Monday, March 31, 2008

Reactive Rather Than Proactive.

You know I think if I were the government and lots of lobbyist gave me money in order to give them the "green" light to do whatever they want - mostly take advantage of tax payers - you would think that the government would at least have sense enough to monitor what these corporations are doing to the people of this country!     And isn't that what government means - to govern?   To over see?  To regulate?   But, I think this present administration was just too busy figuring out how to get 100,000 businesses to the middle east to make a monetary killing.    The people at the top in government and business see all that tax money coming in and just get greedy and want to deposit it into their own pockets.     Right now the difference between CEO pay and employee paid is over 400%.    This is record setting greed!     It appears to me that CEO's of corporations and leaders of this country want to drain us dry and then move on to other upcoming prosperous markets and then drain them dry.

All it's all because lobbyist gave politicians money to turn a blind eye to what they, the corporations, wanted to do!

Oh so now, our government's Secretary of Finance, is actually going to have the Fed regulate and over see what all areas of financial industries are doing.    They should have been doing their jobs already - like I said they reactive rather than proactive.  I firmly believe that Hillary would be proactive.    I don't care what any one says there is a difference between men and women in governing techniques.   Just compare a typical husband to wife situation.   Isn't she the foundation of the family.  Doesn't she over see and pull it all together?   

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