Friday, November 23, 2007

I agree with...

Joy and Whoopie, both agree that Obama doesn't seem to have enough experience. He has no plan...for anything. And I hate when a candidate says..."The American people want..." You don't know what I want.

I want you, Obama to have a plan and tell me exactly what you are going to do. I much prefer something like what Hillary says, "When I am president I will ........"

Even when Hillary was first lady she had a plan....for universal health care yet no one in congress moved on it as if they thought she was just "the" housewife blabbering nonsense. When she was actually ahead of her time and ahead of the game! The problem was and may be will always big...lobbyist and big business..who really run the show and that is why our country is in dire straits right now. It's disorganzied..without an overseer. Hello Bush, this is where you come in. Bush was never the president.....but merely shook hands and tried to read the prompter. He was truly awful at the beginning of that rigged election. Sorry, just calling it as I see untrained and not solicited opinion.

Maybe if we get a woman in there to lead things we will actually get something done.

Bush was useless in the grand theme of things. See, I consider him already "gone".

I don't like Edwards either. I do not think I could stand to listen to him talk for four years and he has no plan either. In the Las Vegas debate he and Obama (who bombed big time!) wasted time attacking Hillary which made Hillary look really on top of things.

Personally, I would rather see the big three has Hillary, Joe Bidden and Chris Dobb. Bidden and Dobb each have many years in the Senate. I would like to see either one of them as Hillary's vice presdient. But, don't know if they would "settle" for vice president. Many who run for president do not.

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