Friday, February 29, 2008
Hillary - this country needs you!
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People! Don't you know? Obama is just going to be another G. W. Bush - a mere puppet for John Kerry, Nancy Peloski, Claire McCasskill, Ted Kennedy - the same old bunch and yes, Chris Dobb is now endorsing him. Obama is clueless. He didn't know the name of the new Russian prime minister. Hillary could.. just couldn't pronounce it and neither could Tim Russert. Obama never heard of him. Personally, I don't want another G. W. Bush. I want a president who knows what is going on - for Christ sake! The media is totally against Hillary and it is so obivious to SNL and to me. Why, during the last few debates Hillary gets asked all the quesitons first to provide answers for Obama. He repeats everything she says. It is quite obivious people... are you blind? Hillary will not be led around by the nose like brainless Obama. She will over see what people are doing.. even for her. She will be a "good manager" one that this country hasn't had. Cheney led G. W. but he was sneaking and under handed and went behind Congress's back. Hillary will work with NAFTA and large corporations. She will know WHAT to do and in WHAT ORDER. This country needs a leader! Not a puppet leading led by a bunch of scrabbling old men. Besides look how boring it will be until November if Obama and McCain walk away with Texas and Ohio. I'm ashamed of Brian Williams nad Tim Russert for putting Hillary under the xray machine and criticizing her at every turn when they just give Obama the green light. I'm sick of it! People if you want the truth read the New York Times Sun. You got ya love it!" name=Body>
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Hillary, we need you!!
People! Don't you know? Obama is just going to be another G. W. Bush - a mere puppet for John Kerry, Nancy Peloski, Claire McCasskill, Ted Kennedy - the same old bunch and yes, Chris Dobb is now endorsing him.
Obama is clueless. He didn't know the name of the new Russian prime minister. Hillary could.. just couldn't pronounce it and neither could Tim Russert. Obama never heard of him.
Personally, I don't want another G. W. Bush. I want a president who knows what is going on - for Christ sake!
The media is totally against Hillary and it is so obivious to SNL and to me. Why, during the last few debates Hillary gets asked all the quesitons first to provide answers for Obama. He repeats everything she says. It is quite obivious people... are you blind?
Hillary will not be led around by the nose like brainless Obama. She will over see what people are doing.. even for her. She will be a "good manager" one that this country hasn't had. Cheney led G. W. but he was sneaking and under handed and went behind Congress's back.
Hillary will work with NAFTA and large corporations. She will know WHAT to do and in WHAT ORDER. This country needs a leader! Not a puppet leading led by a bunch of scrabbling old men.
Besides look how boring it will be until November if Obama and McCain walk away with Texas and Ohio. I'm ashamed of Brian Williams nad Tim Russert for putting Hillary under the xray machine and criticizing her at every turn when they just give Obama the green light. I'm sick of it!
People if you want the truth read the New York Times Sun.
You got ya love it!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
yes I am using my beloved iPhone
There comes a time when I can't see what I'm typing so I hope for the best. So far so good. I want to see how far I can go typing blink like this. I will keep going under "erase" gets carried away again. So far so good. I do believe Blogger will automatically save what I have typed. Don't know bow to make a new paragragraph and be I still cannot see what I have typed.
I believe that I cannot hold the iPhone horizonal as I type. I must keep it verical..then it works better at this site.
I am trying to type with my thumbs
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"Why Do I Always Have to Go First..."
How can people be so blind. I think what we have here is a large population of silly, young college kids just wanting to rally around someone. I am thinking here that these kids are not doing the research; neither are many adults. They just jump on the bandwagon.
People you got to do your homework, read both sides of the campaign issues and each candidates voting records and watch their performance. Talk about "slick"! Obama is smiling all the way to the bank. Here is a guy without a political record - zero! And he is running for president and is probably going to get away with it. He probably did it for a joke or on a bet and look at where he is.
It was certainly apparent during the Nevada debates that Obama was clueless on senate voting techniques and didn't know how to vote his mind. I believe he voted opposite of his intentions and somehow it worked for him during the campaign. I could Obama have voted "no" on NAFFTA? He wasn't in the Senate in 1993 or 1994? He voted "no" for "no ceiling" on what credit card companies could charge customers; where as Hillary and John Edwards both voted "yes" although high it put a ceiling never the less.
Personally, I think he is clueless and said himself that he will rely on others to govern for my previous entry and read the piece from the New York Sun in included.
It's the same way with John McCain who admitted that he knew nothing of economical issues and would rely on others to help him. McCain just wants to go to war and kill people...sorry, it's just the way it sounds to me. Personally, I knew he was a POW just a little too long.. he is angry. I think we are not seeing the real McCain..not until he gets into office.
Did you now that Cheney would call the generals personally and tell them in Iraq what he wanted them to do? I read it somewhere. I think this is scary business.
Hillary admits to having a transparent government and that means you can come in and check on her at anytime. We need a woman to get the job done. You women know that! You women who are doctors, lawyers, chiropractors, and business women - you know that. You know that if you want to get it done right - that you have to do it yourself or oversee events very closely.
The people that will be behind the Obama presidency
Submitted by jim aaron, Feb 12, 2008 13:57
If you liked Ziggy when he was the National Security Advisor for Jimmy Carter during the Iranian Hostage situation, where America suffered the Humiliation from their weak and ineffectual leadership, then you must be an Obama supporter. Brzezinski, the DEMOCRATIC Henry Kissenger, is a Obama supporter and brings with him the same crowd behind the curtain that took an unknown peanut farmer from plains Georgia and put him on an unsuspecting American public in 1976. This crowd includes George Soros, David Rockerfeller and the rest of the ultra-rich elite eastern liberals along with their Internationalist agenda. It became clear for me when I saw a piece in the NEW YORK MAG. ( April 16 2007, when in the attached picture I saw George Soros sitting in the front row at an Obama fundraiser. These are very powerful people and they have the ability to make things happen to their desires. If Obama wins they would be the people advising and calling the shots for Obama, who would be in far over his head. He said he wouldn't be a hand-on President, he said he would have others doing the day-to-day running the Country. Obama is too weak and indecisive and having him in the White House would be frightening.
See Obama would be just another puppet without a thought of his own like G. W. Bush was/is. My vote is for Hillary. The woman is on top of every issue effecting this country. If you vote for Obama you are voting for again - old rich white Democrats.
Hillary will over see all issues committees. She is on top of it all. You can bet on Hillary. I think she truly has our country and its citizens at heart. We, the American tax payer, need her! Not just another pretty face with a whole team of old white rich men (old government) behind him.
This is our country's worse time - for all of us. We need a woman to clean up the mess that these old white rich men have made. Bill cleaned up after the first Bush and I know Hillary can clean up after the second Bush and in record speed while Obama would make promises like Bush did and then never do anything about it.
Ever try to get your husband to fix that leaky faucet at home, or cut the grass or take the trash out...did you have to tell him time and time against (I mean "ask" him time and time again?) only to end up doing it yourself. THERE YOU ARE! I rest my case. Vote for Hillary! You don't think Hillary wasn't behind half the stuff that Bill accomplished when he cleaned up after the first Bush - Hello! Behind every successful man is a silent brilliant - wife. Well Hillary has been silent long enough. It's her turn to shine.
I shouldn't do it but I do
So I miss the good doctor...saw her recently on TV. There was just that heart connection in the Fall of 2004 that brought me great comfort at a time when I needed help most. I think she thought she couldn't help me..but she helped me in a wonderful way. I felt so much love in just that single second. It's amazing when hearts touch. It was spiritual! She is my catalyst
to change. I will always love her and she will always have a place in my heart. Always!
I think of her a lot and wish her the best. My thoughts are for magical, wonderful days for her. She looked tired. I send positive, healing, restful thoughts her way.
I know thoughts are very powerful. Daily I wish for magical days, moments, minutes and I receive them. I have friends in high places. Believe me - we are in touch. I know they watch over her and me...
So, I feel that I am nearing the cross roads in my life once again. We progress. I am a kind person and I hang on too long at times; sometimes to spare feeling - so I think. Maybe I hang on for me. I'm not talking about the good doctor here. I am talking about another, whom I do see. We have only one thing in common. Oh it's good and it's needed... but that is all we have. I would like joyous, carefree laughter, giggling and fun times or soft, tender, heart touching moments wrapped in loving arms. Not happening. Only in my dreams with the good doctor are the soft, tender connections - if only for a moment. Some events are numerous, but never really happen and some events takes moments but last for life with the good doctor.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Getting ready to watch the debate
I'd rather see an energetic, ready to go to work, Hillary at the wheel in January 09. Women have taken the back seat long enough. But, that is not the only reason.
I just read a comment on CNN, which made the air of course, on the Cafferty files which read. A comment by Adrian. It goes like this: My husband thinks that I am moody and that I can't make decisions. So, I certainly do not think Hillary would be a good president.! I am para phrasing here, but you get the drift of the comment. God, I feel sorry for this woman. And so many married women in this country are like that - without self-esteem, mere puppets. I guess after a few years of listening to him preach, mindless rhetoric it's just as well to start thinking like he does...I guess it's done for survival sake.
Men need to be right. Men need a woman following behind, not leading ahead. So women, get that into your heads... that is what marriage is all about! And then when you are sixty and he is getting feeble minded and can't get it up anymore.. you can drive him around and he can still boss you from the passenger seat. But, you will love it! Because to you - he is god! And then when he dies you will suddenly feel very free. And then go after your kids to fill your void...rather than getting your own act together. Because if you were the kind of woman to get your act together you would have done it long ago. I don't know about you - but I blame the church!
It's just like the church and society (around the world) wants you to think - through him. She should think like he thinks. But men are mere sheep too. They follow the preachers' bible way. The bible is not the word of god? Please! The bible was written by "mere" human beings - especially self-centered men. If god really wrote the bible he wouldn't have discriminated against minority groups and women. Please!
So ladies and gents. Vote for Obama, the chosen child. The savior! He's a man - for god's sake - so vote for him! Or voe according to the way your husband tells you to vote.. because after all he is smarter than you are. Isn't he. Or do you lay his clothes out every morning, put the seat down, cook his meals, wash his clothes and make him think that he is smarter than you! Oh the games... it's the reason I am a lesbian. And there is problems there too. It's a spectrum. I hate butch lesbians....if I wanted a man... I would have married a man! People - it's hell all over...seems you just can't get a way from the matter what!
Vote for Obama and vote for John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and Chris Dobb...the old boy's club reborn in a fresh young man. Old guys love young guys.
And women stand by your men no matter what! Did you see the other day where someone accused McCain of having an affair years ago? And there was his smiling statue wife, the trophy, standing right behind him in full support. Doing her job. Just like Larry Craig's (the "down low" secret gay guy) wife did so dutifully.
Don't you think it's a real trip how men love to lead, preach, teach, tell you what to do, know it all, and screw their fellow men - in secret. Yet preach against homosexuality. You know the Ted Haggart of the religious world. It's a joke!
So now watch Barack "Hussein" Obama tonight repeat what Hillary says. Obama never would have said anything about a national health care plan if Hillary had not said it first.
Obama is a parrot and a cheerleader at best!
I likeed John Edwards - and I know some very handsome fellow artist - or musicans - see that is my kind of guy... the more gentler, gentleman.
And I don't really understand why Romney got out so soon? He had all the money in the world. Hmm?
I like Rachel Maddow... on MSNBC. Is she gay or what. Cute! I like her voice.
Anyway, got my popcorn popped, fire lite and I'm ready for the big show to begin in about 20 minutes.
trying times
Monday, February 25, 2008
too fat....
The secret people is exercise! Exercise puts you in a good mood! I had a wonderful four miles walk in the park through the snow the other day and spoke with the various artist scattered through the park. Life is grand - get out there and experience it! Hear the birds! See the other people walking - smile and greet them. You will go home in a better mood!
Most of my friends are over weight and becoming more over weight - I feel powerless. They all want me to help them. Hey, I can't do it for you. They join the gym but then do not go! I lived with someone like for that years and cried when I saw diet after diet after diet fail and she only got bigger!
Why do people hate themselves? Why? I have only one body - and I am grateful for that body and feel that it is my universe (god to some) given right to worship it and take care of it. People, some of them, take better care of their cars! And most people cannot afford health insurance.
In this day and age (well until Hillary gets in the ring and knocks out the crooks) even if you do have insurance you can't count on it. Many people with insurance have lost their homes. So, keep yourself healthy, be careful out there - take glucosamine chondroitin (great for your joints and connective tissue - I swear by it) do yoga, walk briskly, be happy.
If rid of that dead weight unhappiness in your life - be it a husband or wife. One thing I learned at an early age was that I better plan on taking care of myself - don't ever depend on someone else to do that! And stop giving your grown kids everything - they should learn to take care of themselves. Hey, no one is going to love you any better or more if you keep handing out money to them. Wise up - for Christ sake!
Most people think that they do not deserve love! That's bullshit! Love yourself - the hell with the rest of them. They are no better than you nor do they deserve more than you! Why should you wait on them. Why should you serve them? - Oh, because the stupid church told women they should! That man made up bullshit has ran it's course!
Anyway - get into "you"! Get up, get active, eat healthy - take a damn walk and see the world through different happier eyes... and you'll stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop making excuses for yourself.
Learn the secret - the power lies within each and everyone of us. Do we create our own realities and environments - yes, mostly we do.
Isn't it funny how...
There is nothing wrong finding the authenticity deep within. But then there is. Conversation is not intertwined and exchanged but becomes more one sided. One states something; a comment, the other contradicts. Can't they just for once say. "Oh, never thought of it that way before." or "Gee, never wondered about that" or "I think I see what you are saying". No, it's contradiction and affirmation and confirmation. She knows everything.
I'm tired of people thinking she looks so much older - my mother. People have thought that she was my mother rather than being my age! Well, it is quite a flattering statement to me, on my part. But, do I want to be doing everything with my mother.
She does have one clearly beneficially redeeming quality but I fear too after the "main event" has now passed but that too will probably fade.
I'm a women who wants to love a woman. That mean that I am feminine wanting to love someone who is also feminine. Is that so hard to understand. If I would have wanted a man, I would have married one of the many that I dated (out of social pressure) in my thirties. I cannot connect with male mentality: teaching, preaching, needing to be heard. Can't be wrong! Always someone else's fault.
It's aggravating! I wish I could find someone like the good doctor - since I can't have the good doctor in my life - evidently! I'm very tired of over weight and butch. Guess I better stop watching the L-Word.
I am also very tired of whining and crying. Poor me! I had a friend recently tell me that dating the past two women helped her ego. I can't see how! I was a gold digger and the other is a passive aggressive slightly stalking heavy weight. She says he won't play "second fiddle to her friends". What? She wants a "commitment"! What! My friend tried to end it but soon gave up because of the constant phone calls.
I'm tired! It makes me tired. Why can't people just love each other and inter-mingle without one be aggressive, progressive, authoritarian and demanding. Can't we respect each other's differences. Why do lesbians bring the "U-Haul" on the first date?
I'm tired. I only wanted someone loving, sweet and warm like the good doctor. I only wanted to love her. I know she was straight; is still straight. But, it hurts.
Leaving our childhood faiths..
February 25, 2008
Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company
Yes, I knew people would come to see the light! The spiritual light! The Secret! The secret is that we do not need religion at all! Organized religion is nothing more than controlling, manipulating, domineering, authoritarian, masculine orientated and originated, fictitious jargon that does no one no good!
I'm a recovering Catholic myself. Religion just about ruined my life! The audacity of telling me how to live my life. Telling me that I am secondary and should obey and honor men. and that men are more important. Men are honored. It sickened me to even think of all the crap I had to endure while growing up!
This is why I think women are going to vote for Obama - because he is an honored, worshiped man! I was raised to think that men are smarter, brighter, and have more common sense! Oh please. I was raised to "make him look good!" ; "Let him think that he is smarter"; "Build his ego" so he can preform. Oh please! Do you know that women actually faired better intellectually and physically for space voyage. But men certainly were not going to take the back seat and allow women to have the glory of being first in space!
I am so glad that finally after the ugly 70's and affirmative action retaliation by men that finally now, men are coming around to accept women in the work place even though pay is not equal! In fact I believe things have actually reversed in regards to men now sitting back on their butts and letting women do all the work. Women are still working outside the home, managing the kids and the kid like husband who has no money or spending sense and preferred to buy a super sized TV over a needed refrigerator!
But, get that man in the white house. We know for sure that men do a much better job of getting jobs shipped overseas and allowing corporations to run amok.
I say vote for Hillary. It takes a woman to clean up after men. And for years men have ignored critical health care issues while being so afraid of stepping on the good old boys toes. No one wants to take a stand is why nothing ever gets done in Washington. Since the 70's they have been fooling around about global warming and they are still fooling around about it. Every man waits for the next man to do something about it. You get Hillary in there and you'll get something done. And Polo ski is as bad as Macaskill and other women as men worshipers.
I'm sick of the world's male dominated "nothing but war and oil" rule! Our government has sold us out once to many times with masculine leadership! It's time for a change alright!
Here is my real point! The power lies within each and every one of us! We do not need some men led organization to tell us how to live our lives and take our money and boss us around and make us lesser beings - sinners! We are not born with orgininal sin; that is bull to get us baptized and enslaved into religion control and domination! Anyone who believes their yarn of spin is out of their minds! It is all written and directed and producted by humans - men! Mere morals who are the "real" sinners. Sicko's! If it isn't religion it's the government trying to fool us and manipulate and take advantage of us. Without us - they are nothing! So I suggest we bogote! Just what would the government do if no one paid taxes? Put us all in jail? If no one got and paid for health insurance - let us die? If no one got car insurance? Sue us all? Can't get blood out of a turnip!
What ever happened to the baby boomer protestors?
Nader - go away - please
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Watch Democratic Debate on Tuesday Feb. 29th
Hillary has to win this. Will I think. She's starting to go after Obama and he is studdering and stampering like a wimpered pup. There goes your big shot; your man of change. Hey, it's not campaigning for a new CD this is serious stuff. He can't think on his feet.
Hillary is pissed now and she is going to go after him for saying one thing and then doing another. He's empty; a man of no substance in my opinion and couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. Do you want another G. W. Bush? Well, I don't! An empty barrel who gave free rein to corporations to rip off the American people! Do you want more of that?
Or do you want a president to makes Washington, lobbyiest, and corporations accountable! Corporations need to be over seen so they do not rip off Americans. Simple as that! Hillary has the guts to go after them. Obama is a wimp!
And Obama does not have a concrete, written, documented health care plan like Hillary does. Have you noticed that Obama merely repeats what Hillary or others have said in the past. He is empty. I'm telling you a man of no substance. You better hope Hillary wins are you will have John "Lets go to war" McCain on your hands. Yeah, "Let's go to war and kill'em caused I'm pissed - I'm a big war man. The country owes me cause I spent five years as a POW!" Beware!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Icy Conditions
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Cold back home
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
having a great time
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
packed and ready
Thursday, February 07, 2008
We Need Hillary in Charge..
I'm worried! On CNN this evening, a knowledgable analyst said it's now a world economy and health care is too costly for American corporations. A guy at Starbucks says his employee health care cost is higher then his coffee supply cost.
Auto makers in MIchigan have their cars made in Canada because they have a their own health car and therefore it cost US auto companies $600. rather than $6000. for health care workers they would have to pay here because of union contracted company provided health care.
People, seriously, we need Hillary in charge. She has worked on health care since 1993. There were too many Republicans against her at the time. This CNN analyst said health care will be the thing to bankrupt this country. We need someone who can work with bipartisan, and corporations to get this health care mess resolved. Hillary has the most experience.
I like Obama but I think he will be overwhelmed. Oh he can unite..yes young voters. I think if Obama wins the Democratic nomination, McCain will win the presidency. I think if Hillary wins the nomination, she will be our president.
We need all the help we can get...why not get two for the price of one. It's time to put our petty differences aside, so what about Monica. It had nothing to do with how he ran the govenrment. He will NOT be vice president, but embassador. I'm hoping Obama is our vice president. Then we'll have three brilliant people working for us. This is not a game. Our country is in dire straits. We are going to need extraordinary leadership in the next four yeras. I'm serious, we need Hillary. She can build bridges too with other countries. We need to concentrate on working with China, Japan, India, Brazil and forget about the middle east, our economy depends on it. My advice: Watch CNN everyday, I like do and make a wise choice and pray.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Why I voted for Hilllary Clinton
Experience is more important to me than fresh, cute or new or a group gatherer. With Ted Kennedy behind Obama we're really not getting new or fresh ideas.
I still wonder if Obama actually voted correctly his intent when he voted no for the war. I wonder if he meant to vote yes and made a mistake and is now using that mistake to his favor against Hillary.
It was revealed to me during the Nevada debate that Obama needed some voting lessons and he got them that evening from Hillary and Edwards. It was revealed that Obama voted "present" 100 times. Hillary pointed out that "present" means "maybe". Obama then said that he didn't like something stated in the bills. And Edwards enlightened Obama by saying if you don't like something in a bill you should vote "no" not "maybe". Then there was another ocassion that night that made it clear to me that Obama didn't know how to vote on bills while in the Senate for one whole year (before he declared himself presidential material). Hillary and Edwards had voted "yes" for a bill that put a ceiling on the interest amount that credit card companies could charge people with balances. Obama thought the interest rate was too high and voted "no". Where then, according to Edwards, Obama just lifted that ceiling and allowed credit card companies to charge even more. Hillary and Edwards thought the interest rate of 30% was high too, but it still put a ceiling on it until a better bill could come forward for a vote. Bills can be tricky and that is where Hillary's experience comes into play. It's the president's altimate job to sign off and finalize bills into law by voting yes or no. So it's imperative that the president know how to vote. I wonder if he meant to vote in favor of the war but voted no by mistake and is now using that to his benefit to go after Hillary.
And recording Hillary's voting "yes" for the war. She and others voted yes to patriotly give Bush the okay to use his good judgement when considering the facts of the forthcoming investigations which Bush ended up manipulating to his favor. Their vote didn't matter alfter all because Bush was intent to go to war and did. So there you are!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I voted for Hillary on Super Tuesday
something in a bill which he said he didn't and thought they should look at it again. Well, then you vote "no" Hillary and Edwards advised him. That did it for me.. as president he would be signing off on billls. If he doesn't understand them or know which way to go to express his thoughts then we are in trouble. Another vote was mentioned at that Nevada debate. Edwards and HIllary both voted "yes" for a bill to cap what interest credit card companies can charge. That cap was 30%. Hillary and Edwards voted "Yes" to at least put a cap in place where there was done. But Obama voted "no" and his reason was "it was too high". Edwards say by voting "no" you lifted a cap (no cap) and so the credit card companies can charge even higher than 30%. See my point. Voting on bills is tricking and takes more experience than one year and I think the presidency takes more experience than that.
I voted for Hillary
But that aside, I firmly believe Hillary is the better choice. I watched the Nevada debates and it was clear that Obama did not have a handle on the senate voting process. He voted present because he didn't like something in a bill, when he should have voted yes or no on the bill. Then later it was revealed that Hillary and Edwards voted yes on a charge card interest ceilling of 30% where Obama voted no because it was too high. Then Edwards explained well you just gave the credit card companies the green light to charge even higher than 30% already. And that evening too. Obama listed his weakness as not be able to find papers on his desk. He is clearly not presidential material in my opinion.
Hillary has her stuff together. Her weakness was impatience. She wants to get in there and clean up this mess. She wants to make your life better. She wants to rise up the middle class back to where they can afford to live again on their salaries and be able to save money.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Gay Friendly Oregon
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Life is but a dream
What a life. I hope it's dark and cloudy the rest of the morning so I can go back to sleep for awhile..but normally when I'm up, I'm up.
I'll be dull all day now. I had fun yesterday however, spending one on one time with my friend. Despite the huge age difference we are quite a bit alike. We think alike! Do you ever get the idea spirits come into the world at different ages of experience and maturity?
Like for for intense, I'm a young spirit. I'll always be about mid thirities and optimistic believing in positive thoughts.
I have to finish this later... I need to sleep.
I saw the good doctor on TV Friday evening. I still love her! I wish her the best. My heart misses her heart a lot!
Friday, February 01, 2008
17,000 jobs lost in January...
I think I have friends in high places looking out after me. Hopefully financially too. But right now I'm refering to something else. Oh just seeing someone I need to see. I had a series show recorded but then I got different internet service and there was nothing I could do to save the recording. But I knew in my heart that the shows were repeating and her's would play again. And it did! About two weeks (no more than three) after I got the new system and set up the show to record it was on again. I made sure I saved it. Cool! People in high places - yes!
Then today I happen to see her on TV again on a different show this time and not a rerun. It was good to see her. She looked fine but her eyes looked just a little tired. I hope she's doing okay. I'll be sending good thoughts her way. I have friends in high places and they'll take good care of her. I just watched it again. It's a keeper. See, I'm blessed! She'll be fine!
I wish to thank the universe for that and all my other blessings. My good health, fexibility, high activity capability. My ability to run, workout, swim, and do yoga. Thanks for keeping all of "my stuff" living and non-living working well, and safe. Thanks
Super Tuesday is coming up.. don't for get to vote.