Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nation Wide Nine Million Children are

uninsured. There are bills in congress to try to correct this problem. I feel if we do not concentrate more on our own country's needs we will become like a third world country. This country is regressing where social services and health care matters are concerned. As a society we should be progressing. This is shameful but typical of our government. As Rosie says on "The View". "The government should be working for us." I say the government is spending our tax dollars only for special interest, theirs and corporations. Our government is not asking or giving breaks to corporations to provide group health and dental insurance for employees. Instead more and more corporations do not want the added hassle and expense and the government is allowing them to get away with it. Group insurance provided through companies and corporations is so much cheaper for employees. Of course, the government could step in and tell the insurance companies to lower their rates and think more about volume rather than targeting the upper middle class only who can afford the heavy cost of insurance.

And then, even if insured, an insured person never knows when the insurance company is going to bail and suddenly decide they do not cover certain procedures or situation cases or things that may come up within a covered case. I feel that the government should step in and provide safeguards to insure-es.


Things need to change in Washington. We, the tax payer, need to make more demands on our representative and senators. We should be outraged!

One case in point regarding lack of affordable insurance or of employees not offering group rates insurance plans: A young nine year old boy with an abscessed tooth. The bacteria went to his brain and in a few days. After complaining of a tooth ache and not feeling good she took him to the emergency room where after a couple of days he died. They had no insurance.

It appears that I am an exception because I have been fortunate throughout my working career to have dental insurance provided. I also made a decent "union" wage (something republicans want to do away with - again working for corporations instead of the American tax payer). But, even though I still have to pay about half the costs of my dental procedures, it is a great monetary aid to have the insurance. I have always gone regularly twice a year for dental hygiene. I am very fortunate and I know it.

So, why can't the government make dental and regular health care available to all classes of people. Actually, we nearly have only two classes in this country a very few rich and many poor. Yes, the middle class as we have always known it and most of us felt part of is depleting at a rapid pace. And the class separation in this country is growing ever wider and wider and our government enables this separation between the extreme affluent and the poor class by favoring the rich CEO's of corporations.

Why do we have this huge ever growing increase in the poor sectors of this country? I think we need to point the finger at our political leaders who are so engrossed in making money for their corporate friends and "themselves". In reality our political leaders are business men taking advantage of high political positions. I think that big changes need to be made in Washington.

It is so obvious to me that government is only interested in money making for themselves and corporations and not providing jobs and insurance for the poor which will only perpetuate the existing problem. Consider New Orleans and the Katrina situation in which the government ignored a whole sector of people..starting way back when, when they ignored the credibility of the water's dykes and levies in that area.

Where are our ethics? There is no honor and integrity in our political or corporate system. But instead it appears to me that they are all out for the almighty buck, even the Christians, and both of those groups exploit the general population with their greedy self-serving processes! Just how much money and power do some people need? Where is the humanity?

Shouldn't the government be setting a good example for the rest of the nation to follow. If every one carried on like the church or government, we would be in jail for robbery or on death row for murder.

I think we can all agree that war is never necessary for peace. I think all nations can talk about our differences and work something out. But that is in a cause for "peace". What if the cause is monetary. What if the war is for profit for thousands of companies? Sorry to say, "they" would have us think that war is for world peace.

Just follow the money and it will all make sense. "Who has the most to gain?" Ask yourself. Well, there are at least 100,000 companies in Iraq who are making money. Yes, the taxes you pay are not going for social benefits for you the tax payer. No, the taxes you have paid and will pay are going into the profits of those companies that are even wasting your money in Iraq. Please see the DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profiteers". It's a real eye opener.

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