I guess that is why the stock market took a nose dive. I'm speaking about our government not making sure VA hospitals around the country are able to care for returning injured soldiers.
It took reporters to broadcast these despicable conditions and now the government throws together a hearing and forms a commission to check into these despicable conditions.
If the Bush administration was an honorable administration they would have had upper military personnel doing their jobs in the first place and checking to make sure proper facilities and care were available to returning wounded soldiers. Seems these Colonial and Generals love to wear the uniforms but over look the problems forming immediately under their noses. Who knows maybe Bush encouraged them to or told them they will not get more funding. There is no money because all the money went to the 100,000 companies that are in Iraq. Halliburton and Blackwater being the main companies.
So where do you think the government is going to get the money for this one? The returning soldiers are already being sent bills to pay for their uniforms. So, the government is very capable of finding soldiers and checking on them when they want monetary compensation. Despicable!
I watched "Iraq for Sale: War for profiteering" and saw how Halliburton and Blackwater corporations lived in luxury resorts and drove huge details, top of the line, SUV's while soldiers slept on tiny cots and drank and showered in water without choline added that Blackwater was to provide. Our government never checked on these conditions either. So what was Blackwater and Halliburton supposed to do over there anyway besides waste US taxpayers' money?
So, where will the money come from now that Bush allowed these corporations to waste tax money given to these corporations who deliberately burned up trucks and jeopardized drivers lives having them drive through war zones? Bush gave corporations a "cost plus" policy. In other words, the more money they needed to spend on trucks and other things, the more money (tax money and borrowed from China, Japan and Mexico) they got.
I wonder what social benefits in this country will be cut to correct this exposed VA hospital condition? The money has already been given to these corporations so now I guess more of our Medicare, Medicaid, and hospital funding will be cut. Look out social security recipients!
This administration needs to be brought to the table. I fear the worse offender Cheney will die first of poor health. Does this man have no conscience? Bush is nothing more than a mere bobble head puppet in my opinion. He did what he was told at first but is becoming more and more like daddy and Cheney now. Don't tell me daddy is still running the show. He wants that oil! We are over there to sit on and protect the oil so American auto and oil can continue to makes money and pollute the very air you breath and destroy this planet with global warming.
And why wasn't Hillary or Obama checking into this VA situation. Or do they suggest to the Washington Post to investigate these matters to expose the neglect of this despicable administration. Anyone with any intelligent at all should be suspecting of government spending.
The Democrates have had so many reasons to perform the "Ken Star" impeachment number on Bush. Ken Star and the Republicans spent about all of Clinton's administration trying to get him out of office. So why aren't they putting this administration on the carpet? Instead they are enabling them! Bush will be in Iran before 2008 and all his 100,000 companies will be there too undisciplined and wasting tax payers money again.
This country will never get out of debt. One political said we will never see Clinton days again where the national debt was actually paid off! And I say why not? This politician was merely making excuses for obvious and proven wasting of money that should have gone to the VA hospitals, proper uniforms and protective equipment. This politican was making monetary spending excuses so it can be allowed to continue.
Cole just said "Obviously someone dropped the ball". He said. "I was just at the main hospital land didn't see any problems." Amazing! The conditions where the soldiers were staying for medical care at Walter Reed were despicable with flirt and mold. A cesspool of germs and disease waiting to happen.
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