Friday, September 29, 2006

It's time for women to step up to the plate

and I don't mean dinner plate; I mean the presidential plate!

Come on - men have been messing things up since the beginning of time, it's about women now! Finally, women are tied of sitting in the passenger seat and demand control of the wheel.

To consider women in powerful positions simply think about men and women acting out daily rolls. Look at the traditional family for example. Whatever the man didn't want to do he designated his wife to do. She could barely get him to take out the garage much less change a diaper. He hide in the garage or dwell ed into sports. He would prefer to buy the biggest TV instead of a refrigerator for his family. He must have his toys; big toys like the biggest and buy pick-up. Bragging rights! He's all about bragging rights, teaching, preaching, being loud. Hear me or else, mam ma! If you don't do what I want, I'll punch you! Really piss me off and I'll kill you! Ignore me and I'll start a war! Traditionally, who held the family together? Who balanced the checkbook and laid his clothes out each morning? Yes, who was controlled and told to be a housewife and mother. Oh, you want a job? Let's see, your a woman, so you can be a nurse, teacher or librarian. No, you can only do a women's job. See the paper - the job listed are grouped into men and women job. Thank you local paper, male oriented editors at large. Thank you for keeping me in my place. I'm too stupid to think for myself so thank you! Oh, and thank you for Affirmative Action. Yeah right! You got women and minorities men's good jobs if they were union that is. Even today a woman may be doing the same job as a man and probably better yet she doesn't get equal pay even though she may be head of household. Gee, and I thought men loved their mothers, sister, and wives? I guess not afterall. How can you be so insensitive to women and marry one? Hm? Oh, I know, she you can have a trophy wife, she can be the mother of your children, so she can cook, clean and do your laundry, and be your whore all for free! What a deal! Yet (in the fifties) you held all the rights and power over her. You could even have her institutionalized if she didn't behave.

Of course my vote is for the underdog! The woman! Women are gentle souls who know that their actions can and do have an affect on others. Men only see what they want in that moment and don't care about the consequences of their behavior as long as they get what they want.

Can men go along with having a women as president of their country? Men like war, power and the pursue of every billion they can make - just as long as they are making more than their buddies. It's all about competition and death and take over. I want what you have! When is enough enough?

Dr. Michelle Bachele has just been elected president of Chile. She is single and agnostic in a predominately Catholic country (where aren't they?). She has had a child out of wedlock. She is a pediatric physician. The country was ruled by a dictator (a man of course). Her father was a general and died in prison. She and her mother where there with him. She won the election and beat out a billionaire! Was the democratic country ready for change? You bet!

Ted Turner according to "The View" thinks its time for women to get on board and fix the mess the men have made. Women who are less competitive, less aggressive but driven by their beliefs and would make good leaders.

Is our country ready for change? I hope so! We have so many red-necks in this country though that it is shameless. Republican politicians hide behind the Catholic religion when most of these "men" are nothing more than political enthusiasts out to line their monetary pockets. Just follow the money - OIL money that is and before you know ole Jeb's a millionaire!

The Bush dynasty (need I say more?) has positioned key players in tragical places. Cheney's Haliburton (no bid contacts) in the Middle East. Jeb Bush governor of Florida - how convenient is that? Dare I say "pre-programed" voting computers in every state and locale.

And large corporations - do they look at the full picture? The future? Oh the stock market may be humming along today but what happens when there are more businesses and paid workers in others countries than here. Will huge industries and corporations keep their headquarters in the USA. Is there a need for a general headquarters still or just head offices in each country?

What happens when all the good paying jobs leave this country? There will be no social services base because social services will finally reach the negative point after paying out more than is possible to receive.

Most people in the USA have at least six to ten thousand dollars balance on their credit cards at any given time. This means they are living way beyond their income and evidently poverty will catch up with them. Most people living in the USA are probably two months from being homeless if they should lose their jobs and their parents are already deceased or they are immigrants.

Those "jobs no body wants" may be the only jobs available for "anybody" in this country on day! Think about it people? What good is being a lawyer, doctor, dentist, builder, or anyone for that matter if no want can afford you; if most people are working at below minimum wage jobs. Can you afford a $30,000 and up automobile? Can you afford a $599,000.00 house or condo? Can you even afford $1000. rent for every month? Not on minimum wage?

The people who live in poverty in this country should invite Mr. Bush to come live with them for a month and see the real USA.

The middle class is declining and slipping away to India and other country where IT technicians and brilliant software geniuses prevail.

Mr. Bush is allowing industry and corporations to sell the USA down the river of denial on the way to India. Mr. Bush cares nothing about how you live or what kind of money you make. He hasn't a clue and if he did he wouldn't care. Because Mr Bush and the rest of the dynasty only care about how they appear to their cronies. Bragging rights, it's all about bragging rights among men. Men are out to impress men! Are they gay? I would say to a certain degree most men are gay! They are gay because they worry about impressing and keeping up with their buddies. Who would men rather watch a football game with? Who would men rather go fishing with and drink beer with? Other men - they'll gay!

I'm a lesbian and prefer the company of women - for everything! See the math is simple! Just do the math people!

And why are some men so sensitive and hate gays. Well, you know the answer to that? We usually hate in others what we hate most about ourselves. Simple math people, just do the math.

Personally, I think all men need more estrogen flowing in the veins. I much rather prefer the company of gay men. They are sensitive and thoughtful most of them and they know how to dress and decorate.

Now, I ask you, do you a straight women would elect Hillary as president. Well maybe a modern free spirited woman who thinks for herself. A Title Nine woman would probably vote for a woman in principle. But, I can tell you right now the whole time Hilary is in office, the crooked Republicans will spent every possible tax payer's dime to ditch the dirt on her. Of course Mr Ken Star has already done that and didn't the female attorney general, you know the tall one, invite him to do so? How ignorant was that? They caved on that one! How dare the Republicans spend our tax base on such selfish "personal" battles.

And as far as Iraq is concerned politically we are spinning our wheels there. Those people will never be free in that self-destructive country. You know if MEN didn't have to be dictators, pushy bastards, little babies who demand attention this whole planet would be much better off.

Men demand to be seen and heard thus the big ass super sized stupid looking little dick trucks you see pushing their way down the streets. They are so high profile they look about to tobel over in any slight gust of wind. Jacked up wheels for the little dicks demanding mamma's attention. Men studies show that men cannot hear women's voices but can hear men's voices just fine. A women, later a man, went to MIT and did a math question the other's, men or women in the class couldn't do. The professor suggested that her boyfriend solved the problem. The student later a boy suggested that society automatically assume that women are less good then men when women are just as good. Men are arragant! Women applying for grants had to preform much more tasks in application because MIT is negatively bias towards women. Women just do not get the chance to prove themselves. A transgender man realizes the major bias towards women, he knows becuase he was once a woman. He knows both sides. Woman are just as talented as men. Both men and women should get equal chance.

Women's minds wander in the bedroom while they are making love with a man. My mind does not wander in the bedroom when I am making love to my woman partner. Maybe the woman who cannot keep her mind on what's at hand needs to be with a woman.

Oprah's show Monday is entitled "Gay Wives". Let's face it! Many women get married due to social demands and they don't want to look like odd balls! There are just as many gay men getting married to women when they should really be with the same sex. Why does church, state, and subseqently family degrade homosexuality! Who cares? What business is it of yours who I love and make love too. If you are approached just say "no thank you" just like a would if a member of the opposite sex approached or flirted with you. Lighten up! Or are you getting upset for a reason? Are you gay? Are you suppressing feelings for a member of the same sex?

Men rule! Will they certainly need to be seem. They have a quintessential need to project projectiles in the air and on to people. Move over I'm coming through. I'm more important than you! I'm bigger and therefore smarter. I can take what I want. I hate men who make "proud" excuses for themselves. They know they are ignorant and are proud of it. You hit me first! Yes, thank god for little boys what would the war ever do without them. Yes, we need bullying and hatred in the world. Men are pretty good at bullying and pushing people around or they do an about face and are big babies!

As long as I get what I want I don't care if I pollute up the whole planet and destroy it as long as I get to drive my expensive gas guzzling noisy, stinking big ass truck. Because I'm a moron and a big baby who demands attention.

Men need mothers and I think we need a mother in the white house and many more on Capitol Hill.

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