Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Designated Living or Discrimination?

It seems the average Joe cannot afford to purchase a home these days so more buildings are being converted into apartments and new apartments buildings are being built.

But, one thing I do not like to read in the paper is that apartments designed and designated for seniors or those over age 55. Is this assisted living? Is this segregation?

But, never-the-less, I wonder how many of these people get out and run every morning, enter running races or biathlons?

I guess this upsets me because the very idea of specified living puts a certain age group into certain categories. Evidently it is believed that when you reach a certain age you begin to fall apart and need medicine and aid in getting around.

I'm insulted because I do not fit the "norm" of course I never have fit the norm! For one thing I'm a "feminine" lesbian so I am anti typical in that respect according to statistics if any have ever been taken. Actually, it was one of the reasons I stayed in the closet as long as I did. I just knew that I could not be a lesbian because I wasn't butch. Now who is discriminating? Me, I am.

I guess I just do not like to be put into a neat little category or package so psychologist who are making studies and news media can identify the likes of me.

Just how many lesbians do you know who are feminine? Can you spot them? Personally, I know quit a few. Fifteen years ago I didn't; but the younger ones, in their thirties and early forties are more feminine. They do not feel that they have to act butch to be a lesbian. I think there is nothing more sexy then seeing two feminine woman obviously in love.

Why does society and media have to put everything in a neat little "negative" box? And how dare you put me in a building with 55 and older who are fat, inactive and therefore on medicine? What is wrong with people? Don't they know 60 is the new 30, okay, 40! I'll take it! Do you know how many 40 year old women run? Don't put me in a neat little category to fit your needs just because you may be well, let's just say, sedentary! It's insulting to me! I can run circles around you so don't insult me!

Because I got the message at a very early age and learned that I must take care of myself by exercising and eating well and balanced.

I expect a lot from myself and I deliver! That's the secret people! Wake up to it! Mostly we, ourselves, create our bodies and our environments; our realities! Because of "past" social norms, our grandmothers, most women think that when they reach a certain age they should spread out and be fat and on blood pressure and cholesterol lowering medicine. It's not necessary people nor is be diabetic. It just doesn't happen with age; but, it does happen if you are perpetually inactive. Of course, you can begin to be active and healthier at any age. So, get going.

And when you go for a walk do not stroll. I can't stand it! Strolling on a treadmill or down the sidewalk is not exercise. Pick up the pact. Not feeling sorry for yourself. Where do you get that notion anyway?

Take control! You are the master of your existence. The power lies within you if you are eager enough to explore the possibilities. Why wimp away from power.

I can remember when I was very young, girls do not "sweat" because it was unladylike and impolite. Girls were suppose sit and look pretty and watch their boyfriends have all the fun participating in active sports. I believe that is why so many older women are on medicines and physically falling apart. They never learned to sweat and exercise. Thank god, for Title Nine. Thank you President Nixon who signed into law the bill that certain amounts of school funding went to girls' sports and scholarships. My dear sweet 26 year old friend got a four year college softball scholarship. What a wonderful break for her! Today she is a successful teacher.

These are the women of today and the future. I love them! My neighbor next door and so many more in the neighborhood get out and run every morning. I'm just about to get out there and join them. I love living in an active neighborhood.

Women today are independent, strong, brilliant, and more are becoming doctors than men. More women today finish college then twenty years ago; today more women finish then men.

When I was college age, women were discouraged from trying to go to college or the media said they went to college to find a husband so they could get married and become wives and mothers. Thank you self serving male orientated media of the 60's and 70's. It was pure hell living in society then. Women were categorized in the sixties, told what we could do and not do; told what was expected of us and don't dare color outside the lines for fear of being call a slot or whore or dyke. A strong determined women was called a bitch!

Men were so threatened if their girlfriend expressed a thought of their own, much less want to get an education. Thank god for the seventies and protest (against VietNam and corrupted government).

Never let any one anywhere put in neatly in a box! Groups? How dare you put me in a group of older citizens. I have the figure of a sexy forty year old. How dare you encircle me and try to make me yours. I'm not! I have never belonged to anyone. I sing my own tunes and dance to my own distinct drum beat! Don't try to lasso me and draw me in with stereotypical types.

Recently I was with a crowd of lesbians, younger than myself. I'd say between 45 and 55 and they all looked the same wide bottoms and close cropped hair? Why? Oh they were happy and partnered. On meds, great for the pharmaceutical companies.

I will never be like anyone else. I am unique in all the world! I am admired! Oh yes, it does take work! Actually, it doesn't - it's fun and wonderful, this active life of mine.

Designated living or discrimination? That's society for you - assuming. Never assume, where I am concerned never! It's insulting!

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