Friday, March 28, 2008

Sensate Patrick Leahy wants Clinton to quit

but he's apparently too chicken to speak with her privatly. Asshole! Hillary stay in there - you can win Pa, In, and the rest of them.

Obama has a hidden agenda and we will see the dare side of Washington - a revolvution of restitution when he becomes president.

Hang in there Hillary. Besides it would be stupid for Hillary to quit now. I'm surprised CNN and the rest of them are not against her quiting because - there goes the news and the excitement of a close race.

You know in my opinion if Hillary gets past all her adversaries and wins the Democratic domination she will indeed be the tougher and better candidate for president.

Stupid Obama has been riding on a bandwagon from the get to! He doesn't even have to work at it.

"I"m sorry the Iranie's are training extremist not terrorist"! What? Joe Lieberman had to correct McCain. McCain looks like a real moma's boy! He admits to know nothing about economics and now this. Oh well Elisabeth likes him. She wants him president for "security". Oh please! The republicans were the ones who wanted to "out soucre" harbor security in this country! And Republicans are the ones wo allow an open Southern Border.. yet a poor woman can't even get though the airport with nibble rings. Do I hear law suite? And the security guards were snickering! Do I hear law suite? She has lawyer and I hope she sues and the security people get fired! That folks is sexual harrasment. They knew they were harmless nibble rings. Now they are trying to say her bra could be dangerous. Like there could be explosive underwires in the bra! I bet if she were coming from Mexico she wouldn't have a problem at all. Well you know they want to continue the drug traffic into this country from the south. You now there is money in that. Just like there is money in keeping weed illegal. If people in government and law can't make a buck on the side then they don't care about us. They don't care about us either way.

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