Friday, May 23, 2008

Going to his head already..

Obama comes from no where and has only been around for less than one term in the Senate thinks he is going to talk to communist leaders and evil leaders all over the world and really get somewhere. Just who is this guy? It's almost a joke to me. He's going to stand up against the Arabian oil shrieks. Just who is this guy - the messiah? Oh please! If he gets to big for his britches he better watch his back. The Kennedy's thought they could come in and change the industrial millitary powers that be. Hm. Big business - is just that big business. These are very powerful "men" and who create reasons to go to war over a commodity. It's all about money and they won't let some little "thinks he's god" come along and try to stop them. Big business has everything in place and they won't stand for anything less.

I'm spectuating here, but someone I really don't feel that I am far off target. Obama just better hope he is not one.

See Hillary and Bill know how to work with big business - you have to compromise and do a little bargining and give and take. Personally, I think, if Obama does get elected he will be forced to learn real quick just how really liberal he actually can be. You know when you think of it - who really voted for Obama - college kids. Idealistic at best! And their parents are probably still footing the bill. Easy money.

I think we need people in there who know the inns and outs of Washington and politics.

"Recount" on HBO Sunday at 8:00 PM Central time will deplict the 2000 crooked pull tags in Florida. Oh please. Bush lost there but Cheney and daddy and Rove wouldn't hear of it. So, they fixed the numbers - it was obvious to me. And for some reason - the Democrats wouldn't touch it. There was cause enough to federally investigate this situation. But no Democrat had guts enough - or really rather - is too in cahoot with business - maybe - and let it go. 2000 Bush win was as crooked as the day is long. And then in 2004 they had more voting machines and that was a joke too because big corporations support Repubilcans and program voting machines. Just a simple case of mathematical addition.

See even doctors did cover ups when it came to Presidents health. Money speaks the words you want the public to hear. McCain is probably half dead but we'll never know. He needs a little make up or a little blond hair to match his wives. White men with white hair need to do as their wives and tan and blond. Gags - turns me off. Men sure like their throphy wives - don't they?

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