Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bad knees...

I have recently met two young women between mid-twenties and early thirties who cannot run because of bad knees due to playing soccer (and other sports) while growing up or in college.

I walked instead of running so I could chat with my young friend yesterday evening. Her knees were hurting after just touring her home town on a visit there over the weekend.

I felt very fortunate! And I really believe in Glucosamine Chrondritin to aid in the repair and development of bone and connective tissue.

I believe in taking it easy too. I quit playing tennis because the sudden stop, twists and quick starts made my knees hurt. I loved playing tennis in my late thirties and early forties but I loved dancing, running, and bicycling too.

I am careful about dancing the swing too especially in improper shoes or on dull or sticky dance floor.

I'm fine with running or bicycling. Of course, once again, I don't over do it.

I think I am skipping the half-marathon that I did last year. I want to do it but then again I feel I haven't trained properly for it. Hey, I can run out my door and run 13.1 miles any day of the week I feel like it... and won't have to pay thirty bucks to do it. I know I can do I just did it two weeks ago. I could do it tomorrow if I wanted to.

And I might! Accept I'm up again at 4:15 AM after getting to bed after one. Yeah, I had caffeine yesterday and the day before when I was trying to read all four of Susan McBride's book because she was doing a book signing and meeting down the street at the library. I read the books and the book club meeting and signing was fine.

Apparently, I'm on a reading kick! I have five books now from the library. Two about Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh being pro-Nazi and anti-jew. Oh yes! One where a lesbian dresses up as a man and sees how it is to live as a man. Her conclusion? Men have a more tender side to them then some women actually get to see. "White City" is another book that I have about the Chicago World Fair. Oh and some book about finding spirituality outside of religion. That one should be a skim through.

Maybe I'll have more coffee and keep the buzz going. The nervous reactions at night of coffee drank during the day effects my knees..making me creeping and jumping. It's why I'm up typing. Typing works better than trying to sit still to read. Oh yes, it's the caffeine.

If I don't have caffeine this doesn't happen...but I was trying to get all those book read and I needed the caffeine to enable me to "speed read". It worked.

Maybe I will watch "The Village" so I can return the Netflex DVD and get "Iraq for Sale: War for profiteering" once again my friend wants to watch it with me.

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