Thursday, March 02, 2006

I'm hot!

I should be with all the swimming, running, yoga, working out with weight machines, and should to be bicycling that I enjoy doing.

Well, now that I have the confidence, I need to find the babe. I'm working on it! I love loving and being compassionate and affectionate, but I need someone younger who likes that too. I say younger because I think women my age are more....shall I say unhappy, inactive, worried with grown-up kid troubles, or just plain complaining of something! They are unhappy with themeselves because they don't exercise. They have let themselves go and feel "old" and therefore they are. See, I can not relate at all! I have worked hard and it has been off and I feel very sexual and it has turned out to be a real dilemma .. well maybe not...I have a few ideas up my sleeve...but, good thing I love myself!

Forties might be a good age group, hopefully by then they are happy with their career and themselves and have the capacity to give and share; of late, I am finding they are rare commodities.

I am perfectly fine, but I miss loving and caring and intimacy and in a non-controlling way; I don't think that I was controlling, unless loving someone is just plain controlling in itself. No matter, love has to be wanted and needed by the other, or it's over. You can't make someone love you.

I miss loving someone sweet and sensitive and warm and makes my heart melt! Masculine and crass need not apply.

I do have a dilemma, because ..well I don't know, but, I'm thinking I only want to see her three times a week...I don't want to live with her. My summer love and I burn it into the ground...not a good idea!

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