Monday, May 01, 2006

God bless Oprah!

Oprah just sent her whole staff to a ten day vacation on the island of Maui. The women is a saint. Wouldn't you love to work for Oprah. I'm sure they are all like family.

Saint Oprah is starting a school in Africa and recently her staff was there fixing up and redecorating little girls dorms. The rooms housed little girls who had been abused and were no longer wanted by anyone. One out of four little girls are abused in Africa.
The little girls were laughing and giggling, they were so excited when they opened their doors to their rooms. Oprah was there to share in the excitement. She wore no make-up; that's what I love about Oprah..she is true to herself.

The girls were laughing and giggling then Oprah said. "You deserve it" and one little girl began to cry and hold their heads down, then another, and another, and then I began to cry. These poor little girls didn't think they deserved to be happy or get wonderful things. They hugged Oprah and Oprah held them all close. I guess no one ever cared or gave them such wonderful things; or told them they were wonderful precious beings that were loved. What a moment.. what a saint. To them she is god I'm sure! Yes, God is a woman and her name is Oprah.

I think Oprah should be declared a saint, today now...not wait until she is dead, with a holiday in her name and her picture on every twenty dollar bill that is printed. What a wonderful humanitarian who gives people magical moments

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