Friday, November 09, 2007

Everyone is feeling the crush..

In this administration and before, corporations were led to run amok along with the Bush administration. Both are filled with greed and the desire to make a profit at any cost to the people. It's not working for one thing. The market is slipping. Was 9 11 a desperate reach?

This administration allowed corporations to run amok and sell out American workers. In turn we get cheap substitute goods from third world countries...even as designer knock offs.

Unions are dying and good jobs are out sourced to third world slave laborers. Our administration is a part of it all...just as greedy as the next corporate head.

This greed is destroying our earth and morality. These are young people fighting and kicking over turning a short profit and momentarily getting rich. Look at Enron (Bush's buddy Ken Lay) and how they destroyed employees futures by draining their 401k plans. It's criminal. Of course Lay had a convenient heart attack and yeah right, he died. Too convenient in my thinking!

Companies who get caught merely pay a fine and go on. Big deal. They have probably made larger campaign contributions then that. And the government merely says..thanks for the money...try not to get caught next time. Or, keep it coming!

Our government is made up of corporations seeking a big quick bottom line. CEO are ripping off the average employee and they don't care. But my question is...who can buy these services and goods if everyone is broke? If we all make minimum wage or less who can afford to even go to the movies when all the credit cards get maxed out?

This economy is riding on a temporary phony ride. It's hollow underneath and doomed to crash and burn. Bankruptcy laws have stiffened so more will just become homeless. Maybe retired mom and dad can take on more. They are the middle generation taking in the monetary burden of folks and kids and even grand kids. Thanks to our government! Nice job!

Who can buy homes that cost a half a million dollars...and they all do now mostly. There are now condos starting at 160,000. that I have seen lately. They are tiny..made for single people are newly weds without pets...and children. Our population grows there should be enough jobs for all but there is not..not good paying ones. More and more shopping and eating establishments pop up everything in suburban sprawl. It takes both parents working several jobs to get the kids through college.

We can't depend on insurance to pay bills due to illness. We now know that insurance company doctors reject and decline services crucial to patent's lives. People are dying or losing their homes..take your pick.

I remember the term "bean counter" of the 1960's regarding the Corvair and Pinto cars that burst into flame. Cars that were unsafe. Instead of spending a few cents to recall cars and correct the problems...they counted how many were injured or died and it was decided that it wasn't cost effective to fix the problem. Sometimes fifty cent solution would have sufficed and saved a life. It's all about saving a buck, the hell with human life. It's all about the bottom line. So what if we pull antibiotics into cattle and as a consequence people in hospitals cannot fight off bacterial staff infections and end up dying. So what? The main concern is that cattle was raised fast and pumped out a lot of milk. So what if cattle were in pain and had infections and utter pus got into the what? They are just beans....not people and children....or what?

Where is the conscience of people. Where is the integrity? Honor? What the hell is that. The last men who had honor were silly naive WWII soldiers...that too was a corporate work..people..there is money to be made in times war. Well money for a few already rich retired generals and colonels. The Bush dynasty only knows that too well.

The whole situation actually makes me a little nauseous and so tired of looking over my shoulder and not trusting anyone. The health industry doesn't care if people get sick some junk products we consume or from our sick environment and poisoned water...there is just more money to be made.

People are losing homes because insurance companies decide not to cover a certain medical procedure that occurs in mainstream...suddenly a patient finds a procedure is experimental or declared not necessary..only because they want to save a buck. So the patient is left hanging, dying, or using their homes to pay mental bills. And our administration turns a blind eye. That is hypocritical.

Maybe it's because I am older that I am sick of it all. When I was younger I refused to believe that government and business were so evil. How can people be that evil. A needless war to fight Communism. A draft! What an insult! And bump off the honest politicians with integrity who actually put honor into their jobs.

The 14th amendment said to aid the poor blacks in the sold against discrimination was manipulated and turned around and around until ti aided crooked corporations and allows them to act as individuals able to buy and sell and do take overs.

Governments and corporations are one and are ruining this planet and creating havoc for Americans......just so a few can get extremely rich.....and they call themselves Christians.

Yet, politicians ignore all of this important stuff and repeat election after new taxes, no rights for gays, no abortions, no stem cell research. I am so sick of this broken record. There was a time everyone wanted to come to this country..the land of opportunity...but they go back home when there is an illness and treatment or surgery is free or at minimum cost. Oh, but they pay high taxes... I ask you what is the difference between paying high taxes and extremely high premiums and never knowing if your health care provider will even comes across and help you out monetarily.

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