Monday, March 27, 2006


Well now I'm all for people coming to this country to make more than a buck an hour..truthfully, I think that is the whole strategy used by the Bush administration: To lower the working wages in this country.

Oh yes, now corporations do not have to ship work overseas and across the borders for cheap labor, Bush is bringing them here; yes, he is encouraging their entrance into this country.

My only concern is, being a former union person who has raised the bar on wages in this country, evening out the difference between management and non-mangement workers, what is this going to do to the over all wages in this country? Lower them, perhaps?

For now Bush says these people are willing to work the jobs no one else wants to work. This concerns me. One day nearly every one in this country may need to work "those" jobs. when this country gets to the time when all of us will be having to work two jobs to make ends meet?

At this very moment, the middle classes is shrinking? I have friends who have what is considered middle class jobs who cannot afford to buy a home.

My idea? I have a great idea. Why doesn't Bush work with President Fox (I believe that is his name) is in Mexico) and help those people.

That's right Bush, we cannot affoard to have illegal immigrants in this country because they do not pay taxes.

Bush and his temporary worker program..yeah, they work next to nothing, and benefit from our social services. This country is losing it's social tax base.

I can't believe that after 9/11 it takes Bush five years to secure the southern border. He is nuts? The man has not goe a thing to help secure this country.

We now have foreign communist countries running the white house computer systems; middle east countries running our harbor (oh, such because the one country sold off the middle east doesn't mean they are still not in control of that company?)

What is wrong with America taking care of America?

Bush himself has just said there has been six millions illegal immigrants caught.

I still can't believe it took Bush five years to addres this illegal immigrant problem. That is inexcusible!

Document fraud. Hello! Don't they go hand in hand? Come on Bush, direct yours eyes from the middle east and YOUR obsession with oil and focus and FIX the problems in your own country.

Bush is trying to address the problem by allowing so many in this country to work with work permits. We can keep track of any legal and illegal.

Bush is against of granting amdesty...I agree.

Just like the rest of us here who are "tagged" everyone should be ID's legally and TAXED!

Next, Bush better look at the declining middle class who is paying taxes and therefore social benefits for people who have no new paying jobs or insurance.

It upsets me that the baby boomers are/were the best and most successful class. They are now forced to take care of their parents and their young adult children too. Baby boomer parents are paying downpayments for their children, so they can own a condo or buy a car. Bush, being retroactive and not PROACTIVE. A word while males do not have in their short list of volcabulary. Men only try to fix things that they NEVER SEE COMING; rather they try to fix things after it's too late and becomes nonfixable..

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