Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Create My Day

I'm up and at it and getting ready to go for a run and ride at the trail around the lake. It is very cloudy and overcast with seventy degrees and ninety percent humidity but it is time for me to work out.

So, I'll take a Accel Gel pack or two along and get going. There is a nice breeze too. I had a wonderful fulfilling day yesterday with a promise of more for next Tuesday afternoon. It was wonderful.

I have promised not to look back, only towards the future with hope of youth in my heart. I'm getting younger by the minute. My day will be magical and fabulous!

And I look good! She'll love me! The young one will love me. Is that selfish? I don't care! I have a lot to offer. Trust me I'll be reasonable. No really! Besides, I'm young, in my thirties, inside and out. Watch me. This will be a magical day.

It I want it bad enough it will come. Funny, how I partnered up with someone who needs it as bad as I do. I heard the magic words and I think I heard them from A too. Such magical moments with reality in the making. M didn't necessarily mean me; she was merely calling out to the universe and I picked up on it. So what about A? I'm too scared with A, but I feel love in my heart for her and always, can't wait to see her.

I wish I could see the good doctor (not in an emergency situation, please). Two years back she saved my life (emotionally). It's time for payback; now, I have here for her!

Universe, thank you for all of my many blessings and the ones yet to come. And I thank you for my friends too, who forget to thank you. Please keep us safe, sound, happy, sexually fulfilled and healthy, wealthy and wise. Please give the doctors an extra special wonderful day and the teachers. Thank you!

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