Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a social group! No kidding!

I'm watching "Primetime" and it's a piece told by the mother of a loser son. She's 50's and he's 30's I guess. He's a jail bird that can't find a job. He is hanging out at her house. He has never supported himself or his kids with a real job. He has a 16 year of daughter who is pregnant by a another loser, a drug dealer. The idiot drug dealer want the girl to have the baby. Now is that a joke - like he is going to support her and the baby. These people live in a dream world. What a laugh! The mother wants her grand daughter to have an abortion. The idiot grand daughter wants the baby. These people are idiots! Now you know the grand mother is going to have to rise the drug induced baby. The father is back again.. and less and less involved. They crazy woman loves this grown son and the mother prays that the grown son gets arrested again. The grand mother takes her grand daughter to a home for unwed mothers. But she runs away to her boyfriends house.

Thank god, I don't have kids! The 16 year old daughter runs away. The son has gone. The grand mother waits outside the black drug dealer's house he won't speak to her, says he hasn't seen the girl.. but he probably has.

I guess that crazy sixteen year old thinks that idiot drug dealing boyfriend is going to take care of her. She walks away from the only constant thing in her life - her grand mother. She is four months pregnant and high! She is a loser like the old man. The old man finally left after he messed up his daughter's life. Oh, he sponged off his mother long enough to screw up his kids then he leaves.

People are so stupid! They have no idea that jail time gets you - no jobs! Well, this society does not give you a second chance and people are too ignorant to know that.

This woman is raising her grand children. A quarter of all grand parents who raise their grand daugthers and great grand kids live below the poverty line. Otherwise the kids would be abandoned by these young idiots.

This other woman's daughter said drugs came before kids. She is on heroin. The grand mother bought the daughter a house and the daughter abandoned kids. The daughter is a big fat drug addict who only cares about drugs. The grown daughter keeps wanting more chances. The grand mother needs to act like her grown daughter is dead.. so in fact she is dead.. because the grown daughter is a loser and she thinks her mother will always be there. The grand mother said it's over with the drug addicted daughter.. she says it's over.

The first grand mother has not yet hardened her heart. I think the second grand mother is right.. without "unconditional" love. This fat loser daughter as yet another third baby.. these people are nuts!

And the grand mother's are nuts for putting up with their loser grown kids. Actually, they are in a way enablers. Of course the grown son and daughter will continue their negative behavior because they think mother will always bail them out. I think mother should have kicked them in the ass long time ago. But, instead, the mother said in not so making words but in action that she would always be there for them and cover up and take care of their mistakes which are usually drug babies. Will now that grand mother and to raise yet another baby!

In all likely hood the young 16 year old mother will probably abandon that baby just like she was abandoned.

Because more than 10% of the population is raising grand children, Hillary Clinton has introducted legislation so grand parents who are raising grand children can get the same amount of funds as foster parents receive.


Anonymous said...

To me, it's not that these people are "living in a dream world", exactly; it's more like they're creating their own Play, their own Drama of Life in order to evolve. I believe that each of us evolves, one way or the other, but at our own pace.

It seems like a back-ass-wards way of doing things, but "nothing is wasted". It's all life lessons. It's just frustrating to read about these people not making "better" choices for themselves. But they'll evolve anyway.

mzzim said...

Hi Cameron,

Nicely put! They are evolving - even the thirty something son who realized he was better in jail. How sad is that?

My hats are off the all the members of the "baby boomer" generation who are not only raising kids, but grand kids AND taking care of their aging parents! This story did not depict anything about aging parents but in many situations that is the case.

Do you think the sixteen year old grand daughter with the new baby will one day turn out to be like her grand mother or be more like her father (the guy in jail)? Hopefully, along the way.. she will evolve into a solid productive citizen like her "baby boomer" grand mother.

So, I can't help but pursue this...Do you think that the grand mother was an enabler? The news reporter doing the piece even asked her that question.