I watched the Republican debate Wednesday evening on CNN. So, the majority of the people in the service are Christian and Republican and they don't want gay there. Nice!
Rommey, Huckabee, McCain, and Paul, I believe are the ones Anderson Cooper asked to answer Retired General Kerr's question...he came out after forty years of service for his country and they are still denying the gay in the military. These people are no better than my family. Hypocrites!
Yes, it's just too bad people are not comfortable enough with their own sexuality...that they feel the urge to strike out at gays at lesbians. Trust me no one wants to be gay and fight society..but we are born gay some of us. So as Bill Riley often instructs his guest....we should just "shut up" and sit in the corner. Being denied who you are is like being robed of your spirit...you have no self. We are invisible...they don't want to hear about it. We should assimulate and fit in. Christians hate people who are different than themselves...we must all fit the same mold or be stoned to death. Frankly at times I would rather be dead! Hope you are happy marching off to church every Sunday and thinking you are holier then thou...and everyone else...and love playing god. The audacity!
There are homosexuals in every social group and in every country..yes even Saudi Arabia..even Pakistan. Religion is an evil thing...because people kill in the name of god... and women are of lesser social value than men. God I hate religion!
There is something terribly wrong with this world.....all the hate...all the greed! My gay friends are the nicest people I know....good hearted...kind and honest....loving and true....ready to lend a hand...they are not greedy are hateful or prejudice.
When I look at the big picture of government crooks and corporate greed and war and hate and the needless poor and starving so others may be extremely wealthy it makes me want to cry. I know that there are many kind people out there...but policitians and religious hedons over shadow them with their hate. So just who are the sinners? Trust me I'd rather be gay.
And what is the big deal? If you are not gay what do you care? Gay people find other gay people...they don't create or change a straight person into a gay person...so what are you worried about. Personally, they want homosexuals to live in misery as look as everyone fits the norm. Don't color out side the liens... and why not?
I remember when I was a kid my mother would say...just about every day about something or other.."What will people say?" or "What will people think?" Women who divoced were considered sinners and evil and ostracized and the divorce was always her fault...because she couldn't keep him happy. A man could screw around..because well, he's a man. Such bull shit made me want to puke as a kid. I hated the church bull shit from the time I was little. Honor authority; honor thy priests....yeah the whole time they are molesting you....honor them. You know they made those rules so they could get away with molesting kids. Parents would never believe the kids....mother's protected not the kid but the husband and the fucking priests
It's all bull shit and homosexuals are used by politicans and religion to avoid the real issues..Abortion is another one. I am so tired of old white men wanting to play god I could puke!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Oh, this is just my own take on this process. I watch a lot of "Discovery" both hospital and
natural (if possible) mid-wife, and doctor facilitator birth-centers.
Many mothers know ahead of time that they do not want a natural birth without an epidural for the pain.
The babies are more calm and the delivery shorter with a natural birth with a birth stool. I always thought gravity could play a hugh impact on a delivery...why not use the power of gravity? Hospitals don't take advantage of this more "natural" process. Sitting up in a birthing tub or using a birth stool makes sense to me.
Birthing centers believe in allowing the body to take time as needed. Using acupuncture to simulate labor for example...causing the uterus to relax allowing the baby to extend. This makes sense to me. In this case the acupuncture worked and her labor pains beginning now feel more effective.
The woman who used the birthing stool had an all natural birth. Labor and birth took a mere five hours.
It does look painful....and not for me. She shouldn't fight the pain..I know that is easy to say.....but try to relax go with it and just when you think you can't stand it anymore it will
be over :) again easy for me to say. I think this delivery process should be required viewing
for all young girls. Yeah...let them hear the hollering and screaming of pain....good deterent I'd say! But truly in a time of passion....who thinks of that!
The babies are very content and happy with the birth center natural birthing process. Giving birth is a natural process after all and a miracle. I feel birth should be allowed to happen naturally if the mother and baby are healthy and up to it. Of course, there are doctors and hospitals nearby on standby. Some hospitals across the country have natural birth centers within the building. Personally, I wonder if more back injuries to mothers occur during delivery when things are numbed and pushed and pulled from a lateral position...but you won't see many doctors on their knees ready to catch a baby with mother sitting on a birthing stool in a hospital. But in birthing center it does take place and happens successfully from a birth stool or with tub birth or at least labor in the tub. The midwives do home visits a week later to make sure mother and baby are doing well.
An out of hospital birth is not for everyone but many who are good candidates and do it truly enjoy and feel it is a good and rewarding process to a have natural birth.
Now I am watching a "natural" birth where the baby did not fit through the birth canal....and an emergency C-Section if required. Hm..a natural birth is always desired but sometimes just not
natural (if possible) mid-wife, and doctor facilitator birth-centers.
Many mothers know ahead of time that they do not want a natural birth without an epidural for the pain.
The babies are more calm and the delivery shorter with a natural birth with a birth stool. I always thought gravity could play a hugh impact on a delivery...why not use the power of gravity? Hospitals don't take advantage of this more "natural" process. Sitting up in a birthing tub or using a birth stool makes sense to me.
Birthing centers believe in allowing the body to take time as needed. Using acupuncture to simulate labor for example...causing the uterus to relax allowing the baby to extend. This makes sense to me. In this case the acupuncture worked and her labor pains beginning now feel more effective.
The woman who used the birthing stool had an all natural birth. Labor and birth took a mere five hours.
It does look painful....and not for me. She shouldn't fight the pain..I know that is easy to say.....but try to relax go with it and just when you think you can't stand it anymore it will
be over :) again easy for me to say. I think this delivery process should be required viewing
for all young girls. Yeah...let them hear the hollering and screaming of pain....good deterent I'd say! But truly in a time of passion....who thinks of that!
The babies are very content and happy with the birth center natural birthing process. Giving birth is a natural process after all and a miracle. I feel birth should be allowed to happen naturally if the mother and baby are healthy and up to it. Of course, there are doctors and hospitals nearby on standby. Some hospitals across the country have natural birth centers within the building. Personally, I wonder if more back injuries to mothers occur during delivery when things are numbed and pushed and pulled from a lateral position...but you won't see many doctors on their knees ready to catch a baby with mother sitting on a birthing stool in a hospital. But in birthing center it does take place and happens successfully from a birth stool or with tub birth or at least labor in the tub. The midwives do home visits a week later to make sure mother and baby are doing well.
An out of hospital birth is not for everyone but many who are good candidates and do it truly enjoy and feel it is a good and rewarding process to a have natural birth.
Now I am watching a "natural" birth where the baby did not fit through the birth canal....and an emergency C-Section if required. Hm..a natural birth is always desired but sometimes just not
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I just don't see
Obama pulling our economy up into the black, ending the war, upgrading social services and working well with world leaders. He has no experience! A Senator for a two or three years and a law instructor before that.
Hillary has has international experience regarding peace. Mr. Clinton knows how to reduce the national debt to a ground breaking zero...surely he can give her pointers for that. This country gives all the experience it can muster to get us out of the hole daddy and sonny Bush got us into.
I say get rid of the lobbyist who are unorganized with a dog eat dog not mentality and not working together to save this economy but rather causing havoc across the board. It's dog eat dog and just look what it has done to our economy and the stock market. I knew sooner or later the stock market who reflect such greedy unlawful tactics of off shoring and out sourcing.
How are Americans able to buy products (not made in this country) if they have no good paying jobs? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to that basic reasoning which the Bush dynasty lacks. Coming from a long line of oil and banking people they haven't a clue to the effects allowing corporations to get by with cheating customers, shipping jobs overseas for cheap labor and ultimately cheap crap products...even medical drugs are made overseas. Are we blind or just plain stupid?
We are so egotistical and high and mighty yet stupid enough to sell ourselves down the river out of pure greed. The big shots have the audacity to allow poverty to perpetuate. That ego for you! We have a top dog, big shot mentality in our administration and heads of corporations who crank out four hundred times the salary of their employees and constituents. Greed! They could care less about the population. They flushed us down the proverbial toilet of potential wealth. The middle class is fast declining with lost of good paying jobs, cheating insurance companies and defrauding loan officers, and faulty cheap products made in third world countries.
The administration is behind it all. Apparently all of this is okay with our government. We are in a war for oil and corporate profiteering. What attack? Seems just a little too convenient for my thinking and how the camera were so perfectly placed to catch every angle? Hello! What is wrong with this picture?
Just sit back and look at the big picture and see how greed is ruining everything. And they call themselves Christians while laughing all the way to their banks.
Hey, you can't take multiple cars, houses, and proprieties with you. What is the point? Do these things make you any happier? I have nothing but helped someone the other day and feel enriched.
I simply cannot believe the oneupness mentality of human beings. What's the point? So someone will love you? So you will love yourself? I don't get it?
Is it a game? Rivalry, dog-eat-dog, let's get'em mentality. Just when is enough, enough?
And lives lost means nothing! These people have no respect for life! What do they call it? Colatial damage! In other words...."stuff shit" if a "few" lives are lost and people are maimed. Hey, murder is legal during war time. Sometimes I am embarrassed to say I am apart of the human race. Christians my ass....hoodlums!
We live on a failing economical edge that is quickly dipping into an atmosphere of dispare. Oh, it looked good for a while until credit cards reached full max and lenders tried to lie purchases into reality...temporary at that. It all started with Bush's buddy Ken Lay and Enron, then Worldcom. No, it started way before that with Bush's brother and the faulty credit union and savings and loan scandals....was that Jeb who latter became government of Florida? And how convenient was that when it came to Gore losing to Bush. This shit is so obvious it's comical!
The reason of war for profit is so obvious is comical! The standoff against the electric car is so obivious it's funny! It's all based on greed for a few high placed powers that be who have to be top dog. One up man ship! Life is not a game but they make it out to be. They are certainly not looking out for our interest....only our tax dollars and if we have no decent paying jobs....there goes that and then what? Borrow from China and Japan? Yes! And now they have us over a barrel...literally an oil barrel....because we are so greedy.
Sales of existing homes have drop consistently for the past ten months. Factory orders for cars and major appliances. The housing slump is beginning to drag down other areas of the economy. I knew we were in trouble when lenders have to come up with creative ways to finance so people can afford stuff.
You better elect the best Democrat into office. Do your homework! Because we need experience and someone decent in there who has a clue, is not selfish...looking to get rich! We also do not need another Clarence Thomas who gave hope to the little guy but soon because a big head as soon as he wore the supreme rob. We need someone with intelligence and compassion for the average American who is fast becoming the little poor guy.
Personally I don't like the way Obama say..."The American people want this.. or that". Obama! You can not speak for me. Sorry but I am not impressed!
And woman are against woman. It's competition you know! Here we go again....same old story greed, competition, one up manship! Use your brains for change...not your ego!
We need experience in office..we cannot afford any more greed to run this country or big headedness and just wanting a position of power. I am not for Obama or Edwards...there is not enough experience there. I am for Hillary first (why not get two for the price of one...and of course they had to dirty Bill's reputation, because HE WAS A GOOD PRESIDENT. NO DEBT! ZERO DEBT!), then Joe Bidden, then Chris Dobb.
Why do people vote for looks or race or gender. I don't care if you are a rottweiler if you can get this country out of the mess it is in. Bush allowed this war to go on so corporations can make a buck...but we went way over the tax payer merger budget and began borrowing from China ( cheap trade, rotten products...thanks Bush) , India and Mexico (why do you think people are allowed to slip through our southern borders? Hello!) and Japan to protect the oil (how stupid is that?) and keep our promises I guess to big shot ex-generals who are now CEOs over Blackwater, and other misfits over there robbing our country blind of money and dignity. Steroids? Might, brute force instead of using brains....well maybe there is not much there in that department either.
Was it all avoidable? Did we stretch a little too far? We let the crooks go until now the crooks are even hurting...because they have drained literally every last buck out of this economy. They things do not get turned around..it will get worse. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize if you build half a million dollar homes and people are making minimum wage or $13.00 an hour that they cannot afford these homes..or even an older home of 250,000. We need decent paying jobs in this country. The high price of oil is driving prices up at the pump and in the grocery store and yet people are making minimum wage. $15.00 per hour is considered good pay for the average worker..but most do not make even that. You see Republicans are for business and corporations and want to get rid of unions. But, Hello stupid, if people do not make money they cannot BUY anything. And the false economy of maxing credit cards has finally fallen out for the banks and lenders investments. Everyone everywhere in business of any kind has finally come to the point where they have milked the cow dry! It is our responsibility to elect the best guy who has some BRAINS and gumption to stand up and eliminate lobbyist influence and get this economy back in the black.
Carlyle Group is selling some equity to Arab countries as are some other investment groups...interesting.
We truly are a global economy. The Beige Book...says expect a slow holiday season. The glut of homes puts pressure on prices and construction. Mortgage delinquencies have increased.
Lower shipping values and stricter bankrupt rules apply. The Europeans are buying our condos and causing a rise in our prices...while the dollar is low.
The Beige Book is looking in the directing of 2001 to a slight recession.
We had an eleven months surplus of homes in this country and busted home montages are only adding to that. So prices will drop on homes. People do not want to get into the home market and are frightened at the large number of foreclosures they are seeing.
So now Bush doesn't want to talk about war or the economy so he concentrates now on peace between Israel and Pakistan.....please
Hillary has has international experience regarding peace. Mr. Clinton knows how to reduce the national debt to a ground breaking zero...surely he can give her pointers for that. This country gives all the experience it can muster to get us out of the hole daddy and sonny Bush got us into.
I say get rid of the lobbyist who are unorganized with a dog eat dog not mentality and not working together to save this economy but rather causing havoc across the board. It's dog eat dog and just look what it has done to our economy and the stock market. I knew sooner or later the stock market who reflect such greedy unlawful tactics of off shoring and out sourcing.
How are Americans able to buy products (not made in this country) if they have no good paying jobs? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to that basic reasoning which the Bush dynasty lacks. Coming from a long line of oil and banking people they haven't a clue to the effects allowing corporations to get by with cheating customers, shipping jobs overseas for cheap labor and ultimately cheap crap products...even medical drugs are made overseas. Are we blind or just plain stupid?
We are so egotistical and high and mighty yet stupid enough to sell ourselves down the river out of pure greed. The big shots have the audacity to allow poverty to perpetuate. That ego for you! We have a top dog, big shot mentality in our administration and heads of corporations who crank out four hundred times the salary of their employees and constituents. Greed! They could care less about the population. They flushed us down the proverbial toilet of potential wealth. The middle class is fast declining with lost of good paying jobs, cheating insurance companies and defrauding loan officers, and faulty cheap products made in third world countries.
The administration is behind it all. Apparently all of this is okay with our government. We are in a war for oil and corporate profiteering. What attack? Seems just a little too convenient for my thinking and how the camera were so perfectly placed to catch every angle? Hello! What is wrong with this picture?
Just sit back and look at the big picture and see how greed is ruining everything. And they call themselves Christians while laughing all the way to their banks.
Hey, you can't take multiple cars, houses, and proprieties with you. What is the point? Do these things make you any happier? I have nothing but helped someone the other day and feel enriched.
I simply cannot believe the oneupness mentality of human beings. What's the point? So someone will love you? So you will love yourself? I don't get it?
Is it a game? Rivalry, dog-eat-dog, let's get'em mentality. Just when is enough, enough?
And lives lost means nothing! These people have no respect for life! What do they call it? Colatial damage! In other words...."stuff shit" if a "few" lives are lost and people are maimed. Hey, murder is legal during war time. Sometimes I am embarrassed to say I am apart of the human race. Christians my ass....hoodlums!
We live on a failing economical edge that is quickly dipping into an atmosphere of dispare. Oh, it looked good for a while until credit cards reached full max and lenders tried to lie purchases into reality...temporary at that. It all started with Bush's buddy Ken Lay and Enron, then Worldcom. No, it started way before that with Bush's brother and the faulty credit union and savings and loan scandals....was that Jeb who latter became government of Florida? And how convenient was that when it came to Gore losing to Bush. This shit is so obvious it's comical!
The reason of war for profit is so obvious is comical! The standoff against the electric car is so obivious it's funny! It's all based on greed for a few high placed powers that be who have to be top dog. One up man ship! Life is not a game but they make it out to be. They are certainly not looking out for our interest....only our tax dollars and if we have no decent paying jobs....there goes that and then what? Borrow from China and Japan? Yes! And now they have us over a barrel...literally an oil barrel....because we are so greedy.
Sales of existing homes have drop consistently for the past ten months. Factory orders for cars and major appliances. The housing slump is beginning to drag down other areas of the economy. I knew we were in trouble when lenders have to come up with creative ways to finance so people can afford stuff.
You better elect the best Democrat into office. Do your homework! Because we need experience and someone decent in there who has a clue, is not selfish...looking to get rich! We also do not need another Clarence Thomas who gave hope to the little guy but soon because a big head as soon as he wore the supreme rob. We need someone with intelligence and compassion for the average American who is fast becoming the little poor guy.
Personally I don't like the way Obama say..."The American people want this.. or that". Obama! You can not speak for me. Sorry but I am not impressed!
And woman are against woman. It's competition you know! Here we go again....same old story greed, competition, one up manship! Use your brains for change...not your ego!
We need experience in office..we cannot afford any more greed to run this country or big headedness and just wanting a position of power. I am not for Obama or Edwards...there is not enough experience there. I am for Hillary first (why not get two for the price of one...and of course they had to dirty Bill's reputation, because HE WAS A GOOD PRESIDENT. NO DEBT! ZERO DEBT!), then Joe Bidden, then Chris Dobb.
Why do people vote for looks or race or gender. I don't care if you are a rottweiler if you can get this country out of the mess it is in. Bush allowed this war to go on so corporations can make a buck...but we went way over the tax payer merger budget and began borrowing from China ( cheap trade, rotten products...thanks Bush) , India and Mexico (why do you think people are allowed to slip through our southern borders? Hello!) and Japan to protect the oil (how stupid is that?) and keep our promises I guess to big shot ex-generals who are now CEOs over Blackwater, and other misfits over there robbing our country blind of money and dignity. Steroids? Might, brute force instead of using brains....well maybe there is not much there in that department either.
Was it all avoidable? Did we stretch a little too far? We let the crooks go until now the crooks are even hurting...because they have drained literally every last buck out of this economy. They things do not get turned around..it will get worse. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize if you build half a million dollar homes and people are making minimum wage or $13.00 an hour that they cannot afford these homes..or even an older home of 250,000. We need decent paying jobs in this country. The high price of oil is driving prices up at the pump and in the grocery store and yet people are making minimum wage. $15.00 per hour is considered good pay for the average worker..but most do not make even that. You see Republicans are for business and corporations and want to get rid of unions. But, Hello stupid, if people do not make money they cannot BUY anything. And the false economy of maxing credit cards has finally fallen out for the banks and lenders investments. Everyone everywhere in business of any kind has finally come to the point where they have milked the cow dry! It is our responsibility to elect the best guy who has some BRAINS and gumption to stand up and eliminate lobbyist influence and get this economy back in the black.
Carlyle Group is selling some equity to Arab countries as are some other investment groups...interesting.
We truly are a global economy. The Beige Book...says expect a slow holiday season. The glut of homes puts pressure on prices and construction. Mortgage delinquencies have increased.
Lower shipping values and stricter bankrupt rules apply. The Europeans are buying our condos and causing a rise in our prices...while the dollar is low.
The Beige Book is looking in the directing of 2001 to a slight recession.
We had an eleven months surplus of homes in this country and busted home montages are only adding to that. So prices will drop on homes. People do not want to get into the home market and are frightened at the large number of foreclosures they are seeing.
So now Bush doesn't want to talk about war or the economy so he concentrates now on peace between Israel and Pakistan.....please
Monday, November 26, 2007
Save off the pavement!
If you are in the right lane of a grassy medium divide four lane highway...and someone comes up
around you and cuts in too short and forces right off the pavement and your right side wheels drop off the pavement.....STAY OFF THE PAVEMENT!
Of course reflexes kick in and you want to swerve to the left back up onto the pavement!! TRY NOT TO DO THIS...you know why? Because at the high speed you are going...you will lose control and swerve way over to the LEFT through the medium and into an INNOCENT on
coming vehicle and probably kill the driver and passengers.....you will be crippled up at best, if not dead yourself.
Let's try this again.....you are forces off the pavement...your two right side wheels drop down about six inches off the payment onto the shoulder......gradually slow down.....take your foot
off the gas pedal...continue to drive STRAIGHT/FORWARD in the same direction you were
traveling before the wheels dropped off....gradually (KEYWORD HERE) slow down...drive all the way off....or if no one is coming behind you....slow down till about <20>
steering wheel gradually to the left and get back onto the pavement.... I learned this in
High School Driver's Education. Keep your head about you....relax and think.....it may save your life and someone else's. Remember! Your life can change forever in a second!
Keep your tires up to date...check the tread..and pressure regularly....take your car to a qualified DEALER mechanics for your brand of car. THEY ARE TRAINED to work on your car and spot possible upcoming problems. Why get oil changes at quickly lube stations serviced by untrained, minimum waged youth when you can get qualified service at a dealer for about the same amount of money. There is such no comparison! And when you wait for an oil change at my Toyota dealer it only takes about twenty minutes and costs about 29.00 and I get an overall 21 point check over to my car.
My advice even though no one asked is DO NOT SKIMP ON ANYTHING REGARDING YOUR SAFETY. Oh and have AAA towing service!! When bills stack up people tend to drop these important things....but rather should cut back on clothes or latte spending and make sure to stay safe. Good tires, good battery, regular oil changes and AAA are necessities.
Take care of your car and it will take care of you! It's as simple as that! (same with your BODY!)
around you and cuts in too short and forces right off the pavement and your right side wheels drop off the pavement.....STAY OFF THE PAVEMENT!
Of course reflexes kick in and you want to swerve to the left back up onto the pavement!! TRY NOT TO DO THIS...you know why? Because at the high speed you are going...you will lose control and swerve way over to the LEFT through the medium and into an INNOCENT on
coming vehicle and probably kill the driver and passengers.....you will be crippled up at best, if not dead yourself.
Let's try this again.....you are forces off the pavement...your two right side wheels drop down about six inches off the payment onto the shoulder......gradually slow down.....take your foot
off the gas pedal...continue to drive STRAIGHT/FORWARD in the same direction you were
traveling before the wheels dropped off....gradually (KEYWORD HERE) slow down...drive all the way off....or if no one is coming behind you....slow down till about <20>
steering wheel gradually to the left and get back onto the pavement.... I learned this in
High School Driver's Education. Keep your head about you....relax and think.....it may save your life and someone else's. Remember! Your life can change forever in a second!
Keep your tires up to date...check the tread..and pressure regularly....take your car to a qualified DEALER mechanics for your brand of car. THEY ARE TRAINED to work on your car and spot possible upcoming problems. Why get oil changes at quickly lube stations serviced by untrained, minimum waged youth when you can get qualified service at a dealer for about the same amount of money. There is such no comparison! And when you wait for an oil change at my Toyota dealer it only takes about twenty minutes and costs about 29.00 and I get an overall 21 point check over to my car.
My advice even though no one asked is DO NOT SKIMP ON ANYTHING REGARDING YOUR SAFETY. Oh and have AAA towing service!! When bills stack up people tend to drop these important things....but rather should cut back on clothes or latte spending and make sure to stay safe. Good tires, good battery, regular oil changes and AAA are necessities.
Take care of your car and it will take care of you! It's as simple as that! (same with your BODY!)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I hate to hear....
about accidents that happen when drivers swerve to avoid hitting something...run off the road, then over correct to get back on and swerve left across the median and hit an innocent on
coming car. Those people are sitting ducks and I guess there time is just up. It's so sad!
I can tell you now.. I would prefer to be killed if I am going to be suffering the rest of my life from numerous disability injuries. I would rather die in the accident then be incapacitated.
I would miss my ex (best friend), my lover, and all my wonderful friends, but I can't see living a painful and non-active life so I want to go fast! Actually, I am looking forward to crossing over and living the spiritual world. Oh, I'll be back...can't wait for another adventure. Life is fun when you finally "get it" and realize that "we do not die". Our energy continues on ...to another life if we choose. I have already planned my next life. It will be magical. I will be brilliant. My mother (and father) will be very loving. I will love my mother very much...she'll be just like the good doctor....very warm and loving. She'll be the wind beneath my wings and encourage me to excel and I will. I will be fearless like she is...and "fly" to aspiring new heights. I will be a lesbian...only in my next life...I will love women when I am at a young age. I had to wait a half a lifetime to finally make love to a woman in this life. Finally, I was home! I treasure the moments. I ached for what I had missed...felt cheated.....so I'm coming back and I will be cute, active with another lovely body! I will treasure my good health and good looks just like I do now. I am grateful...very!
I thank the universe and god for all of my many blessings of youthful pain free living. I am grateful for my agility and flexibility that allows me to be able to run, swim, ride bicycle, and walk everywhere on errands effortlessly. I am ageless!
So, universe, keep that in mind, when I am ready to go! I don't know which is worse going before my best friend or going after her. Either way I would miss her very much. We are great
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend which consisted of several invitations and plenty of wonderful food and drink. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends. I get shy at times..I won't though in my next life. I will be very confident, brilliant, interesting, energenic, intuitive...and have ESP.
I wish I had ESP now. At times I have a slight inclination that I do have mild ESP. I connect with my thoughts to Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette. I know I aided my friend with getting her to visit Ezekiel so she could aid in reconnected "passed" Edy and Georgette. What a wonderful experience when I listened to the tape...I had no idea... but realize now that I was being used for a long time...pushed actually to connect to my now present lover....so I could get her to Ezekiel ( a channeled spirit whom I have visited for about ten years now on several occasions a year. Yes, I feel that I was an important piece of that journey. They made me feel very confident and know what I wanted to do and say......leading up to connecting with my now present lover.
She had often spoke to me of her pasted friend, Edy and said that I reminded he of her. When she spoke so often of Edy I said. "I think she watches over you." and then later I found myself saying. "I think she would like to speak to you." Then I made an appointment for her so she could speak with Ezekiel....and there that day as I listened to the tape...I realized that I was indeed on a mission to reunite her with Edy....so she could help
coming car. Those people are sitting ducks and I guess there time is just up. It's so sad!
I can tell you now.. I would prefer to be killed if I am going to be suffering the rest of my life from numerous disability injuries. I would rather die in the accident then be incapacitated.
I would miss my ex (best friend), my lover, and all my wonderful friends, but I can't see living a painful and non-active life so I want to go fast! Actually, I am looking forward to crossing over and living the spiritual world. Oh, I'll be back...can't wait for another adventure. Life is fun when you finally "get it" and realize that "we do not die". Our energy continues on ...to another life if we choose. I have already planned my next life. It will be magical. I will be brilliant. My mother (and father) will be very loving. I will love my mother very much...she'll be just like the good doctor....very warm and loving. She'll be the wind beneath my wings and encourage me to excel and I will. I will be fearless like she is...and "fly" to aspiring new heights. I will be a lesbian...only in my next life...I will love women when I am at a young age. I had to wait a half a lifetime to finally make love to a woman in this life. Finally, I was home! I treasure the moments. I ached for what I had missed...felt cheated.....so I'm coming back and I will be cute, active with another lovely body! I will treasure my good health and good looks just like I do now. I am grateful...very!
I thank the universe and god for all of my many blessings of youthful pain free living. I am grateful for my agility and flexibility that allows me to be able to run, swim, ride bicycle, and walk everywhere on errands effortlessly. I am ageless!
So, universe, keep that in mind, when I am ready to go! I don't know which is worse going before my best friend or going after her. Either way I would miss her very much. We are great
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend which consisted of several invitations and plenty of wonderful food and drink. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends. I get shy at times..I won't though in my next life. I will be very confident, brilliant, interesting, energenic, intuitive...and have ESP.
I wish I had ESP now. At times I have a slight inclination that I do have mild ESP. I connect with my thoughts to Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette. I know I aided my friend with getting her to visit Ezekiel so she could aid in reconnected "passed" Edy and Georgette. What a wonderful experience when I listened to the tape...I had no idea... but realize now that I was being used for a long time...pushed actually to connect to my now present lover....so I could get her to Ezekiel ( a channeled spirit whom I have visited for about ten years now on several occasions a year. Yes, I feel that I was an important piece of that journey. They made me feel very confident and know what I wanted to do and say......leading up to connecting with my now present lover.
She had often spoke to me of her pasted friend, Edy and said that I reminded he of her. When she spoke so often of Edy I said. "I think she watches over you." and then later I found myself saying. "I think she would like to speak to you." Then I made an appointment for her so she could speak with Ezekiel....and there that day as I listened to the tape...I realized that I was indeed on a mission to reunite her with Edy....so she could help
Friday, November 23, 2007
I agree with...
Joy and Whoopie, both agree that Obama doesn't seem to have enough experience. He has no plan...for anything. And I hate when a candidate says..."The American people want..." You don't know what I want.
I want you, Obama to have a plan and tell me exactly what you are going to do. I much prefer something like what Hillary says, "When I am president I will ........"
Even when Hillary was first lady she had a plan....for universal health care yet no one in congress moved on it as if they thought she was just "the" housewife blabbering nonsense. When she was actually ahead of her time and ahead of the game! The problem was and may be will always big...lobbyist and big business..who really run the show and that is why our country is in dire straits right now. It's disorganzied..without an overseer. Hello Bush, this is where you come in. Bush was never the president.....but merely shook hands and tried to read the prompter. He was truly awful at the beginning of that rigged election. Sorry, just calling it as I see it....my untrained and not solicited opinion.
Maybe if we get a woman in there to lead things we will actually get something done.
Bush was useless in the grand theme of things. See, I consider him already "gone".
I don't like Edwards either. I do not think I could stand to listen to him talk for four years and he has no plan either. In the Las Vegas debate he and Obama (who bombed big time!) wasted time attacking Hillary which made Hillary look really on top of things.
Personally, I would rather see the big three has Hillary, Joe Bidden and Chris Dobb. Bidden and Dobb each have many years in the Senate. I would like to see either one of them as Hillary's vice presdient. But, don't know if they would "settle" for vice president. Many who run for president do not.
I want you, Obama to have a plan and tell me exactly what you are going to do. I much prefer something like what Hillary says, "When I am president I will ........"
Even when Hillary was first lady she had a plan....for universal health care yet no one in congress moved on it as if they thought she was just "the" housewife blabbering nonsense. When she was actually ahead of her time and ahead of the game! The problem was and may be will always big...lobbyist and big business..who really run the show and that is why our country is in dire straits right now. It's disorganzied..without an overseer. Hello Bush, this is where you come in. Bush was never the president.....but merely shook hands and tried to read the prompter. He was truly awful at the beginning of that rigged election. Sorry, just calling it as I see it....my untrained and not solicited opinion.
Maybe if we get a woman in there to lead things we will actually get something done.
Bush was useless in the grand theme of things. See, I consider him already "gone".
I don't like Edwards either. I do not think I could stand to listen to him talk for four years and he has no plan either. In the Las Vegas debate he and Obama (who bombed big time!) wasted time attacking Hillary which made Hillary look really on top of things.
Personally, I would rather see the big three has Hillary, Joe Bidden and Chris Dobb. Bidden and Dobb each have many years in the Senate. I would like to see either one of them as Hillary's vice presdient. But, don't know if they would "settle" for vice president. Many who run for president do not.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
To the Good Doctor..
and Happy Thanksgiving to you! I was just thinking about you and could not allow one more moment to pass before wishing you the best! You saved my life you know! I will love you forever!
I walked five feet off the ground for days..when my good friend, with the buzz do, told me that you asked about me. "She was very concerned about you (both)! I couldn't believe you even remembered me after three years had passed..... and cared! On second thought, I can imagine you caring. You are a wonderfully warm hearted person. A healer of body and soul!
It's the reason I feel in love with you. You have a wonderful heart. Makes my heart ache just thinking about that day our hearts connected.
The universe connected them you know...for some reason we were meant to have that moment in time. I prayed beforehand. My spirit guide was there...I saw her shadow...she indicated that it was okay for me to let you know.
I didn't expect you to hug me...that was when my spirit guide showed up...along with my mother's angry expression...in color at that. I saw her imagine in color. She was forbidden me to love you, to hug you. Imagine that! You know from that moment on I could not tolerate being in her presence. I would find myself jumping up and leaving the room, if she came near me. Like opposite pole I bounced away.
I miss you. I miss the love you radiate...not just for me...you radiate love for mankind. You were god to me..still, even now..in a way.
Maybe you were god. A god sighting. I had one once before come think of it....a bum on the metro....no he was god... when he left the train, although be very noisy...everyone smiles and the sun was shinning. It was magical. I spoke with him. He told me I was kind and that I would be okay! When I needed to hear it.....when I got up to leave...he told me I would be just fine.
And you. I asked to see god in a woman. You were her! You loved me when I needed to be loved in the worse way. I made a huge life change after that moment. You helped me to a happier, more fulfilling life. And I still have my friend. My ex. We are the same. We haven't changed...we were always good friends. We are merely on different paths now. I told her during our parting of the ways (we had lived together for fifteen years) that this thing that was happening was bigger then both of us. And I believe that it was! She was someone she is helping along as do I. We are on different missions now.
I separated from my family. I do not miss them. It had to be done.
I am free to follow my soul's missions.
I love you good doctor...please take care of yourself. I think of you often and know that your day is going well...
no affection...
I just saw a loving daddy hold and kiss her little boy! I am so glad people today are more civilized then they were when I was growing up! I came from the German, farmer, hitler type who perpetuated their own ugly upbringings.
I had to leave the scene when I had tottally had enough. I only waited forty year to long. I should have ditched them many years ago. But with negative influence I was coward in the corner with eyes and head casted down without esteem.
Thank god for my friends who postively influenced my judgements. They indeed were my guardian angels. I listened and learned and eventually moved on.
And there is nothing sinful or wrong with being lesbian or gay. I suffered half my life and still because of evil negative hypocritical teachings. When I make love to her now...it's so treasured because I had to miss out on so much for half my life. I was born to make love to a woman and treasure every moment. I'm home! It is so wonderful and beyond compare then making love to a man....I couldn't make love to a man.... I wasn't into him. I only received. I had nothing to give. I was so cheated out of half my life because of evil hypocritical christian beliefs. I say if you are straight...well good for you! And who in the world would "choose" to be gay.....it is not a choice....hello...narrow minded hypocrites..it is not a choice.
So if you are not gay.....good for you. But, leave me alone to be happy with my life! And another thing! I am a TAX PAYER" that entitles me alone to share the same social and civil benefits that a straight person receives from this christian influenced (for votes), hypocritical government! Just where are the ethics? Where is integrity, honor and justice in our world of today....the church and government are still living in the 18th century! Witch hunts galore! Get out of the dark ages...and while we are at it....it into "green".
We the people need to protect our planet and move away from oil (for profit).
Do the right thing......love one another and love your planet!!!
Now, it's time to eat.. on this happy thanksgiving day....of which I am most grateful..that I am not a selfish hypocrite!
I had to leave the scene when I had tottally had enough. I only waited forty year to long. I should have ditched them many years ago. But with negative influence I was coward in the corner with eyes and head casted down without esteem.
Thank god for my friends who postively influenced my judgements. They indeed were my guardian angels. I listened and learned and eventually moved on.
And there is nothing sinful or wrong with being lesbian or gay. I suffered half my life and still because of evil negative hypocritical teachings. When I make love to her now...it's so treasured because I had to miss out on so much for half my life. I was born to make love to a woman and treasure every moment. I'm home! It is so wonderful and beyond compare then making love to a man....I couldn't make love to a man.... I wasn't into him. I only received. I had nothing to give. I was so cheated out of half my life because of evil hypocritical christian beliefs. I say if you are straight...well good for you! And who in the world would "choose" to be gay.....it is not a choice....hello...narrow minded hypocrites..it is not a choice.
So if you are not gay.....good for you. But, leave me alone to be happy with my life! And another thing! I am a TAX PAYER" that entitles me alone to share the same social and civil benefits that a straight person receives from this christian influenced (for votes), hypocritical government! Just where are the ethics? Where is integrity, honor and justice in our world of today....the church and government are still living in the 18th century! Witch hunts galore! Get out of the dark ages...and while we are at it....it into "green".
We the people need to protect our planet and move away from oil (for profit).
Do the right thing......love one another and love your planet!!!
Now, it's time to eat.. on this happy thanksgiving day....of which I am most grateful..that I am not a selfish hypocrite!
Happy Thanksgiving!
And a most happy thanksgiving it is which was began by a healthy, although chilly, run this morning with my running group. After the sprint we sat down to great eats and wonderful company. A fabulous start to a wonderful day.
I am most grateful for my many blessings of love, happiness and perfect healthy and youthfulness! Totally no complaints here!
You see, I know the secret! I am grateful and know I can plan my days. My mind is clear and in the present moment. My mind open, hollow like bamboo, to received enlightenment from the universe. I don't have antennae that rise and lower! I have belief in the spiritual world.
All I need is to believe! I have friends in high places: Ezekiel, Edy and Georgette - thank you for watching out for me. I truly appreciate it!
I have the gifts of knowledge, talent, loving friends, wonderful lover and a dependable car! I am blessed with prosperity, knowledge, common sense, and youthfulness. I am blessed with the knowledge of knowing I must keep active with walking, running and yoga to remain healthy and agile. I learned to eat healthy and I feel so much better. I am so blessed!
I wish for peace in the world and on a personal basis I wish everyone to obtain the knowledge and gratefulness to know to take care of themselves. We reap what we sow! We can indeed create our own environment by our thoughts and choices!
Gotta go, it time to eat!
Fake Insurance
Just want we don't need....more insurance fraud!
If you have been called or faxed by an insurance company wanting to sell you insurance...beware! Best thing is to call them.....and make it a reliable well known company...so you are not stuck holding the bill and possibly losing your home. Beware! Be cautious
Confirm license of agent, company
check with your state's insurance dept. at naic.org.
And if you have been stung..speak up so and let people know.
If you have been called or faxed by an insurance company wanting to sell you insurance...beware! Best thing is to call them.....and make it a reliable well known company...so you are not stuck holding the bill and possibly losing your home. Beware! Be cautious
Confirm license of agent, company
check with your state's insurance dept. at naic.org.
And if you have been stung..speak up so and let people know.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm having a wonderful Thanksgiving which began by an annual sprint run with a group of Turkey Trotters... to build up an appetite and then on to the good eats!
Life is grand and I have much to be happy and grateful for.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Warming Warning Withers with Oil Warriors
Michael Oppenheimer, member of un Cliimate change panel says major changes are happening now. Per him we have a ten to fifteen year window to cut 2 - 5 degree temperature rise.
There will be sub-Serra water shortage. Parts of Anarchic melting and raising sea level. The drying of the Southwest even more...with a shortage of water. Where will those people go. In the future we will see more fires. We needed political leadership on this ten or fifteen years ago.
All societies need to switch to renewable (perennials perferrably). You know Monsanto could make a perennial corn...but they produce a self destructing seed so growers can't hold back any grain and are forced to buy grain from them every year. Corn and soybeans are manipulated this way, I believe.
We need to change to political, lobbyist, industries and business mentality and put the saving of the environment first above profits. Just when is enough money enough? CEO's and heads of companies already make 400 times as much as their employees; a precedent of heard of. They have taken leadership greed to a new high; but, that high is destroying this planet. Corners are cut so more profits can be made. Dangerous cuts in productivity resulting in unsafe products.
Our so called government has no over seers to make sure consumers are not ripped off. Apparently the Business Bureau is not holding up to it's promises.
There will be sub-Serra water shortage. Parts of Anarchic melting and raising sea level. The drying of the Southwest even more...with a shortage of water. Where will those people go. In the future we will see more fires. We needed political leadership on this ten or fifteen years ago.
All societies need to switch to renewable (perennials perferrably). You know Monsanto could make a perennial corn...but they produce a self destructing seed so growers can't hold back any grain and are forced to buy grain from them every year. Corn and soybeans are manipulated this way, I believe.
We need to change to political, lobbyist, industries and business mentality and put the saving of the environment first above profits. Just when is enough money enough? CEO's and heads of companies already make 400 times as much as their employees; a precedent of heard of. They have taken leadership greed to a new high; but, that high is destroying this planet. Corners are cut so more profits can be made. Dangerous cuts in productivity resulting in unsafe products.
Our so called government has no over seers to make sure consumers are not ripped off. Apparently the Business Bureau is not holding up to it's promises.
your spirit revealed...
Discussions : Libra
2007/11/18 08:27 AM
P 77 & 78 of "Life After Death" The Burden of proof by Deepak Chopra.
You are too tired or stressed .
You are pulled outside yourself .
Your attention is dominated by externals .
You let others think for you .
you act out of compulsion .
you are influenced by fear and anxiety .
you struggle and suffer
you feel centered . your mind is clear .
you have the sensation that time has stopped .
you suddenly feel free of boundaries .
you are keenly self-aware .
you feel merged with another person either in love or silent communication .
you feel untouched by aging and change .
you feel blissful or ecstatic .
you have an intuitive flash that turns out to be true .
you somehow know what is going to happen .
you sense the truth .
you feel supremely loved or absolutely safe
2007/11/18 08:27 AM
P 77 & 78 of "Life After Death" The Burden of proof by Deepak Chopra.
You are too tired or stressed .
You are pulled outside yourself .
Your attention is dominated by externals .
You let others think for you .
you act out of compulsion .
you are influenced by fear and anxiety .
you struggle and suffer
you feel centered . your mind is clear .
you have the sensation that time has stopped .
you suddenly feel free of boundaries .
you are keenly self-aware .
you feel merged with another person either in love or silent communication .
you feel untouched by aging and change .
you feel blissful or ecstatic .
you have an intuitive flash that turns out to be true .
you somehow know what is going to happen .
you sense the truth .
you feel supremely loved or absolutely safe
Sunday, November 18, 2007
forty and fifty year house loans...oh my gosh...can you imagine all the interest the bank will make...Why you would pay for that house six or eight times over. On a thirty year loan alone, if you do not make extra payments (a total thing of the past.. no one can afford under the "Bush" administration that is drowning everyone in debt..even the government's budget!).
Do you think we are like the Titanic hit by a "Bush oilman mentality idiot selfish president?". The man is not our president - he is in business for himself and took full advantage of our tax money. How earned money paid to the government to be redistributed back to the people themselves is spent. It's our money! He's wasting it...and giving it all to retired colonels and generals running big business over there in Iraq and filling their pockets!
Man, I was hot on this issue - I didn't even take the time to change font color to blue like I usually do. Hot to type!
No! I am not fixed...but in constant motion towards self improvement. I should not have had coffee at 9:00 PM this evening.
I'm watching the Democratic debate again (in Las Vegas) and I think Joe Bidden should be the vice president...not Obama....no experience there...Joe Bidden has over 35 years experience as a Senator! I think Hillary will pick him...because in the past he has worked well with President Bill Clinton too! Joe Bidden comes across very well and I think he and Hillary think a lot alike!
Hillary attacked Bush and Obama and Edwards went after Hillary like fools....she'll never ask them to serve as vice president. But they are probably to ignorant to be vice president anyway! I think Joe Bidden may....or maybe he feels he needs to keep that majority number in the Senate. If Republican and Democrat run to take the seat...the Democrats may lose it.
I hope everyone does their homework and become educated before they choose who they will vote for in November. This year, 2008, (I'm there already..mentally, I guess) will be the most exciting year! Hail to the Chief! I guess I do like politics. No I enjoy finding out what makes this economy tick. Do your homework. First of all, get interested. What happens in Washington D.C. will affect YOU personally and your family. And means the difference between your son or daughter going to war or not.
Isn't it amazing how Bush hires "security guards". See he must avoid the draft...don't want another Viet Nam now do we? So we have the likes of Blackwater and other security companies there in Iraq....I think these companies, RKG being one too, are some how ties to - Cheney! Bush and cronies are oil men...just what did you expect?
Do you think we are like the Titanic hit by a "Bush oilman mentality idiot selfish president?". The man is not our president - he is in business for himself and took full advantage of our tax money. How earned money paid to the government to be redistributed back to the people themselves is spent. It's our money! He's wasting it...and giving it all to retired colonels and generals running big business over there in Iraq and filling their pockets!
Man, I was hot on this issue - I didn't even take the time to change font color to blue like I usually do. Hot to type!
No! I am not fixed...but in constant motion towards self improvement. I should not have had coffee at 9:00 PM this evening.
I'm watching the Democratic debate again (in Las Vegas) and I think Joe Bidden should be the vice president...not Obama....no experience there...Joe Bidden has over 35 years experience as a Senator! I think Hillary will pick him...because in the past he has worked well with President Bill Clinton too! Joe Bidden comes across very well and I think he and Hillary think a lot alike!
Hillary attacked Bush and Obama and Edwards went after Hillary like fools....she'll never ask them to serve as vice president. But they are probably to ignorant to be vice president anyway! I think Joe Bidden may....or maybe he feels he needs to keep that majority number in the Senate. If Republican and Democrat run to take the seat...the Democrats may lose it.
I hope everyone does their homework and become educated before they choose who they will vote for in November. This year, 2008, (I'm there already..mentally, I guess) will be the most exciting year! Hail to the Chief! I guess I do like politics. No I enjoy finding out what makes this economy tick. Do your homework. First of all, get interested. What happens in Washington D.C. will affect YOU personally and your family. And means the difference between your son or daughter going to war or not.
Isn't it amazing how Bush hires "security guards". See he must avoid the draft...don't want another Viet Nam now do we? So we have the likes of Blackwater and other security companies there in Iraq....I think these companies, RKG being one too, are some how ties to - Cheney! Bush and cronies are oil men...just what did you expect?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Did you watch the debate?
You did know that there was a debate this evening didn't you? A Democratic debate in Las Vegas..the first ever for Nevada. Nevada is a swing state. It is an important state because of the number of people and the diverse population that is there.
Hillary did good! When Obama and Roberts tried to verbally attack her the audience booed.
It was good and entertaining. The next debate is November 28, a Republican debate in Florida. January 3rd, 2008 is the Iowa caucus.
History is being made right under your nose...pay attention because this affects you. I hope everyone listen and takes notes. Get a handle and a well rounded knowledge of what is going on. It's easy...just listen to NPR and CNN. When they mention book title request them at the library...read them. It's fun and interesting.
Know your surroundings and be ahead of the game! Speaking of games. Look at how many people watch basketball and football faithfully...if only they would just as interested in politics. Your vote does matter. You can cheer and root like hell sitting in front of the game and the out come does not affect your life, lively hood, or home loan, or taxes...your vote does.
Become an informed citizen....do your homework. Besides..you will impress people. Watch both teams...read. Read both sides of the issue and listen to what people have to say. You, personally, will come out on top as a citizen of the United States.
I predict big changes are ahead for us in 2008 and beyond.
Hillary did good! When Obama and Roberts tried to verbally attack her the audience booed.
It was good and entertaining. The next debate is November 28, a Republican debate in Florida. January 3rd, 2008 is the Iowa caucus.
History is being made right under your nose...pay attention because this affects you. I hope everyone listen and takes notes. Get a handle and a well rounded knowledge of what is going on. It's easy...just listen to NPR and CNN. When they mention book title request them at the library...read them. It's fun and interesting.
Know your surroundings and be ahead of the game! Speaking of games. Look at how many people watch basketball and football faithfully...if only they would just as interested in politics. Your vote does matter. You can cheer and root like hell sitting in front of the game and the out come does not affect your life, lively hood, or home loan, or taxes...your vote does.
Become an informed citizen....do your homework. Besides..you will impress people. Watch both teams...read. Read both sides of the issue and listen to what people have to say. You, personally, will come out on top as a citizen of the United States.
I predict big changes are ahead for us in 2008 and beyond.
In 2000 two oil men were elected into the white house - G. W. Bush and Cheney. Daddy Bush and Cheney were actually the "real" oil men. In oil for years.
Before 9 11 01 a barrel of oil costs about $24.00. Today the price is pushing $100. War uses lots of oil. They must be making money by the "barrels"?
Their goals while in office were not to find alternatives away from oil, but to find "more" oil, for example in Alaska. "It could all be pumped in only 2000 acres."
Personally I believe daddy bush is addicted to oil not the American people. We have no choice! We don't make the cars we only can buy what is there to buy...and the vehicles got bigger and bigger through the recent years.
I believe this administration and the auto industry build extra large and told Americans it's what they want. Brainwashed via advertising. This was I believe in retaliation to California demanding a low emissions vehicles. Things must have gotten screwed up at GM because they developed the EV1 division - an all electric car in 1998. People loved it but could not own one..only lease one. Hint number one that it wasn't going to last. A scientist cameup with a great battery...right away, GM bought the rights and patent to it then didn't use it but had Delco develop an inferior battery. Bottom line they wanted the idea of "electric" to fail. Oil people don't want electric. Bush had things changed and every EV1 was ultimately destroyed. Perfectly good cars destroyed all by 2003 as people who could not renew their lease watched through the fence and cried as big trucks hauled them away to their death. Perfectly good clean air cars destroyed. It was a wonderful product that could be plugged into any outlet to be recharge and the mileage was good enough between charges for most people. People who had them were extremely happy with them. There was no maintenance! When people brought them in for service, the mechanic rotated the tires and washed the car. Period! (no oil changes, or drips - which is only more money for the oil people.)
We can make wind and solar electricity in this country enough to support electric vehicles. But, we have to do it "their" way. We have no choice! Hydrogen Fuel Cell. See the word fuel? It takes some form of petroleum to convert and then we need "stations" so BP and others can stay in business. It sickens me that things could be done so much better and cleaner and cheaper in the long run...but then "we" would be saving money; not "them" making money!
You must see the DVD "Who Killed The Electric Car?" It is astonishingly filled with truth and facts that hurt your heart.
Politicians are businessmen just like all the lobbyist (33,000 of them) that surround them. The people in the white house are out to make a buck, just like everybody else. They see a constant source of revenue in tax payer dollars. But, have overextended that with the war of greed. War is good for increasing the cost of oil and buying and selling more. The more oil fields oil men control the more money for them. And I don't believe they will stop until every last drop is used. So what if the environment is ruined and people die over it...so what? They are getting rich and most of all powerful! Is this skull and bones mentality?
China, India and Russia demand more fossil fuels as they grow in industrialization. So ice caps melt, oceans warm, coral reefs die, shore line are swallowed, extreme weather is created and the price of everything goes up.
Besides all of this the government has allowed businesses and industries to escape paying taxes by going off shore and taking good paying jobs with them. Products we buy (we have no choice) are made in very poor countries where people will work next to nothing. If you were getting paid next to nothing to work why would you care about the quality of that product? You wouldn't! They get paid by the piece and they are hungry!
China carries our debt and it's a huge debt amounting to trillions of dollars. So, they have us over a barrel (an oil barrel). We have to trade with them.
I am so grateful that we can buy good products from Japan. They have honor and integrity, still. You now - the Prius can be all electric....not in this country..the oil men want you to still buy oil. See the greed? It saddens me that our leadership has no honor!
Where have all the good men gone? Certainly not into religion organizations! Where there any real - good men? Our forefathers were racist and womanizers and only white "men" had rights and privileges. They signed the so called papers of freedom but kept their slaves!
I hope the women who are stepping up to the plate out shine all of their predecessors. In fact I am counting on them. It's on them NOW to try to get things turned around and bring honor and integrity into our lives as never before! It takes a woman! We are counting on you to be better!
So is money more important than honor? And it's just not the money, it's the dog eat dog way they go about getting it...robbing people of their financial futures and creating wars.
Is the Toyota Tundra and Camry made in the USA? Well they are becoming unreliable according to carconnections.com. And beware of the service department, so they add in their report. GM Chevy Malibu is getting better ratings. Toyota needs to cut back some on their growth...yes Tundra and Camry are made in the USA. And according to carconnections.com, GM and Ford are making better products. It's just going to take me awhile to go along with this news that domestic brands are actually put more effort into creating decent products. Now I need to research the financial support of carconnections.com. Could it be like the drug companies doing their own testing and then FDA approves the product? Who owns carconnections?
We the people have no one looking our for us. Our government certainly doesn't. There are no laws are even tax breaks for companies to stop ripping us off at every turn. Where is the that government for the people by the people? In England? In France? In Canada? What we have in this countries is a group of politicians and businessmen working together to rip off the tax payer at every turn and sticking lots of that money into their greedy pockets. Tax payer's money should come back to us in the form of social benefits and legal protections from crooked businesses...but that won't happen when businesses and government are in cahoots.
What is going to happen one day when they drain the last dime out of us? When jobs don't pay well enough to support the high rise of housing and groceries? And all good jobs are either out sourced and what is left is done by illegal immigrants who get paid under the table, get free social services, and on top of all that send the money they make back home to Mexico. You see, the greedy oil men of this country are addicted to oil and will sell our very soul to get it. We are in debt to, not only China, but Mexico too.
I have no idea where this will all end. But you see how the stock market reacted to crooked actions of banks and loan lenders who "created" faulty reports for applicants when they probably knew in a couple of years when the balloon exploded that many hundreds of thousands of people would lose their homes because wages cannot keep up the high cost of living.
It appears to me that this administration allows businesses to push the envelope and beyond. Fraud was competed here! Remember back in the 80's when Bush's brother got in trouble with the savings and loan scandals? Remember when daddy Bush had to bail out junior because he was a lousy oil businessman? It's a joke. They play with this country and our lives like they are playing a game of Monopoly.
Before 9 11 01 a barrel of oil costs about $24.00. Today the price is pushing $100. War uses lots of oil. They must be making money by the "barrels"?
Their goals while in office were not to find alternatives away from oil, but to find "more" oil, for example in Alaska. "It could all be pumped in only 2000 acres."
Personally I believe daddy bush is addicted to oil not the American people. We have no choice! We don't make the cars we only can buy what is there to buy...and the vehicles got bigger and bigger through the recent years.
I believe this administration and the auto industry build extra large and told Americans it's what they want. Brainwashed via advertising. This was I believe in retaliation to California demanding a low emissions vehicles. Things must have gotten screwed up at GM because they developed the EV1 division - an all electric car in 1998. People loved it but could not own one..only lease one. Hint number one that it wasn't going to last. A scientist cameup with a great battery...right away, GM bought the rights and patent to it then didn't use it but had Delco develop an inferior battery. Bottom line they wanted the idea of "electric" to fail. Oil people don't want electric. Bush had things changed and every EV1 was ultimately destroyed. Perfectly good cars destroyed all by 2003 as people who could not renew their lease watched through the fence and cried as big trucks hauled them away to their death. Perfectly good clean air cars destroyed. It was a wonderful product that could be plugged into any outlet to be recharge and the mileage was good enough between charges for most people. People who had them were extremely happy with them. There was no maintenance! When people brought them in for service, the mechanic rotated the tires and washed the car. Period! (no oil changes, or drips - which is only more money for the oil people.)
We can make wind and solar electricity in this country enough to support electric vehicles. But, we have to do it "their" way. We have no choice! Hydrogen Fuel Cell. See the word fuel? It takes some form of petroleum to convert and then we need "stations" so BP and others can stay in business. It sickens me that things could be done so much better and cleaner and cheaper in the long run...but then "we" would be saving money; not "them" making money!
You must see the DVD "Who Killed The Electric Car?" It is astonishingly filled with truth and facts that hurt your heart.
Politicians are businessmen just like all the lobbyist (33,000 of them) that surround them. The people in the white house are out to make a buck, just like everybody else. They see a constant source of revenue in tax payer dollars. But, have overextended that with the war of greed. War is good for increasing the cost of oil and buying and selling more. The more oil fields oil men control the more money for them. And I don't believe they will stop until every last drop is used. So what if the environment is ruined and people die over it...so what? They are getting rich and most of all powerful! Is this skull and bones mentality?
China, India and Russia demand more fossil fuels as they grow in industrialization. So ice caps melt, oceans warm, coral reefs die, shore line are swallowed, extreme weather is created and the price of everything goes up.
Besides all of this the government has allowed businesses and industries to escape paying taxes by going off shore and taking good paying jobs with them. Products we buy (we have no choice) are made in very poor countries where people will work next to nothing. If you were getting paid next to nothing to work why would you care about the quality of that product? You wouldn't! They get paid by the piece and they are hungry!
China carries our debt and it's a huge debt amounting to trillions of dollars. So, they have us over a barrel (an oil barrel). We have to trade with them.
I am so grateful that we can buy good products from Japan. They have honor and integrity, still. You now - the Prius can be all electric....not in this country..the oil men want you to still buy oil. See the greed? It saddens me that our leadership has no honor!
Where have all the good men gone? Certainly not into religion organizations! Where there any real - good men? Our forefathers were racist and womanizers and only white "men" had rights and privileges. They signed the so called papers of freedom but kept their slaves!
I hope the women who are stepping up to the plate out shine all of their predecessors. In fact I am counting on them. It's on them NOW to try to get things turned around and bring honor and integrity into our lives as never before! It takes a woman! We are counting on you to be better!
So is money more important than honor? And it's just not the money, it's the dog eat dog way they go about getting it...robbing people of their financial futures and creating wars.
Is the Toyota Tundra and Camry made in the USA? Well they are becoming unreliable according to carconnections.com. And beware of the service department, so they add in their report. GM Chevy Malibu is getting better ratings. Toyota needs to cut back some on their growth...yes Tundra and Camry are made in the USA. And according to carconnections.com, GM and Ford are making better products. It's just going to take me awhile to go along with this news that domestic brands are actually put more effort into creating decent products. Now I need to research the financial support of carconnections.com. Could it be like the drug companies doing their own testing and then FDA approves the product? Who owns carconnections?
We the people have no one looking our for us. Our government certainly doesn't. There are no laws are even tax breaks for companies to stop ripping us off at every turn. Where is the that government for the people by the people? In England? In France? In Canada? What we have in this countries is a group of politicians and businessmen working together to rip off the tax payer at every turn and sticking lots of that money into their greedy pockets. Tax payer's money should come back to us in the form of social benefits and legal protections from crooked businesses...but that won't happen when businesses and government are in cahoots.
What is going to happen one day when they drain the last dime out of us? When jobs don't pay well enough to support the high rise of housing and groceries? And all good jobs are either out sourced and what is left is done by illegal immigrants who get paid under the table, get free social services, and on top of all that send the money they make back home to Mexico. You see, the greedy oil men of this country are addicted to oil and will sell our very soul to get it. We are in debt to, not only China, but Mexico too.
I have no idea where this will all end. But you see how the stock market reacted to crooked actions of banks and loan lenders who "created" faulty reports for applicants when they probably knew in a couple of years when the balloon exploded that many hundreds of thousands of people would lose their homes because wages cannot keep up the high cost of living.
It appears to me that this administration allows businesses to push the envelope and beyond. Fraud was competed here! Remember back in the 80's when Bush's brother got in trouble with the savings and loan scandals? Remember when daddy Bush had to bail out junior because he was a lousy oil businessman? It's a joke. They play with this country and our lives like they are playing a game of Monopoly.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The cost of THE war
is over 3 trillion dollars and that is probably not actuate. China and Japan hold this debt for us. Yes, we have borrowed money to pay for this war. We have borrowed money from China and Japan.
Yes in years past America sold US Savings bonds to help pay for wars. At least then we were not beholden to foreign countries like we are now. You think they have us over a barrel? (more on that "barrel" later).
Guess where that 3 trillion dollars went... in whose pockets? Give? Well here it is...Blackwater, Halliburton, GKB and about 100,000 other companies (some ran by retired US generals and colonels) over there in Iraq. We are borrowing money from other countries to pay American companies. And so much of the money gets wasted! Yes, wasted! See the DVD "Iraq for sale: war for profiteering"! Is there something wrong with this picture or is it just me? Do you think we are selling our security right out the window? Oh, we have already done that... Arab companies in Dubai are contracted by our administration to guard our shores and ports. And Bush is proud of this! Hello! So much for domestic security! Yes, we have out sourced our shores and ports to a third world company.
So is it any wonder why Boeing has pieces of the 878 being contracted out to about 20 companies all over the world...mostly though in Japan and China?
What happens if China and Japan say. "Hey, we want our money right now!" And here's a another stupid thing this administration (which according to Michael Moore is getting big time kick backs) is doing....importing cheap labor. So, there goes the income tax base which this government has depended upon and wasn't enough...so they borrowed. And the war is needless in the first place. It's over oil you know....we just want to control the oil ...so we can build big ass SUV's that are gas guzzlers and waste the oil until is use every last drop. Yes, if you buy a hummer you can get a tax break. It's so blatant and obvious what is going on ....greed...pure greed ....
And if good jobs are out sourced (no income taxes being turned in to the government there) and cheap (probably mostly illegal) paying workers are being imported (no income taxes being turned in to the government there) how will this debt to China and Japan ever get repaid? And a Democrat senior in CNN says...well we can't get 60% of the vote when there are only 50% democrats in the senate. The guy didn't seem too worried either. Personally, I believe both parties think about the same. Like Lou Dobbs says in 2004 both republican and democratic candidates came from Yale and both belonged to Skull and Bones ( a elite secret Yale society).
It is my personal opinion and it saddens me but I truly believe no one cares about the future of this country and only live for the day and filling up their pockets with money. There is no honor in this dog eat dog economic world when it comes to CEO's who are in cahoots with government.
Even health insurance companies wait to approve surgeries probably in hopes you will die in the mean time. Or you need a series of surgeries and they decide to bail on one or two of them. I know one incident where a little girl was born with a heart valve problem and had surgery which was covered...but hospital doctors said she would need another surgery at age 12...well after the little girl turned 11 the health insurance company cancelled her. Now what insurance company is going to pick up a little sick girl with a previous condition?
It saddens me that life means nothing ......the bottom line is what counts any more. It's all about getting the money. Show me the money.
In years past CEO's made about twice or not even twice the wages their managers made...now it's 400 times what their managers and workers make. Just how much money to you need?
No one cares about the human element! No one cares about the global effect of industries and corporations evil ways.
And how about banks and loan companies ripping off loan applicants? Falsifying loan application information. Making people think the American dream of owning a home is possible...and in two years the loan balloons and they didn't get a better job in the interim and they find that the house is being foreclosed. One neighborhood shown on TV was vacated, empty, due to foreclosures and the houses where ripped apart by vandals for pieces to sell.
Will either party ever care? We live in a reactive society, not a proactive society. In other words our politicians will wait until things get really bad until they TRY to do something about it...well then of course they will argue between parties for while and hardly nothing will get done anyway. Just like they think the market will correct itself...yeah right! Like they say ..you can't go on what has happened in the past. For one thing nothing in the past has ever been like this....
What is have today is a global economy of selfish, greedy, thieves...who will possibly turn this country into the likes of a third world country...the very poor and a small group of extremely rich. The middle class is shrinking at a fast rate now...look at all the people who have over extended debt on credit cards and soon will not even be able to pay the monthly payments. Most people are a month from homelessness...if they should lose their jobs.
But, we refuse to see what is happening.....until, that is, we are forced to, when it's too late.
Maybe I'm all wrong... I certainly hope so!
Yes in years past America sold US Savings bonds to help pay for wars. At least then we were not beholden to foreign countries like we are now. You think they have us over a barrel? (more on that "barrel" later).
Guess where that 3 trillion dollars went... in whose pockets? Give? Well here it is...Blackwater, Halliburton, GKB and about 100,000 other companies (some ran by retired US generals and colonels) over there in Iraq. We are borrowing money from other countries to pay American companies. And so much of the money gets wasted! Yes, wasted! See the DVD "Iraq for sale: war for profiteering"! Is there something wrong with this picture or is it just me? Do you think we are selling our security right out the window? Oh, we have already done that... Arab companies in Dubai are contracted by our administration to guard our shores and ports. And Bush is proud of this! Hello! So much for domestic security! Yes, we have out sourced our shores and ports to a third world company.
So is it any wonder why Boeing has pieces of the 878 being contracted out to about 20 companies all over the world...mostly though in Japan and China?
What happens if China and Japan say. "Hey, we want our money right now!" And here's a another stupid thing this administration (which according to Michael Moore is getting big time kick backs) is doing....importing cheap labor. So, there goes the income tax base which this government has depended upon and wasn't enough...so they borrowed. And the war is needless in the first place. It's over oil you know....we just want to control the oil ...so we can build big ass SUV's that are gas guzzlers and waste the oil until is use every last drop. Yes, if you buy a hummer you can get a tax break. It's so blatant and obvious what is going on ....greed...pure greed ....
And if good jobs are out sourced (no income taxes being turned in to the government there) and cheap (probably mostly illegal) paying workers are being imported (no income taxes being turned in to the government there) how will this debt to China and Japan ever get repaid? And a Democrat senior in CNN says...well we can't get 60% of the vote when there are only 50% democrats in the senate. The guy didn't seem too worried either. Personally, I believe both parties think about the same. Like Lou Dobbs says in 2004 both republican and democratic candidates came from Yale and both belonged to Skull and Bones ( a elite secret Yale society).
It is my personal opinion and it saddens me but I truly believe no one cares about the future of this country and only live for the day and filling up their pockets with money. There is no honor in this dog eat dog economic world when it comes to CEO's who are in cahoots with government.
Even health insurance companies wait to approve surgeries probably in hopes you will die in the mean time. Or you need a series of surgeries and they decide to bail on one or two of them. I know one incident where a little girl was born with a heart valve problem and had surgery which was covered...but hospital doctors said she would need another surgery at age 12...well after the little girl turned 11 the health insurance company cancelled her. Now what insurance company is going to pick up a little sick girl with a previous condition?
It saddens me that life means nothing ......the bottom line is what counts any more. It's all about getting the money. Show me the money.
In years past CEO's made about twice or not even twice the wages their managers made...now it's 400 times what their managers and workers make. Just how much money to you need?
No one cares about the human element! No one cares about the global effect of industries and corporations evil ways.
And how about banks and loan companies ripping off loan applicants? Falsifying loan application information. Making people think the American dream of owning a home is possible...and in two years the loan balloons and they didn't get a better job in the interim and they find that the house is being foreclosed. One neighborhood shown on TV was vacated, empty, due to foreclosures and the houses where ripped apart by vandals for pieces to sell.
Will either party ever care? We live in a reactive society, not a proactive society. In other words our politicians will wait until things get really bad until they TRY to do something about it...well then of course they will argue between parties for while and hardly nothing will get done anyway. Just like they think the market will correct itself...yeah right! Like they say ..you can't go on what has happened in the past. For one thing nothing in the past has ever been like this....
What is have today is a global economy of selfish, greedy, thieves...who will possibly turn this country into the likes of a third world country...the very poor and a small group of extremely rich. The middle class is shrinking at a fast rate now...look at all the people who have over extended debt on credit cards and soon will not even be able to pay the monthly payments. Most people are a month from homelessness...if they should lose their jobs.
But, we refuse to see what is happening.....until, that is, we are forced to, when it's too late.
Maybe I'm all wrong... I certainly hope so!
Being made a fool of...
Seems Chrysler cannot figure their way out of the mess they are in. Just read the auto rating magazines and you'll see why. It seems that for years the big three have depended on patriotic mentalities of veterans of American wars or Americans felt the need to support union auto workers. And people believed the old saying. "Hey, it mechanical and machines break down."
I for one never fell for that. I tried to be patriotic and I bought an 1985 Ford Escort which blew a head gastic at 25,000 miles. Not acceptable! The mechanic told me well you know mechanical parts (the seal in this case) break down. And I thought yes it does if it is cheap or if there is faulty workmanship. I don't care if union or not it seems the workers do not take pride in their work like the Japanese do.
When the Japanese designed the Miata, they tries many different ways, designs and engineers with various expertise. I loved the Miata...and according to Road and Driver..yes car and driver are one. And the car was mechanically dependable.
You see, most people buy cars to get from point A to point B on time and without having to drive most of the way as a passenger in a tow truck...like I did. Thank god for AAA.
All the Big Three had to do was build a decent product and they wouldn't be in the trouble they are in now. Americans are getting really tired of being made a fool of. I know I am!
Have integrity, honor and pride and sell me a good, dependable product..one that I can be proud to own. And please make the car buying experience more pleasurable. Why even Toyota tried to rip me off in the accounting office...trying to slip in extended warranty when I said No! Good thing I did my homework and had an amortization book with me and knew exacting what my car payments should be. And the bickering with the price... we were there for three hours going back and forth and playing stupid games between the salesperson and his manager. The salesperson actually acted like he was working for us. Such bull shit. It was salesmen 101 textbook to the period.
I for one never fell for that. I tried to be patriotic and I bought an 1985 Ford Escort which blew a head gastic at 25,000 miles. Not acceptable! The mechanic told me well you know mechanical parts (the seal in this case) break down. And I thought yes it does if it is cheap or if there is faulty workmanship. I don't care if union or not it seems the workers do not take pride in their work like the Japanese do.
When the Japanese designed the Miata, they tries many different ways, designs and engineers with various expertise. I loved the Miata...and according to Road and Driver..yes car and driver are one. And the car was mechanically dependable.
You see, most people buy cars to get from point A to point B on time and without having to drive most of the way as a passenger in a tow truck...like I did. Thank god for AAA.
All the Big Three had to do was build a decent product and they wouldn't be in the trouble they are in now. Americans are getting really tired of being made a fool of. I know I am!
Have integrity, honor and pride and sell me a good, dependable product..one that I can be proud to own. And please make the car buying experience more pleasurable. Why even Toyota tried to rip me off in the accounting office...trying to slip in extended warranty when I said No! Good thing I did my homework and had an amortization book with me and knew exacting what my car payments should be. And the bickering with the price... we were there for three hours going back and forth and playing stupid games between the salesperson and his manager. The salesperson actually acted like he was working for us. Such bull shit. It was salesmen 101 textbook to the period.
Boeing's 878 - a piece meal Lego?
The Boeing 878 is way pass the August due date schedule because Boeing is short handed of engineers. Well, they were planning on the ten or more other countries who have a hand in the building of the plane to complete on time and to use good materials and do a good job. This as not been done! So engineers at Boeing already working on other projects are rushing to correct mistakes other countries around the world were supposed to do right.
Personally, I don't think I want to ride on this plane. A plane with parts made all over the world and then shipped back to Boeing to assemble into a plane like a Lego set
Why? Where is our country economy headed when good jobs our out sources and exports and cheap labor is imported...what happens to the middle class.
What happens to the labor unions at Boeing and why can't they stop this? We need to hang on to our unions they are the only ones saving the half way decent jobs that remain in this country...yet it appears unions are partially in cahoots with company policies.
Personally, I don't think I want to ride on this plane. A plane with parts made all over the world and then shipped back to Boeing to assemble into a plane like a Lego set
Why? Where is our country economy headed when good jobs our out sources and exports and cheap labor is imported...what happens to the middle class.
What happens to the labor unions at Boeing and why can't they stop this? We need to hang on to our unions they are the only ones saving the half way decent jobs that remain in this country...yet it appears unions are partially in cahoots with company policies.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I also believe...
that there is no such thing as death. I'm watching something on cable about near death experiences. About people leaving their bodies and coming back.
I think when we die..we leave our bodies..we are on the other side and can watch over those left behind on earth.
My friend M, talked about E and G who had a thirty year relationship they died in 03 and 02 respectively. M came between them at one point..an affair..with E.
When I met M she would speak of E, an artist, and said I reminded her of E. She said E thought she was from outer space, another planet..she told her that when she first met her. So, I thought that E was very spiritual.
So when M spoke of E I found myself saying. "She watches over you". And on another occasion when she spoke of E I found myself saying quit certainly. "I met she would love to speak to you".
So after mentioning it a couple of times to M and she said okay although a little skeptic, I took her to speak to my spirit buddy Ezekiel, channeled through J. C. I listened to the tape and was so amazed. I discovered that I was part of a mission that might have began even before 2002 but for sure in 2003 after E passed. I had been visiting Ezekiel since 1992 usually once or twice a year.
So I think that my mission was to distance from my life-draining family, leave my 15 year relationship, fall in love with a doctor to clench it...and then in 2005 hook up with my friend M. Everything positive led to my meeting M. I had admired her from afar two years before on two separate occasions. My friends knew her.
Then in September of 2006, she and I spoke and got together and sawing seeing one another. When I did see her, she would speak of E and it went on from there.
When I listened to the tape of her visit with Ezekiel, after he nailed her about other things, he asked if there was someone she wanted to speak to. M replied."Yes, E".
"She paces patiently back and forth behind your chair." Ezekiel said. M asked her a few questions then asked if E saw G. "No, and I miss her." E replied. Ezekiel asked if E wanted to see her and E confirmed and Ezekiel asked M what G's last name was. When giving. Ezekiel said. "Oh, she comes quickly!" They weld together...they embrace...Ezekiel explained.
My mission had ended. I had brought M to Ezekiel so she could help reunite E with G. Maybe M had to patch things up with G a bit. Or maybe G had to forgive E. I don't know! All I now is that they are together..and I am so happy. I can picture them...Ezekiel, in white, older with a beard. I can picture in my mind E & G....young again..slender. I once heard that when you passed you can go back to any age you want..be at your best..when in human form.
I know they are happy. I know M and I had much to do with it. It was my mission...along with a great change in my life. And they were many changes for the positive. My ex and I are still very good friend and live around the corner from each other. She has a partner living with her. I still see M.
Many times I have wondered why I was so in love with the doctor. She was my catalyst to change..but I want on loving her. A few weeks ago I absolutely could not get her out of my mind..and then later my friend tells me she had an appointment with her and the good doctor asked her about me. I swear my floated five feet off the ground for a week. I sang. I worked out to disco. I had an extreme amount of energy. In amazed I thought..after three years she still is concerned. I will love her forever! She is the warmest, kindest, woman I had ever met.
I remember when I saw her...I knew I would never see her again. I tried to memorize every feature on her face...just everything about her. She hugged me when time to part...my spirit guide pushed away my mother evil face that appeared.. and said how dare you love someone else...from that day on I couldn't stand to be in my mother's presence.
But the spirit guide let me know it was okay to let the good doctor know how I felt about her...so I did. My heart was aching. She said it hurt her heart.
I often wondered why I carried these feelings for her for so long. They have faded some now after she has asked about me. I know in my heart she truly cared. I will always be here for her...I will always love her.
And so it goes, moving from one mission to another...sometimes they overlap I think. No matter. I only want my life to be loving, loved, magical and mystical.
I pray now to Ezekiel, E and G. Silently I think those two owe me one or a few favors..so life should get pretty excited from here on out. Remember E was an artist...so I expect my talents should suddenly soar! :)
My heart aches for the good doctor...but I have to let that rest...in dormant...till a later time. In the meantime M and I go on..she's married. I like it like that! Well, most of the time I do. I was with someone for fifteen years...so it may be time for awhile to explore my solitude and talents...which I hope are not too hidden.
My love goes out to Ezekiel, my ex, M, E and G and the good doctor. Life is love...our energies are connected rather here on earth in human form, in the after life or in between the after life and here on earth. We communicate through out thoughts. I also believe we communicate through out thought between human souls here on earth. I felt the good doctor's thoughts about me. God, I could feel her eyes..when I was in her presence. The deepest darkest eyes every imaginable. She was god to me...I had nothing to offer. I only admired everything about her...there was something in everything about her.
I think when we die..we leave our bodies..we are on the other side and can watch over those left behind on earth.
My friend M, talked about E and G who had a thirty year relationship they died in 03 and 02 respectively. M came between them at one point..an affair..with E.
When I met M she would speak of E, an artist, and said I reminded her of E. She said E thought she was from outer space, another planet..she told her that when she first met her. So, I thought that E was very spiritual.
So when M spoke of E I found myself saying. "She watches over you". And on another occasion when she spoke of E I found myself saying quit certainly. "I met she would love to speak to you".
So after mentioning it a couple of times to M and she said okay although a little skeptic, I took her to speak to my spirit buddy Ezekiel, channeled through J. C. I listened to the tape and was so amazed. I discovered that I was part of a mission that might have began even before 2002 but for sure in 2003 after E passed. I had been visiting Ezekiel since 1992 usually once or twice a year.
So I think that my mission was to distance from my life-draining family, leave my 15 year relationship, fall in love with a doctor to clench it...and then in 2005 hook up with my friend M. Everything positive led to my meeting M. I had admired her from afar two years before on two separate occasions. My friends knew her.
Then in September of 2006, she and I spoke and got together and sawing seeing one another. When I did see her, she would speak of E and it went on from there.
When I listened to the tape of her visit with Ezekiel, after he nailed her about other things, he asked if there was someone she wanted to speak to. M replied."Yes, E".
"She paces patiently back and forth behind your chair." Ezekiel said. M asked her a few questions then asked if E saw G. "No, and I miss her." E replied. Ezekiel asked if E wanted to see her and E confirmed and Ezekiel asked M what G's last name was. When giving. Ezekiel said. "Oh, she comes quickly!" They weld together...they embrace...Ezekiel explained.
My mission had ended. I had brought M to Ezekiel so she could help reunite E with G. Maybe M had to patch things up with G a bit. Or maybe G had to forgive E. I don't know! All I now is that they are together..and I am so happy. I can picture them...Ezekiel, in white, older with a beard. I can picture in my mind E & G....young again..slender. I once heard that when you passed you can go back to any age you want..be at your best..when in human form.
I know they are happy. I know M and I had much to do with it. It was my mission...along with a great change in my life. And they were many changes for the positive. My ex and I are still very good friend and live around the corner from each other. She has a partner living with her. I still see M.
Many times I have wondered why I was so in love with the doctor. She was my catalyst to change..but I want on loving her. A few weeks ago I absolutely could not get her out of my mind..and then later my friend tells me she had an appointment with her and the good doctor asked her about me. I swear my floated five feet off the ground for a week. I sang. I worked out to disco. I had an extreme amount of energy. In amazed I thought..after three years she still is concerned. I will love her forever! She is the warmest, kindest, woman I had ever met.
I remember when I saw her...I knew I would never see her again. I tried to memorize every feature on her face...just everything about her. She hugged me when time to part...my spirit guide pushed away my mother evil face that appeared.. and said how dare you love someone else...from that day on I couldn't stand to be in my mother's presence.
But the spirit guide let me know it was okay to let the good doctor know how I felt about her...so I did. My heart was aching. She said it hurt her heart.
I often wondered why I carried these feelings for her for so long. They have faded some now after she has asked about me. I know in my heart she truly cared. I will always be here for her...I will always love her.
And so it goes, moving from one mission to another...sometimes they overlap I think. No matter. I only want my life to be loving, loved, magical and mystical.
I pray now to Ezekiel, E and G. Silently I think those two owe me one or a few favors..so life should get pretty excited from here on out. Remember E was an artist...so I expect my talents should suddenly soar! :)
My heart aches for the good doctor...but I have to let that rest...in dormant...till a later time. In the meantime M and I go on..she's married. I like it like that! Well, most of the time I do. I was with someone for fifteen years...so it may be time for awhile to explore my solitude and talents...which I hope are not too hidden.
My love goes out to Ezekiel, my ex, M, E and G and the good doctor. Life is love...our energies are connected rather here on earth in human form, in the after life or in between the after life and here on earth. We communicate through out thoughts. I also believe we communicate through out thought between human souls here on earth. I felt the good doctor's thoughts about me. God, I could feel her eyes..when I was in her presence. The deepest darkest eyes every imaginable. She was god to me...I had nothing to offer. I only admired everything about her...there was something in everything about her.
The Year of the Woman..
I am sixty years young...can you run 13.1 miles in 2:17? Well I did yesterday! In honor of the "year of the woman". By the way, I love making doctors smiles....they expect the "typical" sedentary, high blood pressured, high cholesterol, aching sixty year old and so smile in surprise.
Never in my life time have I thought I would see complete female staffed operating/delivery rooms. Never have I thought that I would see a female space shuttle commander (what a smooth landing, Pam Melroy!) and a female space station commander Peggy Whitson.
At the circus. Ringling Bros. circus has a female ringmaster/singer, a female dare devil motorcyclist, and other female stars. In fact most of the performers are women! Yes!
Patty Wagstaff cuts ribbons flying upside down about ten feet off the ground! Of course there was Amelia Earhart breaking records and female hearts back in the 1930's.
Yes the year of the woman....2008 go Hillary!
Never in my life time have I thought I would see complete female staffed operating/delivery rooms. Never have I thought that I would see a female space shuttle commander (what a smooth landing, Pam Melroy!) and a female space station commander Peggy Whitson.
At the circus. Ringling Bros. circus has a female ringmaster/singer, a female dare devil motorcyclist, and other female stars. In fact most of the performers are women! Yes!
Patty Wagstaff cuts ribbons flying upside down about ten feet off the ground! Of course there was Amelia Earhart breaking records and female hearts back in the 1930's.
Yes the year of the woman....2008 go Hillary!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Keeping up with the Jones
New book out...well she was on NPR. I believe the book was published in 2006. The book is titled: "Green with Envy: why keeping up with the Joneses is keeping us in debt" by Shira Boss
I haven't read it yet...it's on my library list of request. I guess that statement is true. I mean look at all the huge SUV's out there and mostly driven by young suburbanites, women in particular. I have to admit I believe I notice more women driving them than men. Astonishing! And they are blonds usually! And tall and thin..I might add. Oh, and heading towards the mall..
I find it hard to keep up and I'm not even trying..what does that mean. I do treat myself now and then with groceries. I'm kidding. But some people would not be kidding. I treat myself with "Body World 3" tickets for my friend and I. I treated my ex with a $50. ticket to see our next and first female president. I treated her too with some firewood..just a little.
Oh here comes that non stopping three year old from downstairs. The kid talks none stop. Lord help me. Oh false alarm. whew! Oh no. I hope it's not the people with the yapping little dog that they leave alone for hours. I may have to double my dose....I have a half marathon to run in the morning...my nerves keep me awake as it is. I don't know why I put myself through this..the run is nothing...it's the anxiety I suffer the night before.
Now where was I. Groceries. Oh we all have an excuse. The price of gas as risen per barrel...nearing a hundred bucks now..so the cost of groceries and just everything else I might add has gone up substantially in price. And once more it will never come down. But wages have not gone up. In fact more jobs are being done in third world countries. Oh sure, we have tons of minimum wage service jobs around.
Our running group is volunteering to man a sales booth at the ice hockey arena for five or six hours. I am volunteering to get the experience..never know when it might come in handy. I know Panera's hire older people I've seen them in there...or was that the manager's parents? I haven't seen them lately. They were both very nice. In fact preferable over perhaps the younger set who are sometimes more distracted. And always women are preferable over men...I know I shouldn't stereotype but...women tend to be more softer and considerate and polite. The young men are in a hurry...it's more important to just get it out there....dog eat dog. Hurry up!
Well, that's the corporate world anyway...dog eat dog. And see where it got up..India. Now many IT jobs are done in by the people in India. Tax returns are even processed in India. Don't you just love the United States of America...now the whole damn world knows your personal business. But, Bush allows the lobbyist to influence him with money and votes and they get the red carpet and the green light...anything goes. No matter if it is crooked, shaded, fraud, theft or death..anything goes. Health insurance company pay doctor to deny your operation..say it's experimental, not needed, too bad...tough luck.
You know when I listen to some of this needless killing I am even beginning to value life less. What's a life? Hell I'll just come back...next time the way I want too. I'll be a lesbian for sure! I'll be fearless, extremely intelligent with loads of common sense and a big heart...warm like my mother's will be. She'll be wonderful...tall and blond...she won't drive a gas guzzler SUV though.
Which reminds me. Have you ever watched Lisa Williamson, clairvoyant? Well, she communicates with pasted souls who are hanging around...I think they are all pretty much hanging around if they choose to be near their love ones. Anyway, this one woman's mother died when she was six. This woman missed her mother very much..I think she was about in her 40's and her daughter was about to have a baby..and the passed spirit of the grandmother as much said she was coming back. So, the new baby will be the grandmother reincarnated. I think that is so exciting.
Well you know my friend and I aided in reuniting two passed souls in the afterlife. Yes, it's true! I think that I was destined to hook up with my friend M so I could take her to Ezekiel, channeled spirit, I visit through JC occasionally. It was my journey. I told my ex when we split...this is bigger than both of us! I was on a mission. Still don't know why I had to fall so hard for the good doctor though...and it lasted so long...she is still in my heart. But, anyway, I believe E, passed spirit (11/03), guided me to M. So M could talk to Ezekiel and those two could reunite E with G her also deceased (11/02) and E's partner of 30 years. You see, M came between them for a while. I think G held a grudge. After about nine months of a hot relationship between M and I (I only mention this because personally I think E had something to do with that!), we went to see Ezekiel...and yes, E and G were reunited. I have the tape to prove it. But for a while afterwards my relationship with M faded..the sparks were gone...I prayed to E and G..."you owe me" I reminded! I need those sparks to return. I need my fear taken away.. After a whole year...of having through the ceiling and out the roof experiences...I want them back! It's getting better ... but not quit there yet!! My theory is now that the mission of over two years or who knows more..is over...E doesn't need me or is too busy...distracted? She and G have each other now..
You see I knew that I was on a special mission because I felt so sure and confident about everything I did pertaining to my new life..that began at age 57. A whole new life to explore. My sexuality to explore. This doesn't pertain to me, but did you know that Christine Hawthorne, said that mid age may be a time of "change in sexual orientation". Well, I think we are born lesbian or gay..I think for some...they wish to live the straight life as they raise their children and first come out or meet up with their inner selves around age forty. I did. I tried like hell to live the straight life...of course I thought I was the only lesbian around. I wasn't a butch dyke so I kept denying my inner self...saying I can't be a lesbian..I just love her. What threw me off was good sex with men...although I couldn't really give back...wasn't into it. All the pieces came together when I DID finally have sex with a woman...I thought I had died and gone to heaven...I could give back...I wanted to give back...I wanted to give. I was born to make love to a woman! I was at home! Nothing can compare to the touch of a woman. Funny when I see straight couples...I think...what's in it for her? Sorry, but that is the lesbian in me....
Well see there I got totally off track again. I was talking about being green with envy and in dire straits in debt...if I don't stop my spending.. I'll be right there with the rest of them. But, I have an edge to keep my spending under control...no kids. Well, and I'm not trying to keep up with the Jones... I gave that notion up a long time ago. No, I'm busy being my artist self. I am dipping into the creative side of my soul. Besides E promises me...so I think.. to inspire me. She was an artist. And M told me that I reminded her of E. Funny! I think E spoke through me too for things she wanted M to hear like one day M was speaking of E and I knew E being spiritual I said. "I think E watches over you". And then again one day when M spoke of E I heard myself saying. "I think E would like to talk to you". Hello! She was there waiting for M when I took Me to speak to the spirit, Ezekiel.
I listened to the tape in amazement and then all the pieces came together of my directed mission...when I heard M ask E "Are you with G?" and via Ezekiel E replies. "No, and I miss her" Ezekiel asked if they wish to reunite and E must have said yes and so Ezekiel asked M for G's last name. After M said it. Ezekiel goes..."Oh, she comes fast!" E and G giggle and weld into one...as Ezekiel explains it. Such a wonderful story....but E can't leave me hanging! Fill my heart with desire and release... I need to let go of so many things. Help me!
And please look after the good doctor...make her days wonderful, bright, brilliant and every case successful. I feel her heart ... I feel her love... I miss her. She, the catalyst to my life change... I will love her forever. And I am here for her....always....forever! In a split second something passed, happened between us...something with our hearts...that made them ache.. and become very concerned about each other..... She asked about me recently.... I was five feet off the ground for days....my heart danced...it's been three years....and she still was concerned.... I love her very much!
Time to sedate and go to sleep...oh let me sleep..big run in the morning..half marathon...make me fast, swift, painless, light on my feet. Make it effortless...dry, cool, not cold. Thanks in advance! Make it magical!
I haven't read it yet...it's on my library list of request. I guess that statement is true. I mean look at all the huge SUV's out there and mostly driven by young suburbanites, women in particular. I have to admit I believe I notice more women driving them than men. Astonishing! And they are blonds usually! And tall and thin..I might add. Oh, and heading towards the mall..
I find it hard to keep up and I'm not even trying..what does that mean. I do treat myself now and then with groceries. I'm kidding. But some people would not be kidding. I treat myself with "Body World 3" tickets for my friend and I. I treated my ex with a $50. ticket to see our next and first female president. I treated her too with some firewood..just a little.
Oh here comes that non stopping three year old from downstairs. The kid talks none stop. Lord help me. Oh false alarm. whew! Oh no. I hope it's not the people with the yapping little dog that they leave alone for hours. I may have to double my dose....I have a half marathon to run in the morning...my nerves keep me awake as it is. I don't know why I put myself through this..the run is nothing...it's the anxiety I suffer the night before.
Now where was I. Groceries. Oh we all have an excuse. The price of gas as risen per barrel...nearing a hundred bucks now..so the cost of groceries and just everything else I might add has gone up substantially in price. And once more it will never come down. But wages have not gone up. In fact more jobs are being done in third world countries. Oh sure, we have tons of minimum wage service jobs around.
Our running group is volunteering to man a sales booth at the ice hockey arena for five or six hours. I am volunteering to get the experience..never know when it might come in handy. I know Panera's hire older people I've seen them in there...or was that the manager's parents? I haven't seen them lately. They were both very nice. In fact preferable over perhaps the younger set who are sometimes more distracted. And always women are preferable over men...I know I shouldn't stereotype but...women tend to be more softer and considerate and polite. The young men are in a hurry...it's more important to just get it out there....dog eat dog. Hurry up!
Well, that's the corporate world anyway...dog eat dog. And see where it got up..India. Now many IT jobs are done in by the people in India. Tax returns are even processed in India. Don't you just love the United States of America...now the whole damn world knows your personal business. But, Bush allows the lobbyist to influence him with money and votes and they get the red carpet and the green light...anything goes. No matter if it is crooked, shaded, fraud, theft or death..anything goes. Health insurance company pay doctor to deny your operation..say it's experimental, not needed, too bad...tough luck.
You know when I listen to some of this needless killing I am even beginning to value life less. What's a life? Hell I'll just come back...next time the way I want too. I'll be a lesbian for sure! I'll be fearless, extremely intelligent with loads of common sense and a big heart...warm like my mother's will be. She'll be wonderful...tall and blond...she won't drive a gas guzzler SUV though.
Which reminds me. Have you ever watched Lisa Williamson, clairvoyant? Well, she communicates with pasted souls who are hanging around...I think they are all pretty much hanging around if they choose to be near their love ones. Anyway, this one woman's mother died when she was six. This woman missed her mother very much..I think she was about in her 40's and her daughter was about to have a baby..and the passed spirit of the grandmother as much said she was coming back. So, the new baby will be the grandmother reincarnated. I think that is so exciting.
Well you know my friend and I aided in reuniting two passed souls in the afterlife. Yes, it's true! I think that I was destined to hook up with my friend M so I could take her to Ezekiel, channeled spirit, I visit through JC occasionally. It was my journey. I told my ex when we split...this is bigger than both of us! I was on a mission. Still don't know why I had to fall so hard for the good doctor though...and it lasted so long...she is still in my heart. But, anyway, I believe E, passed spirit (11/03), guided me to M. So M could talk to Ezekiel and those two could reunite E with G her also deceased (11/02) and E's partner of 30 years. You see, M came between them for a while. I think G held a grudge. After about nine months of a hot relationship between M and I (I only mention this because personally I think E had something to do with that!), we went to see Ezekiel...and yes, E and G were reunited. I have the tape to prove it. But for a while afterwards my relationship with M faded..the sparks were gone...I prayed to E and G..."you owe me" I reminded! I need those sparks to return. I need my fear taken away.. After a whole year...of having through the ceiling and out the roof experiences...I want them back! It's getting better ... but not quit there yet!! My theory is now that the mission of over two years or who knows more..is over...E doesn't need me or is too busy...distracted? She and G have each other now..
You see I knew that I was on a special mission because I felt so sure and confident about everything I did pertaining to my new life..that began at age 57. A whole new life to explore. My sexuality to explore. This doesn't pertain to me, but did you know that Christine Hawthorne, said that mid age may be a time of "change in sexual orientation". Well, I think we are born lesbian or gay..I think for some...they wish to live the straight life as they raise their children and first come out or meet up with their inner selves around age forty. I did. I tried like hell to live the straight life...of course I thought I was the only lesbian around. I wasn't a butch dyke so I kept denying my inner self...saying I can't be a lesbian..I just love her. What threw me off was good sex with men...although I couldn't really give back...wasn't into it. All the pieces came together when I DID finally have sex with a woman...I thought I had died and gone to heaven...I could give back...I wanted to give back...I wanted to give. I was born to make love to a woman! I was at home! Nothing can compare to the touch of a woman. Funny when I see straight couples...I think...what's in it for her? Sorry, but that is the lesbian in me....
Well see there I got totally off track again. I was talking about being green with envy and in dire straits in debt...if I don't stop my spending.. I'll be right there with the rest of them. But, I have an edge to keep my spending under control...no kids. Well, and I'm not trying to keep up with the Jones... I gave that notion up a long time ago. No, I'm busy being my artist self. I am dipping into the creative side of my soul. Besides E promises me...so I think.. to inspire me. She was an artist. And M told me that I reminded her of E. Funny! I think E spoke through me too for things she wanted M to hear like one day M was speaking of E and I knew E being spiritual I said. "I think E watches over you". And then again one day when M spoke of E I heard myself saying. "I think E would like to talk to you". Hello! She was there waiting for M when I took Me to speak to the spirit, Ezekiel.
I listened to the tape in amazement and then all the pieces came together of my directed mission...when I heard M ask E "Are you with G?" and via Ezekiel E replies. "No, and I miss her" Ezekiel asked if they wish to reunite and E must have said yes and so Ezekiel asked M for G's last name. After M said it. Ezekiel goes..."Oh, she comes fast!" E and G giggle and weld into one...as Ezekiel explains it. Such a wonderful story....but E can't leave me hanging! Fill my heart with desire and release... I need to let go of so many things. Help me!
And please look after the good doctor...make her days wonderful, bright, brilliant and every case successful. I feel her heart ... I feel her love... I miss her. She, the catalyst to my life change... I will love her forever. And I am here for her....always....forever! In a split second something passed, happened between us...something with our hearts...that made them ache.. and become very concerned about each other..... She asked about me recently.... I was five feet off the ground for days....my heart danced...it's been three years....and she still was concerned.... I love her very much!
Time to sedate and go to sleep...oh let me sleep..big run in the morning..half marathon...make me fast, swift, painless, light on my feet. Make it effortless...dry, cool, not cold. Thanks in advance! Make it magical!
Friday, November 09, 2007
is not god's best....according to Joel Osteen...some preacher...like we care. Why is he in CNN>
Oh, now he says that he thinks everyone should be able to live their lives at their best. Well thanks a lot Joel..pretty boy.
So, we are not god's best. Now just how ignorant is that? So now he is mightier than god and can judge god. Where do these people get off thinking they are "god". They can speak for "god" and the almighty "bible".
It's comical! Get a real job..one where you have to pay taxes on your earnings like everyone else.
Oh, now he says that he thinks everyone should be able to live their lives at their best. Well thanks a lot Joel..pretty boy.
So, we are not god's best. Now just how ignorant is that? So now he is mightier than god and can judge god. Where do these people get off thinking they are "god". They can speak for "god" and the almighty "bible".
It's comical! Get a real job..one where you have to pay taxes on your earnings like everyone else.
Everyone is feeling the crush..
In this administration and before, corporations were led to run amok along with the Bush administration. Both are filled with greed and the desire to make a profit at any cost to the people. It's not working for one thing. The market is slipping. Was 9 11 a desperate reach?
This administration allowed corporations to run amok and sell out American workers. In turn we get cheap substitute goods from third world countries...even as designer knock offs.
Unions are dying and good jobs are out sourced to third world slave laborers. Our administration is a part of it all...just as greedy as the next corporate head.
This greed is destroying our earth and morality. These are young people fighting and kicking over turning a short profit and momentarily getting rich. Look at Enron (Bush's buddy Ken Lay) and how they destroyed employees futures by draining their 401k plans. It's criminal. Of course Lay had a convenient heart attack and yeah right, he died. Too convenient in my thinking!
Companies who get caught merely pay a fine and go on. Big deal. They have probably made larger campaign contributions then that. And the government merely says..thanks for the money...try not to get caught next time. Or, keep it coming!
Our government is made up of corporations seeking a big quick bottom line. CEO are ripping off the average employee and they don't care. But my question is...who can buy these services and goods if everyone is broke? If we all make minimum wage or less who can afford to even go to the movies when all the credit cards get maxed out?
This economy is riding on a temporary phony ride. It's hollow underneath and doomed to crash and burn. Bankruptcy laws have stiffened so more will just become homeless. Maybe retired mom and dad can take on more. They are the middle generation taking in the monetary burden of folks and kids and even grand kids. Thanks to our government! Nice job!
Who can buy homes that cost a half a million dollars...and they all do now mostly. There are now condos starting at 160,000. that I have seen lately. They are tiny..made for single people are newly weds without pets...and children. Our population grows there should be enough jobs for all but there is not..not good paying ones. More and more shopping and eating establishments pop up everything in suburban sprawl. It takes both parents working several jobs to get the kids through college.
We can't depend on insurance to pay bills due to illness. We now know that insurance company doctors reject and decline services crucial to patent's lives. People are dying or losing their homes..take your pick.
I remember the term "bean counter" of the 1960's regarding the Corvair and Pinto cars that burst into flame. Cars that were unsafe. Instead of spending a few cents to recall cars and correct the problems...they counted how many were injured or died and it was decided that it wasn't cost effective to fix the problem. Sometimes fifty cent solution would have sufficed and saved a life. It's all about saving a buck, the hell with human life. It's all about the bottom line. So what if we pull antibiotics into cattle and as a consequence people in hospitals cannot fight off bacterial staff infections and end up dying. So what? The main concern is that cattle was raised fast and pumped out a lot of milk. So what if cattle were in pain and had infections and utter pus got into the milk....so what? They are just beans....not people and children....or futures...so what?
Where is the conscience of people. Where is the integrity? Honor? What the hell is that. The last men who had honor were silly naive WWII soldiers...that too was a corporate work..people..there is money to be made in times war. Well money for a few already rich retired generals and colonels. The Bush dynasty only knows that too well.
The whole situation actually makes me a little nauseous and so tired of looking over my shoulder and not trusting anyone. The health industry doesn't care if people get sick some junk products we consume or from our sick environment and poisoned water...there is just more money to be made.
People are losing homes because insurance companies decide not to cover a certain medical procedure that occurs in mainstream...suddenly a patient finds a procedure is experimental or declared not necessary..only because they want to save a buck. So the patient is left hanging, dying, or using their homes to pay mental bills. And our administration turns a blind eye. That is hypocritical.
Maybe it's because I am older that I am sick of it all. When I was younger I refused to believe that government and business were so evil. How can people be that evil. A needless war to fight Communism. A draft! What an insult! And bump off the honest politicians with integrity who actually put honor into their jobs.
The 14th amendment said to aid the poor blacks in the sold against discrimination was manipulated and turned around and around until ti aided crooked corporations and allows them to act as individuals able to buy and sell and do take overs.
Governments and corporations are one and are ruining this planet and creating havoc for Americans......just so a few can get extremely rich.....and they call themselves Christians.
Yet, politicians ignore all of this important stuff and repeat election after election....no new taxes, no rights for gays, no abortions, no stem cell research. I am so sick of this broken record. There was a time everyone wanted to come to this country..the land of opportunity...but they go back home when there is an illness and treatment or surgery is free or at minimum cost. Oh, but they pay high taxes... I ask you what is the difference between paying high taxes and extremely high premiums and never knowing if your health care provider will even comes across and help you out monetarily.
This administration allowed corporations to run amok and sell out American workers. In turn we get cheap substitute goods from third world countries...even as designer knock offs.
Unions are dying and good jobs are out sourced to third world slave laborers. Our administration is a part of it all...just as greedy as the next corporate head.
This greed is destroying our earth and morality. These are young people fighting and kicking over turning a short profit and momentarily getting rich. Look at Enron (Bush's buddy Ken Lay) and how they destroyed employees futures by draining their 401k plans. It's criminal. Of course Lay had a convenient heart attack and yeah right, he died. Too convenient in my thinking!
Companies who get caught merely pay a fine and go on. Big deal. They have probably made larger campaign contributions then that. And the government merely says..thanks for the money...try not to get caught next time. Or, keep it coming!
Our government is made up of corporations seeking a big quick bottom line. CEO are ripping off the average employee and they don't care. But my question is...who can buy these services and goods if everyone is broke? If we all make minimum wage or less who can afford to even go to the movies when all the credit cards get maxed out?
This economy is riding on a temporary phony ride. It's hollow underneath and doomed to crash and burn. Bankruptcy laws have stiffened so more will just become homeless. Maybe retired mom and dad can take on more. They are the middle generation taking in the monetary burden of folks and kids and even grand kids. Thanks to our government! Nice job!
Who can buy homes that cost a half a million dollars...and they all do now mostly. There are now condos starting at 160,000. that I have seen lately. They are tiny..made for single people are newly weds without pets...and children. Our population grows there should be enough jobs for all but there is not..not good paying ones. More and more shopping and eating establishments pop up everything in suburban sprawl. It takes both parents working several jobs to get the kids through college.
We can't depend on insurance to pay bills due to illness. We now know that insurance company doctors reject and decline services crucial to patent's lives. People are dying or losing their homes..take your pick.
I remember the term "bean counter" of the 1960's regarding the Corvair and Pinto cars that burst into flame. Cars that were unsafe. Instead of spending a few cents to recall cars and correct the problems...they counted how many were injured or died and it was decided that it wasn't cost effective to fix the problem. Sometimes fifty cent solution would have sufficed and saved a life. It's all about saving a buck, the hell with human life. It's all about the bottom line. So what if we pull antibiotics into cattle and as a consequence people in hospitals cannot fight off bacterial staff infections and end up dying. So what? The main concern is that cattle was raised fast and pumped out a lot of milk. So what if cattle were in pain and had infections and utter pus got into the milk....so what? They are just beans....not people and children....or futures...so what?
Where is the conscience of people. Where is the integrity? Honor? What the hell is that. The last men who had honor were silly naive WWII soldiers...that too was a corporate work..people..there is money to be made in times war. Well money for a few already rich retired generals and colonels. The Bush dynasty only knows that too well.
The whole situation actually makes me a little nauseous and so tired of looking over my shoulder and not trusting anyone. The health industry doesn't care if people get sick some junk products we consume or from our sick environment and poisoned water...there is just more money to be made.
People are losing homes because insurance companies decide not to cover a certain medical procedure that occurs in mainstream...suddenly a patient finds a procedure is experimental or declared not necessary..only because they want to save a buck. So the patient is left hanging, dying, or using their homes to pay mental bills. And our administration turns a blind eye. That is hypocritical.
Maybe it's because I am older that I am sick of it all. When I was younger I refused to believe that government and business were so evil. How can people be that evil. A needless war to fight Communism. A draft! What an insult! And bump off the honest politicians with integrity who actually put honor into their jobs.
The 14th amendment said to aid the poor blacks in the sold against discrimination was manipulated and turned around and around until ti aided crooked corporations and allows them to act as individuals able to buy and sell and do take overs.
Governments and corporations are one and are ruining this planet and creating havoc for Americans......just so a few can get extremely rich.....and they call themselves Christians.
Yet, politicians ignore all of this important stuff and repeat election after election....no new taxes, no rights for gays, no abortions, no stem cell research. I am so sick of this broken record. There was a time everyone wanted to come to this country..the land of opportunity...but they go back home when there is an illness and treatment or surgery is free or at minimum cost. Oh, but they pay high taxes... I ask you what is the difference between paying high taxes and extremely high premiums and never knowing if your health care provider will even comes across and help you out monetarily.
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