Sunday, February 26, 2006


Quote: "A friend is a second self" by Arisitotle.

Hmm..I like that quote! It's true.

I had brunch with my friends today, I think I was due for their humor and insight!

I wished I would have felt up to the protest yesterday, L said she saw many faces of gals we haven't seen for a while. She had pictures!

In a way I see it as a blessing that I wasn't up to protesting yesterday, because I would have cried when I saw parents with kids in the back seat crying not wanting to be TAKEN to the "Love can cure you" seminar to be "straightened out".

Now, I am here to tell you anyone can ACT straight or PRETEND to be straight if you are gay; but in your heart you will always long to be with a person of the same sex. Trust me! I've lived it and I know.

One of the reasons why I could not bring myself to go is that it saddens and depresses me to even think of the way I had to live my life and for that to happen to a young person today in 2006 is inexcusible. This is the 21st century and still so many narrow minded selfish parents still exist! Well, maybe some of these parents themselves have gone through their lives pretending to be happy to please who? society, parents, the church.

Well, I am here to tell you that society, parents, co-workers, the church are not more important than you being true to yourself. Be yourself and let others be themselves! Darn! I wish I would have thought of that phrase when I was making posters Friday evening. If I don't have a problem with you being straight then why should you have a problem with me being gay?

Be yourself! Love yourself! You are the most important person in your life and you owe it to yourself to be happy!

You know if you really think about it, no one really needs religion. Really! Just live by the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be kind, polite, understanding, loving, stay within the law, use good work ethics, control your temper. lead with your heart! Be spiritual! Religion is nothing more than a controlling and manipulative for monetary gain organization. People know what is right and what is wrong! Religion organizations, mostly ran by a few males who are above their own rules, just want to control you.

There are many groups to belong too for social and charitable purposes. Sins, such bullshit! Heaven and hell, such bullshit! This is how they rope you in! If you are spiritual you do not believe in good vs evil, heaven vs hell or pain and suffering. There are all religious conditions of control and manipulation. When I was growing up we were taught we were damned if we didn't tide ten percent. We were taught we would go straight to hell and burn in fire for eternity if we stepped foot into another religious sect's church other than our own. Words and rules of manipulation for control for majority and monetary gain for a few male (mostly) leaders.

A high power lies within each and every one of us. We choose when we wanted to be born and we choose our parents that is why our zodiac sun and moon signs fit so well. We had a plan we wanted to follow before we were born but sometimes society's ways throw us off course and sometimes it takes years to get back on. Or sometimes being thrown off course is part of the lessons we are here to learn first before we can accomplish and do what we came here in the first place to do. I believe as we lives our lives we should feel as if we are progressing? Do you? I do?

At this moment, right now, I am the best I have ever been and I'm damn cute with a wonderful body. It's what I wanted. I'm healthy and it's what I wanted and I know that I am healthy. I must believe in myself every moment of every day. If I want something I have to think it and dream it, but I cannot sway my thoughts with negativity because that messes up the plan. Being positive always is key.

This morning at brunch two of my dearest friends are elderly. One was complaining "I don't want to grow old, pass 70". I responded: "Be sure of that, because your body hears every thought that you think".

I can't convince some that turning sixty is nothing! Maybe thirty years ago, turning sixty was deadly, but not today. Today sixty is the new thirty, okay, forty (more reasonable). Haven't you all heard the saying (and I heard this long time ago and it stuck - to my benefit): we are as old as we feel (or think). And it's true. I feel like I did when I was thirty-five. Actually, I feel better because I am in better physical condition with all the running, yoga, bicycling and now I have added swimming to my routine! I love it!

I am what I believe that I am. We create our own realities you know? Of course, organized religion will never tell you just how powerful you, yourself, really are; because, if you knew how powerful and self-efficient you truly were, then why would you need them. It's a business folks, a non-tax paying business I might add. Gee, and our forefathers fleed the old country to keep religion and state separate. Now, we all know that religion and government is indeed not separate. They are in cohoots to their own self-severing advantages.

Religion preaches to you about being anti-gay, anti-abortion and everything else...then here comes the conservation republican candidate who know now that you are "trained and conditioned" by organized religion so he repeats what religion preaches to you; the end result is MORE votes for him. The politican also sticks to religious and ethical topics such as the above and stem-cell research so as to distract you from the more important issues such as a needless war for oil (funny, how per religion, it is okay to kill innocient to foruce christianity down our throats and it's okay per religion I guess to kill innocent people over acquring most of the limited amount of oil that is left; but they are anti-abortion and anti-stem cell research - go figure!)

Yes, politicans use the sake of religion to gave votes and they bring up mean-nothing topics such as very personnal topics as anti-gay and anti-aborption ( all very "people controlling" topics. But, yet politicans say nothing about large corporations out-sourcing and off-shoring jobs overseas (your federal social services income tax base is being eliminated folks - are you aware?). Corporations pay lobbiest to award and get votes for politicans to vote in their familiar (politicans must return these favors they promise for votes) which means going easy on them, cutting taxes, signing bills that allow corporations off shore tax sheltors. The politicians are out to make money for themselves just as the clergy are! But, you have probably thought all about this already - right? Now, this is my own personal observation and according to the first amendment we still have freedom of speech in this country so this is my two cents, as the saying goes!

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