Monday, February 25, 2008

Leaving our childhood faiths..

More and more adults have left their childhood faiths!
February 25, 2008
Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company

Yes, I knew people would come to see the light! The spiritual light! The Secret! The secret is that we do not need religion at all! Organized religion is nothing more than controlling, manipulating, domineering, authoritarian, masculine orientated and originated, fictitious jargon that does no one no good!

I'm a recovering Catholic myself. Religion just about ruined my life! The audacity of telling me how to live my life. Telling me that I am secondary and should obey and honor men. and that men are more important. Men are honored. It sickened me to even think of all the crap I had to endure while growing up!

This is why I think women are going to vote for Obama - because he is an honored, worshiped man! I was raised to think that men are smarter, brighter, and have more common sense! Oh please. I was raised to "make him look good!" ; "Let him think that he is smarter"; "Build his ego" so he can preform. Oh please! Do you know that women actually faired better intellectually and physically for space voyage. But men certainly were not going to take the back seat and allow women to have the glory of being first in space!

I am so glad that finally after the ugly 70's and affirmative action retaliation by men that finally now, men are coming around to accept women in the work place even though pay is not equal! In fact I believe things have actually reversed in regards to men now sitting back on their butts and letting women do all the work. Women are still working outside the home, managing the kids and the kid like husband who has no money or spending sense and preferred to buy a super sized TV over a needed refrigerator!

But, get that man in the white house. We know for sure that men do a much better job of getting jobs shipped overseas and allowing corporations to run amok.

I say vote for Hillary. It takes a woman to clean up after men. And for years men have ignored critical health care issues while being so afraid of stepping on the good old boys toes. No one wants to take a stand is why nothing ever gets done in Washington. Since the 70's they have been fooling around about global warming and they are still fooling around about it. Every man waits for the next man to do something about it. You get Hillary in there and you'll get something done. And Polo ski is as bad as Macaskill and other women as men worshipers.

I'm sick of the world's male dominated "nothing but war and oil" rule! Our government has sold us out once to many times with masculine leadership! It's time for a change alright!

Here is my real point! The power lies within each and every one of us! We do not need some men led organization to tell us how to live our lives and take our money and boss us around and make us lesser beings - sinners! We are not born with orgininal sin; that is bull to get us baptized and enslaved into religion control and domination! Anyone who believes their yarn of spin is out of their minds! It is all written and directed and producted by humans - men! Mere morals who are the "real" sinners. Sicko's! If it isn't religion it's the government trying to fool us and manipulate and take advantage of us. Without us - they are nothing! So I suggest we bogote! Just what would the government do if no one paid taxes? Put us all in jail? If no one got and paid for health insurance - let us die? If no one got car insurance? Sue us all? Can't get blood out of a turnip!

What ever happened to the baby boomer protestors?

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