Thursday, February 22, 2007

illegals get credit cards

The Bank of America is issuing credit cards to illegal aliens. I thought you had to have a social security number to get a credit card. Why are they being treated special?

They can get driver's license too! What's the deal? Our government made it harder for us, the legals, to get into Mexico and Canada; now we need a passport. Why? Seems Mexicans having an open door into this country. Always a double standard.

I guess Americans demanded more security.. so okay, we have to be more restricted but the illegals have an open door policy it appears.

Oh, I know states are against union and paying people a decent they welcome and prefer the illegals. Hell, they'll work next to nothing, so why not?

That should teach you never to complain about anything (just like at work) because you will end up with even more responsibility then before. In other words, they (management or government) do not want you complaining or voicing you opinion. You complain.. it's then your responsibility. We had a guy at work who just messed every project up and so therefore the boss never gave him any way. Too bad I was more ethical and believed in doing my best and a good days work! What? Was I nuts? I was stressed and the guy who messed up everything sat back with his feet propped up reading the newspaper. See, I got his share of the work too!

It's amazing isn't it?

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