Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I shouldn't do it but I do

somehow the thought of her sends love my way and I feel her heart. Guess I'm used to loving someone from a distance, seems I've always have..even as a little kid. My heart wrapped around anyone who was very nice to me. Seems it just touched my heart and stuck there.

So I miss the good doctor...saw her recently on TV. There was just that heart connection in the Fall of 2004 that brought me great comfort at a time when I needed help most. I think she thought she couldn't help me..but she helped me in a wonderful way. I felt so much love in just that single second. It's amazing when hearts touch. It was spiritual! She is my catalyst
to change. I will always love her and she will always have a place in my heart. Always!

I think of her a lot and wish her the best. My thoughts are for magical, wonderful days for her. She looked tired. I send positive, healing, restful thoughts her way.

I know thoughts are very powerful. Daily I wish for magical days, moments, minutes and I receive them. I have friends in high places. Believe me - we are in touch. I know they watch over her and me...

So, I feel that I am nearing the cross roads in my life once again. We progress. I am a kind person and I hang on too long at times; sometimes to spare feeling - so I think. Maybe I hang on for me. I'm not talking about the good doctor here. I am talking about another, whom I do see. We have only one thing in common. Oh it's good and it's needed... but that is all we have. I would like joyous, carefree laughter, giggling and fun times or soft, tender, heart touching moments wrapped in loving arms. Not happening. Only in my dreams with the good doctor are the soft, tender connections - if only for a moment. Some events are numerous, but never really happen and some events takes moments but last for life with the good doctor.

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