I think the gal up the street brings her dog out when she sees me and mine approaching. I like that! She is very nice and we have nice conversations. Today, we were talking about poodles and how smart they are. You know me, I'm always considering my next dog along with my next car choice.
After the walk, I ran for three or four miles. I'm not sure how far I ran, because my GPS Gar-man was acting weird.
I just had lunch and I'm ready to hit a bucket of balls, look at Birkenstocks and hopefully, wont' buy. Then go by Sam's and get some potato salad for a pool party tomorrow evening.
I can't decide if I should wear my suit or just wear sport/running clothes to sit by the pool. I suspect the kids will be pretty much taking up the pool anyway. I'll wear the running and take the suit along. I have soccer like shorts that would work. Either way I'll have my small back pack along with all sorts of clothes in it. The party will be fun. There is a great bunch of people going. We'll carpool!
This evening the lesbian bar with friends! I hope to meet hot new friends. Maybe I"ll be bold for a change. Maybe someone hot will be there - for a change!
So many lesbians are not bar people. Well, actually, I"m not! I can't stand the smoke. I hate cigarette smoke! This coming from an ex smoker. They say they are the worse.
Yesterday while hitting golf balls at the driving range, a guy lights up in front of me and I packed up and moving ahead of him. Up wind! Personally, I think smoking in public is down right rude! Last Sunday after our 32 miles bicycle ride, we went to a greasy spoon type diner and was sit ted in the smoking section. It is the most unnatural act in sight! Just think about it!
And the sorry thing of it is most smokers are uneducated and have no insurance. Anyway, that is my take on it! Because anyone in their right minds would not stick their nose up to an exhaust pipe and inhale. Yet, in incense, this is exactly that smokers are doing. Just how stupid is that? And yes, cigarette manufacturers are not stupid, the add addictive ingredients to really get you hooked. Hello! Now who's the stupid one! And these are the same people who do not where their seat belts! And ride bicycle without helmets! Oh, I forgot people who smoke do not exercise! The two to not go together! No, rather they are into the non-exercise of trying to kill themselves one drag at a time.
I' ve known people who stopped smoking and put on fifty pounds. So, which is worse I ask you? Both will kill you!
I guess what really surprises me is how surprised and disappointed these people are who smoke and over eat and are heavy, to find out that they have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. My thought are that youth carried them so far and then when they reach their forties look out. Oh and that's a good age for over eaters to have gall bladder problems too.
Bottom line... don't even start all that shit! Too bad people don't learn from an early age on what is good for them. Eat wisely and exercise and hopefully maintain your weight and you won't need to get on medicine.
Besides medicare and medicaid is on the decline. The states have federal government is trimming what they will provide for in the way of social payments.
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