Thursday, February 23, 2006

On Being Gay

I believe that if all the truly gay people would turn purple for one day, the world would be shocked at the more than claimed ten percent. My self, I would guess at least forty percent. Look at the "down low" groups that exists which consists of married men secretly having sex with men, lots of men, in same married situations. Maybe it's more exciting to live the double life. They claim they are straight and just having sex but I feel if you have sex with another man, you are gay. I hope these guys are using protection to protect themselves and their unknowing wives.

What is more amazing to me is the stigma attached to homosexuality. What's the big deal? Why are people so offended. Oh yeah! Right! The church! Religion has killed more people in the name of god throughout history than any war. Organized religion leaders like to write the rules but are above them; the rules only apply to the peon members.

I watched the movie "Brokeback Mountain" and it reminded me of when I dated guys many years ago as I was trapped in social stigma hell. The guys were always going off somewhere or doing something without wanting the women along. Hmm! Makes me wonder now! I have to tell you I knew a few who had sex both men and women. Interesting and dangerous!

Actually, I'm surprised there isn't a big uproar from the straight man community about this movie. Now, I'm thinking back and suspecting all the hunting and fishing guys I ever knew. Come think of it? They sure always do want to go off on their own? They never wanted women along even if the women were capable of holding their own with the sport at hand. I could never understand that myself. I am a lesbian and I prefer to keep company with women! Hmm. Interesting!

Well, anyway, no matter according to the billboards along the highways, the Christians have it all wrapped up. They can fix you for $50. and one day's worth of seminar! Personally, I think organized religion is brilliant!

Well, first the church preaches and tells you how much of a sinner you are and how evil the act. Then they claim they can heal you! Brilliant! What a very clever money making scam!

Oh yes, let's just shame the hell out of them and tell them they are disappointing to god, society and their parents. Oh a few will be lost to suicide but that's the way it goes. Everyone must follow the rules are be lost to hell. A few fatalities are to be expected.

But, if we were all more spiritual rather than religious we would think differently. We would believe in more than one lifetime. We would not believe in right or wrong or heaven and hell. We would believe in love as the ultimate goal of each and every soul. We would believe that the spirit world sees no gendar, sexuality or age. Our heart/souls/subconsciousness being one and the same and spiritual. We are all heavenly spirts visiting in human form. We probably all had a plan mapped out before we decided to visit, but somehow society messes up our plan and we have to spend half our life time trying to compensate and work around social huddles...homosexual prejudice being one of them. God help us!

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