Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Globalization and Selling Your Tax Information

Anything for a buck! The war on the middle class continues. Oh no, you don't get the money..the government does. Oh sure they will ask you for your permission to use your information. Yeah right! How do we know they are not selling your information as it is? Records sold to a data base company. Are accountants nuts? They are setting us up. H&R Block wants to do this and the IRS is letting it fly under the radar. The best tax deal money can buy...your government at "their" service. They, the government, probably doesn't even know your tax information is being sent all over the world since a communist China company bought the computer branch of IBM and are operating the 16,000 plus computers around Washington D.C.

Sixteen thousand computers around Washington DC will be ran by a Communist China company which has just bought IBM's computer section. The government said the selling was done with full compliance with regulations and laws. Okay, whose laws? Note: Communist China is secretly building up its troops now - all over the world. Pick up anything in the store and turn it over, you'll see "made in China". Bush has got this country in 14 billion dollars worth of debt..guess who is one of the major loan facilitors? Yes, China. You know China is housing millions of people and families are restricted to having one child. Most selected to keep males, until that became a reproducing problem..anyway I think many opt to raise larger families, but need the room; therefore, many have moved here. This country is big...lots of move over.

As for as Iraq, Bush plans to keep the troops there and then let another president clean up his mess. I'm sure Haliburton is getting it's fill in the meantime and the Bush cronies are lining their pockets.

Oh yeah, finally, Bush a few years back, about ten, allowed huge SUV to slide by on the mileage economy he is forced again to re-instate strict fuel economy regulations. Come on GM and FORD, we look like idiots driving these extra large huge people-killing machines when the rest of the world is going small and gas economical.

Bush blames the media for the bad rap he is getting regarding the war in Iraq. She claims it is going well.

The church wants immigrants here to work the low paying jobs no one here wants to work (so the church says? One day you will work a job that is available and be damn glad you have a job - the way this government [and church] is running this country). What ever happened to the separation of church and state. Truth be told, they have been in bed together for a very long time.

The extreme bishop says parishoners should break the law to let ilegal immigrants in this country. The truth is that the church number of members is slipping and they want more members and they know that Mexican give ten percent to the church. If everyone argued any other way, they are trying to fool you..just follow the money. Those old white males of the church or looking for money and your young boys..oh, for alter boys of course!

I believe in separation of church and state so does CNN journalist Lou Dobbs. But these big shot bishops and archbishops want to be powerful..Rev. Richard Neuhaus said it will never be separated. Neuhaus says any politican brings his morals with him. But, the church wants to bring 20 million aliens to this country, yet over look poverty in the countries they come from. The church wants the religious to come to this country, make money here and spend it in the's as simple as that people. If you think any other are a fool. Again, follow the money!

Oh one more thing, whenever to see Bush speak to and interact with a group of people; it's all staged and planned with the proper quesions and answers ahead of time.

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