Thursday, March 30, 2006


Control is a side effect of co-dependency. Thinking you can control your environment makes you feel safe? Needing to control every situation only makes the situation evidentually dissolve. In reality, its a give and take world and compromise is key.

Being controlling is a sure way to end a relationship. No one can have absolute control over another, although my mother passive agressively tried. I was her side-kick, she was nothing for me. In order for her to be something for me, she would have had to set me free and that wouldn't have suited her agenda, her needs. It was all about her!

Hallmark Cards, religion and society teaches guilt, but they like to call it "love", a sense of honor and duty. It's bullshit people. What we truly have is two people who fornicated and therefore by social demands and laws, are required to feed, house, clothed and get you to 12 years of school. But, what they throw in is a self-serving sense of life long commitment and duty.

Where I came from physical punishment was a form of demanding respect but what it truly bred was hate and total lack of respect. Love and any sign of affection was withheld for fear of spoiling (ruining) the child. I was in an emotional, intellectual and physical prison. A prison camp called a farm.

It was preached from behind the pulpit that children were born intrinsically evil and needed the devil beaten out of them. What they were saying was break their spirits and make them slaves to your every need.

So many people are so self-serving it pathetic. Recently on a talk show an obsessive shoppers was seen happy as a lark with her arms full of soon to be purchases. She was elated. Of course her daughters are seeing her come home with all this loot right; so they headed to following in her footsteps. But when mother get into the store with them, suddenly mother cannot afford any of the things they want..or they only get one thing. Well, the mother already went overboard on herself. Besides she is not made up to give or tend to the needs of others; only to the needs of herself. This mother didn't see any of this.

It's an "all about me" world..

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