Sunday, July 01, 2007

More of Moore..

I personally really like Michael Moore and thought the documentary/movie "Sicko" was excellently executed with point well taken...I want to move to Canada.

Why? The moment I saw those "very calm" people I was sold! They have no education or heath care worries. Most do not lock their doors. Their leaders do not lead by fear tactics like the not so good old USA.

July 4th, Independence Day, is approaching. Are you independent? Or are you a slave to out-sourcing, off-shoring, bigotry, gay bashing, racist, terrorist, high insurance and education expenses, keeping up with the Jones syndrome, and false propaganda provided by government induced public media tactics such as "the terrorist are in Iraq".

We are being had....hate to say it, but it's true. They are feeding us a line. Words repeated over and over and over again finally stick and permeate throughout the country into neighborhood and group discussions.

My worse fear even more so than this administration are close minded people. Now that truly frightens me. "Michael Moore! I hate that Michael Moore sick. Fahrenheit 11 was enough for me. That's all lies!" says my republican friend angrily. I think it's another reason why Russ Limbaugh has so many listeners. It's just easier to listen and follow and not think for yourself.

People have thought nothing of the government wasting tax payers money for years. I remember as a kid my uncles joking about the $100. hammer or was it a screwdriver. So what goes on today is nothing new only it has escalated to a grand scale. Now, we go to war to protect oil and allow no-bid contracts to vice president's friends to move companies to Iraq for profit. To cut it short: A war for profit. Bush gives them the green light saying the more you spend, the more you get. So big trucks are burned up instead of having the oil changed ....well, you get the picture. Money is wasted so they get more......hard earned tax payer money.

I believe the money would be better suited for social benefits for the people of the United States. For the past seven years, it seems that Bush has been more concerned with getting democracy to the citizens of Iraq. Actually, I think that is all a song and dance routine; one I'm getting very tired of hearing. Mr. Bush, you are OUR president not Iraq's...take care of your own country's needs like providing decent health care for ALL of your citizens.

The republicans seem to always place themselves far above the average and poor people of this country and ignore fact cheat them even further. Nothing like kicking a group of people when they are already down..there in the gutter. But, he's a nice guy this Mr. Bush. Yes, this administration showed their true colors after Katrina hit New Orleans. Well, even before the hurricane hit...the levee was never properly reinforced to begin with. There was no way it could stand a storm of the magnitude of Katrina and they knew it...yet ignored save money. Save, for what. No, in order to stick more money into their own pockets.

This administration runs this country like Ken Lay ran Enron...unethically. Ethical. Now that is a word you sure do not here in Washington. How about integrity. "Bush has integrity". Oh, don't make me laugh! How about: "Cheney is an honorable man." Is that too funny? Doesn't even sound right! Well, I guess Cheney is an honorable to follow CEO's, cronies and the lobbyist who are paying him outrageous amounts of money.

God, I bet they are having a blast in Washington...they must be laughing their heads off at us fools! "Tell them anything. We are the bosses here! They'll believe whatever we tell them! We speak for the American people" Yeah right! They don't speak for me!

Well on with my day..enough of this venting. I do predict; however, that Jeb Bush will be our next sure as Cheney says he has nothing to do with Halliburtion anymore, since he became vice president. No favoritism there at all. I believe it as sure as I know that the president justifies insurance companies, oil and auto to rip off the American people to save themselves a buck and to put more money into CEO's pockets. So what if a fool thousand people die..they're expendable...

And then we have the Christians...yeah...all in the name of God. I think rather, all in the name of Greed.

How about this new Surgeon General who has his own ministry to correct and cure gay people by pray and lessons - I guess.

If people fall for all this crap....well then it's no wonder we are where we are....we truly have no reason to complain because we turn a deaf ear and blind eye to it. As long as we have gas in the tank and food in the belly and credit cards that are not yet maxed out..Oh too, and as long as we are healthy. We have no clue that we are living on borrowed time...on quick sand and soon the bottom will drop out of this economy. People are already loses their homes when they get sick because after accumulating hospital expenses insurance companies decide to bail out and not approve the procedure. So, patients are stuff with the bill and losing their homes.

We need decent health care in this country, affordable, accountable and honest! Hello! Honest! Another word that doesn't fit anywhere anymore. Ever try to buy a car or a pair of glasses....they are trying to rip you off at every turn.

What kind of a country is this...other countries are laughing at us and calling us fools. We are suckers...being ripped off by our own government. So much for government by the people for the people!!!


Anonymous said...

Horror of all horrors, that you should speculate that yet ANOTHER Bush might be our next president!

Do you know something I don't? Has Jeb thrown his hat into the ring?

Perish the thought!

Your post was right-on as usual. (But it's like preaching to the choir, LOL.)

mzzim said...

No, I don't know anything you don't know.. I was merely speaking my fears in hopes by doing so they won't come true. Silly I know...but know George W. was a governor..before he ran for the presidency?