Thursday, February 09, 2006

Writing a Bust; Yoga a Must

Yeah, the writing class was not for me; I believe the woman worked for a particular publishin company and they were tuly looking to get people with interesting sob sorries that people can relate to published.

I didn't even bring up my story for there was a two religious people in the work group. I would have been ostracized. I don't think the instructor would have went along with my story either; it wasn't tragic enough, I'm sure.

My story is too subtle and straight people think that gay people should indeed fly under the radar. They do not want to know you are there; they don't want to see you. Just live in your misery; kill yourself, we don't care. You're odd! You're just trying to stand out and cause trouble. How dare you be different?

Lay in quiet of your angony; we don't care. Your parents will act like they don't know and ignore your needs of same sex love and how your heart aches. And after you cry and antonize telling them and finally do; they say: "Oh we always knew that!" Then why didn't you support my life style; but no, children are just so anxious to be loved and accepted (tell me why?) by their parents that they sacrifice all to be accepted and loved. I say "bullshit"! That is conditional love, not unconditional love!

Face it people! Parents have hang-ups; they have children to support some social acceptance need too! If their child is different it messes up "their" social acceptance - their needs! It's there goals, their appearance in society that they are worried about. Be yourself! Be gay and be happy - find love and support in your gay friends and be true to yourself.

So, being in a room filled with straight people; parents at that, I gave up on my dream. But, you needs them? If whinning baby James Frey can write a book (A Million Pieces) anyone can. Personally, I have no sympathy for the cry baby!

He got himself on drugs; he can get himself off of drugs! And personally, I do not believe that he underwent a root canal with out pain killing drugs. If you were a dentist would you even try? Bullshit! Memoirs, my ass; it's fiction at best!

Okay, I'm done - for now!

I love yoga! I signed up for another afternoon class via the junior college. So, now, that I ditched the writing class (who needs it? If I write my story, it will be more or less for my own achievement purposes - only a few would be printed - you know just enough to stir up interest and conversation throughout the family circle). By the way, I have had no contact with my family since early May 2005 and I am very happy! I'm a free woman - at last! I ditched the catholic guilt bullshit too! Organized religion is the biggest scam there is - wake up people! Believe in your heart - get spiritual. You have more power then what "they" want you to believe. Organized religion is the highest example of the control of others for mere self-interest and gain that I can think of.

As the day goes on and the Ibuprofen kicks in and knees are beginning to feel fine. Running six miles in the falling snow and listening to the crush beneath my feet was priceless as was running with my running buddy. She's a burst of Spring!

My advice, not that you asked, but take Glucosamine Chondroitin, MSM, and gelatin faithfully. Yoga classes keep me stretched and flexible, maybe you too!

Remember you have more power than what you realize! Think it, dream it and watch it becareful what you wish for!

Watch "What the bleep do we know"!

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