Friday, November 30, 2007

Gays and old white man who think they are god

I watched the Republican debate Wednesday evening on CNN. So, the majority of the people in the service are Christian and Republican and they don't want gay there. Nice!

Rommey, Huckabee, McCain, and Paul, I believe are the ones Anderson Cooper asked to answer Retired General Kerr's question...he came out after forty years of service for his country and they are still denying the gay in the military. These people are no better than my family. Hypocrites!

Yes, it's just too bad people are not comfortable enough with their own sexuality...that they feel the urge to strike out at gays at lesbians. Trust me no one wants to be gay and fight society..but we are born gay some of us. So as Bill Riley often instructs his guest....we should just "shut up" and sit in the corner. Being denied who you are is like being robed of your have no self. We are invisible...they don't want to hear about it. We should assimulate and fit in. Christians hate people who are different than themselves...we must all fit the same mold or be stoned to death. Frankly at times I would rather be dead! Hope you are happy marching off to church every Sunday and thinking you are holier then thou...and everyone else...and love playing god. The audacity!

There are homosexuals in every social group and in every country..yes even Saudi Arabia..even Pakistan. Religion is an evil thing...because people kill in the name of god... and women are of lesser social value than men. God I hate religion!

There is something terribly wrong with this world.....all the hate...all the greed! My gay friends are the nicest people I know....good hearted...kind and honest....loving and true....ready to lend a hand...they are not greedy are hateful or prejudice.

When I look at the big picture of government crooks and corporate greed and war and hate and the needless poor and starving so others may be extremely wealthy it makes me want to cry. I know that there are many kind people out there...but policitians and religious hedons over shadow them with their hate. So just who are the sinners? Trust me I'd rather be gay.

And what is the big deal? If you are not gay what do you care? Gay people find other gay people...they don't create or change a straight person into a gay what are you worried about. Personally, they want homosexuals to live in misery as look as everyone fits the norm. Don't color out side the liens... and why not?

I remember when I was a kid my mother would say...just about every day about something or other.."What will people say?" or "What will people think?" Women who divoced were considered sinners and evil and ostracized and the divorce was always her fault...because she couldn't keep him happy. A man could screw around..because well, he's a man. Such bull shit made me want to puke as a kid. I hated the church bull shit from the time I was little. Honor authority; honor thy priests....yeah the whole time they are molesting you....honor them. You know they made those rules so they could get away with molesting kids. Parents would never believe the kids....mother's protected not the kid but the husband and the fucking priests

It's all bull shit and homosexuals are used by politicans and religion to avoid the real issues..Abortion is another one. I am so tired of old white men wanting to play god I could puke!

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