Friday, February 09, 2007

The Law of Intention

Your thoughts, feelings and your actions all have to be firing at the same time for your future to come to you. I'm speaking of "The Secret" a best selling book and DVD. Or you can Google the word secrets on line and watch it for 4.95 on line.

We are all connected at the quantum physics level. Things do not happen by chance. We have unlimited power within us.

A thought is a unit of mental energy that can make up your feeling tone of your life. Feel that tone and what will flow into your life will match that tone. So, each of us can release ourselves as a victim and begin taking control of our lives.

Gratitude is very important. And nothing new will come into your life unless you express gratitude for what you already have. Gratitude is a magnetic force in the universe. By doing this you create a space to make life better.

We are the things we do, the books we read, and the actions we take. We are what we do and we create our own environment. The secret uncovers love, wealth and good health in your life. The basic principle is what you put out there is what you get back. And it's true.

If you say I'll never have a perfect relationship.. you just placed that order. It's like sitting at a restaurant and placing an order. Yes, some times the order is unconscious, but spiritual growth awakens us to our own power and more conscious conditions so we consciously place a positive order. As we become aware of our spirituality and our power of intentions the more the spirits, our spirits, speak through us.

The intention of the secret is to touch hearts all over the world as the spirit of the power intention is intended to do. We are all connected consciously or unconsciously touching one another.

For people in debt it works both positive and negative. Negative thoughts and choices get us into trouble so think positive..don't use the word debt when you meditate.. use positive terms and don't pray. "Lord if I can just make it to the end of the week!" Well, you will just make it to the end of the week because that is what you request. So, set your goals high, and also "save" and put a plan into place where money is automatically deducted every pay toward your debt and then forget it. So now you can concentrate on making your financial life better.

Forgive and don't always think that somebody owes you something. Be free of what is burdening you, like a lost love. Let it go and the universe will rush to you with the positiveness you are now feeling and claiming. It's your birthright to be successful and happy.

Thank you for giving me that experience and then let it go, is the beginning of a new point in your life. Release it. Give up the hope that the past could have been different. What can I learn from a negative situation. And know that you learned something from the negative situation. Maybe you became more self reliant. Just wonder what quality do I have to grow to achieve peace of mind.

Many lives spiral out of control until they discover The Secret! We have to learn to love ourselves to give the world the example of how to love us. We teach people how to treat us. We cannot expect people to treat us any better than the way we treat ourselves. Success and greatness is the constant moving forward of our souls. If we are living the gifts and talents within us then we are successful.

Energy flows where attention goes so be grateful and look for the positive things in your partner or potential partners. Don't concentrate on the negative in him or her, but the positive and be grateful for that and then more of the positive will come your way. is where you can get the DVD.

To take off weight? First of all be grateful. I love my legs, I love my good health etc., for the way you look right now. We need to become healthy and whole and do not concentrate of losing weight. Don't diet. Focus on health and being whole and more will come your. And know that you have the right and are ready for being loving to yourself and receiving love. Say to yourself. "I choose today to give myself the best life ever."

Everything is in the present. If you want more.. let something go. Let go of the past. Let go of your old repeating negative thoughts. Things happen when we are in the present and know to let the negative go.

Ask once and don't try to make it happen. But walk in the direction of what we want. There are parts of our mind that doesn't know the difference between actual and mental action. Be pulled on the path to meet the right people. Put yourself in a heart space to provide value to the world. How can I serve? Create visual to remind you of who you are and things you want. Maybe a visualization board with pictures and articles.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

I saw that bit on "Oprah" yesterday afternoon, too! ;-)

Lots of truth there. Reminds me of that old saying: "Be careful what you wish for -- you just might GET it!"

...except that we need to look at the thoughts BEHIND that saying. Is there something negative hiding underneath?

Food for thought!