uninsured. There are bills in congress to try to correct this problem. I feel if we do not concentrate more on our own country's needs we will become like a third world country. This country is regressing where social services and health care matters are concerned. As a society we should be progressing. This is shameful but typical of our government. As Rosie says on "The View". "The government should be working for us." I say the government is spending our tax dollars only for special interest, theirs and corporations. Our government is not asking or giving breaks to corporations to provide group health and dental insurance for employees. Instead more and more corporations do not want the added hassle and expense and the government is allowing them to get away with it. Group insurance provided through companies and corporations is so much cheaper for employees. Of course, the government could step in and tell the insurance companies to lower their rates and think more about volume rather than targeting the upper middle class only who can afford the heavy cost of insurance.
And then, even if insured, an insured person never knows when the insurance company is going to bail and suddenly decide they do not cover certain procedures or situation cases or things that may come up within a covered case. I feel that the government should step in and provide safeguards to insure-es.
Things need to change in Washington. We, the tax payer, need to make more demands on our representative and senators. We should be outraged!
One case in point regarding lack of affordable insurance or of employees not offering group rates insurance plans: A young nine year old boy with an abscessed tooth. The bacteria went to his brain and in a few days. After complaining of a tooth ache and not feeling good she took him to the emergency room where after a couple of days he died. They had no insurance.
It appears that I am an exception because I have been fortunate throughout my working career to have dental insurance provided. I also made a decent "union" wage (something republicans want to do away with - again working for corporations instead of the American tax payer). But, even though I still have to pay about half the costs of my dental procedures, it is a great monetary aid to have the insurance. I have always gone regularly twice a year for dental hygiene. I am very fortunate and I know it.
So, why can't the government make dental and regular health care available to all classes of people. Actually, we nearly have only two classes in this country a very few rich and many poor. Yes, the middle class as we have always known it and most of us felt part of is depleting at a rapid pace. And the class separation in this country is growing ever wider and wider and our government enables this separation between the extreme affluent and the poor class by favoring the rich CEO's of corporations.
Why do we have this huge ever growing increase in the poor sectors of this country? I think we need to point the finger at our political leaders who are so engrossed in making money for their corporate friends and "themselves". In reality our political leaders are business men taking advantage of high political positions. I think that big changes need to be made in Washington.
It is so obvious to me that government is only interested in money making for themselves and corporations and not providing jobs and insurance for the poor which will only perpetuate the existing problem. Consider New Orleans and the Katrina situation in which the government ignored a whole sector of people..starting way back when, when they ignored the credibility of the water's dykes and levies in that area.
Where are our ethics? There is no honor and integrity in our political or corporate system. But instead it appears to me that they are all out for the almighty buck, even the Christians, and both of those groups exploit the general population with their greedy self-serving processes! Just how much money and power do some people need? Where is the humanity?
Shouldn't the government be setting a good example for the rest of the nation to follow. If every one carried on like the church or government, we would be in jail for robbery or on death row for murder.
I think we can all agree that war is never necessary for peace. I think all nations can talk about our differences and work something out. But that is in a cause for "peace". What if the cause is monetary. What if the war is for profit for thousands of companies? Sorry to say, "they" would have us think that war is for world peace.
Just follow the money and it will all make sense. "Who has the most to gain?" Ask yourself. Well, there are at least 100,000 companies in Iraq who are making money. Yes, the taxes you pay are not going for social benefits for you the tax payer. No, the taxes you have paid and will pay are going into the profits of those companies that are even wasting your money in Iraq. Please see the DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profiteers". It's a real eye opener.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
See what happens when..
you are not afraid? Kids who are encouraged to shine and be themselves are not afraid to try and do anything and their talents emerge. Nothing holds them back! Examples: Von Smith, Jennifer Hudson, and Fantasia. The later two are American Idol contestants who made it big. And they are not skinny! Amazing! About Von Smith..she say Jennifer Hudson's song "You're gonna love me!" on The View the other morning! Oh my god! His sister submitted his video to U2 is how he got recognized.
Tell me why white girls are so pressured to look like Barbie dolls? In white women's minds they can never measure up - measure up to what? Something created out of a mold of plastic?
Just don't play along. Be your own person and everyone in their minds and hearts will celebrate your uniqueness. As a kid I thought the coolest people were the ones who had their own look and a huge presentation of knowing who they were. They had confidence and a aura of pride about them.
Tell me why white girls are so pressured to look like Barbie dolls? In white women's minds they can never measure up - measure up to what? Something created out of a mold of plastic?
Just don't play along. Be your own person and everyone in their minds and hearts will celebrate your uniqueness. As a kid I thought the coolest people were the ones who had their own look and a huge presentation of knowing who they were. They had confidence and a aura of pride about them.
Rosie on "The View"
goes one on one with Elizabeth and Joy chimes in. I love it! Of course, I agree with Rosie's views usually, and Joy's.
They were discussing the Bob Woodruff's special last night and showed the clip where the guy tells Bob about the "gag" order the government has on the actual number of wounded and brain damaged soldiers as a result of the war in Iraq. Well, for one thing, the truth would discourage new enlistments. (my thoughts: instead they more or less trick possible recruits by making the service seems like a "vacation" of partying).
Bob Woodruff was lucky with his injuries and I'm sure since he is a while known journalist, he got the royal treatment. So royal, he is absolutely fine although he was in a coma for 36 days. I guess it took the brain that long to heal itself. God, the human body is so remarkable! The language center was destroyed in Bob says the doctors yet, he is back to work, wrote a book and was on Oprah and did this special.
Bob reveals so much about the war when he goes back to interview other brain wounded soldiers. It seems that many or most VA hospitals around the country are not equipped to work with such extended brain damage that these wounded soldiers are shipped home with.
Another show to watch is the ABC World News Now which was on very early this morning 2/28/07 for two hours.. I recorded it. It states the facts that many soldiers find out when they home that they are charged hundreds of dollars for their uniforms.
We need people like Rosie, even if she does get on a lot of people's nerves, because she make the viewers think! And she reaches many ordinary people who happen to be sitting in the auto repair waiting room and possible, hopefully, makes then think about what is going on.
Elizabeth defended the Homeland Security and said it was okay with her with they listened in on her phone conversations. Rosie thought they should be rid of Homeland Security and refer to the Constitution once again. She says thank god we still have freedom of speech.
Anyway, it's all very interesting and makes you think. Elizabeth still defines the Bush Administration. Rosie says the administration should be an administration for the people. "Bush works for us." Rosie adamantly states and I agree. Anyway he should work for us, but apparently the Bush Administration is working for the more than 100,000 companies in Iraq (and probably ready to jump at the chance to move to Iran) making money hand over fist. The money they are making is government money - your tax dollars at work people! Yes, your tax dollar that are not going into "your" social services funds but are going into the pockets of companies and "you" the tax payers are getting neglected and riped off.
The VA hospitals are not equipped to properly treat brain damaged wounded soldiers for one thing. The soldiers were never properly trained or safety equipped to begin with and once more, let's face it people, it's a war for the military industrial machinery profits. Again I suggest you watch "Iraq for sale: War for profiteers". Join Netflexs and get the DVD or go to Blockbuster and rent it. You need to be made aware.. after all it's your tax dollars at work here ..
They were discussing the Bob Woodruff's special last night and showed the clip where the guy tells Bob about the "gag" order the government has on the actual number of wounded and brain damaged soldiers as a result of the war in Iraq. Well, for one thing, the truth would discourage new enlistments. (my thoughts: instead they more or less trick possible recruits by making the service seems like a "vacation" of partying).
Bob Woodruff was lucky with his injuries and I'm sure since he is a while known journalist, he got the royal treatment. So royal, he is absolutely fine although he was in a coma for 36 days. I guess it took the brain that long to heal itself. God, the human body is so remarkable! The language center was destroyed in Bob says the doctors yet, he is back to work, wrote a book and was on Oprah and did this special.
Bob reveals so much about the war when he goes back to interview other brain wounded soldiers. It seems that many or most VA hospitals around the country are not equipped to work with such extended brain damage that these wounded soldiers are shipped home with.
Another show to watch is the ABC World News Now which was on very early this morning 2/28/07 for two hours.. I recorded it. It states the facts that many soldiers find out when they home that they are charged hundreds of dollars for their uniforms.
We need people like Rosie, even if she does get on a lot of people's nerves, because she make the viewers think! And she reaches many ordinary people who happen to be sitting in the auto repair waiting room and possible, hopefully, makes then think about what is going on.
Elizabeth defended the Homeland Security and said it was okay with her with they listened in on her phone conversations. Rosie thought they should be rid of Homeland Security and refer to the Constitution once again. She says thank god we still have freedom of speech.
Anyway, it's all very interesting and makes you think. Elizabeth still defines the Bush Administration. Rosie says the administration should be an administration for the people. "Bush works for us." Rosie adamantly states and I agree. Anyway he should work for us, but apparently the Bush Administration is working for the more than 100,000 companies in Iraq (and probably ready to jump at the chance to move to Iran) making money hand over fist. The money they are making is government money - your tax dollars at work people! Yes, your tax dollar that are not going into "your" social services funds but are going into the pockets of companies and "you" the tax payers are getting neglected and riped off.
The VA hospitals are not equipped to properly treat brain damaged wounded soldiers for one thing. The soldiers were never properly trained or safety equipped to begin with and once more, let's face it people, it's a war for the military industrial machinery profits. Again I suggest you watch "Iraq for sale: War for profiteers". Join Netflexs and get the DVD or go to Blockbuster and rent it. You need to be made aware.. after all it's your tax dollars at work here ..
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a social group! No kidding!
I'm watching "Primetime" and it's a piece told by the mother of a loser son. She's 50's and he's 30's I guess. He's a jail bird that can't find a job. He is hanging out at her house. He has never supported himself or his kids with a real job. He has a 16 year of daughter who is pregnant by a another loser, a drug dealer. The idiot drug dealer want the girl to have the baby. Now is that a joke - like he is going to support her and the baby. These people live in a dream world. What a laugh! The mother wants her grand daughter to have an abortion. The idiot grand daughter wants the baby. These people are idiots! Now you know the grand mother is going to have to rise the drug induced baby. The father is back again.. and less and less involved. They crazy woman loves this grown son and the mother prays that the grown son gets arrested again. The grand mother takes her grand daughter to a home for unwed mothers. But she runs away to her boyfriends house.
Thank god, I don't have kids! The 16 year old daughter runs away. The son has gone. The grand mother waits outside the black drug dealer's house he won't speak to her, says he hasn't seen the girl.. but he probably has.
I guess that crazy sixteen year old thinks that idiot drug dealing boyfriend is going to take care of her. She walks away from the only constant thing in her life - her grand mother. She is four months pregnant and high! She is a loser like the old man. The old man finally left after he messed up his daughter's life. Oh, he sponged off his mother long enough to screw up his kids then he leaves.
People are so stupid! They have no idea that jail time gets you - no jobs! Well, this society does not give you a second chance and people are too ignorant to know that.
This woman is raising her grand children. A quarter of all grand parents who raise their grand daugthers and great grand kids live below the poverty line. Otherwise the kids would be abandoned by these young idiots.
This other woman's daughter said drugs came before kids. She is on heroin. The grand mother bought the daughter a house and the daughter abandoned kids. The daughter is a big fat drug addict who only cares about drugs. The grown daughter keeps wanting more chances. The grand mother needs to act like her grown daughter is dead.. so in fact she is dead.. because the grown daughter is a loser and she thinks her mother will always be there. The grand mother said it's over with the drug addicted daughter.. she says it's over.
The first grand mother has not yet hardened her heart. I think the second grand mother is right.. without "unconditional" love. This fat loser daughter as yet another third baby.. these people are nuts!
And the grand mother's are nuts for putting up with their loser grown kids. Actually, they are in a way enablers. Of course the grown son and daughter will continue their negative behavior because they think mother will always bail them out. I think mother should have kicked them in the ass long time ago. But, instead, the mother said in not so making words but in action that she would always be there for them and cover up and take care of their mistakes which are usually drug babies. Will now that grand mother and to raise yet another baby!
In all likely hood the young 16 year old mother will probably abandon that baby just like she was abandoned.
Because more than 10% of the population is raising grand children, Hillary Clinton has introducted legislation so grand parents who are raising grand children can get the same amount of funds as foster parents receive.
I'm watching "Primetime" and it's a piece told by the mother of a loser son. She's 50's and he's 30's I guess. He's a jail bird that can't find a job. He is hanging out at her house. He has never supported himself or his kids with a real job. He has a 16 year of daughter who is pregnant by a another loser, a drug dealer. The idiot drug dealer want the girl to have the baby. Now is that a joke - like he is going to support her and the baby. These people live in a dream world. What a laugh! The mother wants her grand daughter to have an abortion. The idiot grand daughter wants the baby. These people are idiots! Now you know the grand mother is going to have to rise the drug induced baby. The father is back again.. and less and less involved. They crazy woman loves this grown son and the mother prays that the grown son gets arrested again. The grand mother takes her grand daughter to a home for unwed mothers. But she runs away to her boyfriends house.
Thank god, I don't have kids! The 16 year old daughter runs away. The son has gone. The grand mother waits outside the black drug dealer's house he won't speak to her, says he hasn't seen the girl.. but he probably has.
I guess that crazy sixteen year old thinks that idiot drug dealing boyfriend is going to take care of her. She walks away from the only constant thing in her life - her grand mother. She is four months pregnant and high! She is a loser like the old man. The old man finally left after he messed up his daughter's life. Oh, he sponged off his mother long enough to screw up his kids then he leaves.
People are so stupid! They have no idea that jail time gets you - no jobs! Well, this society does not give you a second chance and people are too ignorant to know that.
This woman is raising her grand children. A quarter of all grand parents who raise their grand daugthers and great grand kids live below the poverty line. Otherwise the kids would be abandoned by these young idiots.
This other woman's daughter said drugs came before kids. She is on heroin. The grand mother bought the daughter a house and the daughter abandoned kids. The daughter is a big fat drug addict who only cares about drugs. The grown daughter keeps wanting more chances. The grand mother needs to act like her grown daughter is dead.. so in fact she is dead.. because the grown daughter is a loser and she thinks her mother will always be there. The grand mother said it's over with the drug addicted daughter.. she says it's over.
The first grand mother has not yet hardened her heart. I think the second grand mother is right.. without "unconditional" love. This fat loser daughter as yet another third baby.. these people are nuts!
And the grand mother's are nuts for putting up with their loser grown kids. Actually, they are in a way enablers. Of course the grown son and daughter will continue their negative behavior because they think mother will always bail them out. I think mother should have kicked them in the ass long time ago. But, instead, the mother said in not so making words but in action that she would always be there for them and cover up and take care of their mistakes which are usually drug babies. Will now that grand mother and to raise yet another baby!
In all likely hood the young 16 year old mother will probably abandon that baby just like she was abandoned.
Because more than 10% of the population is raising grand children, Hillary Clinton has introducted legislation so grand parents who are raising grand children can get the same amount of funds as foster parents receive.
Ellen You Rock!
Ellen! You did a fabulous job hosting the Oscars! Ellen you Rock! And this type color matches your tear filled eyes of gratitude!
Remember about the year 1993 when she came out on her sitcom then couldn't find a job. No one called her. Jeep pulled out of the commercials when they hear she was coming out.
But the lesbians were winners that evening. Ellen and her partner Portia were there. Melissa Etheridge and her partner were there. They all were winners!
There is another lesbian in the spotlight and that is Rosie O'Donnell on "The View" and she has a partner Kelly whom she speaks of all the time.
It's the year of the woman and may I say lesbian woman. I just thought of something - profound too, I might add. It seems that the more butch of the couples are the ones more public! Oddly enough! Interesting! Very interesting!
Personally I don't want to be one or the other... I just want to love. I think I'm "not" butch. I'm sitting here thinking of my friend couples that I know and I'm visualizing and going "butch, butch, butch, butch, " Hm! I'm not seeing any feminine images. Oh well! This is the Midwest..someone told me that the most butch are in the Midwest. But, the younger woman I see now are more feminine. In fact, they look straight to me in dress and mannerisms. God, they are so cute! Why was I born too soon! I can't wait to die and come back and do it all over again. Yes, I would certainly be a lesbian. When I see a man and woman together. I think what's in it for her? No breast, no round curves, no sweet tender gentle heart, no softeness. Men could never grip my heart and lock on like a sweet woman. Too bad I couldn't come out (damn church) until mid-wife. Not fair! Don't judge me - not until you have had both I have had have. Too bad I didn't start with women, I know I never would have had a man. From the time was was four or six years old I have had crushes on girls and women. So, yes, I believe I was born that way.
During the L Word episode last Sunday one of the character's lines to Max was. Los Angeles is for the feminine and San Francisco is more for butch. She wondered out loud if that is why Max was transcending from female to male in Los Angeles? Of course she was beautifully feminine.
I'm feminine and want feminine. Well, you know not extreme.. just wonderful - like the good doctor. I miss her and think about her a lot. Wish I could see her on a weekly basis.
Damn I have big hands. No, I'm looking at my hands as I type and they are big! Wide! Maybe they appear so because my wrists are dainty and small :) Kidding!
I think I have a slight cold. I'm fighting one. I can feel it and my nose runs all the time. Today I had business to take care of so tomorrow I want to run and swim. I can't wait! I better stop eating so I fit in my suit. Hope I don't look like an idiot. It's a two piece. Or I could wear the one piece that I have but it's older and gets very heavy when wet. I'll be running with my little pack on my back so I may go with the two piece. Reminds me. I ordered another tank type two piece from Speedo and haven't seen anything in email regarding it..
Later.. I need to check..
Remember about the year 1993 when she came out on her sitcom then couldn't find a job. No one called her. Jeep pulled out of the commercials when they hear she was coming out.
But the lesbians were winners that evening. Ellen and her partner Portia were there. Melissa Etheridge and her partner were there. They all were winners!
There is another lesbian in the spotlight and that is Rosie O'Donnell on "The View" and she has a partner Kelly whom she speaks of all the time.
It's the year of the woman and may I say lesbian woman. I just thought of something - profound too, I might add. It seems that the more butch of the couples are the ones more public! Oddly enough! Interesting! Very interesting!
Personally I don't want to be one or the other... I just want to love. I think I'm "not" butch. I'm sitting here thinking of my friend couples that I know and I'm visualizing and going "butch, butch, butch, butch, " Hm! I'm not seeing any feminine images. Oh well! This is the Midwest..someone told me that the most butch are in the Midwest. But, the younger woman I see now are more feminine. In fact, they look straight to me in dress and mannerisms. God, they are so cute! Why was I born too soon! I can't wait to die and come back and do it all over again. Yes, I would certainly be a lesbian. When I see a man and woman together. I think what's in it for her? No breast, no round curves, no sweet tender gentle heart, no softeness. Men could never grip my heart and lock on like a sweet woman. Too bad I couldn't come out (damn church) until mid-wife. Not fair! Don't judge me - not until you have had both I have had have. Too bad I didn't start with women, I know I never would have had a man. From the time was was four or six years old I have had crushes on girls and women. So, yes, I believe I was born that way.
During the L Word episode last Sunday one of the character's lines to Max was. Los Angeles is for the feminine and San Francisco is more for butch. She wondered out loud if that is why Max was transcending from female to male in Los Angeles? Of course she was beautifully feminine.
I'm feminine and want feminine. Well, you know not extreme.. just wonderful - like the good doctor. I miss her and think about her a lot. Wish I could see her on a weekly basis.
Damn I have big hands. No, I'm looking at my hands as I type and they are big! Wide! Maybe they appear so because my wrists are dainty and small :) Kidding!
I think I have a slight cold. I'm fighting one. I can feel it and my nose runs all the time. Today I had business to take care of so tomorrow I want to run and swim. I can't wait! I better stop eating so I fit in my suit. Hope I don't look like an idiot. It's a two piece. Or I could wear the one piece that I have but it's older and gets very heavy when wet. I'll be running with my little pack on my back so I may go with the two piece. Reminds me. I ordered another tank type two piece from Speedo and haven't seen anything in email regarding it..
Later.. I need to check..
Truly Magical Moments..
Oh my gosh! Yes! She sends me high..I think it took me a day to recover! What she does to me! Through the ceiling and out the roof! I guess it's not the quantity, but the quality. Maybe there is something to say about "weekly". I don't know? All I know is that I hope I can wait five more days and 18 hours and 36 minutes before I see her again. I can't share this with anyone but you. You know! Some things you just have to express! Well, for one thing..she's married. He knows! He's her best friend! I don't know that she and I are exacting compatible in any other way. Maybe, sometimes we just need that special someone in our lives.. why not? It's therapeutic! It probably wouldn't be as special if we were always together. It all began as acquaintances discussing and discovering our mutual and personal needs in a twenty minute conversation one day many months ago. And now it's moments just for us that are priceless! Moments that are healing, holistic and magical!
I believe that life should not be mundane but mystical, magical and filled with wonderful love and loving ways. We celebrate life! We are both happy and content the rest of the week. We have no other expectations other then what we have.
I believe that life should not be mundane but mystical, magical and filled with wonderful love and loving ways. We celebrate life! We are both happy and content the rest of the week. We have no other expectations other then what we have.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Some moments are truly magical...
sexy and very satisfying..like through the ceiling! Wow what an afternoon! Maybe it pays to wait a week, draw nude models, and watch the L Word. I'm not sure of "The Secret" formula, all I know is that the stars were definitely aligned.
And so loving. Being held and kisses on the head - special! Knowing this will go on for a long time - I don't only mean hours and mean as in months? Years? What we have is a very special arrangement. It's delicious and fulfilling!
Sometimes I think I want a traditional relationship..with someone just like the good doctor whom I miss terribly at times. Now, some therapist would probably analyze that magical moment with her as stress related or infatuation. But, my magical moments with the good doctor were more than therapy. In my mind and in my heart I think I love her because we might have been together in a past life. I think we were. We had a moment where our hearts connected and love passed between us. I felt her heart! Her heart was so close to mine. I could have died right there and my life would have ended beautifully.
I'm pooped this evening.. gee I wonder why. No! I got up early thinking I was going to run or swim or something. Didn't do either so I did two thirty minute sessions of yoga.
Okay, one more cookie dunked in cooled down coffee then off to bed!
And so loving. Being held and kisses on the head - special! Knowing this will go on for a long time - I don't only mean hours and mean as in months? Years? What we have is a very special arrangement. It's delicious and fulfilling!
Sometimes I think I want a traditional relationship..with someone just like the good doctor whom I miss terribly at times. Now, some therapist would probably analyze that magical moment with her as stress related or infatuation. But, my magical moments with the good doctor were more than therapy. In my mind and in my heart I think I love her because we might have been together in a past life. I think we were. We had a moment where our hearts connected and love passed between us. I felt her heart! Her heart was so close to mine. I could have died right there and my life would have ended beautifully.
I'm pooped this evening.. gee I wonder why. No! I got up early thinking I was going to run or swim or something. Didn't do either so I did two thirty minute sessions of yoga.
Okay, one more cookie dunked in cooled down coffee then off to bed!
I can't get going today..
seems the anticipation is driving me crazy! I can't draw with a damn and my guitar is out of tune and I'm tone deaf! It's aggervating.
So, I need to quit now and do yoga until she gets here. Driving me nuts! This morning my stomach was bothering me. The guy downstairs was putting in a hot water heater.. and I just had to make sure he keeps that loop in the drip hose so it doesn't gurgle and drive me nuts.
Yes, seems as if the fuse is short today! I did manage to get my hair colored. I need to get off today! I need, I need, I need!
Wish me luck! I need the universe to be with me today...
I need a break! Now the sun is out and I should be running.. but already ate a slice of pizza so there so that! And the damn swimming lanes are always crowded. Well, the dumb fools only built three lanes. Stupid! But, they built a huge kids section that is never used. Hello! Parent work.. and little kids are in day care or school. But swimmers swim daily! Some dumb man must have thought of that one.. some big fat slob who doesn't swim I guess! Now you know how my day is going!
Short fuse!
So, I need to quit now and do yoga until she gets here. Driving me nuts! This morning my stomach was bothering me. The guy downstairs was putting in a hot water heater.. and I just had to make sure he keeps that loop in the drip hose so it doesn't gurgle and drive me nuts.
Yes, seems as if the fuse is short today! I did manage to get my hair colored. I need to get off today! I need, I need, I need!
Wish me luck! I need the universe to be with me today...
I need a break! Now the sun is out and I should be running.. but already ate a slice of pizza so there so that! And the damn swimming lanes are always crowded. Well, the dumb fools only built three lanes. Stupid! But, they built a huge kids section that is never used. Hello! Parent work.. and little kids are in day care or school. But swimmers swim daily! Some dumb man must have thought of that one.. some big fat slob who doesn't swim I guess! Now you know how my day is going!
Short fuse!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
L Word with Friends..
I have the cutest, sweetest friends. This evening they brought me ice cream and invited me to dinner to happen soon. They were so cute arriving in their pajamas. I love those guys.
Just when I think I don't miss them, I see them and realize once again how wonderfully happy they make me feel! They brighten my day. Of course little "B Bop", just the sight of her, has always brightened my day from the moment I met her..that day in the park at our booth during pride. I remember the day she signed up and spoke to me. She is precious to me! She is wonderfully happy now and I'm so glad. They are fabulously happy together and becoming very comfortable. It is truly beautiful to see. I will have that too one day..someone perfect for me! She'll be just like me. She'll be available, sweet, loving, giving, cute, sexy, sensual, adorable, youthful, attractive, slendar, happy, and just like me, even having blond hair.
The L Word was great this evening. Tina and Bett are probably getting back together. Kit ditched Angus. Alice made wonderful political points regarding the "war for profit". So the show is getting into the political area too! Fabulous! Jenny was her usual self-centered self.
There was lots of lesbian sex too this evening. I do not like to watch Shane hump and bump however. Too male! Alice and Natasta are fun. They were the best. Elena and what "evil" woman - too scary! Max and Grace will probably get it on next week. And per the previews, looks like Phillis' husband comes after Alice.. I' hopefully Natasta will protect her. It was good we watched it twice.
When they left I switched back to the Oscars just in time to see Helen Mirron and Forest Whittaker win.. just the two I wanted to win. "Departed" won best picture. I didn't see the movie but the gruesome previews were enough for me. Oh, I didn't see Jennifer Hudson get best supporting actress... damn I hope I didn't miss it. But, I just read it on line at www.oscar.com Good! Melissa Etheridge won best song. Fabulous!
I had a lot of it recording and I am watching it now as I write. I'm high now on love and sugared ice cream..mostly the love!
I'll see my lover tomorrow afternoon. I miss her body touching mine. I might just have to hold her close for awhile..until I can't hold back anymore and want her with every nerve of my senses.
I'm having a fabulous time and I look good. All the work has certainly paid off. I must hold back now with the eating because I brought this little two piece (do I dare?). I ordered an tank and shorts too, but they didn't have my size. So, I guess I can wear my old suit on "shy" days.
Hey, a beautiful 68 year old woman at the complex pool last year had a two piece suit on and she looked good! We were amazed when we found out her age. It was funny! She spoke of beginning nursing when they wore "those little white caps" that she had to wash and starch and wear everyday. I know we looked at each other like "What?" I thought she was barely fifty! What a wonderful inspiration! Something to aspire to!
I think these are the bonus years! A chance to shine! And baby I do shine! I"m hot and I know it! I have a figure that is too cool! These are the wonder years with a chance to prove myself and delve into my recreativity.
It's the time to be the best I can be! I want to thank the universe for all of my blessings. My many gifts of love, pride, wonder, intelligence, talents, safety, injury free, pain free activities. I appreciate everything I have from everything in my condo, my condo and my car. What a wonderful dependable car. Life is grand! And I'm cherishing every moment and taking advantage of everything I can; every opportunity I get. I'm wishing myself younger and more youthful everyday and once more It's happening. My body is lean and firm. My skin radiant and beautiful. My hair long thick and luscious. My heart full of love and beauty and attracting the same. Like attracts like is what "The Secret" teaches us. Be all you can be. Be everything you want to be.. just want it. Dream it, plan it, want it, place your order and then forget about it and let the universe do it's thing. But make sure you know what you want and be details while placing your order. I am getting more youthful every day. I'm 35. You see I missed my thirties. I had to be straight. So, I give myself another chance at it; this time as the lesbian I have always been. I was never stright; I only pretended.
Yes, this time around....it's the lesbians thirties. How wonderful the universe is now that I know that the power lies within me. Know in your heart that the power lies within each and every one of us.. we just have to know that we have the power within us and can tap into our rescources at any time.
I'm watch Melissa Etheridge sing her song now and just realized it's the night of the lesbians. Ellen Degenerous is hosting the Oscar's and Melissa is singing her song. Wow! This is reason to celebrate! And Rosie O'Donnell is on "The View" every day.. out lesbians.
See the first time I was 35, now of these opportunities existed for lesbians. Ellen in 1994 when she came out on her sitcom..set the stage and cleared the path.
Just when I think I don't miss them, I see them and realize once again how wonderfully happy they make me feel! They brighten my day. Of course little "B Bop", just the sight of her, has always brightened my day from the moment I met her..that day in the park at our booth during pride. I remember the day she signed up and spoke to me. She is precious to me! She is wonderfully happy now and I'm so glad. They are fabulously happy together and becoming very comfortable. It is truly beautiful to see. I will have that too one day..someone perfect for me! She'll be just like me. She'll be available, sweet, loving, giving, cute, sexy, sensual, adorable, youthful, attractive, slendar, happy, and just like me, even having blond hair.
The L Word was great this evening. Tina and Bett are probably getting back together. Kit ditched Angus. Alice made wonderful political points regarding the "war for profit". So the show is getting into the political area too! Fabulous! Jenny was her usual self-centered self.
There was lots of lesbian sex too this evening. I do not like to watch Shane hump and bump however. Too male! Alice and Natasta are fun. They were the best. Elena and what "evil" woman - too scary! Max and Grace will probably get it on next week. And per the previews, looks like Phillis' husband comes after Alice.. I' hopefully Natasta will protect her. It was good we watched it twice.
When they left I switched back to the Oscars just in time to see Helen Mirron and Forest Whittaker win.. just the two I wanted to win. "Departed" won best picture. I didn't see the movie but the gruesome previews were enough for me. Oh, I didn't see Jennifer Hudson get best supporting actress... damn I hope I didn't miss it. But, I just read it on line at www.oscar.com Good! Melissa Etheridge won best song. Fabulous!
I had a lot of it recording and I am watching it now as I write. I'm high now on love and sugared ice cream..mostly the love!
I'll see my lover tomorrow afternoon. I miss her body touching mine. I might just have to hold her close for awhile..until I can't hold back anymore and want her with every nerve of my senses.
I'm having a fabulous time and I look good. All the work has certainly paid off. I must hold back now with the eating because I brought this little two piece (do I dare?). I ordered an tank and shorts too, but they didn't have my size. So, I guess I can wear my old suit on "shy" days.
Hey, a beautiful 68 year old woman at the complex pool last year had a two piece suit on and she looked good! We were amazed when we found out her age. It was funny! She spoke of beginning nursing when they wore "those little white caps" that she had to wash and starch and wear everyday. I know we looked at each other like "What?" I thought she was barely fifty! What a wonderful inspiration! Something to aspire to!
I think these are the bonus years! A chance to shine! And baby I do shine! I"m hot and I know it! I have a figure that is too cool! These are the wonder years with a chance to prove myself and delve into my recreativity.
It's the time to be the best I can be! I want to thank the universe for all of my blessings. My many gifts of love, pride, wonder, intelligence, talents, safety, injury free, pain free activities. I appreciate everything I have from everything in my condo, my condo and my car. What a wonderful dependable car. Life is grand! And I'm cherishing every moment and taking advantage of everything I can; every opportunity I get. I'm wishing myself younger and more youthful everyday and once more It's happening. My body is lean and firm. My skin radiant and beautiful. My hair long thick and luscious. My heart full of love and beauty and attracting the same. Like attracts like is what "The Secret" teaches us. Be all you can be. Be everything you want to be.. just want it. Dream it, plan it, want it, place your order and then forget about it and let the universe do it's thing. But make sure you know what you want and be details while placing your order. I am getting more youthful every day. I'm 35. You see I missed my thirties. I had to be straight. So, I give myself another chance at it; this time as the lesbian I have always been. I was never stright; I only pretended.
Yes, this time around....it's the lesbians thirties. How wonderful the universe is now that I know that the power lies within me. Know in your heart that the power lies within each and every one of us.. we just have to know that we have the power within us and can tap into our rescources at any time.
I'm watch Melissa Etheridge sing her song now and just realized it's the night of the lesbians. Ellen Degenerous is hosting the Oscar's and Melissa is singing her song. Wow! This is reason to celebrate! And Rosie O'Donnell is on "The View" every day.. out lesbians.
See the first time I was 35, now of these opportunities existed for lesbians. Ellen in 1994 when she came out on her sitcom..set the stage and cleared the path.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
A fabulous day in history..for women
Wimbledon to Award Equal Prize MoneyBeginning this year, the All England Club will give male and female Wimbledon champions equal amounts of prize money. When Wimbledon began awarding money in 1968, it gave 750 pounds to women's champ Billie Jean King, and 2,000 pounds to men's champ Rod Laver. By last summer, however, the gap had narrowed, with Roger Federer receiving $1.170 million and Amelie Mauresmo receiving $1.117 million. Those who oppose equal prizing argue that men's matches are longer— they play best-of-five sets while women play best-of-three. More on the subject...
Is this truly not a day to celebrate? But, of course you see that it happens in England first! In this country male teachers are paid about thirty percent more than women and that is just an example of every non union job in this country.
Why are men paid more for doing the same job with the same skills? Well, I believe this goes back to post WWII years when men returned home from war and got their jobs back and women were requested to leave the work place so men could have the jobs to raise their familes. But, social situations have changed regarding marriage and family breadwinners. Statics state that over fifty percent of marriages fail and that women are heading households and families. But, once again there is that double standard that men set which I am confused about. It appears to me that look rather look after each other than their protential female mates? If you were a man and your wife worked wouldn't you want her to be fairly compensated and therefore a greater monetary contributer to the family funds.
How about fathers? Don't you want to see your daughters being treated fairly and equally. So, I'm confused my perspection still maintains that men watch the backs of their male friends. Men even take this to a personal situation level.
Case in point. A single lesbian friend of mine works for a graphing company and she does the same job with the same skills as a man who is married and has kids. Yes, this is 2007! And this man get paid more than she does. She asked why? Because he has a family! And I ask, as well as she - who's choice was that?
Is he getting paid more because he is following the "rules" of society and the church? Is he being a good ole boy following the rules? Is this segregation, bias, favoritism, prejudice, and male chauvinism?
Are males so chavinist that they "created" god in the bible to look like them. Made him human and male and of course he was above women therefore never married. No, I think the priests wanted god to be like them. Men wrote verse to declare women lessor beings, better at care giving and servitude jobs. You know jobs without glory and beneath men, according to men. They set the rules. Do you see what I am getting at here.
Did men of old before they made up "Christ" know that women were equally powerful; that the power if we should to tap it, lies equally within each and every one of us.
It common nature for males to dominate, conquer, rule and kill if necessary to claim their positions of heirarchy. They must be in control of the situation and dictate to feel secure and safe.
But, I believe society is evolving some. Young men will sit in the passenger sit and let her steer but probably he is directly from that passengar seat.
As a kid, my father and brother were both self-appointed authorities on every subject and preached constantly. He knew everything! There was no discussion. Automatically, if you were female, you were overruled and admittedly stupid. And women still wanted to get married! I could never understand why a woman would want to live under some man's thumb. It was so sad and depressing to me. But, once again women were told this was your lot in life. This is what is expected of you. We say you can be a wife, mother, librarian, telephone operator, nurse or teacher. Many women became nun because that was encouraged for the more rather male decided homely young women.
Don't get me wrong there were some domineering women and the poor husband in those cases really took an emotional beating from their male friends.
It all seems like another life time past. The dominance, the evil chruch, the non smiling faces in photos and all for good reason. People were unhappy. They were suffering from identity issues. They had no free will. "Do what you are told."
"Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!" No hugs, no kisses, no love! Lots of emptiness!
Thank god that was another lifetime passed. Is that what they mean when they say as spirits we live many lifetimes? I know I am in my third now.
I'm progressing and getting happier. There are many more magical moments because I plan and request them. I order them! I want another woman in my life. I want her to be artistic and look like Helen Mirron. Is that funny? No I think she is attractive. She's 61.
It's hard to belive that I am close to that age. Well, I'll be 60 in September. It's funny! That number certainly does not fit me. I'm cute, blonde and hot in my two piece. No really, not bad at all. I feel more like 35! It's magical! I'm very fortunate and I know it! And I thank the unverse every day. Being grateful is a big part of having a mystical, magical life.
I'm the best I've ever been! And feeling elated as I do about myself, my youthfulness only attracts more of the same. Like attracts like!
Our emotions and mental states are "us". It's who we are! If I say I feel and look 35 then I do. People see me as I see myself, this wonderfully happy, playful, youthful spirit!
This is the time in my life to embrace the magic of my spirit. The wonder. I can do anything I wish to do. Think it, be it! Watch "The Secret"!
But, the desire must be there. I have a friend who saddens me because everything she does for her health physically injures her. Do you know what there tells me? She is not ready to be healthy. She is fighting it for some reason! She is definitely not into "her". And I wonder why not.. we are our most valuable and precious gifts.
I always view my spirit and my body as precious gems. Priceless gifts! I respect and love myself, my body! It's a gift! It's the most priceless gift you will every receive and yet we abuse it and not love it. How sad is that?
So many people are so lost and don't even know why they feel unhappy or sad. I think I know where I stand. I think love relationships and coupling up with another is fine. But, I don't want one. I lose myself in relationships. Because my childhood enterpretation of being loved is giving and doing in exchange for a possible sign of affection that never came. I related to friends this way and lovers and then a partner until I couldn't do it anymore. I got to the point where I hated my mother..so I had to move away and separate.
And now there are many magical moments because I let them in - I create them. I wished for my lover and she is in my life. Now I want another.
You know that saying? "Be careful what you wish for!" Well, it's true, consciously or subconsciously be careful. Because you create what you maybe unknowingly wishing for. I want magical, mystical, beautiful loving events and moments. I want to run like the wind. I want her to come to me. I want her to wrap her arms around me and hear her sighs of want...magical moments. Life is precious! Life is magical! Life is beautiful and filled with so much love and good well.
Wouldn't it be magical if air pollution or global warming changed our chemistry and we became loving, giving, warm people. Suddenly men would wonder why they are fighting their brothers and wonderful friends. The air we breath would turn to love in our lungs and get circulated throughout our bodies and out into the world.
Suddenly big industry would ungood selfish acts and only think of the good of mankind. We are building electric cars for the good of mankind. Love and honesty would rule everyone's hearts.
Is this truly not a day to celebrate? But, of course you see that it happens in England first! In this country male teachers are paid about thirty percent more than women and that is just an example of every non union job in this country.
Why are men paid more for doing the same job with the same skills? Well, I believe this goes back to post WWII years when men returned home from war and got their jobs back and women were requested to leave the work place so men could have the jobs to raise their familes. But, social situations have changed regarding marriage and family breadwinners. Statics state that over fifty percent of marriages fail and that women are heading households and families. But, once again there is that double standard that men set which I am confused about. It appears to me that look rather look after each other than their protential female mates? If you were a man and your wife worked wouldn't you want her to be fairly compensated and therefore a greater monetary contributer to the family funds.
How about fathers? Don't you want to see your daughters being treated fairly and equally. So, I'm confused my perspection still maintains that men watch the backs of their male friends. Men even take this to a personal situation level.
Case in point. A single lesbian friend of mine works for a graphing company and she does the same job with the same skills as a man who is married and has kids. Yes, this is 2007! And this man get paid more than she does. She asked why? Because he has a family! And I ask, as well as she - who's choice was that?
Is he getting paid more because he is following the "rules" of society and the church? Is he being a good ole boy following the rules? Is this segregation, bias, favoritism, prejudice, and male chauvinism?
Are males so chavinist that they "created" god in the bible to look like them. Made him human and male and of course he was above women therefore never married. No, I think the priests wanted god to be like them. Men wrote verse to declare women lessor beings, better at care giving and servitude jobs. You know jobs without glory and beneath men, according to men. They set the rules. Do you see what I am getting at here.
Did men of old before they made up "Christ" know that women were equally powerful; that the power if we should to tap it, lies equally within each and every one of us.
It common nature for males to dominate, conquer, rule and kill if necessary to claim their positions of heirarchy. They must be in control of the situation and dictate to feel secure and safe.
But, I believe society is evolving some. Young men will sit in the passenger sit and let her steer but probably he is directly from that passengar seat.
As a kid, my father and brother were both self-appointed authorities on every subject and preached constantly. He knew everything! There was no discussion. Automatically, if you were female, you were overruled and admittedly stupid. And women still wanted to get married! I could never understand why a woman would want to live under some man's thumb. It was so sad and depressing to me. But, once again women were told this was your lot in life. This is what is expected of you. We say you can be a wife, mother, librarian, telephone operator, nurse or teacher. Many women became nun because that was encouraged for the more rather male decided homely young women.
Don't get me wrong there were some domineering women and the poor husband in those cases really took an emotional beating from their male friends.
It all seems like another life time past. The dominance, the evil chruch, the non smiling faces in photos and all for good reason. People were unhappy. They were suffering from identity issues. They had no free will. "Do what you are told."
"Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!" No hugs, no kisses, no love! Lots of emptiness!
Thank god that was another lifetime passed. Is that what they mean when they say as spirits we live many lifetimes? I know I am in my third now.
I'm progressing and getting happier. There are many more magical moments because I plan and request them. I order them! I want another woman in my life. I want her to be artistic and look like Helen Mirron. Is that funny? No I think she is attractive. She's 61.
It's hard to belive that I am close to that age. Well, I'll be 60 in September. It's funny! That number certainly does not fit me. I'm cute, blonde and hot in my two piece. No really, not bad at all. I feel more like 35! It's magical! I'm very fortunate and I know it! And I thank the unverse every day. Being grateful is a big part of having a mystical, magical life.
I'm the best I've ever been! And feeling elated as I do about myself, my youthfulness only attracts more of the same. Like attracts like!
Our emotions and mental states are "us". It's who we are! If I say I feel and look 35 then I do. People see me as I see myself, this wonderfully happy, playful, youthful spirit!
This is the time in my life to embrace the magic of my spirit. The wonder. I can do anything I wish to do. Think it, be it! Watch "The Secret"!
But, the desire must be there. I have a friend who saddens me because everything she does for her health physically injures her. Do you know what there tells me? She is not ready to be healthy. She is fighting it for some reason! She is definitely not into "her". And I wonder why not.. we are our most valuable and precious gifts.
I always view my spirit and my body as precious gems. Priceless gifts! I respect and love myself, my body! It's a gift! It's the most priceless gift you will every receive and yet we abuse it and not love it. How sad is that?
So many people are so lost and don't even know why they feel unhappy or sad. I think I know where I stand. I think love relationships and coupling up with another is fine. But, I don't want one. I lose myself in relationships. Because my childhood enterpretation of being loved is giving and doing in exchange for a possible sign of affection that never came. I related to friends this way and lovers and then a partner until I couldn't do it anymore. I got to the point where I hated my mother..so I had to move away and separate.
And now there are many magical moments because I let them in - I create them. I wished for my lover and she is in my life. Now I want another.
You know that saying? "Be careful what you wish for!" Well, it's true, consciously or subconsciously be careful. Because you create what you maybe unknowingly wishing for. I want magical, mystical, beautiful loving events and moments. I want to run like the wind. I want her to come to me. I want her to wrap her arms around me and hear her sighs of want...magical moments. Life is precious! Life is magical! Life is beautiful and filled with so much love and good well.
Wouldn't it be magical if air pollution or global warming changed our chemistry and we became loving, giving, warm people. Suddenly men would wonder why they are fighting their brothers and wonderful friends. The air we breath would turn to love in our lungs and get circulated throughout our bodies and out into the world.
Suddenly big industry would ungood selfish acts and only think of the good of mankind. We are building electric cars for the good of mankind. Love and honesty would rule everyone's hearts.
My god I skipped a day...
Yeah, what happened to the 23rd? I was busy Friday I guess and didn't make an entry until after midnight. No biggie I don't want you guys to get sick of me...assuming someone actually reads these entries once in a while.
However, I did have a great day. First of all like a fool wanting to waste money I told the firewood guy that well okay, I don't need any but I'll take another load of wood. Then I regretted that I said "yes".
Well, he never showed up. I waited for an hour. I called his house and left a message that I changed my mind. So, I saved the money after all. I really do have enough wood to last me through Spring, actually.
So, I escaped and ran the five miles or more to the pool, swam for 35 minutes until it got too crowded. Why they only built three swim lanes, I'll never know?
After I swam I worked out on the weight machines for a few minutes then ran back home the same way.
In the morning when I got up I did yoga for 35 minutes continuously even when the taped show went to commercial and continued. So, I'm flexible and well tuned.
Well, I got my butt into a Speedo two piece that I ordered. Size 8. I'm not sure if I want to keep it.. but probably will since it's an $85.00 suite I got for $28.00. Oh, I know they jack the prices up. How in the world can a skimpy two piece (with no bra, I might add) cost $85.00. That better be some strong material.
I guess I"ll keep the suit. It will be an incentive to lose a few pounds although now I think I could get by wearing it.
My old suit that I have been wearing is heavy dry and very heavy wet as I tug it in my water bladder pack without the bladder. It's perfect for carrying swim supplies on my back as I run to the gym. I use a hand towel. The other day I was in REI, a outdoors sports shop, and saw high tech hand, bath and beach towels in some new material that folds up extremely small in size and fits in a nice little pouch. I was temped to get one...but maybe later. Actually, using the toting the hand towel back when it's wet isn't too bad.
So, I had a great day topped only by my friends coming over in the evening to play poker. It was good to see them. I haven't seen them in a while. Yeah, it was fun and I had some good hands too!
I can't keep my eyes open. I must have worn myself out today. Well, okay then.. good night!
However, I did have a great day. First of all like a fool wanting to waste money I told the firewood guy that well okay, I don't need any but I'll take another load of wood. Then I regretted that I said "yes".
Well, he never showed up. I waited for an hour. I called his house and left a message that I changed my mind. So, I saved the money after all. I really do have enough wood to last me through Spring, actually.
So, I escaped and ran the five miles or more to the pool, swam for 35 minutes until it got too crowded. Why they only built three swim lanes, I'll never know?
After I swam I worked out on the weight machines for a few minutes then ran back home the same way.
In the morning when I got up I did yoga for 35 minutes continuously even when the taped show went to commercial and continued. So, I'm flexible and well tuned.
Well, I got my butt into a Speedo two piece that I ordered. Size 8. I'm not sure if I want to keep it.. but probably will since it's an $85.00 suite I got for $28.00. Oh, I know they jack the prices up. How in the world can a skimpy two piece (with no bra, I might add) cost $85.00. That better be some strong material.
I guess I"ll keep the suit. It will be an incentive to lose a few pounds although now I think I could get by wearing it.
My old suit that I have been wearing is heavy dry and very heavy wet as I tug it in my water bladder pack without the bladder. It's perfect for carrying swim supplies on my back as I run to the gym. I use a hand towel. The other day I was in REI, a outdoors sports shop, and saw high tech hand, bath and beach towels in some new material that folds up extremely small in size and fits in a nice little pouch. I was temped to get one...but maybe later. Actually, using the toting the hand towel back when it's wet isn't too bad.
So, I had a great day topped only by my friends coming over in the evening to play poker. It was good to see them. I haven't seen them in a while. Yeah, it was fun and I had some good hands too!
I can't keep my eyes open. I must have worn myself out today. Well, okay then.. good night!
My god I skipped a day...
Yeah, what happened to the 23rd? I was busy Friday I guess and didn't make an entry until after midnight. No biggie I don't want you guys to get sick of me...assuming someone actually reads these entries once in a while.
However, I did have a great day. First of all like a fool wanting to waste money I told the firewood guy that well okay, I don't need any but I'll take another load of wood. Then I regretted that I said "yes".
Well, he never showed up. I waited for an hour. I called his house and left a message that I changed my mind. So, I saved the money after all. I really do have enough wood to last me through Spring, actually.
So, I escaped and ran the five miles or more to the pool, swam for 35 minutes until it got too crowded. Why they only built three swim lanes, I'll never know?
After I swam I worked out on the weight machines for a few minutes then ran back home the same way.
In the morning when I got up I did yoga for 35 minutes continuously even when the taped show went to commercial and continued. So, I'm flexible and well tuned.
Well, I got my butt into a Speedo two piece that I ordered. Size 8. I'm not sure if I want to keep it.. but probably will since it's an $85.00 suite I got for $28.00. Oh, I know they jack the prices up. How in the world can a skimpy two piece (with no bra, I might add) cost $85.00. That better be some strong material.
I guess I"ll keep the suit. It will be an incentive to lose a few pounds although now I think I could get by wearing it.
My old suit that I have been wearing is heavy dry and very heavy wet as I tug it in my water bladder pack without the bladder. It's perfect for carrying swim supplies on my back as I run to the gym. I use a hand towel. The other day I was in REI, a outdoors sports shop, and saw high tech hand, bath and beach towels in some new material that folds up extremely small in size and fits in a nice little pouch. I was temped to get one...but maybe later. Actually, using the toting the hand towel back when it's wet isn't too bad.
So, I had a great day topped only by my friends coming over in the evening to play poker. It was good to see them. I haven't seen them in a while. Yeah, it was fun and I had some good hands too!
I can't keep my eyes open. I must have worn myself out today. Well, okay then.. good night!
However, I did have a great day. First of all like a fool wanting to waste money I told the firewood guy that well okay, I don't need any but I'll take another load of wood. Then I regretted that I said "yes".
Well, he never showed up. I waited for an hour. I called his house and left a message that I changed my mind. So, I saved the money after all. I really do have enough wood to last me through Spring, actually.
So, I escaped and ran the five miles or more to the pool, swam for 35 minutes until it got too crowded. Why they only built three swim lanes, I'll never know?
After I swam I worked out on the weight machines for a few minutes then ran back home the same way.
In the morning when I got up I did yoga for 35 minutes continuously even when the taped show went to commercial and continued. So, I'm flexible and well tuned.
Well, I got my butt into a Speedo two piece that I ordered. Size 8. I'm not sure if I want to keep it.. but probably will since it's an $85.00 suite I got for $28.00. Oh, I know they jack the prices up. How in the world can a skimpy two piece (with no bra, I might add) cost $85.00. That better be some strong material.
I guess I"ll keep the suit. It will be an incentive to lose a few pounds although now I think I could get by wearing it.
My old suit that I have been wearing is heavy dry and very heavy wet as I tug it in my water bladder pack without the bladder. It's perfect for carrying swim supplies on my back as I run to the gym. I use a hand towel. The other day I was in REI, a outdoors sports shop, and saw high tech hand, bath and beach towels in some new material that folds up extremely small in size and fits in a nice little pouch. I was temped to get one...but maybe later. Actually, using the toting the hand towel back when it's wet isn't too bad.
So, I had a great day topped only by my friends coming over in the evening to play poker. It was good to see them. I haven't seen them in a while. Yeah, it was fun and I had some good hands too!
I can't keep my eyes open. I must have worn myself out today. Well, okay then.. good night!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
In sketch session today we...
sketched from a live model. She was nude and very beautiful. A college student. She posed very professionally, not moving but holding her pose with excellent skill. She knew many poses.
It was my first and very exciting. The women I sketch with are very good even actually looking like the model. They took lessons. Maybe I should.
I see improvement with drawing eyes and making them more life like but my sketches do not end up looking like the subject. I'm getting closer too.
Too many challenges, I love it! Now, swimming? That's another thing. I just can't seem to breath enough in when I roll my head to the side to take air in my mouth. So I end up getting out of breath. So, I just keep my face in the water and paddle for about six times then roll to my side on the back of my head doing the side stroke and then breathing in and out good with mouth and nose for about four times, take a breath, then I'm ready to go again. Well, it works for me and I'm still trying to do it right..taking a breath to the side every third or fourth paddle and then going on . I'll work on it more. Well, it makes the time pass because I'm concentrating so much. If I do it my way, I take up the whole lane...that is why I need to learn to do it correctly so I can stay in my half lane and get a steady flow and breathing system going.
Which reminds me I hope that new two piece doesn't look at crap on me. I hope it fits. I ruined my other Speedo by throwing it in the dryer.. what was I thinking? So I dug out an old one piece and I could really use it more if I had too. So wish me lot, the Speedo I ruined was a size 8.. so that is what I ordered on line. Wish me lot!
So, I guess it's diet time once again. I'm hurry now. I was on a cookie kick today and that little model and me slightly turned on. Hey, I'm an adult and I can keep things in perspective.. hey like these women I were with wasn't feeling anything themselves. They were carrying on about the model. Well, she was good! She was so comfortable I couldn't get over it.. and of course she being so comfortable sitting there carrying on a conversation with me naked as a Jay Bird didn't effect me at all .. after a while. She was very loving.
Mentally, I compared her body to mine. Well, she is 22 probably.. but, honestly, mine is not all that bad for my age. Hers was solid and flawless. Mine? pretty solid and muscular because I'm so active..no stretch marks. But, I have some slight blemishes. You know.. wear and tear I guess...but not bad! Not bad at all!
Anyway, it's a wonderful way to feel about yourself at my age of 59. Cool! Actually, I look quit hot in my new low rise jeans. I mean nice. I think it's wonderful when you can look in the mirror and think you look hot! Now that is cool!
I work hard to stay attractive and it pays off. I think actually, I look better since I do yoga and swim besides running too.
Life is grand when you feel that way and it makes you want to try even harder to look better yet.
Being blonde I believe makes a big difference and I am fortunate to have the type of complexion that I can do blonde. It's a natural looking blonde that lightening's with the sun and appears streaked because of the gray in places that doesn't cover the same as the brown areas.
And I'm tan from being outside so much...can't forget the sunscreen! Even though it gets in my eyes when I'm trying to swim after I run there and jump into the pool.
I need to call my friend, especially after the day I had. It seems once a week isn't enough for me anymore.. I need more! She said this weekend or next weekend. I'm afraid for some reason about weekends.. but I think I'll see if that works for her.
Life is amazing and magical and the universe will provide. I am most grateful for all of my freedom, gifts, and blessings. My capabilities, my activeness, my good health, my youthfulness, my positive attitude. My accident, injury and pain free life. Just everything, my friends.
The universe knows what I mean and want and will provide because I believe that it will. It has so magically in the past and usually, I've noticed, on beautiful days.
I know that was her, the good doctor, who flew over my house. I know that was her. Only she would fly like that .. low, I mean low and right to me before banking sharply. She was so low, that if there wasn't a sun glare on the windshield I would have been able to see in and see the pilot. As it was though there was a glare so I just smiled. She was so cool! I wish I could have gotten to know her better. I would have done anything.. but I understand where she was coming from. She was magical to me....she is magical to me! I know she is doing good! I wish I could see her again...sigh!
Anyway, life is magical!
It was my first and very exciting. The women I sketch with are very good even actually looking like the model. They took lessons. Maybe I should.
I see improvement with drawing eyes and making them more life like but my sketches do not end up looking like the subject. I'm getting closer too.
Too many challenges, I love it! Now, swimming? That's another thing. I just can't seem to breath enough in when I roll my head to the side to take air in my mouth. So I end up getting out of breath. So, I just keep my face in the water and paddle for about six times then roll to my side on the back of my head doing the side stroke and then breathing in and out good with mouth and nose for about four times, take a breath, then I'm ready to go again. Well, it works for me and I'm still trying to do it right..taking a breath to the side every third or fourth paddle and then going on . I'll work on it more. Well, it makes the time pass because I'm concentrating so much. If I do it my way, I take up the whole lane...that is why I need to learn to do it correctly so I can stay in my half lane and get a steady flow and breathing system going.
Which reminds me I hope that new two piece doesn't look at crap on me. I hope it fits. I ruined my other Speedo by throwing it in the dryer.. what was I thinking? So I dug out an old one piece and I could really use it more if I had too. So wish me lot, the Speedo I ruined was a size 8.. so that is what I ordered on line. Wish me lot!
So, I guess it's diet time once again. I'm hurry now. I was on a cookie kick today and that little model and me slightly turned on. Hey, I'm an adult and I can keep things in perspective.. hey like these women I were with wasn't feeling anything themselves. They were carrying on about the model. Well, she was good! She was so comfortable I couldn't get over it.. and of course she being so comfortable sitting there carrying on a conversation with me naked as a Jay Bird didn't effect me at all .. after a while. She was very loving.
Mentally, I compared her body to mine. Well, she is 22 probably.. but, honestly, mine is not all that bad for my age. Hers was solid and flawless. Mine? pretty solid and muscular because I'm so active..no stretch marks. But, I have some slight blemishes. You know.. wear and tear I guess...but not bad! Not bad at all!
Anyway, it's a wonderful way to feel about yourself at my age of 59. Cool! Actually, I look quit hot in my new low rise jeans. I mean nice. I think it's wonderful when you can look in the mirror and think you look hot! Now that is cool!
I work hard to stay attractive and it pays off. I think actually, I look better since I do yoga and swim besides running too.
Life is grand when you feel that way and it makes you want to try even harder to look better yet.
Being blonde I believe makes a big difference and I am fortunate to have the type of complexion that I can do blonde. It's a natural looking blonde that lightening's with the sun and appears streaked because of the gray in places that doesn't cover the same as the brown areas.
And I'm tan from being outside so much...can't forget the sunscreen! Even though it gets in my eyes when I'm trying to swim after I run there and jump into the pool.
I need to call my friend, especially after the day I had. It seems once a week isn't enough for me anymore.. I need more! She said this weekend or next weekend. I'm afraid for some reason about weekends.. but I think I'll see if that works for her.
Life is amazing and magical and the universe will provide. I am most grateful for all of my freedom, gifts, and blessings. My capabilities, my activeness, my good health, my youthfulness, my positive attitude. My accident, injury and pain free life. Just everything, my friends.
The universe knows what I mean and want and will provide because I believe that it will. It has so magically in the past and usually, I've noticed, on beautiful days.
I know that was her, the good doctor, who flew over my house. I know that was her. Only she would fly like that .. low, I mean low and right to me before banking sharply. She was so low, that if there wasn't a sun glare on the windshield I would have been able to see in and see the pilot. As it was though there was a glare so I just smiled. She was so cool! I wish I could have gotten to know her better. I would have done anything.. but I understand where she was coming from. She was magical to me....she is magical to me! I know she is doing good! I wish I could see her again...sigh!
Anyway, life is magical!
illegals get credit cards
The Bank of America is issuing credit cards to illegal aliens. I thought you had to have a social security number to get a credit card. Why are they being treated special?
They can get driver's license too! What's the deal? Our government made it harder for us, the legals, to get into Mexico and Canada; now we need a passport. Why? Seems Mexicans having an open door into this country. Always a double standard.
I guess Americans demanded more security.. so okay, we have to be more restricted but the illegals have an open door policy it appears.
Oh, I know states are against union and paying people a decent salary..so they welcome and prefer the illegals. Hell, they'll work next to nothing, so why not?
That should teach you never to complain about anything (just like at work) because you will end up with even more responsibility then before. In other words, they (management or government) do not want you complaining or voicing you opinion. You complain.. it's then your responsibility. We had a guy at work who just messed every project up and so therefore the boss never gave him any way. Too bad I was more ethical and believed in doing my best and a good days work! What? Was I nuts? I was stressed and the guy who messed up everything sat back with his feet propped up reading the newspaper. See, I got his share of the work too!
It's amazing isn't it?
They can get driver's license too! What's the deal? Our government made it harder for us, the legals, to get into Mexico and Canada; now we need a passport. Why? Seems Mexicans having an open door into this country. Always a double standard.
I guess Americans demanded more security.. so okay, we have to be more restricted but the illegals have an open door policy it appears.
Oh, I know states are against union and paying people a decent salary..so they welcome and prefer the illegals. Hell, they'll work next to nothing, so why not?
That should teach you never to complain about anything (just like at work) because you will end up with even more responsibility then before. In other words, they (management or government) do not want you complaining or voicing you opinion. You complain.. it's then your responsibility. We had a guy at work who just messed every project up and so therefore the boss never gave him any way. Too bad I was more ethical and believed in doing my best and a good days work! What? Was I nuts? I was stressed and the guy who messed up everything sat back with his feet propped up reading the newspaper. See, I got his share of the work too!
It's amazing isn't it?
Wild pitcher coming back..
but not as a pitcher as an outfielder. Rick Ankiel, who in 2004, was pitching very wild, and no where near the batter. I meet the catcher and to jump up in the air to catch a high flying ball. Or Ankiel drove them into the ground. It was almost scary to watch at the time.
But the at age 27 he is getting another chance as an outfielder because his batting is good according to the manager.
I wonder if he just gets nervous performing in front of huge crowds?
I wish him all the best!
But the at age 27 he is getting another chance as an outfielder because his batting is good according to the manager.
I wonder if he just gets nervous performing in front of huge crowds?
I wish him all the best!
I'm watching Oprah. This guy takes in a half a shaker of salt a day and his blood pressure is 185 over 110. One person is almost half body fat. She should be 15 to 20% body fat. These people are all obese and Bob Green will take them under his wing for nine weeks and work their asses off.
Obese! This is how America looks! Sixty percent of Americans both adults and children or over weight or obese. And it is because what they do: eat. And what they don't do: exercise!
Obesity puts stress on every organ, vessels, heart, skin. bones, joints.
This one woman smokes cigarettes on top of it.. They act like they are immune to illness and disease. She is over weight and she smokes. And they all have excuses. These people are stupid and lazy. I'm sorry I don't feel sorry for them. They are self-destructive and stubborn. She wants a magic medication to help her quit smoking. She doesn't want to do the work or put any effort into becoming healthy.
These people have no self respect, no self control, no self discipline otherwise they wouldn't be way out of proportion as they are! Why do it now! Why didn't you do it one hundred pounds ago? I think they need to work on these reasons first. They need to fine out why they let themselves get so heavy! But, basically people are big babies. They feel sorry for themselves. So what do they do...make things worse for themselves..so they can really feel sorry for themselves. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be broken! "Oh, people are against obese people."or "You're picking on me!" Hell, you're picking on yourself!
Here is what I don't get! People become diabetic and then they are actually surprised that they have become diabetic! Why? I can't believe half the population is in denial! Get your butt on that treadmill! Get out doors and go for a walk, away from the refrigerator. Have someone else do your grocery shopping. Knit while you watch TV so your hands are busy and you won't stick food in your mouth. Actually, want to look better and be healthier then do it!
And when you are on the treadmill you must break a sweat! Hello! I see so many people just strolling along. Get your ass in gear! I'll tell you when to get off!
Of course, if they would have kept their ass in gear they wouldn't be where they are. Why did they wait so long? And why now? Is what I want to know?
Males in general or not good at taping into the reason why they eat so much! The women are resistant to exercise. People act like this is punishment. They don't get the message that this stuff is good for them! Oh, you are making me work, if you really loved me you wouldn't make me do this! Why are you punishing me? Hell, you are punishing your own ignorant self! Sorry, I have no sympathy for you! You wear your sorrow and self-pity on your rear and everywhere else. Get it fixed! Get an education. Get a job. Dump the husband, mother, or whoever has you trapped feeling guilty and feeling that you are worthless. Be self-sufficient and then you won't have to put up with their crap! What were you thinking? Money is power! Education is power whoever in the relationship has more, is more powerful.
Why don't you just love yourself.. why do you fight yourself? Why don't you think you are worth anything? The hell with those people who make you feel bad. I bet they are heavy and sickly themselves wanting to drag you down there with them. Misery loves company! Show them! Lose the weight! Love yourself. Be your own best friend.
For one thing, the more you move and work out, the more you will become addicted to it. And if you don't want to do it... do it anyway! Stop being a baby! See I would never make it as a personal trainer. I have no sympathy! Sympathy is not love! And just what are you given up for his love? Are you paying the bills just to have him around. Kissing his ass? Not being yourself? Do you even know what your self is anymore? Oh, I got me a man! He "had" a job!
I push myself all the time. I have too! I do the weight machines until it hurts. I swim until I'm pooped! It is hard but I can run half marathons! You think I don't push myself! And I deserve to look this damn good! I look damn good! I work out everyday. I pay attention to what I eat. If I eat junk one day; I don't it the next. I never eat until I'm full.
Food shouldn't be your main form of entertainment. Most people have emotional pain who are heavy. It's the reason why they are heavy. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get a life! Get a healthy life!
The weight means something. Find out! People sabotage their own happiness because of the weight. There is a reason why you are big and fat! Find the reason and deal with it! If it relatives move away from them like I did! They are only people! You are probably just there out of Catholic fucking guilt anyway! And why should you give them every break, every excuse at your sacrifice. Fuck them! Relatives aren't better than you. Yet, parents think kids are property and they can do anything with them that they want and the kid will have unconditional love! NOT ME! You treat me like shit..yeah, I've give you about fifty years .. and then I'm out of there. I've been taken care of your ass all my life that you have been "dying" every fucking day.. why would I want to jeopardize my health over you. And if you didn't have someone to take care of you, you wouldn't be manipulating and controlling and putting the guilt trip on people. I hate this sense of entitlement. Hey, you raised me for about seventeen years and I've put up with your crap for fifty..seems a little unbalanced to me. I've never asked those people for anything, since I've been a kid, because I never wanted to owe them anything. And I don't! I hope I never see them again! I'm free and happy!
Obese! This is how America looks! Sixty percent of Americans both adults and children or over weight or obese. And it is because what they do: eat. And what they don't do: exercise!
Obesity puts stress on every organ, vessels, heart, skin. bones, joints.
This one woman smokes cigarettes on top of it.. They act like they are immune to illness and disease. She is over weight and she smokes. And they all have excuses. These people are stupid and lazy. I'm sorry I don't feel sorry for them. They are self-destructive and stubborn. She wants a magic medication to help her quit smoking. She doesn't want to do the work or put any effort into becoming healthy.
These people have no self respect, no self control, no self discipline otherwise they wouldn't be way out of proportion as they are! Why do it now! Why didn't you do it one hundred pounds ago? I think they need to work on these reasons first. They need to fine out why they let themselves get so heavy! But, basically people are big babies. They feel sorry for themselves. So what do they do...make things worse for themselves..so they can really feel sorry for themselves. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be broken! "Oh, people are against obese people."or "You're picking on me!" Hell, you're picking on yourself!
Here is what I don't get! People become diabetic and then they are actually surprised that they have become diabetic! Why? I can't believe half the population is in denial! Get your butt on that treadmill! Get out doors and go for a walk, away from the refrigerator. Have someone else do your grocery shopping. Knit while you watch TV so your hands are busy and you won't stick food in your mouth. Actually, want to look better and be healthier then do it!
And when you are on the treadmill you must break a sweat! Hello! I see so many people just strolling along. Get your ass in gear! I'll tell you when to get off!
Of course, if they would have kept their ass in gear they wouldn't be where they are. Why did they wait so long? And why now? Is what I want to know?
Males in general or not good at taping into the reason why they eat so much! The women are resistant to exercise. People act like this is punishment. They don't get the message that this stuff is good for them! Oh, you are making me work, if you really loved me you wouldn't make me do this! Why are you punishing me? Hell, you are punishing your own ignorant self! Sorry, I have no sympathy for you! You wear your sorrow and self-pity on your rear and everywhere else. Get it fixed! Get an education. Get a job. Dump the husband, mother, or whoever has you trapped feeling guilty and feeling that you are worthless. Be self-sufficient and then you won't have to put up with their crap! What were you thinking? Money is power! Education is power whoever in the relationship has more, is more powerful.
Why don't you just love yourself.. why do you fight yourself? Why don't you think you are worth anything? The hell with those people who make you feel bad. I bet they are heavy and sickly themselves wanting to drag you down there with them. Misery loves company! Show them! Lose the weight! Love yourself. Be your own best friend.
For one thing, the more you move and work out, the more you will become addicted to it. And if you don't want to do it... do it anyway! Stop being a baby! See I would never make it as a personal trainer. I have no sympathy! Sympathy is not love! And just what are you given up for his love? Are you paying the bills just to have him around. Kissing his ass? Not being yourself? Do you even know what your self is anymore? Oh, I got me a man! He "had" a job!
I push myself all the time. I have too! I do the weight machines until it hurts. I swim until I'm pooped! It is hard but I can run half marathons! You think I don't push myself! And I deserve to look this damn good! I look damn good! I work out everyday. I pay attention to what I eat. If I eat junk one day; I don't it the next. I never eat until I'm full.
Food shouldn't be your main form of entertainment. Most people have emotional pain who are heavy. It's the reason why they are heavy. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get a life! Get a healthy life!
The weight means something. Find out! People sabotage their own happiness because of the weight. There is a reason why you are big and fat! Find the reason and deal with it! If it relatives move away from them like I did! They are only people! You are probably just there out of Catholic fucking guilt anyway! And why should you give them every break, every excuse at your sacrifice. Fuck them! Relatives aren't better than you. Yet, parents think kids are property and they can do anything with them that they want and the kid will have unconditional love! NOT ME! You treat me like shit..yeah, I've give you about fifty years .. and then I'm out of there. I've been taken care of your ass all my life that you have been "dying" every fucking day.. why would I want to jeopardize my health over you. And if you didn't have someone to take care of you, you wouldn't be manipulating and controlling and putting the guilt trip on people. I hate this sense of entitlement. Hey, you raised me for about seventeen years and I've put up with your crap for fifty..seems a little unbalanced to me. I've never asked those people for anything, since I've been a kid, because I never wanted to owe them anything. And I don't! I hope I never see them again! I'm free and happy!
There now you know why I'm healthy and fit! It's revenge at its best! And they can't stand it that I'm happy! Want to "get back" be healthy and happy! They can't stand it!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Gorgeous Day!
I've been out and on the go since noon. I ran five miles to the gym where I swam for 35 minutes until the pool got too crowded. Tell why did they only build the place with only three swim lanes? There is a huge children's pool that sits idle all day. And a stream with a current that no one uses much. Such a poor design! they keep telling me that usage will drop off in a bit when people begin to forget about their new year's resolutions. I think not. I can tell these people are here to stay. They are regulars like I am. We are getting to know each other.
There is this character name George. He's must be in his 80's. He loves to talk to the lifeguards' breast. Actually they are quite beautiful! It's a wonder he doesn't have heart failure when he is in the pool and she is kneeling forward showing beautiful cleavage while talking to him. Hell, I nearly drown as I forget to breath while my imagination runs wild.
God, I can't wait to die and come back as a lesbian and start all over. Next time, I'm starting out very young. I will not miss out on all those beautiful young bodies. What a ripe off! I had to fuck men for half of my dreary life. I can't think about it! It's makes me too sad!
As it is now, I can't get enough! Making love to her drives in insane and I want more and more. I wonder if it's the MACA?
You know I think I'm dead! Maybe I have died and gone to heaven! I do think that as spirit we want to come to earth as human being for the sex. For the soul connections that we make lying that close to someone and feeling all those wonderful feelings. I never dreamed I would be that turned on making love to someone. I swear! I never felt that way with a man - never. Guess I'm a lesbian!
See there you Christians! I tried doing it your way - with the opposite sex. The operand word being "opposite".. meaning how in the hell can there be a connection with someone so opposite! It's a heart and body connection. I can connect with a woman's heart, soul, brain and emotions. With men - zero! Nothing! Nano! Blank! Empty space! Oh well you get the picture!
I love women! I especially love warm, affectionate, sweet, loving women. I melt!
In my own personal life though, I'm a little cautious. I hold back! If it's working, I say don't mess with it! I'm very cautious!
There is this character name George. He's must be in his 80's. He loves to talk to the lifeguards' breast. Actually they are quite beautiful! It's a wonder he doesn't have heart failure when he is in the pool and she is kneeling forward showing beautiful cleavage while talking to him. Hell, I nearly drown as I forget to breath while my imagination runs wild.
God, I can't wait to die and come back as a lesbian and start all over. Next time, I'm starting out very young. I will not miss out on all those beautiful young bodies. What a ripe off! I had to fuck men for half of my dreary life. I can't think about it! It's makes me too sad!
As it is now, I can't get enough! Making love to her drives in insane and I want more and more. I wonder if it's the MACA?
You know I think I'm dead! Maybe I have died and gone to heaven! I do think that as spirit we want to come to earth as human being for the sex. For the soul connections that we make lying that close to someone and feeling all those wonderful feelings. I never dreamed I would be that turned on making love to someone. I swear! I never felt that way with a man - never. Guess I'm a lesbian!
See there you Christians! I tried doing it your way - with the opposite sex. The operand word being "opposite".. meaning how in the hell can there be a connection with someone so opposite! It's a heart and body connection. I can connect with a woman's heart, soul, brain and emotions. With men - zero! Nothing! Nano! Blank! Empty space! Oh well you get the picture!
I love women! I especially love warm, affectionate, sweet, loving women. I melt!
In my own personal life though, I'm a little cautious. I hold back! If it's working, I say don't mess with it! I'm very cautious!
Airhead Controller
Here's the story: Flight 895 American Airlines is dangerously low on fuel and wants to make an emergency landing at DFW 17C but the control tower guy insists that the pilot land on 13L coming in from the opposite direction and that meant that the pilot would have to use up precious extra fuel to swing the plane way around to come in from the opposite direction. The pilot repeated his request and the control tower controller supervisor on duty refused to comply. It is protocol for emergency situation that pilot gets their wishes granted. The control tower manager on duty calling the shots was totally unethical and inhumane in ignoring the pilot's request and adamantly demanding that the pilot do it "his" way. The control tower person had no idea how bad the low fuel situation actually was to make such a obstinate demand. The pilot finally gave in and swung the plane around and landed on 13L what could he do...waste more time and more precious fuel arguing with this idiot who thinks he owns the airport!
I'm glad the press got a hold of this! That controller better have a good excuse for what he did. As it was, there was no excuse given. So we have no idea why he appeared to be so stubborn. It seems as it he didn't like the idea of the pilot telling him how to run his airport! So what if 198 people are on board and their was a low fuel emergency for which they couldn't find a reason! The plane could have blown up! The the possible leak get worse! That controller better have a good excuse is all I can say!
I'm glad the press got a hold of this! That controller better have a good excuse for what he did. As it was, there was no excuse given. So we have no idea why he appeared to be so stubborn. It seems as it he didn't like the idea of the pilot telling him how to run his airport! So what if 198 people are on board and their was a low fuel emergency for which they couldn't find a reason! The plane could have blown up! The the possible leak get worse! That controller better have a good excuse is all I can say!
Hail to the Stupid Supreme Court
It took the Supreme Court six years to determine that blood is thicker than water and refused to let the Jones in N. C. keep the girl who is eight and whom they have raised for six years. They are a family. They are the only family the little girl has ever known. Doesn't anyone think about the poor kid? Such blood ego! It's apparent to me that the Supreme court is only worried about blood line and doesn't care about the poor little girl being ripped from the arms of her family - the only family she knows.
I don't know the reason why six years ago, the Japanese family in a half hazard method with vague wording gave custody of their child to the Jones. Nor do I know why now they are fighting to get the kid.
The little girl has only known the Jones. They do not want to give her up and all are in tears. The little girl is afraid. She doesn't know those Japanese people! Her home is here and she wants to stay here. So the Jones went public with this traffic situation.
I think the Jones should be able to keep the little girl because it took the Supreme Court six long years dragging their feet to make a decision and that is not the little girls fault! Amen!
What's higher than the Supreme Court - Oh, Bush! Forget it.. he's all about pedigree and blood line. Can the Jones appeal. What if the little girl came forward and spoke her mind. I guess the mostly male Supreme Court never even considered the poor little girls thought, wants and opinions on the matter. She wants to stay in the states with her parents who raised her.. and that would be the Jones.
I can't stand that people treat other people (yes, kids are people) as commodities. I hate that! Heartless! What if the Supreme Court was made up of all women and now the like of Clarence Thomas. Boy, did he change colors when he got appointed! Or maybe he just goes with the rest of the votes of the good old boys!
Blood line is important to men. I guess too to some women. Remember years past (probably some today still) where families were so worried about passing on the family name! It's all about the family tree and the gene pool and being ashamed of anything not perfect. Girls weren't perfect. They "were" weak! Now, today, if a woman puts her mind to it she can whip a man's ass; especially if she puts her mind to it. Right there she is another half a brain ahead of the game, since science has decided men only use half of their brain!
I can't help it! I have to male bash once in a while! I know I have gay friends to read my blog once in a while. Gay men are a wonderful exception to the rule! I'm speaking of straight white men.. especially older egotistical ones. I guess my memory of my youth is haunting me...too many bad memories of authortarian rule and the church.
We are all recovering Catholics (any religion, for that matter, and government)! It is the main reason for the need of "The Secret". If we wouldn't have religion and if we were all spiritual and believed in the golden rule we wouldn't need religion at all.
We don't need religion. It's religious organizations that want us to think we are sick and evil..so we need them. So we contribute to their bank account. So we help priests pay off child abuse victims. So we help leaders like Ted Haggard pay his boy prositutes and now legal bills.
I'm sick of religion and religious leaders thinking that they are "above the law".
I don't know the reason why six years ago, the Japanese family in a half hazard method with vague wording gave custody of their child to the Jones. Nor do I know why now they are fighting to get the kid.
The little girl has only known the Jones. They do not want to give her up and all are in tears. The little girl is afraid. She doesn't know those Japanese people! Her home is here and she wants to stay here. So the Jones went public with this traffic situation.
I think the Jones should be able to keep the little girl because it took the Supreme Court six long years dragging their feet to make a decision and that is not the little girls fault! Amen!
What's higher than the Supreme Court - Oh, Bush! Forget it.. he's all about pedigree and blood line. Can the Jones appeal. What if the little girl came forward and spoke her mind. I guess the mostly male Supreme Court never even considered the poor little girls thought, wants and opinions on the matter. She wants to stay in the states with her parents who raised her.. and that would be the Jones.
I can't stand that people treat other people (yes, kids are people) as commodities. I hate that! Heartless! What if the Supreme Court was made up of all women and now the like of Clarence Thomas. Boy, did he change colors when he got appointed! Or maybe he just goes with the rest of the votes of the good old boys!
Blood line is important to men. I guess too to some women. Remember years past (probably some today still) where families were so worried about passing on the family name! It's all about the family tree and the gene pool and being ashamed of anything not perfect. Girls weren't perfect. They "were" weak! Now, today, if a woman puts her mind to it she can whip a man's ass; especially if she puts her mind to it. Right there she is another half a brain ahead of the game, since science has decided men only use half of their brain!
I can't help it! I have to male bash once in a while! I know I have gay friends to read my blog once in a while. Gay men are a wonderful exception to the rule! I'm speaking of straight white men.. especially older egotistical ones. I guess my memory of my youth is haunting me...too many bad memories of authortarian rule and the church.
We are all recovering Catholics (any religion, for that matter, and government)! It is the main reason for the need of "The Secret". If we wouldn't have religion and if we were all spiritual and believed in the golden rule we wouldn't need religion at all.
We don't need religion. It's religious organizations that want us to think we are sick and evil..so we need them. So we contribute to their bank account. So we help priests pay off child abuse victims. So we help leaders like Ted Haggard pay his boy prositutes and now legal bills.
I'm sick of religion and religious leaders thinking that they are "above the law".
Off for that run!
I am very proud to be a member of the Dove pro-aging mentality! In fact I think some of those ladies work out and exercise less than I do.
But, I look good! Really good! And I feel fabulous. I began exercising to stay healthy and medication free! There is something to be said about exercising and caring about your appearance and being proud to be a feminince woman. Oh, that reminds me that I got a compliment at the gym yesterday where in my bathing suit. I got a pretty figure! Now just how sweet was that. Hey, it makes all the hard work worth it! I do it for me! I love myself and I think I'm cute. No, I'm hot!
I am healthy and do not take medications because I am active and run, yoga, swim, bike and walk to do my errands.
Now to give thanks and show my graditude. I am most thankful for my safety, injury free, pain free, accident free, good health, and my ability to be active and workout. I am grateful for my friends and grateful for them, in case they forget to thank the universe for their many blessings. I am free to be me and I am very happy with my life. I have many wonderful friends and sex. Thank the universe for the wonderful freqent sex. I love making love to her (was never like that back in the straight days).
But, then I learned about creating my own realities and that I have the power to create my own realities. And how things have changed. Dream it, plan it, visiualize it and forget it and then in a little while things begin to unfold. And feel your gut when it does.. it's amazing because you know it will happen. And it such amazes you how it does actually happen and come ture.
Last last fall and in my gut I wanted to do the biathlon on my own, no one else wanted to do it. I did it. I the way there I prayed for a magical day. It was picture perfect and extremely magical. Oh I prayed for sex too. People acted like I was a celebreity, coming up to me and talking to me, especially after I rode ten miles on a flat to cross the finish line. Oh yes, I was determined! The woman who stopped to pump air, with no avail, in my tire came to talk to me. She was amazed that I rode it in with a flat. Well, I watched that front flat very closely has I zoomed around corners. I had a blast. I prayed to the universe to help me. I was most determined. And I did it! After I cross the finish line only ten minutes slower than last year, I prayed that I wanted and need sex. Guess what? I got that the next day! Oh, yes I had a conversation. We both were very frank and poured our souls. And there you are! Just about as magical as you can get. I call having my orders (to the universe) coming true - magical!
Watch The Secret. One woman on Oprah said it's like going into a restaurant and placing an order. Know what you want and be specific because you will get what you want. So watch your wordage. Don't just say "Oh, help me make it to the end of the week!" Because guess what, you will just make it to the end of the week. So, aim high!
Okay, I'm out of here to enjoy my run! Better put sun screen on today!
But, I look good! Really good! And I feel fabulous. I began exercising to stay healthy and medication free! There is something to be said about exercising and caring about your appearance and being proud to be a feminince woman. Oh, that reminds me that I got a compliment at the gym yesterday where in my bathing suit. I got a pretty figure! Now just how sweet was that. Hey, it makes all the hard work worth it! I do it for me! I love myself and I think I'm cute. No, I'm hot!
I am healthy and do not take medications because I am active and run, yoga, swim, bike and walk to do my errands.
Now to give thanks and show my graditude. I am most thankful for my safety, injury free, pain free, accident free, good health, and my ability to be active and workout. I am grateful for my friends and grateful for them, in case they forget to thank the universe for their many blessings. I am free to be me and I am very happy with my life. I have many wonderful friends and sex. Thank the universe for the wonderful freqent sex. I love making love to her (was never like that back in the straight days).
But, then I learned about creating my own realities and that I have the power to create my own realities. And how things have changed. Dream it, plan it, visiualize it and forget it and then in a little while things begin to unfold. And feel your gut when it does.. it's amazing because you know it will happen. And it such amazes you how it does actually happen and come ture.
Last last fall and in my gut I wanted to do the biathlon on my own, no one else wanted to do it. I did it. I the way there I prayed for a magical day. It was picture perfect and extremely magical. Oh I prayed for sex too. People acted like I was a celebreity, coming up to me and talking to me, especially after I rode ten miles on a flat to cross the finish line. Oh yes, I was determined! The woman who stopped to pump air, with no avail, in my tire came to talk to me. She was amazed that I rode it in with a flat. Well, I watched that front flat very closely has I zoomed around corners. I had a blast. I prayed to the universe to help me. I was most determined. And I did it! After I cross the finish line only ten minutes slower than last year, I prayed that I wanted and need sex. Guess what? I got that the next day! Oh, yes I had a conversation. We both were very frank and poured our souls. And there you are! Just about as magical as you can get. I call having my orders (to the universe) coming true - magical!
Watch The Secret. One woman on Oprah said it's like going into a restaurant and placing an order. Know what you want and be specific because you will get what you want. So watch your wordage. Don't just say "Oh, help me make it to the end of the week!" Because guess what, you will just make it to the end of the week. So, aim high!
Okay, I'm out of here to enjoy my run! Better put sun screen on today!
I love it when Rosie goes off on "The View"
about the Iraq war and places a bet with Elisabeth that we are gearing up to Iran next by using the same aerial views photos.
Rosie claims the "insurgents" are the people who actually live there, so in her opinion they are not insurgents.
Elisabeth is good on the show because she presents her more "rightist" point of view and then Rosie can point counterpoint. It's great! For example Elisabeth read on the show in the post that only 17% of our population want us to pull out of Iraq. And Rosie and Joy agreed that Fox and the (NY) Post are owned by the same people! I love their frankness and their words of explicit truths.
People need to become aware of the scenes hiding behind the "movie".
Yes Tony Blair has pulled the British troops out of Iraq. So what will Bush do. I think we may be out of Iraq but I think we'll be in Iran by the time Bush gets out of office. Hey, there are 100,000 companies over there making money hand over fist why would they want the party to end. People don't want us in Iraq so they'll just move the party down the street.
I'm wondering if a plan wasn't put into place before or around 1900 when the automobile first came about? See the electric car was more popular at that time too. But, I guess big oil saw more profits for more people and made deals with the Middle East already.
Now you know the Middle East countries want to keep us for a customer, along with all the other countries around the world who still use petroleum (Brazil is strictly using Ethanol from sugar cane now) to the fullest extent. So, what better way to use a lot of oil and spend a lot of money and make money then having a war. Makes you wonder doesn't it.
We have not heard much about Saudi Arabia lately have we. No not since we discovered how cozy the Bush Dynasty has been and still are with them.. Haven't heard a thing since 2001 have we? No not since Bush closed all the airports and personally have them flown out of the country for their safety. Amazing! Odd, how they all amused they were totally innocent even though several of the pilot student who we knew were in this country learning to "steer" a plane, were from of Saudi decent. Makes me wonder?
So, I guess my point is that I wonder if big business and some parties of the Middle East haven't been "friends" since 1900 or before. I mean what good is having tons of oil in the ground if no one wants or needs to buy it. Amazing!
So, I think that it will be many, many years before we switch from oil to mostly Ethanol. We''' never get to totally electric, because there is no money in it for big oil people. Did you know that the Hydrogen Cell process is derived from an oil product or process? I thought I read that recently? Oh I think the government may give us lip service and act like they are "trying" to move away from oil. But, I in reality they never will because oil and auto is too big.
And the Japanese make and sell a totally electric car in other countries, but the Prius can only be a hybrid here in this country.
You know what commercial makes me sad? It the futuristic Transition eye glasses commercial. It's so cool and futuristic. Well, people, we will never get to that point until every single drop of oil is drained out of the ground all over the world. Because the oil emperors want every drop of money they can make from oil. These huge skull and bones big business people like the Bush dynasty are making too much money. They don't care if their grandchildren choke to death from polluted air and that global warming destroys the environment.
Sometimes I watch Nova and they talk about cities of the future where the air is so clean and the mobility is so clean and high tech. It will never happen. Our air will remain dirty with an oil scum covering everything. Have you seen the beach where there are oil rigs out in the water..they are dark and covered with grime. We could easily generate clean electricity with wind mills. We do not need nuclear either, Bush.
Why are these people so narrow minded, greedy and evil - and Christian, the worse of the evil ones.
Just how much money do they need? We need neither. I know I don't. I love my small space that surrounds me in comfort.
Just follow the money!
Will! I'm out the door to enjoy this beautiful sunny, 60's weather. I just spoke to my special friend who says she admires me and loves the fact that I am my own person. We do have a very special relationship.
Tomorrow I'll sketch the live model.. possibly nude. I have been sketch still nudes. I hope my pencil is not shaking all over the place. It's okay. I've seen this model naked already I think at the gym. This will be a new experience for me.
And don't you just love the Dove pro-aging women would modeled nude for the promotion. And the winner for the promotion, a 64 year old was on an electric billboard in Times Square. Too cool! I was excited and elated and it did my ego wonders to see this.
I think more products should promote less skinny young things - that's easy. What young thing isn't beautiful just for the mere fact that she is young. It takes work to look fabulous at 50 and beyond. I love it! And I am very proud to be a part of them.
Rosie claims the "insurgents" are the people who actually live there, so in her opinion they are not insurgents.
Elisabeth is good on the show because she presents her more "rightist" point of view and then Rosie can point counterpoint. It's great! For example Elisabeth read on the show in the post that only 17% of our population want us to pull out of Iraq. And Rosie and Joy agreed that Fox and the (NY) Post are owned by the same people! I love their frankness and their words of explicit truths.
People need to become aware of the scenes hiding behind the "movie".
Yes Tony Blair has pulled the British troops out of Iraq. So what will Bush do. I think we may be out of Iraq but I think we'll be in Iran by the time Bush gets out of office. Hey, there are 100,000 companies over there making money hand over fist why would they want the party to end. People don't want us in Iraq so they'll just move the party down the street.
I'm wondering if a plan wasn't put into place before or around 1900 when the automobile first came about? See the electric car was more popular at that time too. But, I guess big oil saw more profits for more people and made deals with the Middle East already.
Now you know the Middle East countries want to keep us for a customer, along with all the other countries around the world who still use petroleum (Brazil is strictly using Ethanol from sugar cane now) to the fullest extent. So, what better way to use a lot of oil and spend a lot of money and make money then having a war. Makes you wonder doesn't it.
We have not heard much about Saudi Arabia lately have we. No not since we discovered how cozy the Bush Dynasty has been and still are with them.. Haven't heard a thing since 2001 have we? No not since Bush closed all the airports and personally have them flown out of the country for their safety. Amazing! Odd, how they all amused they were totally innocent even though several of the pilot student who we knew were in this country learning to "steer" a plane, were from of Saudi decent. Makes me wonder?
So, I guess my point is that I wonder if big business and some parties of the Middle East haven't been "friends" since 1900 or before. I mean what good is having tons of oil in the ground if no one wants or needs to buy it. Amazing!
So, I think that it will be many, many years before we switch from oil to mostly Ethanol. We''' never get to totally electric, because there is no money in it for big oil people. Did you know that the Hydrogen Cell process is derived from an oil product or process? I thought I read that recently? Oh I think the government may give us lip service and act like they are "trying" to move away from oil. But, I in reality they never will because oil and auto is too big.
And the Japanese make and sell a totally electric car in other countries, but the Prius can only be a hybrid here in this country.
You know what commercial makes me sad? It the futuristic Transition eye glasses commercial. It's so cool and futuristic. Well, people, we will never get to that point until every single drop of oil is drained out of the ground all over the world. Because the oil emperors want every drop of money they can make from oil. These huge skull and bones big business people like the Bush dynasty are making too much money. They don't care if their grandchildren choke to death from polluted air and that global warming destroys the environment.
Sometimes I watch Nova and they talk about cities of the future where the air is so clean and the mobility is so clean and high tech. It will never happen. Our air will remain dirty with an oil scum covering everything. Have you seen the beach where there are oil rigs out in the water..they are dark and covered with grime. We could easily generate clean electricity with wind mills. We do not need nuclear either, Bush.
Why are these people so narrow minded, greedy and evil - and Christian, the worse of the evil ones.
Just how much money do they need? We need neither. I know I don't. I love my small space that surrounds me in comfort.
Just follow the money!
Will! I'm out the door to enjoy this beautiful sunny, 60's weather. I just spoke to my special friend who says she admires me and loves the fact that I am my own person. We do have a very special relationship.
Tomorrow I'll sketch the live model.. possibly nude. I have been sketch still nudes. I hope my pencil is not shaking all over the place. It's okay. I've seen this model naked already I think at the gym. This will be a new experience for me.
And don't you just love the Dove pro-aging women would modeled nude for the promotion. And the winner for the promotion, a 64 year old was on an electric billboard in Times Square. Too cool! I was excited and elated and it did my ego wonders to see this.
I think more products should promote less skinny young things - that's easy. What young thing isn't beautiful just for the mere fact that she is young. It takes work to look fabulous at 50 and beyond. I love it! And I am very proud to be a part of them.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A beautiful day
Today I ran and swam. It was a beautiful 50 degree sunny day. I'll probably do the same tomorrow.
Oops I forgot to go join the running group this evening. I'll wait until March 11th when the time changes and it doesn't get dark until after seven. I'll meet up with them then in the park. I forgot it was Tuesday.
I need to get my front bicycle wheel looked at. I think I have a bad rim, bad stem or something. It suddenly just went flat. It was just sitting there. I pumped it up and it went flat again. Besides there is a cute girl who works on the bicycles at the shop right down the street from me in walking distance. I love it!
Tomorrow I'll call my friend and see when she wants to come over again. We left it open. I would rather have a set day of the week to get together. But, last week and this week I wanted to go to the Artist Guild to sketch a live model..again it's within walking distance. I love it! Anyway, I'll call her tomorrow.
I have much to do yet, read, sketch, sing and play my guitar. I ran about five miles to the gym to swim, and then about three back. I took the shorter way home thinking that I would probably do it again tomorrow.
Here's to beautiful Dove pro-age advertising and their models. There is a big market out there for many women who are beautiful at that age straight or lesbian. Of course the typical Midwest lesbian has a totally different look about her. So unlike the "L Word" crowd. But, my friends tell me on both coasts lesbians are very main stream in appearance. I found that very refreshing. Of course if you go out to "the" local bar (our one and only) lesbians are dressed in woman's fashion and they are not the cross dressers.
Speaking of cross dressers - why in the world drag queens are in a lesbian bar doing their show is totally beyond me! I'm speaking of our one and only lesbian bar. I don't want to watch some man in drag prance about and lip sync to a song. I want to dance! And besides wouldn't the gay men in the gay bar across the street appreciate them so much more? I want to enjoy a margarita and dance!
Oops I forgot to go join the running group this evening. I'll wait until March 11th when the time changes and it doesn't get dark until after seven. I'll meet up with them then in the park. I forgot it was Tuesday.
I need to get my front bicycle wheel looked at. I think I have a bad rim, bad stem or something. It suddenly just went flat. It was just sitting there. I pumped it up and it went flat again. Besides there is a cute girl who works on the bicycles at the shop right down the street from me in walking distance. I love it!
Tomorrow I'll call my friend and see when she wants to come over again. We left it open. I would rather have a set day of the week to get together. But, last week and this week I wanted to go to the Artist Guild to sketch a live model..again it's within walking distance. I love it! Anyway, I'll call her tomorrow.
I have much to do yet, read, sketch, sing and play my guitar. I ran about five miles to the gym to swim, and then about three back. I took the shorter way home thinking that I would probably do it again tomorrow.
Here's to beautiful Dove pro-age advertising and their models. There is a big market out there for many women who are beautiful at that age straight or lesbian. Of course the typical Midwest lesbian has a totally different look about her. So unlike the "L Word" crowd. But, my friends tell me on both coasts lesbians are very main stream in appearance. I found that very refreshing. Of course if you go out to "the" local bar (our one and only) lesbians are dressed in woman's fashion and they are not the cross dressers.
Speaking of cross dressers - why in the world drag queens are in a lesbian bar doing their show is totally beyond me! I'm speaking of our one and only lesbian bar. I don't want to watch some man in drag prance about and lip sync to a song. I want to dance! And besides wouldn't the gay men in the gay bar across the street appreciate them so much more? I want to enjoy a margarita and dance!
Small Spaces
Nat on Oprah remodeled a 250 sq ft apartment in New York on a cool like trendy street in Manhattan. I love to live there myself. It was much like our Central West End. So cool!
The whole show was comprised of redesigning and making great design and use of small spaces. Watching this really made me appreciate my small condo. I love it! One day about four years from now I may totally remodel and add shelves for a desk that flips over into a bed. Not the huge one but the smaller double size bed design. Personally, I do not like big beds. I prefer double size. Who needs any more space?
I love knowing where everything is and not having to walk forever or climb steps to get to it. I have close to 1000 sq ft. Nat himself bought and remodeled 550 sq ft and once again it's in that fabulous popular neighborhood he so loves.
Another couple with a baby live in a 550 sq ft apartment. They love it! Once again, if things get to "crowded" feeling they say that there is a popular coffee shop right down the street where the neighbors congregate.
The point of the whole show was that Nat and these people live according to "The Secret". They do not need much and love the simpleness which leaves them so much more room for other things in their life.
This one guy, which is a little extreme, lives in a 96 sq ft little trailor on two sets of tandom wheels. He had the place remodeled beautifully. He say he loves it because he has no mortage and it leaves him to go other things.
At work in the elevator one day, I remember a guy saying that on business he stayed at a Residence Inn which are designed like small apartments with kitchens, living room and bedroom. There's even a fireplace. He said he loved living that simply that he had his laptop and so he had everything he needed. When he said that I recalled that I felt the same way too when I stayed at a Residence Inn. It's all you need. How much time do you spend at home anyway? And what do you do when you are at home? Laundry, cook a little, and watch TV with you laptop on your lap.
It's the life for me. I love my condo and I love where I live. I am within walking distance of every shop and everything I need. I love it! My friends are close by. I no longer have to drive thirty minutes just to get to the city to see my friends. For thirty years I computed and sat in traffic or rode the train. I should have bought over here way back when. But, anyway, I'm here now! I love the city!
The whole show was comprised of redesigning and making great design and use of small spaces. Watching this really made me appreciate my small condo. I love it! One day about four years from now I may totally remodel and add shelves for a desk that flips over into a bed. Not the huge one but the smaller double size bed design. Personally, I do not like big beds. I prefer double size. Who needs any more space?
I love knowing where everything is and not having to walk forever or climb steps to get to it. I have close to 1000 sq ft. Nat himself bought and remodeled 550 sq ft and once again it's in that fabulous popular neighborhood he so loves.
Another couple with a baby live in a 550 sq ft apartment. They love it! Once again, if things get to "crowded" feeling they say that there is a popular coffee shop right down the street where the neighbors congregate.
The point of the whole show was that Nat and these people live according to "The Secret". They do not need much and love the simpleness which leaves them so much more room for other things in their life.
This one guy, which is a little extreme, lives in a 96 sq ft little trailor on two sets of tandom wheels. He had the place remodeled beautifully. He say he loves it because he has no mortage and it leaves him to go other things.
At work in the elevator one day, I remember a guy saying that on business he stayed at a Residence Inn which are designed like small apartments with kitchens, living room and bedroom. There's even a fireplace. He said he loved living that simply that he had his laptop and so he had everything he needed. When he said that I recalled that I felt the same way too when I stayed at a Residence Inn. It's all you need. How much time do you spend at home anyway? And what do you do when you are at home? Laundry, cook a little, and watch TV with you laptop on your lap.
It's the life for me. I love my condo and I love where I live. I am within walking distance of every shop and everything I need. I love it! My friends are close by. I no longer have to drive thirty minutes just to get to the city to see my friends. For thirty years I computed and sat in traffic or rode the train. I should have bought over here way back when. But, anyway, I'm here now! I love the city!
She shaved her head...
she didn't kill anyone! What is the big deal? Why is Britney Spears getting all of this publicity? Simone "whatever" the singer has always had her head shaved.. and no one thinks she is going off the deep end. If she is no one cares!
But Britney Spears shaves her head and everybody from Barbara Walters to Jay Leno is worried about her. Even late night Conan O'Brien is worried about her.
It's brilliant publicity at best! Drive holding your kid in your lap. Go clubing in New York with a few drinks under your belt...don't wear any panties and your hot! Be a wild kid and your hot! Talk show hosts will "feel Sorry" for you. She shaved her head and so everyone thinks she is really ready to go off the deep end.
Amazing! Brilliant! Or there just isn't much news to report or comment about lately.
Women with cancer shave their heads; but of course, all their hair if falling out. Remember when Melissa Etheridge shaved hers. She was a hit! A hero! Everyone looked at her differently. People admired her! Her status jumped up a lease four rungs on the popularity ladder. So, what all the fuss about when it comes to Britney. She's just acting like a typical wild non-responsible young woman who has her mother there to watch and take care of her kids.. works for me!
But Britney Spears shaves her head and everybody from Barbara Walters to Jay Leno is worried about her. Even late night Conan O'Brien is worried about her.
It's brilliant publicity at best! Drive holding your kid in your lap. Go clubing in New York with a few drinks under your belt...don't wear any panties and your hot! Be a wild kid and your hot! Talk show hosts will "feel Sorry" for you. She shaved her head and so everyone thinks she is really ready to go off the deep end.
Amazing! Brilliant! Or there just isn't much news to report or comment about lately.
Women with cancer shave their heads; but of course, all their hair if falling out. Remember when Melissa Etheridge shaved hers. She was a hit! A hero! Everyone looked at her differently. People admired her! Her status jumped up a lease four rungs on the popularity ladder. So, what all the fuss about when it comes to Britney. She's just acting like a typical wild non-responsible young woman who has her mother there to watch and take care of her kids.. works for me!
Radical Acceptance
Upon awakening I reached over and pulled out the most attractive from the stack on my night stand. Attractive in soft pastel colors and that new trade paperback Read's Digest size that I like so well. I have this thing about shapes, texture and fit. It fits my hands so well and makes me want to open it up and see what's inside.
The title of the book: "Radical Acceptance" by Tara Brach, PH. D. "Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha" As I began reading, I began comparing the message of this book to the message of "The Secret" or "What the Bleep Do We Know?" or "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?"
And the difference I found was very interesting. In Radical Acceptance the message is that we should accept what is through meditation ( I call it, putting yourself in "neutral"). In other words accept what is...as if we have no control at all. Go with the flow! Also, when the writer has a miscarriage the guru at the retreat blames her - in front of the whole group humiliating her.
So I came to this conclusion that this book is really about dominance, blame, and patriarchal control.
So, being the outraged feminist lesbian that I am, I much rather prefer the teachings and suggestions of "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and it Sequel "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?". Here, with these beliefs, I am in control! I control my reality. I have the power and inter beliefs and creativity to live my dreams.
Being the skeptic that I am I'm thinking. Wow! What a money making concept The Secret is. You put it out there with less to nothing overhead because the production and DVD is made up of the investors who are public speakers who get out there (you pay) and they promote their product! Wow what a marketing concept! But then here is what I discovered?
Is it the power of suggestion? Or are we really this connected with the universe of souls that surround us. Are we really this powerful that we can create and control our realities. Is it all perception? Yes!
The Secret suggests that we want it, dream it, visualize it and then let it go! I always ask too that my day be magical! But, here is what I found - it works!
Speaking from personal experience, trust me, it works. And most of my magical days are very sunny and bright and I feel very high with life on those days when the magic happens. My realities and dreams come true are real.. hey I'm still seeing her. It came true. But, what I found was "for her too". So I guess I'll coming together was easy for the universe because we both wanted the same thing. "Hey, let's just put these two together!"
It's magical! So maybe we are evolving as spiritual beings in human form. Maybe we are beginning to see that the old ways do not work so well. Personally, I think ideas like "The Secret" are necessary due to the results of years of organized religion.
Just look what religion as done to us? I've suffered for years of Catholicism bull shit! Oh yes, we are born evil! We are all sinners! Such bull shit! Do I sound angry? I guess I'm not totally over the controlling, manipulating, humiliating upbringing that I was subjected to. Organized abuse at best, All alone without social services to come to your aid to get you out of there!
Why the control over others? What is this need in people to control others. Is it a lack of confidence in parents, in men? Fear? Is it out of fear? And why do people listen to these people? Perhaps because they were raised that way themselves and that is controlled by authoritarian monsters.
Well, I believe that The Secret" frees us from all organized religion that preaches right or wrong, heaven or hell. We are all going to be judged and we will have to answer for our actions. I think speaking of corruption breeds corruption. Religion concentrates on negative behavior. Religion wants you to mess up so they can fix you. So you think you need them. You are broken and they have to fix you for a fee of course...your walet and your soul, your mind! We have all been damaged by brainwashing religion.
So, let's undamage by a positive method (for a change). And that is that we are all powerful. We are all gods. The power lies within us. Each and every one of us has the power to be happy. I recently ditched my negative, life draining family. It was the best move I ever made. May I never see them again. It's been over two years. I am so happy and free!
Yes, I created my own reality. I wanted it, dreamed it and then let it go so the universe can do it's thing and make it happen. It works. But you must believe and never falter from thinking that it can be; that your dream can come true and become reality. You must believe in the process.
I love this stuff! Now I'm out the door to run to the gym to swim. It's the best thing you can ever do for youself...exercise. But, first a few yoga poses to stretch and lossen up.
The title of the book: "Radical Acceptance" by Tara Brach, PH. D. "Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha" As I began reading, I began comparing the message of this book to the message of "The Secret" or "What the Bleep Do We Know?" or "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?"
And the difference I found was very interesting. In Radical Acceptance the message is that we should accept what is through meditation ( I call it, putting yourself in "neutral"). In other words accept what is...as if we have no control at all. Go with the flow! Also, when the writer has a miscarriage the guru at the retreat blames her - in front of the whole group humiliating her.
So I came to this conclusion that this book is really about dominance, blame, and patriarchal control.
So, being the outraged feminist lesbian that I am, I much rather prefer the teachings and suggestions of "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and it Sequel "How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want To Go?". Here, with these beliefs, I am in control! I control my reality. I have the power and inter beliefs and creativity to live my dreams.
Being the skeptic that I am I'm thinking. Wow! What a money making concept The Secret is. You put it out there with less to nothing overhead because the production and DVD is made up of the investors who are public speakers who get out there (you pay) and they promote their product! Wow what a marketing concept! But then here is what I discovered?
Is it the power of suggestion? Or are we really this connected with the universe of souls that surround us. Are we really this powerful that we can create and control our realities. Is it all perception? Yes!
The Secret suggests that we want it, dream it, visualize it and then let it go! I always ask too that my day be magical! But, here is what I found - it works!
Speaking from personal experience, trust me, it works. And most of my magical days are very sunny and bright and I feel very high with life on those days when the magic happens. My realities and dreams come true are real.. hey I'm still seeing her. It came true. But, what I found was "for her too". So I guess I'll coming together was easy for the universe because we both wanted the same thing. "Hey, let's just put these two together!"
It's magical! So maybe we are evolving as spiritual beings in human form. Maybe we are beginning to see that the old ways do not work so well. Personally, I think ideas like "The Secret" are necessary due to the results of years of organized religion.
Just look what religion as done to us? I've suffered for years of Catholicism bull shit! Oh yes, we are born evil! We are all sinners! Such bull shit! Do I sound angry? I guess I'm not totally over the controlling, manipulating, humiliating upbringing that I was subjected to. Organized abuse at best, All alone without social services to come to your aid to get you out of there!
Why the control over others? What is this need in people to control others. Is it a lack of confidence in parents, in men? Fear? Is it out of fear? And why do people listen to these people? Perhaps because they were raised that way themselves and that is controlled by authoritarian monsters.
Well, I believe that The Secret" frees us from all organized religion that preaches right or wrong, heaven or hell. We are all going to be judged and we will have to answer for our actions. I think speaking of corruption breeds corruption. Religion concentrates on negative behavior. Religion wants you to mess up so they can fix you. So you think you need them. You are broken and they have to fix you for a fee of course...your walet and your soul, your mind! We have all been damaged by brainwashing religion.
So, let's undamage by a positive method (for a change). And that is that we are all powerful. We are all gods. The power lies within us. Each and every one of us has the power to be happy. I recently ditched my negative, life draining family. It was the best move I ever made. May I never see them again. It's been over two years. I am so happy and free!
Yes, I created my own reality. I wanted it, dreamed it and then let it go so the universe can do it's thing and make it happen. It works. But you must believe and never falter from thinking that it can be; that your dream can come true and become reality. You must believe in the process.
I love this stuff! Now I'm out the door to run to the gym to swim. It's the best thing you can ever do for youself...exercise. But, first a few yoga poses to stretch and lossen up.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Two years ago..
I didn't play golf, I didn't sing and play guitar, I didn't do yoga, I didn't swim, I didn't run a half marathon and I didn't have absolutely wonderful sex on a regular basis. Two years ago I wore glasses regularly, now I only wear them for night driving. Two years ago I wasn't this young looking and fit. I'm getting younger and better all the time. Two years ago I lived in another state. I've been a free spirit for two years. Two years ago I did't sketch as well as I do now. Two years ago I never sketched a live model. Two years ago I never had the chance to dance the swing. Two years ago I didn't live in this state! Two years ago I didn't think that all the power lies within myself that I am capable of creating and living my dreams. Two years ago I never asked for a woman to love me..now I expect her too and to meet me half way. In my dreams when I make my plans she meets me half way.
Did I die? No, I'm alive and I'm in love with life! I love my condo! I love my friends. I am very grateful for all of my blessings of good friends and lots of love in my life. I am grateful for my good health, pain free, injury free, accident free, active and healthy life. I thank the universe for my friends too in case they forget to be grateful. I pray my friends and myself remain healthy, happy, injury free, pain free and loved.
So, today I am a totally different person; I'm a better person. I'm growing in mind, body and spirit. It's so wonderful to love and make love and have the same returned.
Life is grand. I'm happy in this life and can't wait to die and move on to my exit adventure, my new life.
I've forgotten my childhood. I left the people who reminded me of the unhappiness, sadness and lovelessness. I'm so free! I hope I never see them again! May they all rest in peace...just leave me to be.. happy! I am so happy! And I deserve to be happy! Life need not be one of horrible Catholic rules and negativity. Life is meant to be loved, have love and to grow in spirit.
I'm free at last!
Did I die? No, I'm alive and I'm in love with life! I love my condo! I love my friends. I am very grateful for all of my blessings of good friends and lots of love in my life. I am grateful for my good health, pain free, injury free, accident free, active and healthy life. I thank the universe for my friends too in case they forget to be grateful. I pray my friends and myself remain healthy, happy, injury free, pain free and loved.
So, today I am a totally different person; I'm a better person. I'm growing in mind, body and spirit. It's so wonderful to love and make love and have the same returned.
Life is grand. I'm happy in this life and can't wait to die and move on to my exit adventure, my new life.
I've forgotten my childhood. I left the people who reminded me of the unhappiness, sadness and lovelessness. I'm so free! I hope I never see them again! May they all rest in peace...just leave me to be.. happy! I am so happy! And I deserve to be happy! Life need not be one of horrible Catholic rules and negativity. Life is meant to be loved, have love and to grow in spirit.
I'm free at last!
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