Friday, February 01, 2008

17,000 jobs lost in January...

along. All over the country 17,000 jobs were lost. Manufacturing jobs make up only about 7% of the jobs in this country. I hope we get through this okay.

I think I have friends in high places looking out after me. Hopefully financially too. But right now I'm refering to something else. Oh just seeing someone I need to see. I had a series show recorded but then I got different internet service and there was nothing I could do to save the recording. But I knew in my heart that the shows were repeating and her's would play again. And it did! About two weeks (no more than three) after I got the new system and set up the show to record it was on again. I made sure I saved it. Cool! People in high places - yes!

Then today I happen to see her on TV again on a different show this time and not a rerun. It was good to see her. She looked fine but her eyes looked just a little tired. I hope she's doing okay. I'll be sending good thoughts her way. I have friends in high places and they'll take good care of her. I just watched it again. It's a keeper. See, I'm blessed! She'll be fine!

I wish to thank the universe for that and all my other blessings. My good health, fexibility, high activity capability. My ability to run, workout, swim, and do yoga. Thanks for keeping all of "my stuff" living and non-living working well, and safe. Thanks

Super Tuesday is coming up.. don't for get to vote.

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