Just goes to show you how arrogant these old white males of the church are! I say either grow up or get OUT!
Per Bishop Beckwith, the leader of the Springfield, IL., diocese and six fellow bishops now want to get their own leaders. They don't like the WOMAN leader and who rather chance wrecking the foundation of their church then to have a WOMAN (of all things) lead them. I say if the men don't like the rules dis communicate them.
Yeah, just because Katharine Jefferts Schori, a woman, is the new presiding bishop of the American Episcopal church, the church is now in crisis. Seems some of the men who rather split it up than work with a woman!
Beckwith said the Episcopal church was now in the middle of a meltdown. He has join other bishops in the dioceses of Central Florida, Dallas, Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, San Joaquin, California, and South Carolina in asking Archbishop Rowan Williams of Canterbury to allow them to find their own leaders overseas. Good riddance!
Gee, if we can't have our own way, we are going to pout and stump our feet and demand to have our way!
Well, I am not a member of the Episcopal group and if I was, being a woman, I would NEVER AGAIN enter another Episcopal church. Because I find it very insulting that these old white bucks can't stand the presence of a WOMAN leading them. These guys do not want to recognize the church's newly elected presiding bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori of Nevada.
Oh, the old boys say it's not just her gender, it's her considerable liberal stances, including her issue of HOMOSEXUALITY! Gee! What? She might OUT the whole bunch of them?
Oh, no they re track and say that this is not a question of human sexuality, this is a question of theology - what is the authority of Scripture and who is the person of Jesus Christ within the church? What? What did I just read?
It's all incredulous anyway! Now don't you just know any MAN who WROTE scripture, wrote it into his own imagine and likeness. Of course, it's male orientated...men wrote it! It's not rocket science!
Which just leads me to believe way way back when, they were all gay and wanted to build a good old boys club! All you have to do is use common sense to figure it out!
Oh, Katharine use the phrase "mother Jesus" in a same sex union ceremony. The men, of course, didn't like that!
Gee, is the church just a little SEXIST? That does sounds like god's thinking to me? If there was a TRUE god would he be so bias? So prejudice? Again, this only tells me that HUMAN MEN wrote the scriptures. Yes fallible humans!
Now, if you think spiritually, god resides in each and every one of us in my souls, our spirits, our subconscious. "We are all gods" per J. Z. Knight (See the DVD "What the Beep do we know?"). It all makes sense to me.
The church is an organization of good old boys who merely want to control you and get your money! It's the power people! The church wants to control you, by telling you that you are a sinning (according to their lists of sins) so they can FIX you....just show them the money).
It's common sense people - think about it! You don't need 'em.
Common sense tells us the wrongs and rights of life: "Do under others" (the golden rule) does to!
Homosexuality is NORMAL in nature merely because yes, it does exist. Why does the church or state for that matter (a hand full of ruling mostly white MEN) have to judge and discriminate? In my book, they are the real sinners because the CREATE wrongs to be corrected.
Just think about it and use common sense and it will make sense. You're being had?
If you want to be a ruler (king) who need followers (servants) to do your bidding. That is all the church is about.
Oh and homosexuals shouldn't be permitted to adopt! Yes, that is another judgement that the church took upon themselves to declare because you as a human being, an ordinary peon is just too stupid to think for yourself so we feel we have to go along with these idiots. It's not true!
Personally, I think Beckwith has NO authority to go against the archbishop's ruling (as far as church ruling is concerned) and if Beckwith doesn't like it. If the archbishop's ruling is not good enough for him, if he is homophobic or a homo himself and doesn't want to come to terms (after all he did choose a life of living amongst men and apparently he hates women (makes you wonder?) If he is not happy, maybe he should go on sabbatical.
If you don't like it - quit! Go away! Join the Catholic church..they'll full of trouble makers, he'll fit right in.
The Rev. Virginia L. Bennett, rector of St. Andrew's said the majority of her church members were not in favor of Beckwith's proposal! You go girl!
Beckwith is too back-watered and old fashion for the times. Just like the news anchor (big baby) who is so used to sharing the limelight that pout when is 20th century paired with of all things a WOMAN!
In general, do men REALLY like women at all? They don't want woman in good paying jobs, so even if they do the same job just as good they don't get paid the same. The military doesn't want woman, the church doesn't want women leaders. The government doesn't! In wars the first thing men do is rape woman! DO ALL MEN HATE WOMEN? ARE ALL MEN LATENT HOMOSEXUALS? If men were true heterosexuals wouldn't they just desire to be with women all the time and want them to be treated equally because they love them?
I can only see things from my point of view - a lesbian. Personally, I love women and I love being in their company and I want to see them being treated warmly and equally because I do love them.
Hey, it's common sense!
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