Monday, July 10, 2006

Woman age 66 has a baby?

In Romania a 66 year of woman had a baby? She was artifically inseminated using sperm and egg from anomymous donors - interesting! She had the baby by Cesarean section. The woman went through nine years of fertility treatments before being inseminated.

Man, I'd say she really wanted to have this baby.

Having babies beyond the age of fertility sparked debates of ethics by church officals. Why am I not surprised? The church would tell you how many times in crap in one day if they could!

I say, it's her body she can do with it as she pleases.

Personally, I don't see why someone would go through all of this unless she just wanted to feel life growing within. The reason certainly cannot be to pass on her genes.

But, it gets me thinking! Let's see if I start now, I could top that record and have a baby when I'm 68 or 69.

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