Monday, May 08, 2006

No way is there a Segway for me!

Well, I shouldn't have gone I guess in the first place. but I gave it a go yesterday even though the Segway goes against all my principles of getting from point A to B using your own power.

I tried it but the Segway made me feel weird..dizzy when I stepped off. I just didn't like the feeling... I would rather walk, run, or bicycle.

I watched the video and then tried it and then got my $65.00 back... Yes! I was polite and tried it. The other seven did it and loved it; so good for them. Oh, they had some close calls almost running into one another, but nothing serious.

I went home while they did the tour around the park and checked on Emma, my dog, then went back when it was time to play golf. I love golf. I'm getting a new driver; it's on the way, from Ebay.

After golf at dinner..they were feeling sore but had happy stories to share

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