Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hillary just got tired of providing answers for Obama

during the debates! Hello! Nobody picked up on that on the Tim Russert's shows! These people just called her a whiner! And then he has the authoriation audacity to say. "She's right!" And he gets points for that!

I saw it clearly! He gets his answers from her. He says the same thing she says. Obama will never hold up to McCain. I repeat, Hillary could, but Obama will never be able to stand up against McCain..because he won't have Hillary there going first to provide answers for him!

Two women were on the panel and women pick on other women! They are as ignorance has hell! They could rule the world if only they stuck together like men do. But women turn on their own. Men stick together, but women turn on their own.

But I did put Dee Dee Meyers' book on my library list it's called "Why Women Should
Rule". And I bet you any amount of money it ends up - near the end holding up for men
and ensuring their dominate position of leadership in government, church, state and locale! Because ultimately women do it to themselves! Women are their own worse enemies.

And the straight acting gay ones hide behind their husbands. Just like the men on the "Down Low" hide and pretend to be straight having opposite sex spouses and kids.

If you are a women - you just better make up your mind to take the back seat or at best side on the side in the front seat - you will never be in the driver seat - only behind the side lines! Face it - it's your roll in life - just ask your mother.

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