking more and more social services benefits away from you all the time; not to mention the jobs that they are permitting big corporations to start up overseas. Corporations can now make their headquarters anywhere; so why should they be loyal to American tuff and our high tax rules?
Do your homework and read materials regarding both sides of the aisle then make your common sense and educated decisions. These things effects you directly so take charge of your life.
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