Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Having Fun!

Yes, I am having fun! And the more that I am around people (who are not) the more I realize just what a bonus to myself I truly am.

Hey, I love myself. If something is wrong in my life I fix it or move around from it. Or, continue to love her in my own treasured memories. I hold no ill feeling toward anyone.

There is no reason to have ill feelings. Sometimes, what seems as a lost, can actually be a blessing we are not yet aware of.

I am capable of loving and that is a blessing in itself. I do not waddle in pain, misery or despair as so many do. I believe that if I am unhappy, then it's time to move on....okay, okay, so it took me a few years to come to that point. I admit, for the longest time I guess I didn't realize how unhappy I actually was. It wasn't all her fault; it was me, I was changing...growing, I hope. To bad I wasted the time for all involved and for that I am sorry - for all concerned.

I sure hope that the people I was surrounded with, inappropriately call "family" have forgotten me. I am gone! Color me gone! Please! I am having fun...they were absolutely miserable in their own skin and tried to drag me down there with them.....thank god I got out.

Better late than never. Sometimes I wonder if that is half the reason why people get sick; is it there only means of signaling attention, getting what they think or their needs met. Is getting sick a means of gaining power and control in a miserable situation? It an adult's way of "acting out" I guess. Well maybe? We all handle to ordeals of life differently.

Sometimes I wonder why we, as heavenly spirits are visiting here on earth, lifetime after life time...what are we trying to learn? Is it to learn to love ourselves and others. If that's it, then I'm done.. I've learned my lesson. Oh, I get it. I guess I am supposed to teach other's now through example.

But, you know what, people are so swallow, or lost in themselves that they don't even begin to get the message of life. They certainly do not see the whole picture.

I think it's amazing. I walked with my friend this morning who is really stuff in a losing relationship. They merely occuply the same residence and one is not holding up to her share of the bargin. Entitlement is an amazing thing to me. Just exactly where does that come from? Divorced parents trying to make amends?

People are amazing...I hope that I am gaining knowledge and wisdom while I am here this trip around and that I am becoming a better human being.

I visited with a somewhat negative friend this morning. What ever I suggested as a way of activity and recreation, she didn't like, or couldn't do.

Me? Do even suggest that I can't handle something to not be able to do something. Most people automatically put themselves in another place. Why? We are all unique and wonderful.. I repeat....souls (spirits) visiting here on earth. And yes, I believe firmly, that yes you will keep coming back until to get it right. Sometimes, I wonder if that is why some people no matter how young see wise and old and are very intelligent. Maybe they have been here a few times before?

Amyway, maybe it's not my job to understand every other waking heart; maybe it is just my job to understand my own. I do love meeting people and connecting with with me...some just naturally more than others.

I appreciate so much in life...could it be my age? I must say that I love the skimpliness of summer dressing. Hey, I'm looking as long as my eyes can see. And I dreaming too. I am very sexual and sensual. Did I mention I look good?

Yes, working out at some sort of exercise everyday does truly pay off: yoga, running, bicycling..I need to get to the pool too. Maybe tomorrow!

Yes, I am having fun! I have no complaints and I thank the universe for my happiness and my own heart. I thank the people who are in my life are who have past through my life as teachers and lovers. I can see them now... mental images of them.

I am too surrounded by a family of friends. I am healthy, safe ( I hope, please continue to protect me on the streets and healthwise - thank you) and most of all happy. But, more than that I am grateful that I do realize the blessings in my life. Realizing and being thankful are key to happiness.

I have put people in places where I have needed them.. the power lies within each and every one of us....the church would rather we not know that....because we would have no need for them then. Namaste!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

off da hizzle!